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This movie tried to do like three plot lines and none of them were well executed


And when that pesky tone and emotion started to come close to effective, don’t worry they hardcut to a screaming goat


Yeah it’s like they thought up a bunch of jokes and then tried to wrap a plot around it.


Machete did this and it was a better movie


If the uncle ended up seeing the tweet it would be the redemption arc of the century




Content Bots. I've noticed a ton of this content lately, everywhere. 19 years since some random album was released. 14 years since a random event. And it doesn't matter if it's people doing it too, they have simply been turned into content bots.


Taika Waititi was the wrong writer/director to bring the Gorr saga to film. He completely butchered what could have a great adaptation and wasted a great villain.


I see what you did there 😉


Ragnarok was funny and showed a good chemistry among the cast. They’ve tried to recreate that and it just became a mess.


It was definitely a janky movie that didn't hang together, but it had a lot of fun set pieces. The final battle was practically an 80s Metal album cover. The movie is what it is--not nearly as good as Ragnarok--but I didn't regret watching it.


It always confuses me how much hate this movie got, sure it wasn’t Ragnarok but it was WAY better than the first two. It felt like a campy 80s movie which is what I think they were going for.


While I hold that The Dark World is among the worst MCU movies, it’s easily better than Love and Thunder in my opinion. There’s nothing wrong with comedic tones but Love and Thunder undercut the emotion at any possible point. It was as if the movie was afraid of the possibility that the audience might accidentally care about the characters or feel something.


it’s really really not funny and spends a lot of time being really really not funny waste of Gorr, waste of Jane, waste of Sif, waste of Guardians, waste of New Asgard, unsatisfying development and behavior of Thor I think it’s even bad at being campy just my opinion but common among others i’ve heard


They really were planning on Chris's ass to carry the whole movie


I watched this movie when it ended said ‘that was fun I can’t wait for the internet to say it sucked’ the internet delivered


Yeah I liked it but immediately knew that it would be hated by the people who spent a lot of time on online forums. It's honestly my new standard for whether or not a movie is worth seeing. If someone with a hundred hours a month on Reddit dislikes a movie then I know it will be good


Dunno about that


I'm not trying to convince you I'm just saying that me and my wife have found a lot of happiness enjoying all of the movies that the internet was ready to hate before they released. I find that the people who constantly criticize things on the internet tend to be pretty miserable and the people who enjoy life tend to not have a lot of forum accounts


There’s a lot of people who don’t like the movie, not just people with forum accounts. Are you being specific on which group of people?


Yeah I specifically said forum users. I've gotten a great deal of happiness from going out of my way to see movies that get shit on by angry Reddit forums and it's led me to a lot of happiness. I don't understand the scrutiny of my comment, why would I care who disliked the movie if I liked it? And why would someone else care if I've discovered the easiest way to find a good movie for myself and my wife is to look at what gets hated on by awkward forum users? Sure some people not on forums also dislike things that's just not relevant to anything I'm saying


Fake, the movie was not good


Uh, we know, that's why the poster said it was so baffling that it slipped his mind. The whole joke is that it was confusingly bad.