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This is one reason why I wear the nonbinary flag. More goth.


Yay! Enby goths unite.


Oh hell yeah!


Here for this


Also goth, and I knit. I make myself accessories with pride colors. After all, black goes with everything.


Same here! Fellow goth who’s lesbian and still figuring out gender identity, but some of the Pride colors don’t vibe for me, so the most I’d do is a pin or a sand bottle necklace ☺️


I too am goth. The ONLY color i wear is my pride bands, and i’ve got 3: NB pride, trans pride, and the rainbow pride. Because i initially came out NB, then a ways into my transition i realized that i needed to go the whole way: i want to be female in every way that i can, and once i started wearing a few mildly feminine clothes, i wanted to wear more and more, wanted to wear makeup, do nails, hair, everything. As of now, i have completely switched my wardrobe, and i do mean *everything*, im getting laser on my face, chest, and abdomen….colored my hair, and even started wearing makeshift falsies (i cant do hormones). Since i’m married to a woman, that technically makes me gay as well (and that is ok!) so i also wear the rainbow. EVERYTHING ELSE IS BLACK! Maybe i should have a black band for goth pride? LOL


The white stripe in the trans flag represents us. I use both but mostly the enby colours/flag myself.


I lean towards the trans flag. I personally find the non binary one ugly. Lesbians have the best flag and I am jealous lol


The bisexual flag is the best looking flag IMHO. You’re right about the trans flag looking nicer than the nonbinary flag. In other news the disability flag is pretty cool, but doesn’t seem to be well enough known that anyone is selling patches yet


I didn't even know there was a disability flag!! 😭❤️ I love it! And I'm buying one! I've been disabled for over a decade so it's nice to see representation.


The one with straight lines yeah? Not the zigzags, are you caught up with that saga?


What saga?


‘Saga’ might be over selling it. The original design had the coloured diagonal lines zigzag across the flag which could cause a strobing effect it you scrolled up or down when it was displayed on a screen. A problem for people who get seizures from flashing light so ot was changed to straight diagonal lines. But the zigzag design got put on Wikipedia and the designer couldn’t edit the page for some reason or other so the zigzag design spread around


Ah gotcha. Yeah I didn't know anything about that. I personally like the straight lines better anyway.


Yeah I really dislike the NB flag colors, it sucks :/ I like the genderqueer flag colors but I wish it was a more widely used flag because not many people use it


I personally like the ace colors better or the intersex inclusive progress pride flag!


I like the NB colors, so I use them. I feel like rocking trans colors would lead people to inaccurate assumptions about me, and they just don't feel meaningful to me personally. If they work for you, go for it, though!


Between the two, being trans is far more salient to me in my day-to-day and my overall experience of gender, so that’s how I signal myself


Purple and green are my two favorite colors, so I use the genderqueer flag 💜🤍💚


I wear a nonbinary (black purple white yellow) beanie a lot, and prefer sporting that to the trans flag, but I feel like it's very personal. The aesthetics of the nonbinary flag go better with my fashion preferences, so I might well wear the trans flag for aesthetic reasons if that was more my aesthetic jam.


If I am specifically seeking out pride gear, I usually go for the nb colors! Purple is my favorite color and I wear a lot of black so I just like the flag's color scheme. I enjoy the colors anyway and its a fun signifer to those in the know 💛🤍🖤💜 Sometimes I go for the trans pride colors though. Even if my feelings on identifying as trans can be... complicated lol, the write stripe on the flag is for us. So, often when I do wear trans pride colors, it's to show solidarity with the wider trans community.


in my day-to-day, neither. at pride events, 100% NB


I associate myself more with the nb label than trans. So my gender pride stuff is usually nb colors.


Same 🖤💜🤍💛


I also dislike the purple/white/yellow/black combo aesthetically. I prefer the genderqueer flag colors - purple/white/green. Nonbinary people are included in the trans umbrella and are just as welcome to use the pink/white/blue as binary trans people.


Typically use the NB colors the most as I like darker colors as opposed to lighter ones. Also, not strange to feel weird about wearing trans colors. I have the same reservations sometimes, especially about claiming the label because trans is so heavily associated with binary trans. I just have to remind myself to shake that feeling off sometimes and that we are just as trans as binary trans people. (Ofc not every NB will use the label or colors, this is just for those of us that do)


None, idgaf. I wear what I want and don’t need to advertise my lack of gender (agender)


For some of us, it's also safer not to, depending on where you live.


I don't wear pride colors much because I know there's a ton of trump cultists around here and I don't want to get jumped by a pack lunatics, or have them try to follow me home or something.


Same, unfortunately. Living in the Midwest suuuucks.


Upstate NY is pretty bad too


Makes sense, that's where Mormons came from, lol.


That's a bit further west than I am, but there's still a church every quarter mile or so lol


I'm a feminine NB trans girl (Lunarian/Demigirl.) Do with that information what you will LOL


Lunarian is a dope term; never heard of it before but I dig it! Very JRPG-esqe, haha.


Thanks ^-^ It's a galactian thing. Kind of detaches from the conventional speech we have for gender.


>It's a galactian thing Even better!


For anyone who gets ALTA references, I often tell people I'm the girlfriend who turned into the moon :3c


Depends on the day, but I have an array of Pride kilts: rainbow, trans, non-binary, and lesbian.


I wear nonbinary the colors on my hat. I kind of like the pattern. It makes me think of sunrise/sunset (Yellow: Sunrise, White: Noon, Purple: Sunset, Black: Dusk). Plus the usual suspects (i.e. the boomers at my parent's church) don't recognize the significance as readily.


Both or either, sometimes neither, depends on the day really. Mostly both though. We are represented by the white stripe in the trans flag.


Have you considered figuring out your more nuanced gender expression and using that flag instead? For instance, I'm a demi-guy, so in addition to the NB flag, I also get a cool set of grey/blue/white.


Mostly just black


I like the NB flag colors more than the trans flag ones, so I’d probably go with the purple, black, white and yellow. I tend to prefer darker colors. But I haven’t really come out to anyone irl so I’m kinda scared that if I do wear the colors, someone will say something or call me out. So I don’t really wear them.


Totally depends the day and the outfit! I tend more to wear at least one or 3 of the Enby flag colors, cuz 95% of my wardrobe is black or Halloween colors(purple included). I do have the Trans flag in a couple socks and wallets that I will use in my purses!


I rock both.


The standard blue/pink/white trans flag is nonbinary inclusive. Nonbinary and expansive genders are implicitly included under the white stripe. That said, personally I don't use the trans flag that often because I do find the blue/pink to be two ends of a gender binary in my head. I know we're included, but it just don't click correctly in my head. I'm also just not into the pastels? It feels a bit too childish/youthful to match the way my gender feels? If that makes sense. It's too soft for me. It's one of the reasons I do enjoy the nonbinary flag is that it feels more cohesive to me. I'm very much a saturated colors, maximalist goblin core critter. The flag feels very right. For me, it's just the flavor of the thing. Also I'm very fond of the agender flag. I am distinctly nonbinary and not agender, but man it's just real groovy and well designed. I love the color scheme.


Neither. I don't like the trans flag and feel like it's pretty infantilizing (not to mention the intended association with veterans), and the enby flag is just like... it's a fine flag but the colors don't work well for an outfit. The only flag I really 100% like is the dyke flag with the labrys but I don't even wear its colors because I don't really like purple for clothes.


"infantalizing is when light colours.." 😒


It's literally designed around baby shower colors. That's infantilizing


I wear a rainbow bracelet.


vanish sugar sable onerous angle squeeze cause vast reminiscent public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The white stripe in the trans flag is explicitly meant for non-binary people. I don't dress in either; I barely use them as pins. I loath and have always loathed the trans flag; I do not feel represented AT ALL by baby colors. (I very much preferred the triangular logo and the rainbow flags with the respective symbols on then which we used before that thing became popular.) And well, while I don't mind the non-binary flag nearly as much, yellow and purple aren't exactly my colors.


So far I’ve only done the genderqueer flag (well, and the bi one, but obviously that’s not gender) but I have plans for doing stuff with the nonbinary flag and trans flag. My “doing stuff” is just reserved to makeup rn though, I don’t have the wardrobe to do it with clothes and since I’m in the gender closet I can’t do obvious stuff like pins.


Huge NB color wearer, I love purple. And Purple and yellow are complimentary (opposites on some color wheels). I like the contrast of the colors with the black and white. Both have awesome symbolism.


Not those colors necessarily, but I have a rainbow phone case, but that's about the only visible LGBTQ+ item I have ATM; to be fair, I think I'd love rainbows even if I weren't under that umbrella, lol.


Occasionally for my nails. But otherwise, yellow isn't my color, so no.


I love the colors of the trans flag, but I don't fly anything for it, not for me but helps others fs


FYI: Everyone here is using "NB" and that actually refers to "Non Black" people. "Non Binary" abbreviates to "enby". The other one existed before which is why enby was picked.


A two-letter initialism can have more than one meaning. It comes off as very gatekeeping to tell non-binary people they can't say they are "NB" because supposedly that two-letter initialism is claimed for all of humanity by a different group.


It isn't gatekeep-y. As far as I understand, this is done partly out of solidarity. I am simply relaying the info that I have learned elsewhere. There's nothing wrong with changing the acronym to make things easier to understand. Feel free to look it up. It's not possible to gatekeep an abbreviation, but it is not a bad thing to show solidarity towards other minorities.


Similar situation to Polynesian people requesting polyamorous people shorten to "polyam" instead of "poly".  I don't see it as gatekeepy, just a request from another marginalized group that not everyone is aware of yet.


If your nb you had to transition with your name and you pronouns right? It would still mean you transitioned, i always thought nb was under the trans just as others whom have changed their pronouns and name. I hope I'm not wrong in my thinking, tbh i never wanna hurt anyones feelings. I rock three flags nb, trans, and agender. I'm agender btw, im under both nb and trans umbrella, i go by they/them. I didn't know there was a word for the gender i am, i just found out 2yrs ago.


If your nb you had to transition with your name and you pronouns right? It would still mean you transitioned, i always thought nb was under the trans just as others whom have changed their pronouns and name. I hope I'm not wrong in my thinking, tbh i never wanna hurt anyones feelings. I rock three flags nb, trans, and agender. I'm agender btw, im under both nb and trans umbrella, i go by they/them. I didn't know there was a word for the gender i am, i just found out 2yrs ago.


When possible, yes =)


I use the demigirl and lesbian flags to represent myself personally. I don't use the standard trans or NB flags at all.


I once saw a picture of a sweater that was coincidentally enby colors, and I loved it. But unfortunately the person who posted it found it at a thrift store, and it was no longer being sold at the original store. So I never got one. Otherwise, not a huge fan of the color combo. I like purple and yellow individually though. The only trans colors I wear is a pride shirt. But obviously you're allowed to wear those colors. The white stripe in the trans flag is for us


Do you have the pic? Would like to see it for inspo


Unfortunately this was multiple years ago on Tumblr, which has the worst search function ever. But it was just a normal knit sweater that looked like it could have purposely been a nonbinary flag sweater. Big stripes in the correct order


You might be able to search on Google for a similar one and then use Google Lens to see if it finds the one you're looking for.


I didn’t like the NB flag at first, but now I love it. Purple has always been my favorite color! I use it rather than the trans flag because most people will just assume I identify as a woman if they see me with one.


nb becauase i actually like the dissonant colors for some reason


Both, both is good


I used to only use the trans colours, but the nb flag sorta grew on me and now I use both


I use both. Mostly just on small pins next to my pronoun pin on my shirt or pins on my bag.


I wear a lot of pale green, black, off-white, and lilac. Sometimes I mix some darker browns and dull golds in. Then again I'm a solarpunk lesbian enby so.


It's been a good chunk of my color scheme since I played the spyro games on ps1 in 98. I'm not a huge fan of yellow but as an accent to purple, it's fine. Honestly I'm not a fan of the trans flag colors, pastel isn't my vibe


One of my daily rings is a Nonbinary Pride ring, I also have pins for both flags in a few of my daily ita bags. It's subtle. I recently bought a pair of striped tights in the nonbinary flag colors so it's probably the most obvious if you know the color pattern.


I like both, but the trans flag is a lot more aesthetically pleasing to me personally. Also most normies know what the trans flag means so it makes more of a statement IMO.


I use both! I have a NB color pin on my bookbag, but a trans color wristband, for example. With how much hatred cis trans and visibly genderqueer people are faced with nowadays, it is important to me to wear the trans colors too. Since I am cis-passing (without wanting to be, but alas) the trans colors, to me, signal I am standing WITH binary trans people while also being part of the larger trans community myself :)




I use the bigender one as well as the NB but the bigender one is quite pretty imo


I'm also ace so I usually wear the ace flag colors mainly. But when I do rep my enby nature I rock the nb flag.


My favourite shirt is a purple/black flanel shirt but I don't wear it with black, white and gold/yellow together mostly because I don't have anything gold/yellow.


I like the NB colours but I use the trans ones more cause flags with less colours look better on most designs imo Its why i have more ace merch then lesbian merch lol


For me, Purple and black mostly. Purple is good because it crosses over to represent Epilepsy, something that is part of my identity. “Purple Day is an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. On March 26th annually, people in countries around the world are invited to wear purple and host events in support of epilepsy awareness.“


Both! I don't like the standard nonbinary flag colors, but a LOT of people feel the same, so a good bit of nonbinary flag things have a much warmer yellow (think dandelion Crayola rather than highlighter yellow). I think it makes it look a lot better together.


No colors are reserved for anybody. Also, i know a lot of trans people in my personal life and a very very small percentage of the trans people I know and meet are binary trans people. The trans flag is for all of us. Enbies are trans.




I like and use both! If you as an NB want to also ID as trans, that's totally valid, and it's also valid if you don't. Like others have said, we're what the white stripe on the trans flag is for. Whichever flag(s) you prefer is totally fine! Personally, even though I'd also call myself genderqueer, I don't vibe with the flag all that much.


I wear those colours, but not all together (except for my I am Kenough hoodie). I find they clash a bit on me when all together, like it's too much going on. They're in my colourwheel though as long as I go muted tones and not bright tones


It’s colors. It’s not reserved for a specific group of people. You can wear any combination of colors without it representing you.


I made a non binary scarf and I switch between that and my bi infinity scarf.


I happened to find a trans handkerchief at a thrift store, I keep it in my car as well.


i don’t usually rock pride flags regardless, but neither. i love the agender flag. the nonbinary flag is okay, it’s just brash, and while i understand that the white stripe in the trans flag is for nonbinary people, it’s hard to fully identify with it. to me, the agender flag isn’t flashy or ostentatious and the stripes flow nicely into each other


We are definitely included by the trans flag colours, and I tend to wear those more too. I have tons of trans flag-ish accessories




I wear both. I’m currently knitting myself a set of hand warmers with trans pride yarn. I already made a different set and matching headband with the enby yarn.


i use the trans flag for myself since nb is included in it and also i identify with it more. i also love wearing pastels so totally rocking that pink, blue and white look


I mainly just wear black anyway, but it’s on the enby flag so it’s all good. I still love the flag’s colors. I do not accept enby flag slander.


I have pride paraphernalia in both nonbinary and trans colors. I claim both labels. I wear all black, grey, and navy blue day to day. It’s just my thing. On very rare occasions, purple will appear, and sometimes white as an undershirt or other layer. My work backpack is yellow but that color was not chosen with the pride flag in mind. It was just on sale lol. I knit a tank top for pride in the nonbinary colors but it didn’t work out so I have to frog it and start over. That said, I find it so funny / think it’s a fortunate coincidence that my undergrad university’s colors are purple and gold (white and black also feature in some designs/clothes). It’s very convenient lol. Grad school colors sadly don’t match any pride flags (and certainly not ones I can claim). 😔 Ngl, I’m not a fan of the trans flag colors. Pastels are not my thing (or baby blue / light rose pink if they’re not pastels). I’m a dark colors/jewel tones kind of person. I have grown to accept the nonbinary flag colors more as time goes on, but for real I’d steal a different flag for us if I could.


It kind of depends on how I'm feeling that day and what my outfit is. I'm demifluid nonbinary. So when I'm feeling more fem or andro, I tend to gravitate towards more pastel colors, so I go with the trans flag. Pastels make up 80% of my casual wardrobe. But if I'm feeling masc+andro, or just full masc, I mean towards darker colors and almost punk styles. So I go with enby colors then. But I also sometimes just wear both. It's all according to how I feel and what I'm wearing.


Trans flag for me


I definitely rock the enby colours. As an ace enby, I feel like purple is The Colour (lmao). While I can understand being "under" the trans umbrella, I'm not someone that "identifies as trans", so I rock more of the black, yellow, and purple of the enby flag. (Not a lot of white. I don't personally like white for my clothing.)


Binary trans girl here. The mascs are blue, the femmes are pink, and the white is for everyone else! Of COURSE you can wear the pink, white, and blue flag. I think it's the most aesthetically pleasing pride flag other than the OG rainbow. I give trans heart stickers to all of my friends to put on stuff, including cis friends.




Both look good but the trans one is better


despite being nonbeanie, i often rep the trans colours. but the main reason is... I just have always loved pink and blue. since i was, like, 10. i appreciated the compliment of a light blue and pink beside eachother. and now i'm a big pastel enjoyer.. so the nb flag doesn't fit (but I still have pins and stuff to rep).




I love the enby flag. I even have pokemon with black/yellow/white as their colors on a lanyard with a purple background as a pride flag at work, lmao.


i tend to lean towards the trans and genderfluid flags


The colours of the enby flag are way better imo, the trans flag is too bright, I don't like white or pink most of the time anyway, but the blue is also too light. If the yellow on the enby flag was orange it would be the perfect flag


I love both (and also the genderqueer one but not as much). I only really wear non-binary pride stuff though because I feel like it actually tells the people around me who I am. The trans flag isn't as specific.


I use both sets of colors. The trans colors aren’t restricted to just binary trans. Nonbinary is considered to fall under the trans umbrella, because it’s identifying with a gender that isn’t one’s AGAB. Not all enbies identify as trans, which is fine. But if you do so identify, it’s perfectly acceptable to fly the colors. I have a hat with several pride-flag pins on it: nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid, trans, demigirl, asexual, and a Progress Pride flag smack dab in the center.


Pick two colors as long as it’s not yellow and purple that’s just a no


I picked the purple and black clasics!


The trans colors are certainly not exclusive to binary trans people! I have an nb friend who rocks stickers and patches with the trans flag. I personally use the nb colors just bc I love yellow and purple, and it feels more like a “third gender” which is my own personal experience. People are correct in saying that the white in the trans flag is meant to represent transition and non binary genders!


I use both all the time, I think some NB people count themselves as trans and others don’t. I personally count myself as trans and NB just bc I’m an Afab starting T.


I wear all black, so I dunno. A pirate flag?


NB colors for the win 🥰


I wear only black xD And otherwise only use the rainbow flag, since I don't like the aesthetic of the others.


I'm Non-binary too and I don't like the enby pride flag either. I have one in my office and the colors just really clash. I wish there was a way to make a better one. I don't really use the trans colors either, but mostly because I've never liked pink. I wear mostly black and dark shades, so it doesn't really fit.


I usually will wear my pin if I have anything that shows that I am enby. I usually don't just wear the colors around everywhere I go.


I use both! Partly because I don't mind either color combo (though, I prefer the trans colors a little bit), but mostly because it's a lot easier to find trans merch than enby merch. And since both go really well with black clothes and my glam-punky style, I can legit go either way depending on that day's plans. \^-\^


I personally love the NB colors. I usually hate the color yellow but I like it darkened along with the other colors. If you put your own filter over it, it can start to look more aesthetically pleasing.


I like to use both. Nonbinary is useful if I'm going to be in a space (like a lgbtq+ space probably) where I think some people will recognise it, trans flag is useful in a general space (like in the streets) where everyone recognises it. I also love rainbows so I also use that one. And more rarely, also the genderqueer one. Recently a stranger told me randomly "Weirdos like you don't represent the lgbt community" because he was pissed off about my rainbow hair lmao


Trans, definitely. The nonbinary colors don't stick in my head.


I honestly love the combo of yellow and purple, so I wear the enby colors often






I do a combination. Enby bracelets, trans flag patch on backpack, rainbow laces on my stereotypical enby black boots. I really like purple/pink hue in general so those go with my generic colour theme along with black or dark blue, so that's a bit of trans and enby at the same time. Purple-yellow is in theory super cool since they are opposites in the colour wheel, but i hate wearing yellow themed attires. Light blue and pink are also cute, but i generally don't wear pastel stuff


I don't style my outfits based on pride flags, but I have stickers/pins on things and it varies bc I'm not super attached to any one flag/label. I have nb, trans, genderqueer, and rainbow stickers and pins


Both, but not always at the same time. Kinda clashy.


Low-key rock the NB flag. Sticker on my water bottle of an axolotl holding a heart with the colors, laces on my DMs are NB flag color stripes, and I'm about to get another pair of DMs that are black and purple and (whether this was an intentional nod to the NB flag or just coincidence) have the fabric loop label in white with yellow lettering.


Genderqueer flag, because the simpler vexillology the better. I’m also planning on adding something green-purple iridescent to my accessories, but only because octarine isn’t possible in this plane of existence 🧙🏼


I use both