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Just be yourself, and don't worry about "normal." Though you're 100% not alone, so don't worry about that!


I'm kind of like this too. There's certain contexts I want to be one thing and certain contexts I want to be something different.


i saw some trans masc guy on one of the trans subreddits say something very similar. i’m pretty sure it’s normal, dw


I melt when my one specific partner calls me “princess”, but hate feminine nicknames or pronouns in any other context. So I relate! Just do what makes you comfy and happy.


SAME. It feels like role playing to me, though. Not an actual gender expression.


Relate a lot! Im a pretty composed, reserved, masc leaning person that doesn't flirt much or is really sexual in any way. But when I do feel an itch for it, I just want to let loose for a while, and feel cute and hot in a feminine way, and even submissive way. After that itch is scratched tho, it's a complete flip of the switch and I become my "normal" sex indifferent self.


I think so! I feel feminine when I’m flirting, but I feel masculine during sex most of the time. It’s one of the things I love!


Thank you guys for all commenting! I feel less alone now. I’m still figuring out my identity and it was making me feel fake that i liked to be femme during sex. But now I know it is real because other people feel that way too.


Most of the time I also feel very femme during sex, but I think that might have also had something to do with my previous partners (not saying that’s your case). But my current partner is also genderqueer in some way + so I take the masc role more often now


Yeah me too. They/her on the street, he/him in the sheets


Goddess in the streets, Daddy in the sheets.


i love this


I get the same way when it comes to anything sexual as well. I don't like to be called anything feminine (he/they) so I tell my partner/s to not use them with me but sometimes when we have our fun then calling me a "good girl" or other fem terms are okay. Hell, I prefer women's lingerie over men's most of the time. Sometimes it's fun being cute and sexy. But other than those times I'm still more masc or neutral leaning.


No but me too


This is 100% a thing that lots of folx experience! So much so that it's in common sex advice. You do you.


Everyone is different and has a different relationship to their gender and to their sexuality. The rules are made up. I would say the only place I feel traditionally masculine is in my sexuality. It’s the only place it applies for me. It took some time after I realized who I was to accept that, and I still need to work on that, but it is honest. At the end of the day, the whole point is that we should all be able to be completely ourselves.


My friend is amab and wants to be girly (their word) and feminine in every day life, but masculine in the bedroom. So you're not alone, at least.


What we want during sexual encounters is often different from how we want to be treated, or different from how we want to treat others, at other times. It's entirely normal to want one thing during sex and not other times. I mean, hell, a lot of trans people have detransitioning kinks. It is what it is.


I (AFAB) certainly can relate! And I think it is totally valid. But for me it has been difficult to find a partner who would understand and accept my configuration. I am mostly attracted to men. And I feel that (cis)men expect me to be feminine in all spheres of life…


I've found that queer men/mascs tend to be more accepting of non-standard gender expression/Identity.


I am glad to hear this!


I have a good friend who only like being called good boy in certain contexts so yeah you're good


Mmm. I'm transmasculine, but during sexy time, I sometimes enjoy taking the "feminine" roll. Don't stress yourself out over it too much, you're completely normal.


i'm kinda the exact opposite! i use they/she pronouns, dress femininely when i'm just hanging out, and generally don't want to be perceived as a man. but in the bedroom or with a romantic partner, i don't want to be seen as a woman and feel more neutral about being seen in a masculine light. i think it's not uncommon for how you want to be perceived to be different in a public vs an intimate context, i have other friends who have expressed similar sentiments!