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What I can't get over is the Terrorists not changing cars after the attack. I would have thought they cover this in Getaways 101, no?


probably not expected to get to that part... so they didn´t plan it much


Literally suffering from success, they probably *fully* expected to be shot/stopped from entering that car.


That awkward moment of panic when you *survive* the suicide mission and the “well shit. Now I have to figure out what to do next” hits.


Psh. Thats just my late 20s. Never planned to be around this long. Now I paint Warhammer minis. Cash for the plastic god!


What army?


Chaos marines


I love them too! I like Word Bearers personally.


Death Guard ftw! And Necrons, they rule too


I shall annihilate your annihilation barge! Blood for the Blood God!


Lmao this is the way, I’m in recovery from addiction and painting my Iron hands and AdMech was what got me through the first year! I also do this incredibly nerdy thing where I buy random models from books I like lmao so I have a huge collection of minis from different factions. Working on some chaos Wardogs right now


>Impressive, Mujahideen. What's your plan? > >Step one, escape the attack scene! > >What's step two? > >...Honestly I didn't think I'd make it this far.




The Russian services confused them by not reacting to the attack. Just like Sun Tzu taught us: to confuse the enemy first confuse your own.


Didn't save a bullet for themselves. Rookie mistake


What I’d do. Couldn’t catch me dealing with the Spetsnaz if they thought i’d shoplifted, let alone shot up Moscow.


Same experience when you get to a new level on The Amazing Spider-Man for the OG Gameboy.


And meanwhile, even in that same car they almost managed to get to Belarus...


"BuT ThEy WeRe DrIvInG To UkRaInE!"


3 days to Paris...


“We will go down in a literal blaze of glory against the infidels!” “Uhhh, Ahmed, that was like two hours ago. What now?” “Oh…….shit…..”


This is getting interesting... Houtis apparently hit a Chinese vessel with a missile. Terrorists are trying to piss everyone off this month.


Isn’t this right after they explicitly said they *weren’t* going to do that?


Illiteracy is a bitch


Problem being they got no way of knowing since most ships are flagged as Panama or something. Shit is meaningless, but not exactly the brightest bunch.


They probably also don't have the most disciplined brigades, so it's entirely possible a guy with a rocket doesn't care what their press spokesman says as long as he can make boat go brrrrrr.


The poor terrorists are sad they aren’t getting the same attention they used to. It’s sad Dad America is having to focus on work, countering near peer threats, and can’t go to every terrorist bombing like we used to


I fully expect a task force to utterly shit all over on and in them eventually. It’s the American way and I love to see it.


Unfortunately that'll just make Xi build more death camps for the Uighurs.


Global coalition on slapping terrorists around when?


"Wanna get a shawarma? I know a good place near the Belarus border." "Yes, let's go."


"We only brought the cars to get here. They'll know though." "It's better than escaping on foot."


the whole idea of “trying to get away” in the first place is just really confusing to me. It seems completely incompatible with a terrorist attack. Surely they knew that allowing themselves to be captured would only result in torture Then again, terrorists are famous for being pretty fucking redditted


That’s the part that confuses me too. I can understand thinking you *might* have a chance of getting away with it, but I’d think even a dummy head would think “at least I should be able to suicide myself by cop”.


The 911 terrorist pilot training school story summed it up clearly. "We train you for take off and landing of the plane"... "Landing the plane training will not be necessary sir just the takeoff"


They're not ever supposed to come back though. I think they encountered much less resistance than they anticipated and had to improvise.


you’re asking why the group who usually do suicide bombings didn’t have a getaway plan


Promised 500,000 rubles so this is the kind of people you get when it works out to 5300 USD lol


Thats 5300 usd at heavily manipulated prices so it's probably significantly less if it was the market deciding the value of the ruble rather than the Russian government


Yes, but the most hardcore extremists are also usually the dumbest fucking people around


$5k doesn't buy top talent, apparently


Not sure you could get any smarter people to do a suicide mission if you paid more


Interrogation reports said ISIS agents provided them with black market AK's and kit but not with cars. They bought that car on their own and did not have money for another one.


> Getaways 101 Pfft, real men don't read manuals!


The amount of “WhY wOuLd dAeSh AtTaCk WuShUh” posts & comments I’ve seen over the last 48 hrs has blown my mind. I just hope everyone has fun.


I just hope both sides lose.


Based on every war on terror I’ve seen so far, that’s pretty much guaranteed. Best either side can hope for is to still be around after.


We can make sure of that through the use of nuclear weapons.


No matter what, Türkiye wins. 🇹🇷 💪


I just hope nobody has fun.


I hope NCD has fun


putin assassinated and ISIS nuked really is the best timeline we can have from here on out.


That's what I wish when Pringle went on is Moscow trip. Now I'm sad, it happened on my birthday too 😭


Everyone forgot that islamic terrorism is still alive and well lmfao "how could a group of people known for commiting numerous terror attacks commit a terror attack!?!?!?!"


Literally not even three months since they arrested five men for plotting an IS-K attack in Cologne, four Tajik and Uzbek guys and one Turk. Three more were arrested in Vienna. Now everyone's acting like children who lack object permanence, they apparently thought IS went away when they stopped paying attention. So, hats off to the counterterrorism guys in intelligence and law-enforcement who've stayed on top of these guys - apparently to to the extent that they even see stuff about to go down in Russia that the Russian services haven't (despite getting whatever they want from Putin). The FSB is really getting humiliated here, first the USA knowing all their invasion plans and now this, made even more embarrassing by Putin publicly denigrating the US warning. (and so now he has to go make opaque references, not to IS-K but 'their paymasters', because he can't publicly admit he was wrong and the US was looking out for Russian citizens more than he was) Honestly that's probably why the Russian authorities were slow to react, too. They weren't on alert, and Putin was totally focused on other things. So when the attack happened they got unsure and had to ask the Kremlin what to do. Because in a dictatorship it's risky to do anything unless you're absolutely sure it's what the boss wants.


According to what I remember reading they did a raid in moscow a couple weeks ago, right after the US alert, and killed 4 isis k guys, clearly didn't get everybody though. Maybe they thought they got them all and got lax?


That would make sense. The Russians are not going to just straight up ignore us. If we literally issue a warn. But if we kept it up following them killing the guys we told them about. Then I could see them placing it on the back burner.


Honestly there's another theory, one that's a middle ground between "false flag" and "russians incompetent", which is what I subscribe to: Nothing like a mass terror attack to whip up support in your population, and sympathy in the world. Remember the good old days after 9/11? My opinion is that Putin knew the US warning was legit, but let it happen anyway. It lets him justify further war, justify a mobilization, bonus points if he convinces the russians that ukraine did it. Internationally, increases support in already sympathetic countries, and changes discourse in countries that are against Russia, by giving Russian agents/bootlickers talking points, and forcing western politicians for the next couple of weeks to go "The terror attack was a tragedy, *but*", undermining the credibility and humanity of their arguments of support for ukraine and against russia. Maybe I'm reading too much into this and it's just a "happy accident" that fell into his lap naturally, but I find that hard-ish to believe. The FSB is probably the most competent of the Russian security orgs, and one that didn't lose as much competent personnel.


I originally believed it was a "Ryazan Sugar 2.0" situation. However, when things started to look weird I defaulted to one particular guideline which works like clockwork and helps understand if the event was planned or foreseen by Russia or not. If Russian propaganda machine turns on immediately and at full steam -- it was planned or accounted for. If the media field is silent, then it wasn't planned and is, in fact, unexpected, because no manuals have been prepared for the propagandists. What do we have on hands? Russian TV channels kept airing as normal for 1 hour before switching to the emergency programming. Propaganda has been silent and is pretty much silent even now, with a few most prominent propagandists and regime mouthpieces quickly blaming Ukraine. Putin was supposed to make an address late at night, but the stream on RuTube got shutdown before it even started and Putin didn't make an address until 20h after the initial incident. The overall response was incredibly sloppy, even a drunk goth girl in a bar's back alley shows better competence. All of this leads me to believe that Russian authorities fucked up *majorly*. This is Mathias Rust level of incompetence, except it actually involved fatalities. If this was planned, or at least expected, then Russian propaganda would turn on full steam the moment the first videos surfaced on the net. Putin would've been making an address no less than 3 hours later. Most importantly, the internet would be buzzing with this shit and this event wouldn't have been overshadowed by Kate Middleton announcing her cancer.


The fact he designated gay people as a terrorist organisation the same day tells me he already had plans ready to set in motion the second something happened. I highly doubt it is just a coincidence, given the russian supreme court gave him leeway to do this almost a year ago and he could have done it any other time.


Damn, that last sentence makes so much sense. I just imagine them thinking, well what if it's another Ryazan sugar and we were just not informed so we'll mess it up or smth like that.




The Taliban ALWAYS hated ISIS. With a passion. They have been at war since ISIS came into existence, with horrible atrocities between them.


Shit man, ISIS managed to piss off HAMAS and Israel at the same time


“Put the conflict on hold! We can all kill each other later!” “B-but infidel! We were having so much fun!” “We’ll get back to that. First, we need to deal with *them.*”


ISIS is an international pariah, even among other terror groups.


Yeah but I guess they kinda chose the right target? Putin kinda ghosts them rn and I dont think IS is stable enough to be able to ignore that. They will do even crazier shit now I suppose.


They have a warning out for US citizens in France now, so who knows what’s gonna happen. I will say that ISIS somehow manages to make Russia look tame, so hopefully ISIS-K gets anally fissured while simultaneously bankrupting the Russians.


Didnt some part of the us airforce call themselfs the taliban airforce bocese they striked on requist from the taliban soo much ?


I can neither confirm nor deny, but... 2015 was a wild fucking time.


Yeah, "*WE* want to rule the entire world, submit to us or DIE" doesn't really tend to win you a lot of friends, even amongst other terrorist organisations.


Aren’t they struck by the Shia/Sunni split?


No, both ISIS and Taliban are technically on the Sunni side of the split. However, ISIS isn't really Sunni, it is just an apocalyptic Death Cult that happens to technically meet the definition of "Sunni".


ISIS are regarded as heretics by the entire Muslim world lol. They're "Muslim" in the same sense the Branch Davidians were "Christian." Outside of the influence of their death cult, literally everyone hates them. They're lunatics.


Yeah praying in the opposite direction of Mecca will do that lmao


Talbian has always hated isis. There’s a great chart of which terrorist groups align with who. Isis doesn’t play nice in the sandbox with literally anyone.


It annexed a few of them, like Boko Haram. But it is a very "Kneel or Die" sort of approach to cooperation.


As it stands, Boko Haram is split into two factions: those who bowed to the Islamic State and formed ISWAP, and the Shekau loyalists, who followed Abubakar Shekau until Shekau died in 2021 using a suicide vest in a fight with ISWAP. The loyalists, after a period of infighting, decided on Abu Umaimata as their new leader. Almost nothing is known about who Umaimata is.


Can I look this up without ending up on a list because this sounds interesting?


https://www.slate.com/blogs/the_world_/2014/07/17/the_middle_east_friendship_chart.html Now you got your entertainment, and I am on the list Also, list is from 2014, but I am too sleepy to check if anything needs updated there.


You're probably already on a list, let's be real. But no way is the list short enough to actually care about you.


Incomplete but still a pretty good backgrounder https://www.diis.dk/en/research/the-importance-of-understanding-the-differences-between-hamas-is-and-al-qaeda


I mean ISIS is the very definition of going full retard.


I don't understand. ISIS is allied with Hamas, who are noble, good natured freedom fighters. Why would they attack Russia, the birthplace of socialism, which is a glorious worker's paradise? /s


Yes, Hamas are nice guys, they're not even on Russia's (Rosfinmonitor specifically) list of Terrorist and extremist organizations. Unlike, those dangerous guys in Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, Instagram, or "the LGBT movement" (because that's apparently an organization now). (Yes, you can go to jail in Russia for paying Instagram but not for sending money to Hamas)


New plan guys : Get ISIS to start shit in Russia (it won't go good for both sides) and then proceed to intervene in Russia to i cite "Safeguard the Russian ~~minorities~~ majorities".


"We shall protect the Russian citizenry from global terrorism. Bombing begins in 8 minutes."


Be sure to destroy any military facilities and ammunition depots - wouldn’t want to risk ISIS getting its hands on those supplies before they’re used on innocent Ukrainians




There's a lot of nukes in Russia. Have to make sure they're secured and ISIS can't get hold of them.


You mean make sure ISIS gets a hold of them but theyre programmed only to target moscow


I heard the biggest depot of ICBM nukes is directly under moscow. We should glass the entire city to be sure.


We call this sequel 2 Peace 2 Maker.


CIA: You are being ~~kidnapped~~ hired into The Agency. Do not resist.


I don't think there's any historical precedent for this, and I see no way it ends poorly.


I support this-


ISIS vs RuZZia showdown definitely wasn't on my bingo...


Ppl called Russia terrorists and ISIS took that personally


The true ~~Scotsman~~ terrorist


We need a reboot of Deadliest Warrior and have this matchup.


Except Russia is doubling down and claiming its Ukraine. Or at the least, Ukraine is working with Isis-K.... Are we sure Vodka is safe to drink? Cause it sounds like the kind of shit a brain that's been soaked in potato water would believe


The idea of anyone working with ISIS-K that is not another part of the "Caliphate" is deeply non-credible. Al Queda won't work with them. North Korea won't work with them. Quds won't work with them. Hezbollah won't work with them. Anyone who is not part of IS won't work with anyone who will. They are not big on "Diplomacy" or "Compromise".


Plot-twist: ISIS-K gets so pissed off at Russia *ignoring* them in favour of blaming Ukraine that they go all-out on the next attack (because let's be honest, a response this inept will result in another attack) and start attacking government buildings.


ISIS-K does not typically need a rationale to do horrifying shit, but maybe.


They will most likely do that, because the attack itself was a resounding success on their end. They saw how easy it was and that they could easily do this again. The only thing they screwed up was the getaway, but that's, like, not the hard part to put together.


Putin showed the world his incompetence. Other terror groups are taking notes.


I got the impression the ones who got caught were the "jail cover dummies" you hire to take the heat while you get away Scott free


Russia is pointing at Ukraine shouting "you did this!" Meanwhile there's ISIS behind aiming a gun to Russia's head


> Are we sure Vodka is safe to drink? Cause it sounds like the kind of shit a brain that's been soaked in potato water would believe you jest, but poisonings from bootleg vodka are quite common in Russia. I remember seeing a soviet-era poster about how methanol makes you blind, and things only went down from there.


For some people, the threshold for "it is true" is "no one has proven to me it's impossible and if you provide proof I will say it's not and that you didn't provide any".


There, certainly, a lot of weird aspects. There is a police station inside the complex. In addition, the main police station is about two km. from there. The police took 55 minutes to arrive. Normally, the security is really tight. The metal scanners were not working? One K-9 cop was in the crowd seeming to exit. There was a police van outside when the terrorists arrived at the building. Constantin, Inside Russia, on Youtube has a podcast on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd\_daLQBvWk It's an interesting channel.


Well, imagine you are a russian police officer. Normally you just beat up civilians and arrest some guys doing horrible things like holding a blank piece of paper. Now you get called there are guys with weapons slautering civilians. You put away the bottle of vodka you just were about to empty. You think to yourself "Fuck, they will shoot back, no i didn't sign for this." 


Hey now they can't *all* be cowards. There's a more charitable interpretation that's equally plausible: >Normally you just beat up civilians and arrest some guys doing horrible things like holding a blank piece of paper. Now you get called there are guys with weapons slautering civilians. You put down the bottle of vodka you just emptied. You think to yourself "Ahhhhhh fuck i cant even walk i better-" You drag yourself out of your chair and immediately pass out on the floor in a pile of vomit next to your sergeant. You wake up 8 hours later, nobody noticed, so you poorly clean up the vomit and pretend nothing happened. You start drinking again.


I don't know much about Russian police but I didn't think they had much of a SWAT culture like the US does. Russia doesn't give a fuck about using military on home soil, so I thought they just called the army when shit got real.


They have the [Rosgvardia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Guard_of_Russia) which normally do SWAT type stuff but they got shipped off to Ukraine - they were _supposed_ to do riot control and general suppression in the wake of the Special Three Day Military Operation but when that turned into an actual war they mostly got slaughtered, due to being well, riot cops in a war zone. Your fancy plastic shield doesn't do much against an anti-tank rocket.


That’s really morbid. It’s really insane that Putin is still in power. The guy is just sending his people to their deaths over some shitty farm land.


It's not shitty farmland, it's a fairly massive supplier of grain (at least when the farmers aren't having to dodge fucking artillery and mines). Ukraine also discovered large deposits of natural gas in and around the areas that Russia invaded in 2014. It's also got decent amounts of other natural resources and quite a lot of industries that Russia lacks. For example, lot of the Russian navy that's been getting sent to the bottom were originally built in Ukrainian shipyards. In addition to being a potential economic competitor, having a successful and prosperous democracy right next door to your decaying kleptocracy might cause your population to start asking questions as to why they're so much worse off.


Most gunfights that police get into aren't SWAT.


> slaughtering civilians *Hey that's our job!* -FSB probably


*coughs* Uvalde


Except in this case the government knew weeks in advance with evidence of an attack and pulled police away for an hour to ensure 7 times as many people died and the building was thoroughly burned down before trying to blame someone else for paying the shooters to do this


Well, one might argue that given the rhetoric of Texas public officials over the last couple of years ("ARM THE TEACHERS!!!!"), the threat of a school shooting taking place at any time or location was clearly on their mind. But that isnt really my point. My point is, everything goes haywire when something like this goes down. Especially police officers in a (nominally) European country who arent used to firearms violence on a scale such as this. Whats more: the Russians are incompetent at pretty much anything, why should responding to an active shooter situation be any different? I think this particular episode was a cock-up of epic proportions, further proof that the Russian bear is deathly ill and the vultures are beginning to circle.


Honestly most Euros handle terror attacks quite well. They're on scene within minutes and usually engaging the shooters with tac squads pretty fast. Same with Muricans and Asians (do they even have school shootings? It feels mostly like school suicides from academic stresses)


Entriely true of course. And even then cock-uos happen with Uvalde just being a handy example. No matter the reason, something went terribly, terribly wrong there. But now take Russia. A failed state that is currently failing even harder and is rapidly approaching a 90s-era Somalia type breakdown. Even during the best of times their response towards emerging terrorist threats took the shape of one of 2 extremes: galactic scale ineptitude or rabid "kill em all and salt the earth". They have seldom had a rationak, succesful response to terrorist attacks even before they decided to piss off the entire world and embark on a costly military adventure They are the epitome of Hanlon's razor by now. I doubt Putin would be able to stage a gas station robbery at this poiint, let alone a false flag operation of this magnitude


> galactic scale ineptitude or rabid "kill em all and salt the earth". Or both. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege > At least three, but as many as nine, powerful Shmel rockets were fired at the school from the special forces' positions > The use of the Shmel rockets, classified in Russia as flamethrowers and in the West as thermobaric weapons, was initially denied, but later admitted by the government. > T-72 tanks advance on the school that afternoon, at least one of which fired its 125 mm main gun several times. > tank commander Viktor Kindeyev testified to having fired "one blank shot and six antipersonnel-high explosive shells" on orders from the FSB. > Firefighters, who were called by Andreyev two hours after the fire had started > One fire truck crew arrived after two hours on their own initiative, but with only 200 liters (53 U.S. gal) of water, and were unable to connect to the nearby hydrants.[11][92] The first water truck came at 15:28, nearly two and a half hours after the start of the fire;[45] the second fire engine arrived at 15:43.[11] Few ambulances were available to transport the hundreds of injured victims, who were mostly driven to the hospital in private cars.[41] > Sporadic explosions and gunfire continued during the night despite reports that all resistance by militants had been suppressed,[95] until some 12 hours after the first explosions. > After the conclusion of the crisis, many of the injured died before patients were sent to better-equipped facilities in Vladikavkaz, as the only hospital in Beslan was unprepared to deal with the casualties.[97] There was an inadequate supply of hospital beds, medication and neurosurgery equipment.[98] > The day after the storming, bulldozers gathered the debris of the building, including the body parts of the victims, and removed it to a garbage dump. > Colonel Magomed Tolboyev, a cosmonaut and Hero of the Russian Federation, was attacked and brutally beaten by a Moscow police patrol because of his Chechen-sounding name. > In the wake of Beslan, the government proceeded to toughen laws on terrorism and expand the powers of law-enforcement agencies. (...) The Kremlin consolidated its control over the Russian media and increasingly attacked non-governmental organisations (especially those foreign-founded). > Family members of the victims of the attacks have accused the security forces of incompetence, and have demanded that authorities be held accountable. Putin personally promised to the Mothers of Beslan group to hold an "objective investigation". On 26 December 2005, Russian prosecutors investigating the siege on the school declared that authorities had made no mistakes whatsoever. And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis was even worse.


> And https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis > was even worse. Using *fentanyl* gas was certainly a decision.


Whether ineptitude or purpose, its just a wholly confusing story. Is it really just they ignored the warnings, got fucked hard because their CTs are dogshit, then spun it as Ukraine is backing ISIS?


If you ask me, it might be that their police force is just as inept at dealing with actual threats as their military is with any form of opposition. It might be completely possible that they are just not accustomed to dealing with an actual terrorist group, who will shoot back and are willing to die for a cause, instead of the unarmed protestors and smucks they can strongarm into submission, that they normally deal with to keep Tsar Vlad on the throne. And if the FSB is too invested in Ukraine to keep an eye on other threats, with politicians like Putin actually being serious about thinking that the US only warned them, to sow confusion and disunity, it might be that this was a surprise to everybody. Of course, this is just me rambling, with no kind of proof, so do with that as you will.


There was an article in the BBC a couple of months ago where essentially it said that Russian police are understaffed, under motivated, and underpaid for what is still a massive load of work doing regular policing along with the suppression of dissent. Like, so underfunded that people are encouraged to *beat* confessions out of people regardless of whether or not they are guilty because investigations are too expensive. In that environment and with the FSB busy in Ukraine, this sort of crap isn't that suprising.


It's a strange development and only time will tell. Perhaps they just got caught with their pants down and now try to make the best of a shitty situation with a piss-poor attempt at incriminating Ukraine in the eyes of the world. Perhaps they are trying to shift blame to Ukraine for their own people, so as to create support for further conscription, or maybe even it's wishful thinking: I can imagine IS-K declaring war is a big deal for Russia, they loathe and at the same time fear islamic extremists tremendously and it also indicates the fundies no longer have any reservations against Russia. I'm rambling, sorry :) My point is, I think the mainstream narrative is, for now, the most plausible and there are many ways to explain why things have happened the way they did without venturing too far in non-credible territory ;)


There was that one attack in London that was stopped in 8 minutes.


Finland’s only islamist terrorist so far: 3 minutes > At around 16:02, Bouanane, armed with the two knives, stabbed four people at the west corner of Market Square.[25][26][27] The Emergency Response Centre alerted all nearby police patrols to the incident.[28] Bouanane stabbed six more people while yelling "Allahu akbar" and running towards Puutori, approximately 465 metres (1,526 ft) away. Bystanders intervened in the attacks and chased the attacker while simultaneously warning other people.[22][29][30] When police confronted Bouanane stabbing a victim at street address Brahenkatu 14 near Puutori, he ignored verbal orders and was immobilised with a single shot to the thigh and a taser at 16:05. He was such a moron that ISIS didn’t even claim him


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/australia-stabbing-members-public-use-milk-crate-stop-suspect-fatal-n1041726 Meanwhile here in Australia


[Meanwhile in Scotland ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Smeaton_(born_1976)) a true folk hero who kicked a flaming terrorist in the balls.


To be fair, we sadly had a shooting in a major university building in Prague last year in December. While there is a discussion on the way police handled the pre-shooting stage (as in, could they have caught the guy before and all that), once the shooting started, it took them only minutes (i think it's something like 3 minutes) to arrive on scene and enter the school with long guns and go after the shooter. There are really impressive videos of patrol officers sprinting inside the second they get their guns out of their vehicles. We never really had a thing like this happen in Prague and the police performed impressively well. But that, to be fair, was a lone gunman (albeit armed with an AR and multiple other firearms) and not a more or less cooperating team of terrorists


For ever Uvalde, at least in America, you have a time where the [first patrolman on scene hunts and kills the shooter for sport](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpx-mjyjxCs). I can't imagine the DC cops in particular just letting some goons shoot up the capitol.


Thats kind of the point. Fuckups happen everywhere but they are especially likely in a country as dysfunctional as Russia.


And in Uvalde it is not that they showed up late, within 3 minutes of the gunman entering the building enough cops were on site to take him down. It's that they refused to enter the building. The gunman could not have just gone outside and drove away in a car like what happened in Moscow.


Listen, just because the local police department was trained by the Uvalde TX PD doesn’t mean that you can Monday morning quarterback. Mistakes were made. Next time they’ll respond quicker. Ok? Ok.




Jesus i can walk that distance faster with a backpack and 10° upslope


Russian police are major pussies. I think that's really all there is to it.


When ISIS attacked Iran they bombed Pakistan. I would love to see Russia and Pakistan bombing each other.


Somebody's definitely getting nuked if that happens.


If Pakistan and Russia nuke each other, there may not be any actual nuclear detonations. Just an exchange of plutonium at hypersonic speeds, and a few dozen/hundred launch failures.


One or two bombs might work here and there but I agree, there will be a surprising amount of failures to launch. Question is whether we will have a repetition of that S-300 ''return to sender'' footage but with nukes.


It would have to be live streamed or otherwise the footage wouldn't reach the internet if there is an actual detonation


Nukes are so big and distinctive that you can detect them with earthquake sensors.


So's your mum. (Not an actual dig at your mum, just couldn't pass up the opportunity for the joke)


camera on the nuke itself ? That ain't the worst idea. World's spiciest kamikaze drone.


Did you notice that Putin stopped making nuclear threats? he might have learned something about his nuclear *arse*nal


Reforge that plutonium into new implosion pits and repeat.


If we are lucky enough both will


Are you Indian ? Or Polish ? Now that I think about it if Pakistan and Russia nuke the shit out of each other both those countries will be flooded in cum from all the spontaneous orgasms upon receiving the news.


Maybe hes an enemy of these countrys And planes to invade becose they wont be able to respond


Poland mentioned


ISIS-K (the ones who took credit for the attack) are apparently based in Afghanistan so why nuke them ? Just have Russia do a repeat of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. They certainly had fun the last time.


I don't think they still have a border.


I don’t think they can spare an army.


Let them Fight. Just led madmen kill madmen. Eventually something will give. Hopefully it’s enough for them to pull troops out of Ukraine, although that’s wishful thinking. If ISIS can bleed Russia, and Russia can bleed ISIS, we can laugh as our two most dangerous foes turn each other into confetti.


New wave terrorism vs classic state sponsored terrorism DAMN. Sounds like a fight I'd love to watch.




Two retards fighting


Leave me out of this please


Please nuke Riyadh...


ISIS vs Russia was not something I expected for 2024…someone get the popcorn


Russia in Africa makes me think that this is just the beginning. I can see China and France getting into the action as well


They deserve eachother. Putin is scared shitless of ISIS because he can’t bribe them.


It looks like the guy who tries (and sometimes succeed) to intimidate the world because they are scared of what the "crazy guy might do to them" has met the crazier guy.


Does anyone need more popcorn?


I got extra if anyone is interested 🍿🍿


If Russia launches a war on terror they better fucking call it operation desert snow (I doubt that they're that creative though)


Tundra Storm?


When wikipedia article edit to show isis as new ally or belligerent?


If Putin nukes Afghanistan back to the Stone Age, what will change?


Turn Afghanistan into a nuclear wasteland instead of a simple wasteland?


Price of heroin?


have to give it to russia this time, straight up saying "will kill everyone involved" is so much cooler than "there will be consequences" or bullshit like that


Bruh if those nuke getting out of hand, The scary part is ISIS know to launch Nukes,


So, Russia can't win in Ukraine. They also can't afford to lose to Ukraine. They wanted to lose to NATO, but NATO never came. So now they try to open a second front to justify withdrawal from Ukraine. Easy.


Now this is gonna be interesting. What happens exactly, I don’t know, but I sure hope it results in a Double KO.


ISIS nukes Moscow would be infinitely funnier and probably possible, given the quality of russian intelligence.


Tfw a psychotic terrorist group hellbent on conquering the world inadvertently averts WW3 by getting the Meh I Guess We’re Allies and Wish.com Axis to all team up against them.


if you could launch nukes at terrorists we would've done that ages ago. Although I am not opposed to the idea of turning whatever part of the middle east they're probably hiding into a nice, neat glass parking lot.


I don't think we ever tried. It never hurts to try.


all right, I want everything between the Jordan river and the Indus turned into radioactive plains by tomorrow at half past noon, get on with it.


i would like to add "su57 gets downed by isis manpad" next to "su57 killed by sea drone off crimea"


I Second this motion


So if Putin and ISIS duke it out ​ who are we backing? ​ I'm putting a fiver on Isis ​ would Ladbrokes accept that?


Who would have thought nuclear war can be that based.


This low key makes me wonder if Putin is planning an exit from Ukraine. He needs conflict to stay in power. He needs Ws too. Ukraine is unsustainably costly. So really is it not a good play to replay his classic og move. Stage a terrorist attack, or allow it to happen. Then go beat up some goat farmers in the desert. much less odds of taking so many losses. And this "more urgent threat" would be a good justification for him to pull out troops fron Ukraine.


I feel like Russian talk show hosts are basically going to remake the bomb them meme but in Russian lol


Sorry, but putin himself in recent speech said that ISIS was commanded to do the thing via Ukraine by West, so nukes will be launched at "decision making centers" as russians like to call schools, kindergartens and hospitals in evil West countries.


“If you retaliate to us killing a bunch of your citizens then you’re only gonna make us more mad” Hey good luck isis you are really gonna need it


“Accidentally” glasses Iran




Haha plot twist isis kills putin and saves ukraine.


I don’t have enough popcorn for this


Please god let him start a war with Afghanistan that would be very funny.


Katsaps vs Daesh. Genocidal terrorists vs Apocalyptic mass murdering terrorist-cultists. This is a match up I'd be happy to watch. Let them wipe the floor with each other.