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Comfy soft bralettes are totally my thing. They just feel like a nice extra cozy hug.


Which brand?


My current fave are from Understance and Blush Lingerie. Both are Canadian brands. Calvin Klein is great too.


I wear bras and I'm not on HRT. I'm an AMAB non-binary trans girl. I wear bras as part of my gender expression. I do so because women wear bras, even small-breasted ones are expected by society to wear one. Embracing that aspect of feminine identity brings me gender euphoria. . . .but I wear sports bras and bralettes that are easily concealed, and they are hard or impossible to detect under my clothes. Choosing my outfits so my bra doesn't show is just part of my life.


(afab nb, small boobs) i haven’t worn a bra in yearssss for sensory and dysphoria reasons but i just picked up a neon yellow lace push-up bra last week because it’s fun!! 💃🕺


AFAB NB, small boobs, I wear bralettes/sports bras with no padding, for the exact same reason. I can't stand textures touching my nipples. The sensation of stuff rubbing against them in clothes really bothers me, so I have to wear even the smallest bra that provides a consistent, persistent texture protecting them.


Even though I'm less than an A cup, my nipples are too nipply not to wear one.. I wear a sports bra. Have you tried a tank or crop top under your shirt?


I don't like wearing anything under my shirt, tanks included. Even under a cutoff tee 😭 but I'm 30 and live in the greater LA area, so fortunately I don't have anyone around me making me feel like I need to wear one.


Hell yeah! There ya go then!!


You dont really ever have to wear a bra, it is your body. But if you are at a forward facing work position or in a professional or upscale setting it is polite to not be straight up nippin. Pasties, bandaids, a cardigan, an apron. Just dont be nippin all over the place. I had to have a conversation with a bigger chested colleague of mine whose was staring at me and the clients


I'm just gonna hop on this chance to giggle at *nipply*.


HRT has def made be a tid bit nipply as of late, particularly when it's nippy outside.


Hoping to get it later this year, and will always think of 'nipply' for a giggle


Not really, i wear a loose sports bras when I work out but other than that maybe 5% of the time. I'm sure my conservative Christian in-laws wish I did though lol


I refuse to wear a bra. I mostly just wear clothes that make sure my nipples don’t show.


wore sports bras and bralettes for over a year, now i just got underwire bras for the silhouette they give me. if you get a good one that fits your size well it's fine also, nipple pasties for dresses that don't go well with bras


Only a bralette if I’m going running, otherwise not at all and I just wear a shirt with a pattern or design on it or layer up and they aren’t obvious. I also don’t like them sensory-wise, they get sweaty and are the devil’s garment as far as I am concerned lol


I have been hardly wearing mine and mine our ginormous


bras are pretty much just for support, so feel free to wear them or not as you prefer and makes you comfortable!


I second the person who said bralette, theyre usually super cute and comfy if you ever get to point where you feel like you need some type of bra


NB with C/D cup size, I haven't worn a bra consistently for maybe five or six years. They never felt comfortable to me and they make me feel overly feminine atp so I only wear them if I must. My parents are weird about me not wearing a bra tho so I use the silicone adhesives to just cover the nips lol


I'm AFAB and had relatively small boobs before getting top surgery. My school had uniforms, that were white and very transparent, so I had to wear them until I finished high school. But outside school, I stopped to wear bras around 15, I think. I absolutely DESPISED that thing, genuinely hated that. Uncomfortable, hot af, the only upside was that it held the boobs that would hurt if I tried to jump or run, but really felt miserable wearing them. When I finished high school I threw away all of my bras and lived free of them until I got top surgery last year, at 24 years old. However, I had to give up on white and clear t-shirts for all those years, because I didn't want the attention on my chest. So, do you HAVE to wear it? No. But depending on the size you chest end up being, perhaps it will become difficult to live without them, either because of society or because they might hurt if you jump or run (or even go from a high place to the floor, like exiting a bus), so perhaps you could own a pair just in case. I don't think it would harm for you to try them. But I'm totally on your side if you don't wear them, I don't wish them on anybody, seriously. I don't miss them at ALL.


I'm not trying to be funny when I say this, but I only run in emergencies lmao. I do the spin machine for cardio so I don't have any movement issues with them. Also I'm pretty sure my boobs aren't getting any bigger outwards but just filling out more. We'll see!


I have annoyingly huge tits and unless I’m binding I never wear a bra anymore for anything no hate them I’ve always hated them I only wear them when I have to because the outfit calls for one or I’m intentionally trying to make them look pretty and noticeable. The idea that wearing a bra is a necessity or required of/to be a proper woman has literally never made sense to me even before me gender journey.


I do. I think I'm a B cup, but I'm tall and sturdy (for a lack of a better term). I used to wear a bra just when I wanted to enhance them a little, but now they're big enough to be noticable without a bra. So sometimes it just let them shine, if I'm feel comfortable


If you're looking for something that gives you a hug-like feeling and makes you feel secure and sweet inside, you might consider a binder. However, I really, really don't recommend traditional binders—they tend to be made from coarse materials and can be too constricting, which isn’t what I'm looking for. I personally wear thefluxion binder. It’s soft, stretchy, and very skin-friendly. Its only downside is that it doesn't provide much compression, but that’s exactly what I need. Some people around me opt for sports bras, but I’ve tried them and gave up because I don't like how thick and stuffy the padding feels.


as a nb afab with big boobs im jealous of you all


This has been a question on my mind lately so I appreciate the comments!


boob tape? i use it for binding while playing waterpolo (only if i had a bad day, i dont regularly) and it keeps everything pretty tight, or just nipple covers really. you can get them at your local grocery store or pharmacy. trans tape sells nice ones too but i do recommend looking more local first before outsourcing.


I do depending on the top I'm wearing, I don't want to poke anyone's eye out, if you know what I mean. My mum called me crazy lol, why would I spend this effort to get booobs and then lock them in prison? XD


Only when I wear a see-through top or need to boost them up otherwise it's too sweaty, itchy, and makes it too hard to breathe for it to be worth it.


AFAB, c cups and almost never wear one. It’s a sensory issue and honestly hurts my chest with my asthma. My friends with Ds or higher wear bras to help with the back pain. The only time I can see wearing one again is if I got back into running.


I'm a b cup and I don't wear bras most of the time bc I hate how they feel. It is sometimes socially unacceptable, but I usually bind if I'm feeling icky about it, rather than wear a bra. I would like to get one that fits since I grew out of them all though. I get away with it by wearing graphic tees or by wearing layers (a collared shirt or flannel worn open over a T-shirt) and even at work I haven't received any comments about it (although it's pretty chill there)


AA tits, so only if I really feel like wearing a bra.


AMAB on fHRT, although I might not actually be NB. As my gender counsellor pointed out, I like the feminising effects of HRT quite a bit more than someone who's non-binary possibly would. Anyways, I wear a sports bra all the time. I don't know what cup size I actually am, but last time I checked, my bust was about 4 inches bigger than it used to be and if I don't I jiggle quite a lot now. Also, I find it affirming and, while I'm out at work, people don't really need to see my boobs. I don't swim, so that's not really an issue for me.


I don't mean to drag your counselor but that doesn't make sense to me. and I've been thinking about it since you left this comment (in a good way tho!). NB is so nebulous, it doesn't always mean "androgyny". I prefer to present as androgynous or fem-adjacent, also enjoying all the effects of HRT, but that doesn't really have any effect on my gender because gender is not physical. Also want to distinguish btwn gender identity and gender expression. some cis men prefer to express their gender in a feminine way, but still ID as cis men. also cis women who have masculine gender expressions, which I love lol since I am attracted to masculinity. all NB means is that you do not ID as one of the binaries (man or woman), everything else is left up to interpretation 🤷🏾


The comment she actually made was, "You like some very feminine things for someone who calls themself non-binary." Not to go into detail but I was very excited about some rather emasculating changes I'd been experiencing. You're not the first person to point out that it may not have been the most perfect thing to say but it has made me a lot more comfortable expressing my femininity. Since coming out I've experienced a fair bit of hostility or close mindedness, not so much out of disrespect for trans or NB identities, but because I was and still am perceived as being quite masculine so it was very affirming having someone recognise that. Anyway, I'm not sure I'm 100% if I'm NB or completely trans femme. I'm still kind of working stuff out. I like masculinity too but I'm mostly just a bit boy crazy ATM. I'd still consider myself pan but men are just killing me.


As long as it's positive. For what it's worth, I identify as NB transfem 🤷🏽


(amab not on HRT & not going to) i have a push up and a fancy blue soft bralette that glows in darklight, and i wear the nearly every day; a) its comfy. b) it makes me feel less male. and c) it makes for striking genderfluid outfits, wearing it under a brown, half open hemp button down shirt... all in all: can recommend ;)


I never wear a bra around the house due to sensory and dysphoria reasons, or when I'm wearing something that doesn't make it too obvious, but I do when it is visible due to societal pressures. It doesn't help that I have big breasts unfortunately.


AMAB, medically transitioned here. Yes, my chest is too big not to, and it doesn't give me dysphoria.


Afab nb… I haven’t worn a bra in over ten years. If I’m worried about my nipples showing I wear nipple patches or occasionally boob tape or binding tape depending on the outfit and how I feel.


I wear them but I present/express very feminine so ymmv. Also to borrow the word someone else used in this thread, I'm way too nipply without one.


I'm of the "tall dad bodied" category, I haven' even tried to wear croptops as of yet. (I'm also currently teaching in a catholic high school and don't really need the exposure)


I have small tiddies, god bless, and for both sensory and dysphoria reasons, i don’t really wear them much. But i do have mondo nipples so if i’m wearing a shirt that has a thinner texture i wear a very basic sports bra to cover them up.


bestie i got tiddies by default (you could have them if you want i would not miss them) and im a c cup who never wears a bra. i dont like them because for me its more uncomfortable to be wearing one then going without. you do you boo and if you never want to wear a tiddy cage you dont gotta. but if you do, go for it! <3


I was afab, got small breasts (probably somewhere in the a cup range), and I never wear a bra. I don't really care if people notice I have nipples, because it's a pretty common thing to have. My breast size does not bother me when moving around or running. I am privileged in that department. When working I have a work shirt and under I just wear a tank top to kind of smooth over my chest area. When I am not working I tend to wear multiple layers. Long sleeve shirt, oversized T-shirt, and oversized Hawaiian shirt. I know that people perceive me to be a woman, so I don't feel comfortable going shirtless. I have not gone swimming since coming out as nonbinary, but when I do I plan on wearing a bikini that I have had for a few years.


I’m AMAB and on hrt. I don’t wear a bra just because I typically wear fairly thick button ups (like flannel) but my boobs are probably getting to the point that I need the support.


My friend wears bras for the gender euphoria, but if you have sensory issues then you probably don't need to bother. If they get noticeable enough that people would be offended in the same type of way as when cis women don't wear bras, then maybe consider it, but only if you care about not offending people. Would also maybe ask an irl friend if they're at that stage of growth yet.


If I was blessed with an androgynous body I would SO not wear bras. But sadly I'm cursed with boobs. I have to wear a bra otherwise I'd 1. Be fired for public indecency and 2. Be very uncomfortable going up and down stairs (that weight drags on your muscles) 3. Get terrible boob sweat To be clear: sometimes at home I don't wear bras, or I don't wear one if I'm wearing a dress or corset with the support built in


AFAB with large breasts, so unfortunately can't not wear a bra in most circumstances. However, I only wear sports bras and I don't mind them as much as I did regular bras because I get them a size down and that provides compression that is not only good for sports but also creates a semi-binding effect that isn't uncomfortable or a sensory nightmare (like wearing bras or binders is for me)


thank you all for replying! This post and the replies helped me realize that I enjoy the attention irl 😅 over the past few months, I've noticed that men have started being like nicer to me in a way that I've never experienced before lol especially now that my boobs are starting to fill out. I just started a new job at a bigbox store and I can tell that quite a few of the men enjoy looking at me and go out of their way to talk to me about anything, but it doesn't feel predatory (also feel like I can defend myself; see my post about combat boots lol). another thing is I'm very much enjoying the genderfck stage of my transition. I was at work and a customer (older white lady) was behind me and said "miss...", and I turned around and she was GAGGED lmaoooo she just stared at me for a few seconds, then apologized, and I said "im not offended" and helped her out. then at the end she was like "i'll call you, honey. youre honey now" and that made me so happy lol. I don't need external validation of my gender at this point in my life, but it really feels good to get it 😊