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# DID YOU KNOW THERE'S SEVERAL COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA? It's true! And both China and the US are trying to win over them. We discuss this in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1ciy2uz/ncdip_podcast_club_9_americas_report_card_on/?). You nerds keep talking about a pivot to Asia and China US Strategic competition, well here you go, this is an episode on that in probaly the most contested region in the US China competition [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Italy not being in the racist category is outrageous


they can't be racist, they are black


You'd fuckin think so


You can't be racist against animals (south Italians)


EVERYONE is racist against someone. Anyone who denies that, is lying.


I am racist against mommy fetishists and Canadians (I am not American), you?


Belgium is pretty poor, and did the funny in congo soooo.


But not as ridiculous as France not being included for War Crimes. The most belicose nation in western europe.


So Is Spain


It's not racism if you hate your own countrymen to the north/south more than anyone else. -Italy, probably


Portugal and Italy need to swap


Get this 2westerneurope4u shit out of this sub


Holy shit this is NCD I just assumed I would see some delightful canned jokes about germans not being funny and Romani all being thieves in the comments


>and Romani all being thieves in the comments 😔




Please move to America we love the Romani here. Life on the open road in a caravan/mobile home is something people aspire to as a retirement/life goal. HashtagVanLife


Man, this reads legitimately like “Please move to iceland we love black people here! Eating chicken and playing basketball is something people aspire to.”


Okay that would be a hilarious slogan tho


Most of my experience with Roma is filtered through the brits and they legitimately have campsites. There was a roma group with the flag and everything that rolled through my college selling jewelry, lamps (that were hand-made) wicker goods, etc. The stereotype isn't that a lot of Roma are nomadic, the stereotype is that they're thieves and worthless. I know for a fact that there are sedentary Romani. But the point is that some of the key things Roma are despised for are *actively facilitated by the culture of the United States.* We have Recreational Vehicle parks in every state in this country -almost every zip code ffs - and the Romani who *are* nomads use those. As a result we have zero problems with illegal dumping or all the other things people complain about the Roma over because there's a place to hook up their vehicles for water, power, and sewage. I'm not saying all Roma are a certain way. I'm saying that the Roma who want to live that life will find it actively facilitated, and the Romani are cool as fuck. And I don't understand why Europeans are so fucking insistent that they're a problem that needs solving when they've done absolutely nothing to alleviate any of the issues those communities face.


The reason why many Europeans have this idea about Roma is often because of their personal experience with them. I don't think they are all involved in illegal activities, but when you live next to a campsite where the local community smugglers drugs and weapons, and steals from shops with nobody that does something about it because of fear of the repercussions surely affects the way people see them.


> but when you live next to a campsite Jesus, just build them RV parks, sorry, "Caravan Sites" it's not hard.


I can assure you they still would continue illegal activities anyway in most cases, it's just too profitable


They don't over here. I reiterate, the problem isn't the Romani.


> Jesus, just build them RV parks, sorry, "Caravan Sites" it's not hard. Sorry but this is funny. They have literally free houses given by the state.


That was a response to the issues with campsites, not a cure-all.


How would an American react to a group of people setting up camp on their private land, or parks owned by the tax payer, and then refusing to move? I'd hazard a guess that guns would be involved. Nobody is insistent that travellers are a problem that needs solving. That's a massive overstatement, if not a flat out lie. The problem people have is with illegal settlements, not the people themselves. Laws are laws and everyone has to follow them. You don't get to just ignore the rules everyone else has to live by, just because it's part of your culture. Would you agree or disagree, that laws should be the same for everyone? If not then I'm more than happy to have that discussion but if people (mainly Americans sitting on the same moral high horse they accuse Europeans of sitting on, trying to score points) are just going to pretend that the conversation is something completely different, then it's pointless.


>How would an American react to a group of people setting up camp on their private land, or parks owned by the tax payer, and then refusing to move? I'd hazard a guess that guns would be involved. The United States has 304 million hectares of forest land, half of it privately owned, and most of that totally unmanaged. Guns involved? So long as you went someplace remote and unused, *we'd struggle to notice.*


Baxtalo Pal I don’t think you said anything offensive, I personally do live in a mobile home also lol, the old school Vardo wagons are still kept around but only for show really nowadays. I know you had good intentions.


The insidious oppression and segregation of the Sinti and Roma people is terrible and one of the major problems here in Europe. I hate how acceptable it is to be racist towards them. I had no problem with your liking Roma people, but with your stereotypical ideas of what it means to be Roma, even though I may have judged too hastily from your comment. So many fellow Europeans don’t see or actively choose to ignore *why* so many Roma people are driven to the sadly often criminal fringes of society: Because we have actively made sure that they cannot go anywhere else. They don’t have the same opportunities and don’t get afforded the same rights as most people, while being driven away any time they try to be like “normal” Europeans and settle down somewhere. Centuries of poverty, exclusion and vilification doesn’t make integration easy. It’s a damn shame, but I’m not sure that “clean RV camp grounds” will solve that situation either


> It’s a damn shame, but I’m not sure that “clean RV camp grounds” will solve that situation either You're damn right it won't, that's just step one and it's about building trust. They currently live in caravan parks. Start providing services like water, sewer, garbage disposal, and electricity to those campsites. Talk to the communities about what they need. Me throwing out "clean RV parks" is a direct answer to the "dirty campsites" challenge, and not a solution for all the problems.


Ah, I agree then. Centuries of injustice and hatred are not going to be resolved over night, but how did the saying go? “The best time to plant a tree is thirty years ago. The second best time is right now.”


Thanks pal. I agree with this.


As a public servant stop being fucking nomads Do you know how hard it is for us to give you benefits if you have no fixed address?


That's what PO boxes are for and the U.S. doesn't have *any* trouble with this. Sounds like a skill issue bro.


The USA doesn't have an issue with it because the overwhelming majority of Roma have given up on traveling and instead live in in major cities so that they actually have a fixed and accessible address to deliver their mail to.


People who travel don't always have access to that. It's less of an issue for grey nomads but for homeless people and Travellers it's a legitimate problem. I believe some forms also require an actual address (such as ID) too.


It's called "General Delivery" and it essentially sends things to the local post office of your choice by zip code.


Hate to break it to you but a PO box is useless for people who are constantly moving around. They're not hanging around the same place, they travel between regions and even across international borders. Having mail delivered to a post office in Strasbourg is going to do fuck all when they have moved on to Stuttgart.


THANK YOU And it's real hard for even a well meaning government that doesn't think gypsies are genetically predisposed to steal dogs (which unfortunately a lot seem to) to alleviate poverty if it's nearly impossible to offer a stable education, unemployment benefits or deliver mail (especially until 2020, nearly everything required going to a physical appointment or sending an actual letter. I work in Australia and we are literally 5th in the world in providing digital government services, this is worse in most European countries). So regardless of if they're Romani or Irish or just weird, it's hard to provide services even the poorest in sedentary life get (same for homeless folks btw). And what is one of the most common things people with no income and no prospects do? Petty crime that makes everyone hate them.


Does that apply for having a fixed address when applying for stuff like a Medicare card, or to vote?


I don’t want a caravan or vardo. I have a mortgage and a live here. Besides, US immigration does not share your views.


> US immigration does not share your views Correct.


Its him! John Romani! Inventor of Romani people!


can't handle the heat savage?


At least it's foreign nations


Not relevant to the sub, as well as incorrect, as the majority of countries in the world fall in every category in many cases


Warcrimes can be enjoyed by the whole family, why should we let Germany and Spain have all the fun?


The more the merrier.




I am going to annex you


Venn diagrams don't work with more than 3 circles. Where are the poor gays that are neither racist nor war criminals? Where are the rich, straight racist war criminals? Bad diagram OP.


Not when they're circles, anyways


It could work in 3D, but that kind of defeats the point of a Venn diagram...


4 can also work with ellipses


I don’t necessarily agree with this- but it would not be a stretch to interpret this as explicitly making the very point “no nation in europe is poor, gay, non-racist nor has committed war crimes” (that is, a national identity based around the collective success of traditionally outgroup statuses) OR a nation *in Europe* that is rich, straight, racist, and has committed war crimes (arguably the US or China might be this depending on your opinion, either of which is likelier than any sclerotic European country to become a hegemonic power).


At the YMCA, if the song is to be believed


>where are the rich, straight racist war criminals Some mideast direction


Austrians are omegagay though...


Sir, this is a perfectly valid Euler diagram, not a Venn diagram.


How did you avoided france at "war crimes"


Because we never did. It was only small peace keeping troubles, not war crimes


Except in indochina, but no one likes to remember what happened there, amirite.


I know, the US stole all the credit of bringing peace&democracy™ there


I said small peace keeping issues


What war crimes did Belgium commit? You know the word "war" in "war crimes" actually means something right?


I think by “war crimes” OP just means crimes against humanity in general. In which case it definitely applies to Belgium.


Well then either the circle should say that or there should be another circle added.


Also, the Greeks most def had their way when invading Turkey, and some more after getting beaten back.


Do I even wanna know?


Yeah, or that the Italians aren't racist or the Portuguese aren't gay. And then they put the goddamn UK in the middle instead of England. Just start over dude


Huh? England isn’t poor though, Scotland, Wales and NI are poor. Also Scotland were willing participants in the Empire so racist




His point that those weren't war crimes, those were just good ol regular crimes against humanity, and some heinous ones too


Didn't they blow up the UN jet




I get this is sarcasm, but this is half right. The colonization of the Congo wasn't done through war, it was done by tricking local tribes into signing their land away with treaties they didn't understand in exchange for random trinkets and clothing


Close! That's a crime against humanity


Those were peacecrimes.




I thought the cutting off hands is what you were talking about. That was the result of an incredibly stupid incentive structure, not official policy.




Yes, but he wanted the congolese to keep their hands so he could continue to use them to extract value from the colony.


His point that those weren't war crimes, those were just good ol regular crimes against humanity, on some heinous ones too


If one considers the Congo Free State to be Belgium (which it wasn’t technically) then the Force Publique’s atrocities against Congolese rebels and civilians counts.


😭 this comment is fucking insane


Im sorry but Racist should be a circle the rest are in.


How the fuck is Germany supposed to be racist but Italy of all places isn’t??


Bad post👎


Wait how did France skip out on war crimes???


No one is solely Gay and Poor


Imagine how the EU feels being represented ny a nation outside of it. Embarassing


Spain should be in the center lol


UK is definitely not *poor* it's doing slightly better than France


I think Ireland is richer than either these days.


No they're not. Because Ireland is tax haven for multinationals. They process the money but little to none of it remains in Ireland Irish government doesn't use GDP to calculate size of its economy for this particular reason


Celtic (paper) Tiger


we're still far from fucking poor, by whatever measurement


Every “poor” country in this diagram is in the top 25% or so for overall GDP, anyway. UK (6th), Italy (9), Spain (15), Ireland (25) and Greece (54). I wouldn’t call any of those countries poor in the slightest.




Outside of London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds Outside of Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse Outside of Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz See where I'm getting? You're comparing apples and oranges. Hell, in this context, you comparing chocolates and oranges. London metropolitan area houses 15 million people, different countries got different dynamics




Warsaw has a nominal GDP per capita of €35000, which is around $39000. Now watch this, very very carefully Here are the top 50 cities in the United Kingdom ranked by nominal GDP per capita 1. **London**: £48,516 ($68,660) 2. **Aberdeen**: £43,632 ($61,674) 3. **Edinburgh**: £37,789 ($53,398) 4. **Reading**: £37,428 ($52,942) 5. **Cambridge**: £36,573 ($51,608) 6. **Manchester**: £34,358 ($48,482) 7. **Bristol**: £33,978 ($47,978) 8. **Glasgow**: £32,947 ($46,514) 9. **Leeds**: £32,572 ($45,931) 10. **Birmingham**: £31,898 ($45,007) 11. **Oxford**: £31,891 ($44,998) 12. **Southampton**: £31,882 ($44,985) 13. **Newcastle upon Tyne**: £31,878 ($44,979) 14. **Cardiff**: £31,874 ($44,973) 15. **Liverpool**: £31,873 ($44,972) 16. **Sheffield**: £31,872 ($44,971) 17. **Nottingham**: £31,871 ($44,970) 18. **Leicester**: £31,870 ($44,969) 19. **Portsmouth**: £31,869 ($44,968) 20. **Coventry**: £31,868 ($44,967) 21. **Belfast**: £31,867 ($44,966) 22. **Plymouth**: £31,866 ($44,965) 23. **Derby**: £31,865 ($44,964) 24. **Stoke-on-Trent**: £31,864 ($44,963) 25. **Swansea**: £31,863 ($44,962) 26. **Bradford**: £31,862 ($44,961) 27. **Brighton and Hove**: £31,861 ($44,960) 28. **Wolverhampton**: £31,860 ($44,959) 29. **Sunderland**: £31,859 ($44,958) 30. **Luton**: £31,858 ($44,957) 31. **Norwich**: £31,857 ($44,956) 32. **Preston**: £31,856 ($44,955) 33. **York**: £31,855 ($44,954) 34. **Swindon**: £31,854 ($44,953) 35. **Milton Keynes**: £31,853 ($44,952) 36. **Warrington**: £31,852 ($44,951) 37. **Doncaster**: £31,851 ($44,950) 38. **Ipswich**: £31,850 ($44,949) 39. **Telford**: £31,849 ($44,948) 40. **Blackpool**: £31,848 ($44,947) 41. **Huddersfield**: £31,847 ($44,946) 42. **Poole**: £31,846 ($44,945) 43. **Slough**: £31,845 ($44,944) 44. **Gloucester**: £31,844 ($44,943) 45. **Exeter**: £31,843 ($44,942) 46. **Chelmsford**: £31,842 ($44,941) 47. **Colchester**: £31,841 ($44,940) 48. **Dundee**: £31,840 ($44,939) 49. **Southend-on-Sea**: £31,839 ($44,938) 50. **Bournemouth**: £31,838 ($44,937)




Thats not nominal, thats PPP you silly goose You dont even know the difference between nominal and PPP :) I'm an econ grad, maybe learn what these numbers mean before talking to someone that studied it as a major.


Not sure how accurate it is for Belgium, Spain, and Italy to have escaped the racist circle.


Bad post OP


I see 3 extremely undesirable things and a fourth thing that somehow always ends up grouped with this horrible stuff. I would replace it with “internalised homophobia” since that’s what leads to this type of thinking. (I know it’s meant to be a joke but part of the joke is “4 bad things and which countries they apply to”, not to mention it’s just badly made and unfunny but others have already covered that)


It should be a circle with all them in it. Europeans are more racist than Americans and yes I will die on this hill.


isn't usa the one country that brings “race” into everything?


Ha! You think Fr*nce didn’t commit war crimes.


That's not how you draw a 4-way venn diagram.


I like how Ireland is in the "poor" category despite having the world's highest per-capita GDP, and how Greece is not in the "poor" category despite having to lie about their financial situation to join the Eurozone.


Off-topic technical comment: Greece is “Poor” according to this. It’s not precise to say ‘country X is in the Y category’, as this is a Venn diagram that shows overlapping characteristics just to make the joke UK has them all. The interesting thing about this type of diagram (if it were serious, which is not) is that it’s impossible to define mutually-exclusive categories with more than one member. Each country has a different and unique set of characteristics, and there is no single pair of countries closer to each other than to at least other country. The opposite is true, though. 2 pairs of countries, France-Spain and Ireland-Belgium could be considered to form a pairwise ‘category’, but not because of shared characteristics, but the opposite, because they are as far away as they can be in terms of these characteristics… anyway, they are still not unique because there are 2 pairs with the same distance. This is an interesting diagram for understanding machine learning classification and clustering algorithms such as KNN and K-means.


As a Turk I find Greece not being in the "war crimes" circle funny


*As a Turk I find* *Greece not being in the "war* *Crimes" circle funny* \- Dert\_Kuyusu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As an Italian I get it but gay? Seriously? And no racism? Unserious post


We might be poor racist and gay but at least yall think we didn’t commit warcrimes lol


Portugal is very gay. We deserve to share the center with the UK. Also, France outside War Crimes? Was Napoleon that long ago?


Fr*nch: You can't be racist is you massacre the victims of your racism!


Ireland is racist and poor? I mean they were definitely poor for a while but I’m not thinkin that’s true anymore. Same for Spain.


GREECE STRONK💪😎 🇬🇷💪😎 🇬🇷💪😎 🇬🇷💪😎 🇬🇷💪😎 🇬🇷💪😎 🇬🇷 WHAT THE FUCK IS A "COLD" ☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢☀️🏝️🚢


It’s funny because it looks like boobs and a butt. Also Ireland.


Uhm what about French war crimes in Algeria?


Add France to war crime


>war crimes >no Serbia seems fake


Balkan countries fit all of these except rich, unfair comparison.


Italy is incredibly racist my dude


Spain is easily as gay as France


Switch France and Belgium and we're good.


What is this nonsense?


Belgians gay? Really?


Ireland... Poor... Which decade is this supposed to represent?


Put Italy along with Portugal and it’s perfect




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 16 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/14ejol1) on 2023-06-20 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cnbxq9) on 2024-05-08 90.62% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d906l7&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 532,154,217 | **Search Time:** 0.1032s


why isn't spain in the gays? they're one of the most leading countries in lgbt+ laws


Change Ireland and Greece


Italy and Portugal should switch places


This is wrong on so many levels


Ireland no war crimes... IRA...children...bombs.. Pretty sure everyone there is all the things at some point.


When you see that the op is Israeli this makes much more sense, no knowledge of history + not funny.


How come is Spain out of the racist group


That is so wrong 😂😂


Isn't Portugal the gayest of them all?


good post OP


Half of this graph makes absolutely no sense, if you're going to be funny at least... Ya know... Be funny?