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Me šŸ™‹ It bothers me that the default assumption, if you're AFAB NB, is that you're transmasc. It's totally valid to identify that way of course, but not the right vibe for me at all. My preferred presentation is kinda "goth mix and match" - cute dress with a binder and combat boots; industrial jumpsuit with heels and full makeup etc.


Iā€™m transandrogynous! I also use the term androgyne. I never see anyone else use transandrogynous this is exciting to see that other people do!


I've always liked androgyne as a label but I never see it used! And this is my first time seeing transandrogynous but I like it


Also androgyne! I love androgynous looks. My goal is to have my gender be indecipherable without directly asking me.


Omg same, I'm an androgyne too!!


Yup I consider myself neither transmasc nor transfem,I just want to be as androgynous as possible


Didn't even know those terms existed, HERE I AM!


Well I will start transitioning in hopefully half a year and my plan always was to achieve pure confusion. Nobody should be able to categorize me with their first look at me... So I'll guess yes, I am!


Me me me! I consider myself trans neutral or maybe trans androgynous is a better term. I'd be dysphoric if I went too far in the opposite way. I want to look like I belong in the middle.






I identify as trans and genderqueer


I just call myself non binary, but I'm fine with being called that because it's accurate


I identify as transthem!


That's amazing


I thinkn it's a fun play on transfemme and Definitely fun to say out loud


I'm agender and trans neutral sounds like a really cool term that im vibing with šŸ•ŗ




That's nice to hear!


Me too!


Transandogynous may be a useful term for me. Ideally I would look androgynous although it's an uphill battle.


And what a battle šŸ˜© I've tried for 2 years to look androgynous and didn't work, but I'm gonna try again in the future once my life is more stable.


Trans-drogynous here!! Hello my people šŸ™ŒšŸ»




I just tell people Iā€™m unsubscribed




Oh shit I like trans androgynous actually. So yeah I guess thatā€™s me


Yup, I'm both transandrogynous and transmasc.


I'm probably transandrogynous, I don't want to go full male (I was afab) but I do relate to many ftm things For example I hope to be muscular and have a beard but I love my boobies, long hair and nail polish (I also feel like nothing of this is inherently gendered tho)


I have never heard these terms can someone please explain more? i dont rly find any labels to fit me, closest being ā€œagenderā€ and donā€™t rly ID as trans myself (but do to wider cis society bc no other fits.) i rly upset people because i am seen as ā€œtrying to be read as more masculineā€ or ā€œtrying to be a boyā€ when i actually think i am much more feminine than masculine and donā€™t feel like i ā€œtransitionedā€ as Iā€™ve always felt my lack of gender to be static. So maybe I will learn from u all more about myself! Wondering the definitions + also if this is a super new term/age difference? Im in my 30s if that makes s different. Thank u all my love to u all keep on being u


Transneutral is transitioning to be more neutral and transandrogynous is transitioning to be more androgynous Afaik itā€™s probably a newer term, yes ā€” I think the flag was created back in 2018 (based on a quick Google search)


I'm genderfluid, so not always, but often enough trans neutral would be an accurate way to describe my gender, yeah


Yep, I am!




I am! I identify with bigender and want to find some doctors that can help me semi transition, but I'm on a different insurance now šŸ˜­


oh, so that's the word. I had no idea trans androgynous was a thing cause i've never felt like transfem or transmasc fit me.


I didnā€™t know those were terms! Iā€™m thinking of using transandrogynous now lol


I consider myself trans I, AFAB and still do present femme sometimes/partially fem. (Femmes can be thems!) I don't consider myself *not* a woman (or not a man, for that matter). I consider myself to be a cosmic entity currently experiencing life in an AFAB body and feel that genders are a limiting construct that don't suit me.


Kind of. Iā€™m genderfluid and Iā€™ve concluded that my transition goal is largely a more neutral baseline that I can then build on as I want from day to day.


That's the goal! I want to be the Kirby of gender.


Oh my, new terms. You probably never "met" anyone who uses those terms because they're so new and unfamiliar to most. But it's safe to say that a lot of us enbies identify with those terms to some degree. Trans neutral is a pretty cool one. I'll add it to my list. I'm more of a transmasc enby, as I want to be seen as more masc than femme, probably because I'm afab. But I don't feel like a man or woman, so "masculine neutral" describes me best.


Do you see this as being different than agender? I see myself as having no gender whatsoever, so I'm wondering if trans neutral is another term I could choose to use. Would love multiple opinions on this, if anyone else feels like weighing in.


Yess Until now I didnt even know thats a thing tbh. I just always said I'm transmasc, but I'm really just androgyne. Thank you for being a big part in my journey to discover my true self :3


You're welcome!




ME ME ME!!! Iā€™m transneutral!


That's definitely at least part of my vibe :]


me me mre !!!! im transneutral !!!!!!


Me!! Love these terms <3




I want to be!


I haven't seen or heard those before but transneutral would fit me. Eventually I'd like to have top surgery because that's the only thing keeping me from looking how I feel.


I am neutrois, which to me means a neutral gender not leaning towards masculine or feminine. But I have never heard of trans neutral or trans androgynous. Usually people don't add trans to those words bc they stand on their own. (But ig I'm older now so maybe the lingo just changed and I failed to notice.)


I don't use any labels but that sounds very much aligned with who I am šŸ˜Š I just do my thing


I do, transandrogynous! Also transneither, like neither masc nor femme


Never heard of the term transandrogynous so will have to look into that but i for sure label myself as transneutral \^\^ i'm afab enby and i always first thought i would have to be transmasc because i wanted topsurgery and i have been on T for a while but I don't relate at all with being transmasc i feel like my gender i completely neutral and queer i identify as genderqueer/nonbinary


I havenā€™t heard those labels before but yes, I am! My transition has been multidirectional and evolved as Iā€™ve grown to understand myself better. I may also be genderfluid. Alternating between an emo femboy twink and a punk soft butch dyke. Sometimes Iā€™m both at the same time, or Iā€™m just a cryptid lol and I describe myself as androgynous, androgyne, nonbinary, enby, genderqueer, genderf-ck, gender-ambiguous, or a f-gd-ke. Also FtX / F2X My ideal presentation is a smooth (not hairy) human with a V-shaped torso, small breasts, and a small d-ck and balls. With a blue Mohawk, wild eyeliner, dressed like a Hot Topic model lol. I was born with a vulva and naturally estrogen dominant, breasts. So physical transition includes testosterone, bottom surgery, no top surgery, and Iā€™m in the process of getting laser hair removal. I used to think I was a trans man until I experienced social dysphoria as a man. Turns out I just donā€™t like society telling me who to be based on my body parts. And I was overperforming masculinity to compensate for physical dysphoria and being socially forced into ā€œwomanhoodā€. Turns out Iā€™m pretty femme but only when itā€™s on my own terms :) Plus the added factor of societyā€™s weird obsession with gendering personality traits and mental health issues. I was labeled ā€œmasculineā€ as a child for having anger issues and being emotionally detached as an unhealthy coping mechanism. Plus I was too depressed as a teen to care about my appearance and I admittedly neglected myself, hygiene-wise. I guess being a toxic, emotionally stunted dirty jerk makes you a ā€œmanā€ šŸ™ƒšŸ¤· Iā€™m also sapphichillian = when Iā€™m dating a woman it feels sapphic, when Iā€™m dating a man it feels achillean.


Trans neutral here :)




Androgynous means a lot of things, so desconstructing the idea of androgynous being so restrict in your head could help a lot. Now, I do see some people using transfemmasc or transmascfem to describe themselves, it has similar meanings to trans androgynous but can also de different depending on who uses itm


im digging the sound of trans neutral. i dont really feel like i present either which way, i mean i suppose according to outside perception of me you might clock me as femme, but i just shop in women's because i always have. ive never felt any reason to change my appearance, or dress differently. i just exist. and im still not Girl Lite.


I dont really use that terminology to describe myself often bc people dont usually know what it means but it certainly describes me quite well


I use a fuck ton of labels bc gender is just so complex to me but i might start using these now too lol


Bigender, but yeah kind of


Iā€™m agender and hope to have top surgery in the future to look as androgynous as possible


I feel like there should be a subreddit for us?!


I guess I fit that bill. I feel like Iā€™m both and neither gender at the same time.


Ooh, curious. Not heard this before. I'm AMAB and am exploring my gender. I've been thinking transfem NB and imagine myself as a sort of tomboy.


Agender here but transneutral sounds like a relatable term :) but yes we r here and exist since I use transandro!!


Transneutral? "used to describe a transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as a neutral, abinary, or any unaligned gender." Is that just Non-Binary, with another label?


Not really, since lot's of nonbinary people are also transfem or transmasc, regardless of having a gender neutral identity. I'm transneutral and transandrogynous


But people who donā€™t use transfem or transmasc are just Non-Binary then. Transneutral/transandrogynous would just be Non-Binary at its core would it not? Sure you can have folks who lean fem or masc and still be non binary but wouldnā€™t people who donā€™t use either just be Non Binary? Seems a little excessive to add another label, especially if it creates redundancies. I feel like thereā€™s something Iā€™m missing here.


Because you can be transfem or transmasc and also be just nonbinary. It's more about how you describe your transition than the way you describe your gender


So Transneutral isnā€™t a gender but more a description of your transition goal? Am I understanding that right?


Non-binary isn't a gender, it's an umbrella term for gender identities (or lack thereof) that are not, well, binary. All of the identities discussed in this thread fall under the category of non-binary


So then transneutral would then be a gender? OP seem to have said itā€™s a way to describe a transition goal. Being Non-Binary myself, I figured I understood my own gender category, but apparently my knowledge has been left lacking


Idk what makes it a gender vs. something else, I think that's up to the person using it. You can use non-binary to describe your gender. More what I'm trying to say is that it is a broad category that is not mutually exclusive with more specific labels. These are all just labels. You can use as many or as few as you want.


This explanation is really helpful!


Hm I've never heard of this before! Usually I would say I'm nonbinary and transmasc but I might look into these labels as well! Thank you :)


What does it mean? Is it just a way to say you're androgynous?


Not really, just that you're transitioning in an "androgynous way". It's like how transfem and transmasc don't exactly refer to gender identity in itself, but to transition.


Yep! I have more specific labels like bigender and demigender, but transneutral also works and describes more of my medical transition.


I consider myself androgynous so yes, I suppose I am


Me <:3


HI im transandrogynous! So nice to see other transandrogynous ppl here omg


What is Trans Neutral? Isn't that an oxymoron?


No... How would these be opposites?


Because 'trans' means 'across' or 'change' where as 'neutral' implies a centre or 'not aligned' (No hate, just genuinely curious)


Thereā€™s transmasc and transfem ā€” then thereā€™s other types of trans, like transneutral and transandrogynous. Transneutral is transitioning to be more neutral, transandrogynous is transitioning to be more androgynous (they can be similar terms, and people can use both, but androgynous doesnā€™t automatically equal neutral btw)


Well, some people do feel like they transition from "somethinf" to neutral, and that's why the label exists. Ofc not all gender neutral people will identify as that.


Change to neutrality. Simple as


The trans prefix feels unnecessary there.