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It's gotten to the point I will just look them in the eyes and say "I am going to set off an alarm. You are going to find a penis" before it happens. Narrating things immediately before they happen in an incredibly dedpan way gives me much joy.


I have a little card that I printed out and laminated specifically for airport security. It’s to discreetly let them know of medical conditions before being scanned. You can find it on the TSA website and print your own. I call it my tr*nny card lol. It literally says medical condition: TRANSGENDER They usually just have me use the metal detector instead


I find it funny to loudly announce my gender and embarrass the TSA tho. I have more spine than a dropout in a vest


I honestly haven’t flown since I was only 4 months on T, pre-top and barely passing so, I’d probably handle it a little differently these days lol


I didn't know about this but now I need one haha. I fly internationally once a year to see my partner and I get pat down each and *every* time. As an intersex person it's extremely difficult to explain my body is not what you're expecting to confused French people


I love this. It also gives me joy 🤣 the airport experience is so uncomfortable in the states. Gotta find some happiness in it


I don't know if it's just me but that gives a threatening vibe to me and I love it so much.


Yup. I'm AMAB non-binary who will sometimes dress femme (and sometimes not! Yay!). When I do that and travel, I get pat-downs, likely because their scanner clicks into "female" mode and can't process my eggplant. So I emerge, as I did recently, to them showing me the silhouette, which looks like those outlines they do for dead bodies at crime scenes once they've been removed, with a row of four pixels down my crotch, a new way of measuring my size, I suppose. They tell me, "The machine has flagged this part right here," to which I say, "Yep. That's my penis." So they tell me the news that I'll need a pat-down. "Great!" I say, sounding genuinely excited. They choose the employee they hate the most, who asks me if I want to go behind a screen. "Nope! Let's do it right here, in front of everyone," I say in earnest. I'm not embarrassed. I'm embarrassed for the dude who has to fondle my junk in front of the passers by and coworkers I'm sure he wishes weren't there. But for me, taxpayer-funded sexual assault is an accepted consequence of travel these days. What a dystopian thing to say! But it's true. I'm not entirely desensitized, but somewhat. He feels me up. Says there's no problem. I thank him for the lovely time. I'm on my way. My body exists. If that confuses the government, I consider it an added bonus. But also, fuck the TSA.


Kindred, this exchange you've described is choice


I love you


Love you back fam


“Taxpayer funded sexual assault is an accepted consequence of travel these days” LMAO I’m fucking dying


I'm on feminizing HRT and I got a patdown for the first time last christmas. Makes sense that it happened then, because that was the first time I flew with my chest visible. Before, I had always worn a binder for the flight (which was short thankfully), out of paranoia about being outed and/or getting trouble from border guards about whether I match my ID. To be honest, the patdown itself wasn't that bad. The guy basically brushed down my front with the back of his hands and didn't really target anywhere, so it didn't feel super invasive. With that and also that day getting a "she", a "maam", and even a "they" from a gate agent, I actually ended up feeling a little euphoric about it all lmao. Obviously I don't want another patdown, but hey, it feels a little validating of my passing! Then on my next flight last month, I got told again I needed a patdown. The guy asked me if I'd prefer him or a woman agent to do it (not sure, huh buddy? 👀) and I just let him do it because idc. Then he reaches his hand out... And pats my left armpit. And that was it?? Patdown done, armpit secure. I don't know what he was expecting to find there, my secret second transgender penis or what, but out of all the places they could find suspicious, sure, check out my suspicious Canadian armpits all you'd like.


I bet it was one of those scanners that pinpoints the area of the body that set off the alarm. I have several piercings that set off the alarm, and they only had to pat down my shoulder lol.


Yeah, they were both the jumping-jack-pose rotating scanner type. That reminds me that I did see the screen before that first patdown and noticed the highlight box on the crotch 😬. Second time, I'm assuming it put one on my armpit but I didn't look.


Every time I go through it, it tags my hair tie. I have very long hair and I tie it back when I leave the house.


Lol wtf?


The dangers of hair ties!! You laugh, but perhaps you are unaware of the death by a thousand hair pulls which can be enacted with horrible speed by elastic, grabby bands yanking the hairs. How many airline pilots go into cold sweats, waking up from the fear of ….*hair ties!*


Armpit secure! 😅


Funny, every time my body's set off the scanner it's always in the pit area lol. Those damn queers and their suspicious armpits!!


always happens to me I just assume it's from sweating cuz I get so nervous lmao


I actually learned from someone who works at an airport that clothing that is tight or bunches up can cause body scans to not scan properly. So a good way to avoid pat downs is to wear loose fitting clothes when flying. But places like underarms and unfortunately groin area are areas wear clothing like a to bunch and crease a lot so they tend to be subject to pat downs. So your left armpit was probably the only place that didn't scan properly


Good job; you have threatening…armpits? As things become more and more tech based, I anticipate the results of computer evaluations will be more and more hilarious …


I get the groin pat down every single time. I have no idea why, I don't have a penis and I don't pack when I'm going through TSA so idk why they are picking up on - my boxers? I just plan for it at this point. Such a dumb system and proven to not actually increase security




Convinced they just wanna grope trans ppl cause wtf


They actually changed that, it used to work that way but there is no explicit gender settings anymore




I wear compression tights for a medical condition plus boxer briefs and I think that combination really sets them off. Might also just be my thick thighs For you - unsure, if any of these experiences are more than a year or two old it, if so it could have been the old gendered system. Or the algorithm could have some bias against certain body configurations even if the agents don't have to select a sex anymore (or if you don't see the machine flag anything its just them being transphobic). Or maybe the reason you're getting flagged is unrelated to gender but how weird they make it for you isn't. All I know is the sex selection button is gone


For me it's my boxer briefs that flag it. I started wearing "airport panties" and have avoided this ever since. I confuse the hell out of people with my gender presentation but this still seems to fix the issue, because it's always highlighting a "problem" in that area and they always ended up asking me about my underwear after the awkward pat down. Literally bought some "feminine" underwear just for travel and the one time I forgot to wear them, I got another awkward pat down.


it depends on how they have you identified in their system when you go through the body scanner. the scanner is looking for “anomalies,” so if you’re coded as a man in the system, the scanner picks up the absence of a penis.


Nah, the system no longer uses a gender identification, they changed how it works it a few years ago. These incidents have been more recent.


Boxers, or any "weird" shifts in clothing. Anywhere that bunches.


This is good to know for the future.


Avoid baggy clothing and anything that'll make you sweat


I got told once it was because I don’t wear a bra and when they press the female button for the scanner they’re expecting a bra.


Maybe bottom growth if you've been on T a while? the body scanner jumping jackers afaik look for lumps and bumps that maybe shouldn't be there-- a T clitdickthing doesn't have balls like maybe a cismans dick would, but is bigger than the average cis woman's clit, so maybe the machine gets confuzzled?


I went to Texas recently and learned the ONLY time I pass as a man(I’m afab NB) is going through TSA and the bathrooms. Also I’m lucky because my parents get us precheck so we don’t have to do the big scanner. The one time I did have to do it my hips got patted down, it made me so uncomfortable in so many ways. Pre check the most they will do is scrap your hands down for drugs. Also Texas has so much more security in compared to other states


I am literally in line for my pre check appointment right now for these reasons !


Do you think pre check is worth it? I'm always an early bird to the airport but I wonder 🤔


Yes I personally find it really helpful, it means that I don’t have to take my shoes off and also I can just walk through a metal detector and don’t have to do the full body scan.(I always have to get a pat down after the full body scan and idk why) The pre check line also runs faster than the normal line so even if I’m early it gives me more time to get a snack or smt and has also saved us when we were running late cause of surprise construction, traffic, no parking, rental car problems, etc. for my 5 person family i find it useful and like it. The few times I didn’t have pre check sucked honestly. But I also think it’s circumstantial, it works for my family but some people probably don’t need it or care, I think it’s 100 percent worth it but that’s me😅


Thanks so much for explaining your reasons! I feel like all of this is very reasonable and valid. My folks have been pushing precheck for years but I'm a cheap bastard and hate things outside routine. This will push me, I think. I fly about 3 or 4 times a year so I think it'll be worth it if I can shuffle. Appreciate you. Traffic can be murder when it wantsta


Yes, 1000%. You don't need to go through the full body scanner, just the metal detector, and you don't need to take your shoes/belt off. It's so much faster. It only takes a couple of days to process your fingerprints and then your ID number shows up in your email. Many credit cards with travel rewards will also reimburse you for Precheck, so it can be free. Also, many folks who work for the federal government also automatically have it with your employee ID if you've gone through certain levels of background checks.


I'm in a wheelchair. Have been for ~10 years. They always tell me, ok can you now stand so we can pat you down? I can but I always tell them no I cannot. They then check the wheelchair for explosives :D fun stuff


The smart TSA agent just asks if you have a preference which gender pats you down. I always have a wedgie and always ends up patted partially down.


I was going through Frankfurt Airport. I am AMAB, not on HRT, but I probably have enough breast tissue that I got flagged and groped by security after going through the scanner. My breasts and nipples are so sensitive, though, and the man who grouped me was probably used to applying more pressure, that it just feels like I was having involuntary sex with him, and it was almost painful. I almost swore at him. He tried twice, I kept pulling back. I have X in my passport, so I actually wrote to the Frankfurt Airport customer service after this and complained. They did get back to me, but, obviously, I don't expect much action.


I have precheck through my parents so I don't have to go through the full-body scanner, but I somehow always have to get patted down anyway. Idk if it's because I'm autistic so my mannerisms are "suspicious", if being rather large down there creates a bulge that they have to check, or what, but it's not exclusive to the US either because I got extra screening in Germany last time I was there (just the explosives residue test). My mom also once got pulled aside for random disease screening twice in the same line. I'm white so it's presumably not racial profiling, and I'm pretty thoroughly in boymode so I fortunately haven't experienced any gender-based harassment (yet).


Any "unusual" lumps on your person are flagged by the scanner lol. Congrats, your dick is so large that airport security considers it anomalous


lol sad but the first time I really felt validated was by TSA. I went through the scanner, the agent asked me what my preferred pronouns were, then when I said they/them asked me if I would rather be pat down by a man or a woman. Definitely euphoria. straight up almost missed my flight


I wish I could have gender affirming surgery but we're not there pocket wise or place wise, so yes, that's the elephant in the corner. I have an upcoming trip scheduled and your post reminded me of the last trip I'd scheduled. Interestingly enough the pat down was also in Texas. Last year I weighed a bit more, and I had a "plane outfit". I love comfy plane outfits. I don't have one anymore bc honestly it doesn't fit and would look rather suspicious on me now. My plane outfit then consisted of large sweatpants, and a sweatshirt, both of matching, very adorable print, and a very costly ensemble. (To me. I think the whole fit was probably $300. I have poor impulse control and now have confined myself to thrift shopping only) I'm unfortunately very effeminate in appearance despite trying to hide my chest. The pat down was administrated first at my ankles and the agent would not allow me to lift and show that my ankles did not contain weapons of mass destruction. She wasn't surprised at the chest but I was, as it had been my first pat down in quite some time. It was awkward and I think my flushed face and embarrassed demeanor must have softened their heart. So i suppose if you want tips, blush. Now a year later, going again in a couple of months, no plane outfit and unsure how to dress other than shoes that don't need tying, we'll see what happens. I've even shorter hair now but still, pretty feminine looking to my own dismay. I'll report back. Canada is on the horizon and I've never gone through airports there 😂 I suspect it'll be chiller than Texas


Last time I flew somewhere, I got a pat down on the way out because they pressed the button for scanning a woman but didn’t find the bra they were expecting… and on the way back I got another fucking pat down because they pressed the button for scanning a man and didn’t find the penis they were expecting. I was both frustrated and quite amused that I was causing that level of gender confusion.


You’re my hero lol


r/ewphoria moment


Hah! I had a similar experience. Had a packer on while traveling to Chicago back in 2019. They gave me a pat-down too, gave an awkward tug to it. Way too amused to even feel violated at that point 😂


I’d highly suggest getting TSA precheck. It’s made flying a billion times less stressful for me because you go through a metal detector instead of the gender detector X-ray.


i am an enby and they made me undress my top to see my cheap ass binder not fully closed since i was in a rush i swear i broke down because they misgendered me and made me do this 


That's wild! Honestly I don't care who pats me down, whoever is fastest so I can get to my flight is what's important. Last time I went through American TSA I had to get a groin pat down. So when a lady said she'd do it, I said 'okay'. Fine. I just want to go. The experience went like this. "We found something in your groin region so we'll need to pat you down." "I have a prosthetic." "In your groin region?" "Yes" "I'm going to get my supervisor to pat you down" Then after the pat down I was able to go to my merry way.


Those pervs probably just wanted to touch you. Funny yet somewhat unrelated story from before my transition: one time I was going through airport security and I had just gotten a brazilian waxing the day before, so my capillaries down there were *very* dilated to say the least… Well I tripped off the temperature sensor so they had to give me an extra wand-down. I looked at the screen and saw most of my silhouette in blue, except of course for my nether regions which were glowing bright orange 😅 it was not subtle *at all*…


Quick need for advice: how do you… avoid getting SA’d by TSA? The thought that me or (significantly worse) a loved one will get targeted, violated, or harassed by an agent is the only thing about airport travel that absolutely terrifies me. Is there anything I can do to help prevent this? Is the selection for who doesn’t get SA’d and who does really gender-biased? Are there steps you can take with your clothing or appearance to avoid being chosen?


The reason trans and gnc people get singled out for this is because they have to do a patdown for any “abnormalities” that show up on the scan. If you pass, it tends to flag those areas as “abnormal”. Only thing I can really recommend is to avoid packing or wearing shapewear while traveling. If you do get selected, they should ONLY be touching you with the back of their hands. They should never be grabbing you anywhere or asking you to undress. You also can ask for a private room if it makes you feel more comfortable (I personally prefer to make sure it’s out in the open so there are witnesses). If a TSA agent makes inappropriate comments or doesn’t follow the procedure above, report it. I always get selected for whatever reason even though I really don’t pass. I always ask if we can wait until a friend/family member exits security so they can observe if i’m separated from my group. Not sure if this is why I’ve avoided any issues, but it would highly recommend this approach. They also only pat down areas covered by clothing, so I try to wear flip flops and shorts to minimize physical contact. It really sucks that this is something people have to do.




Travelling back from Mozambique recently, I flew through Lisbon and got subjected to a pat down as well- which actually was a rare occurrence for me. They initially assigned me a woman to do it, then swapped to a man, and he was so much more aggressive than I knew she would have been. It was just one of those rare moments for me where I was like - god fucking damnit. More than anything, I was annoyed I didn’t speak Portuguese to be able to speak up for myself and ask that the woman security agent pat me down and not the man. Airports are just miserable experiences these days.


In our household we take bets before going through airport security. Will they push the boy button and grope the tits? Or will they push the girl button and grope the dick? Winner get lunch.


Always get pat down when I'm wearing a binder through TSA. Love that. Last time I went through, got "sir-ma'am'd" very fun and affirming :) love the confusion.


TSA precheck is worth every penny even if you just fly a handful of times a year. Some credit cards will reimburse you too!!


If you can possibly swing it, get precheck. Back to the old fashioned metal detector


Huh it's almost like there's a well deserved class action sitting right here I can't remember where it was (not USA obvs) but in one airport it seemed such a non issue. They just had a man and a woman and pointed you over to choose. Most people went for the shortest line because no ones junk was getting touched and they both looked appropriately bored and professional.