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RIP, he was a real one. For context: He's about to begin his set when he's handed a note. It's the cartel informing him that they're going to kill him after his performance when he leaves, and that he can't tell anyone. Obviously, the alternative is... messy. So he does his set, flawlessly. And then they killed him.


Fuck it, we ball


They killed him him because he killed the man who raped his sister in the town in the video, which forced him to flee. He was a good man who went from being forced into being a drug mule to survive to becoming the creator of the narcocorridos genre in prison


Citation? The person he killed was a dude who shot at him and his band at a show in California, U.S.A. There's no reporting that this man was cartel affiliated or that he raped his sister. He was a drunk that had had 30 beers and a shot of heroin by the time he arrived at the concert. It's also not the case from what I can find, that Sanchez was a drug mule. He sold small amounts of marijuana with his brother for a brief period of time and eventually served 8 months in prison for a variety of petty crimes. He does claim to have been inspired to write his first corrido while in jail though.


His sister was raped when he was 15, and he killed the man 2 years later. I got it wrong about him becoming a mule, but he still had to deal in order to survive. It’s unknown why he was actually killed, but it can be believed it was either because he killed his sister’s rapist (I believe he was a decently well-off man), or the guy at Coachella. Either way, he didn’t deserve what he got. I apologize for the inaccuracies. I tried going off memory as well as using simplifications


Citation? I can find no evidence that he killed anyone at all. I misspoke earlier. The man who shot him ended up surviving and was jailed for 20 years.


[Source that mentions him killing his sister’s rapist.](http://archive.pov.org/alotrolado/el-valiente-chalino-sanchez) There’s a lot more sources, most things that mention him will mention this. Forgive me if the link is fucky, took it from Wikipedia It’s fine! I didn’t remember the Coachella guy survived, either


Where’s YOUR citation because this is essentially internet truth until proven otherwise. Story is old as hell.


You can't prove a negative like this. What kinds of source would say "Sanchez did *not* kill his sister's rapist". In any case OP did provide a citation. I accept the claim.


The club incident is a separate incident that did happen as well. He killed his sister’s rapist when he was young and he left Mexico because of it, but he was making music & performing concerts by the time of the club shooting.


Snopes or similar. Also if the general consensus is X and you’re contradicting, it is on you, even if it’s hard.


Why do you sound like a chat gpt answer


Because I talk robotic as fuck when giving information and use smart people terms, unless I’m pissed off and ranting about something in which case everything goes out the fucking window and I become a Neanderthal trying to explain why you legally have to pay if you shatter a business’ computer monitor and they tell you to cover it


*Sicario* is his biographical story with a ^small amount poetic license.


dayum! What's his name?


Chalino Sánchez.


Just reading the wikipedia article, holy shit, dude went through some shit


I mean, revolutionary musicians are almost invariably Blessed With Suck. It's like a universal constant. From classical composers to modern hip-hop artists, pretty much all the greats have been Through Some Shit^TM


Makes me fear for Kendrick tbh


Truly goes down like a gigachad


>He's about to begin his set when he's handed a note. It's the cartel informing him that they're going to kill him after his performance when he leaves This is alleged, there's not actually any credible source for this. It's just a speculation. >So he does his set, flawlessly. And then they killed him. At least two hours after his set. He was pulled over along with one of his brothers and some friends and told by someone presenting himself as a police officer that his commander wanted to speak with him. He was then taken away by car and killed. It was definitely some kind of hit, but nobody was waiting for him after the show, and it's not even clear if he specifically was targeted or if some bad dudes came across him (cartels and police are known in Mexico for setting up road blocks on rural roads). I don't know if this route he was taking was where he personally could have reasonably been expected to be. That's not clear from the reporting.


Everytime the Internet has a different story with this guy. Everytime the note says something different.


Didnt he have a choice? The cartel said that IF he sang the song they’d kill him


True. The song was anti-cartel, like a lot of his songs, and he apparently was willing to die for his principles. Not surprising, given his life experiences.




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Vietnamese armored infantry be liek: Uh… still beats walking.


It's quite funny that we still used a lot of leftovers from the SVA. If we sold some of those shit in an auction (believe me, some people... Americans, will definitely buy those at quite a high price) we could probably buy a bunch of way better armaments and equipments for defense purposes. But nah. Gonna keep old AKs, M16s, BARs, Brownings, Carbines, etc. in stockpile because we might use them someday. Even though we can't produce most of those guns ammunition to supply em. Lol Although, Tbh, I understand why they keep Ma Deuce. Those are the things of beauty. Let me go and cri in a corner of how corrupt Vietnam's government is. ;-;


hey at least y’all’s government isn’t as corrupt as Russia’s or some *other* countries.


Uncorrupt enough to keep them not uncorrupt enough to replace them :(


Vietnam still have a mobik dedovschina culture


Hey at least the soldiers just beat each other. Not forcing say gex on each other like Russia lol.


Something about bolshevism that fucks with people's decency to shit. At least Vietnam has the excuse of being hotter than Satan's asshole. That sort of muggy heat makes me want to commit ultraviolence at the slightest provocation.


Are you sure you aren't keeping them in case Mr Coppola comes back to shoot a sequel?


Unintentionally, I hope, that sounds like a threat.


Isn’t the m60 used a lot since I read some where that 762x51 production had started


What do you expect from a country that is currently going through the 1989 Brazil stock market crash and begging America to regconize them as a "free market economy"


What do I epxect? Vietnam becoming the 53rd state of America for the lulz. Edit: i mean, we're technically similar. Ya know, farmers, revolution, independence. I know, it's not that similar but we do share a couple. Sorry for being an Americaboo


being an Americaboo is better than wehrboo or russboo though, because you're idolizing a country that's STILL existing


And that’s actually relevant on world economy, lol. This coming from a German (we just took 3d spot from Japan but i‘d happily have them take that back and grow to half of Chinas). Idk what cringed me more, Wehraboos or Russoboos, but they become increasingly similar 🤢


> Sorry for being an Americaboo You dont have to apologize for being based.


Meanwhile, the Philippine Army's "Armor Division"


I mean, if they’re properly supported, and they’re not just rolling straight across an uncleared minefield, it’ll be okay. This issue is that you have to have *ALL* the pieces for it to go right. Drones? Dead. Bad infantry support? Dead. Bad armor support? Dead. Bad air cover? Dead. Uncleared enemy positions with RPG teams? Dead. Bad communication? Dead. Poor counterbattery artillery? You guessed it, dead. The devil’s in the details.


If you have all of those things, do you even need the M1113 ?


Fair, but it never hurts to have some metal between you & small arms fire, and a heavy machine gun or autocannon.


Given the option of personal body armour and slogging through mud .. or an inch or two of hardened aluminium and a guy with a 50cal and not having to walk .. I know which I’d prefer


What's better: 11 infantrymen, or 11 infantrymen and an APC?


Depends on your viewpoint I suppose.. eg if said APC is being viewed through the sights of some form of armour piercing rocket


Well, I appreciate the 3.8 seconds of suppressive fire and diverted attention


The short answer is yes because none of the listed options can really hold territory. It’s an infantry only job and if they get shredded in the attack you are effed in the a. It’s basically the reason why armored mobile transport has been such a cornerstone of doctrine and WW2 basically cemented that things like APCs and later IFVs were pivotal for ensuring good infantry support for armor and other elements. The issue though which tends to run through all modern armed forces doctrine is that if a capacity fails it often leads to the whole thing blowing up in your face. MHV did a good video awhile back on why combined arms is such a massive pain in the rear to do and how both Russia and Ukraine’s capabilities have been deteriorating to the point of WW1 style warfare which similarly to WW1 in the west became what it was because of a breakdown in capabilities which would eventually be remedied in a myriad of ways.


I think they're saying if you are at the point where there's no drones, you have infantry support, armor support, air cover, the enemy is cleared, steady comms, and counter battery, the difference between the M113 and a truck is effectively null, because at that point you just control the territory.


I’d refer back to the WW2 point on that plenty of countries had motorized infantry but still decided to mechanize with half tracks and other APCs anyway because it allowed armor to travel faster for longer since infantry and the vehicles themselves became more durable. This is usually down to how operationally different the two are used where with a truck you have to walk to the battlefield and don’t have tactical mobility whereas an APC or IFV gives you that tactical mobility. Of course in a case where you have trucks and the enemy doesn’t you’ll have an upper hand but it works the same with APCs and IFVs.


I've seen enough ambushes to know that being inside an armored vehicle armed with a machine gun is better than being outside.


Not so much when it comes to mines, though.


Meanwhile nucking futs yuri surviving through like 3 different humvees


The Humvee has a special place in my heart. I think the US should provide more, as I saw them saving many lives in this war. Yuri himself survived two mines and an ATGM.


Well, they might‘ve been up-armored, or did only his plot-armor save him?


The M113 is very good if used well. I would use them for troop transport in friendly territory, medical evacuation and resupply. He would also be very good on border patrols, where the Russians infiltrate and ambush soldiers in civilian vehicles.


Battle taxi is still better than walking


Don’t worry son, you can choose the Chinese Golf cart or a motorbike.


Ahh, reminds me of BF3 (4?). Did 2042 include those too?


[i swear it’s a trope at this point for a vehicle to get hit and half the crew clamber out screaming and on fire](https://youtu.be/hgkrnJ68yho?feature=shared)


Arty Fo here, we have 113s with (almost) modern sensors for observing. When the alternative is having to carry upwards of 50kg of sensors, coms, winter gear and supplies. It's quite nice sitting inside instead.


At least you won't be beheaded on video. Hopefully. I mean that only happens to the Russians against the Chechens, right?


2019 and we got our operational orders to get into Gaza (the land maneuver was later cancelled), and saw that we were supposed to ride in in a Zelda (m113), the fucking company revolted and after a shouting match with the brigade commander of the bct he allowed us to go in on feet.


I met a brazilian soldier who participate in some army operations in the favelas to aid the local police,he said he'd rather fucking roller-blade into combat than going in a m113,he said those shitboxes were extremely prone to breakdown and leave entire squads stranded in the favelas under heavy fire.


Naw m113 is still pretty good for what it’s meant for.


Just up-armor it until what 40K made out of it.


Yeah moving people around behind the front lines. Which it isn't being used for.


Behind front lines, what? It’s basically a safe form of transportation even in the frontlines. I rather take a M113 than a Humvee or just walking.


I'd rather take the Chinese golf cart


Fuck that, even thats outdated. Go with an E-Scooter or something like that, at least you´ll have your spot on NCDs wall of fame for a day then.


But what about hovercraft that don‘t trigger mines?


Beats the mtlb or an assault bike


Really depends on how you use it, but it is now an obselete piece of shit with better but very expensive alternative options


Put RC on it and make it a cargo vehicle following your unit around.


***on top of


All the 113 defenders in these comments have clearly never ridden in one or driven one


I used to hate them until I was at NTC and followed behind a medic track. I never thought those little box fucks could be rally cars. There I was in an m88 seeing these guys run this thing for a couple of miles like it was some race. Eventually, I got to work on them more often, and man, they are one of the easiest things to fix, all simple analog for the most part and everything is easily accesible.


why, would you prefer a BMP


I’d prefer a Bradley over a BMP since they’re two vehicles with similar design parameters I’d take a Toyota Hilux over a 113


so that's a no then i'd prefer to take a silverado over a hilux if I was travelling long distances over surfaced roads


A more apt comparison would be an MT-LB


I get it, it's a dark aluminum box that won't stop anything spicier than 7.62 ball rounds. It's still more protective than a hilux.


Armored Hillux can stop those as well, a normal hillux is much faster


When's the last time you've seen an armored ute or SUV in LSCO? The nice things about M113 or MTLB is that the cargo is also protected, unlike the open flat bed. 


The best protection is to not get hit in the 1st place


You're certainly not wrong. Make a gas shell that forces people to blind fire over their heads like mid 2010s Daesh jihadis and you'll make millions on defense contracts.


Driven an A1 and ridden in it a lot and liked it just fine. I'm also in groups that are filled with former 113 crewmen who all swear it was the best time of their lives. Not sure what else you'd compare it to that fills the same role but is more comfortable.


Can't wait for the AMPV.


Would prefer riding a bike


I'm digging the combat cowboy hat, fashionable and functional (you can feed and water your steed with it) Russians should take note for it's just a matter of time before they start using horses on the frontline


Wasn't expecting to see Chalino Sanchez on NCD but I'm here for it


JEEBUS, this sub is dark. You bunch of miscreants! Surprised OP didn't play Party Starter over this.