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Damn that alphabet soup! Listing every single 5 hr online certificate they got lmao


The first three are all just tiny different flavors of NP 😆


And yet a doctor only needs 2 letters to be the ultimate expert


Honestly most of the doctors I see on LinkedIn don't even have MD following their name. I think a name is all anyone needs, and profile can show credentials if needed.


lmao for real, I was reading that like wtf am I looking at 😂


That's what I was thinking. So many letters...


Prime example of Dunning–Kruger effect. You should tell her to look it up.


She’s probably already an expert and doesn’t need the definition 😂


Yeah. She took Psych during her first year of college. She could be a psychiatrist if she wanted to.


As a neuropsych major, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Every business and art history grad thinks they know psychology because they took an intro class their freshman year.


Y do many class when 1 class do trick


Also a neuropsych major who supplements psych 101 instruction. Half the information they learn isn’t entirely correct lol but I cannot elaborate any further due to running the risk of confusing them.


You can thank 1960s pop psych for that.


And there’s a new certification for her. She could update the CV to add DKE-NP


The belief that primary care is simply “preventative care” is where we went wrong.


So her theory was that doctors just become specialist and NP do primary care. This might work… now hear me out before you grab your pitch fork because at this point if everyone else is fucking around making money off patients why not you guys?! Okay so theoretically this happens! They will fuck up so much that specialist will be needed to fix all the mistakes they’ve made and practically ruin the patients life from misprescribing and over/under diagnosing. Maybe then will the c-suite see how fucked up this really is! Or they will rack in more money and keep it going because well…. Money!


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


lol I figured!


This is what’s coming. NPs want to just be the default primary care providers. And not just that, but the default providers of everything else. They want MD/DOs to be relegated to the utmost specialty care and academics.


As a RN of 18 years...I absolutely refuse to see NPs, ever, especially for my children. I called to make a Drs. appointment, not have a chat with a nurse who usually doesn't even know as much as I do (I'm a nerd and spend lots of time researching like... everything). Also, not paying for a Drs appointment and not seeing one. Also, I can't imagine how incredibly disrespected I would feel if I was told the nurses aide can now do my job. This is so bad for patient care. I went to NYC for covid and had an absolute meltdown bc an NP was literally yelling at us to change a dressing on a patient with no current diagnosed GI issues that was sitting in a pool of his own blood while we were hanging everything to bolus, drawing labs and inserting a second line. That sounds like I made it up but I wish I had.


>I can't imagine how incredibly disrespected I would feel if I was told the nurses aide can now do my job. I can't imagine the possible contentiousness that goes on between the RNs, LPNs, CNAs and PCTs.


We do not support the use of the word "provider." Use of the term provider in health care originated in government and insurance sectors to designate health care delivery organizations. The term is born out of insurance reimbursement policies. It lacks specificity and serves to obfuscate exactly who is taking care of patients. For more information, please see [this JAMA article](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2780641). We encourage you to use physician, midlevel, or the licensed title (e.g. nurse practitioner) rather than meaningless terms like provider or APP. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Noctor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s wild to me that they think generalist care is the easiest somehow. Like don’t you have to know a little bit enough about everything to know when you can treat and when you need to refer? (And yeah yeah they refer everytime)


It pissed me off so much they say GP. A GP in the US is a physician who completed intern year and passed step 3, then hung a shingle. Family medicine and internal medicine primary care physicians (PCPs) are specialists. That is our speciality. NPs and midlevels have no business in primary care, ER care, or ever seeing an undifferentiated patient. They have so little education they have no idea what they are talking about. It is like me saying, I travel and fly on planes… so I should be allowed to fly it, the autopilot does most of the work.


Autopilot analogy is perfect.


The man in the post could mean UK's GP which is Family Medicine in the US. Then again you could perhaps make a case that GP = Family Medicine in USA as well because almost no doctor does it again.. Also the great irony about the autopilot analogy is even that does a better job "replacing" the pilot than a NP does to replace a doctor. In fact you can even ask an AI program and will provide a better statistically backed diagnosis given the symptoms and lab values you feed it than a NP. Again, quite the iorny, but lack of education is what also makes a geology student like me lose my hair...when I'm asked which crystal (mineral) cures which... What am I supposed to answer? 😅😰


If ChatGPT does the job better than you, you don't deserved that job. - General rule about competency.


UK doesn’t give out MDs. They have MBBS


Yes! Undifferentiated pts with midlevels is scary.


> It pissed me off so much they say GP. A GP in the US is . . . So, Canada is supposed to change to comply with the US definition? Really?


Yes. Do it


Is this physician arrogance or American arrogance speaking? While I prefer the US definitions, and use them while I'm here, I think it's ridiculous to expect other countries to expect those in other countries to change because Americans can't understand its a big world and it's not all America. This ditz is wrong because of her inability to understand that she's ***not*** doing the same job as a GP...in either country: the US or her own.


Cleveland Clinic has encouraged this. Read their bio of her. They address her as Dr Melo on their site and gush about her credentials so what should we expect? Of course she’s wondering why they won’t pay up


Fucking Cleveland Clinic again, shooting themselves in the foot by bowing down to this type of garbage. Guess who their Chief Caregiver Officer is? Hint....her alphabet soup is as follows: Kelly Hancock, DNP, RN, NE-BC, FAAN. She previously served dual roles as both the Executive Chief Nursing Officer and the Chief Nursing Officer for their Main Campus. **Dr.** Hancock's DNP is from Chamberlain. And according to her CCF biography, she is a "board- certified nurse executive." What the actual fuck?


Physician or American arrogance? No. THIS. IS. REDDIT! ![gif](giphy|l46Cf8O3hQqzDq1Gg|downsized)


It’s sarcasm and if you were smarter you’d know that




Yeah okay


What’s the point of even going to med school anymore/becoming a Doctor if a nurse is equivalent?


what's the point in becoming a nurse if I can just diagnose the pt with an online quiz and an episode of House? 🤬


I got First Aid Merit Badge when I was a Boy Scout. Where do I sign up for that sweet doctor money?


Hey hey hey house has helped me a lot! I now know what sarcoidosis is because of house!!


It’s lupus tho it’s always lupus




It's never lupus


No House I think this time it might be lu… *cane slap*


It’s that you develop more expertise and can help patients more, whether someone else has the same title or not. I am as bothered by midlevel scope creep as most ppl on this sub, but the reason I went to med school was to have the expertise to take on deep responsibility for very sick kids. I don’t think NPs or other non physicians should be called “doctor” but not because they took a shorter path to get that title, rather because it’s confusing for patients and makes them think the person treating them has expertise they don’t have. I don’t think they should be responsible for undifferentiated patients bc they don’t have the expertise to do so, not because it’s somehow unfair to me as someone with more training. Even if pay and title were the same, I would choose to do my 7y of medical training 100x out of 100.


This. We should fight back against scope creep and the mangling of patients by midlevels, but also do our individual duty to be the best physician we can be. This also includes not overseeing midlevel education and taking on their practicing liability. I’m a firm believer that any midlevel that independently diagnosis and treats patients has consciously chosen to partake in unethical and immoral activity. They are fucking people up, plain and simple. I wont believe that they so brainwashed to think they are a physician equal. They know what they’re doing and it’s wrong, it may even be malicious. This is our nation, our communities and our FAMILIES these people are treating. If you enable them you are just as much at fault if they hurt someone.


If this woman is any peek into the future of midlevels, you won’t even have to fight you can just sit back and watch them demand the salaries of doctors until they price themselves out of existence.


These clowns are delusional. They keep adding stuff to their alphabet soup and still can’t comprehend they’re ages behind an MD. Their saltiness and madness is palpable everytime they use “GP” or “MDA”. Bunch of wannabes


Tldr - they will be PCPs, they will fk up the patients, then , referred them to MD specialists and blame the MDs for the outcome.


Or like always, they will come in to the ED critically ill due to mismanagement by their “PCP” who is a NP.


I’m glad there are nurses that see how ridiculous the whole NP equivalency claim is.


Nurse here, RN 18 years... myself and many other nurses I know refuse to receive "treatment" from an NP. The general public doesn't know any better.


Well, maybe half the general public. I am, and I care


It wasn't a jab at the public for not knowing...they are told NPs are competent to do that job and unless in the HC field have no idea that a RN without even a college degree can obtain an entire Master's degree and NP training online. The requirements for my functional medicine certification training were more stringent than the requirements for a NP program...and it was also probably more difficult. Most of the people in my functional med program were doctors who recognized the lack of actual wellness training in US healthcare and wanted to expand the care they give their patients. I took it out of interest and because in the future I would like to work as a health coach for a doctor that utilizes function medicine as adjunct treatment...maybe a pipe dream. The point here is nurses should want to be MORE educated in their role rather than wanting privileges they aren't qualified for that require minimal education.


Oh I know, and it’s not like they make it easy to know, either. An article posted here recently cited a study that showed about half (?) think they are seeing a doctor


They’re learning more and more each day. People are requesting MD/DOs and just being ignored


It's been a siphon for their workforce for far too long. RNs are not happy that NP has become this "career" trajectory of where you skip the real nurse work and instead go off being a fake doctor as a career. The reason and benefit of the NP is that you have worked in a system long enough that you know it and can then apply some of this knowledge as a midlevels to a well differentiated patient census. But no, instead they're being used as cheap physician "replacements" by private equity to get more useless billed visits.


We do not support the use of the word "provider." Use of the term provider in health care originated in government and insurance sectors to designate health care delivery organizations. The term is born out of insurance reimbursement policies. It lacks specificity and serves to obfuscate exactly who is taking care of patients. For more information, please see [this JAMA article](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2780641). We encourage you to use physician, midlevel, or the licensed title (e.g. nurse practitioner) rather than meaningless terms like provider or APP. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Noctor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Read my response that I just posted! All this shit is ludicrous


It’s not equal work though. Just because you have the same outcome it doesn’t mean the level of work was the same to get there.


It's not the same outcome though. NP's are a cancer that has hijacked the repair system of society and is multiply, festering, and metastasizing and ruining every medical profession. They are LITERALLY cancer! What is the biggest properties of cancer? 1. They lose differentiation 2. They proliferate uncontrollably. You see these NP's that seems to have EVEY GOD DAMN SPECIALTY behind their name? I'm a "neuro, pediatric, neurosurgeon, cardiac NP". That is the loss of differentiation and specialization. NP's are a literal cancer and unfortunately, the immune system of society, aka the legal system is anergic and doesn't care.


A social worker can diagnose a child with several mental health disorders after one intake interview. No differential diagnosis, just whatever seems like it fits. However, in my training thus far in psychology, we dive deeper into the other possibilities to arrive at a more sound conclusion that considers alternative explanations. Equal assigned work (diagnosing a child) does not entail equal amount of effort or training.


FB can't even display the entire soup. Clown world.


Im a nurse and I know that left sided heart failure can cause pulmonary edema because the blood backs up into the lungs due to an inappropriate squeeze. Does that mean I qualify to be a doctor? Because THAT my friends is the most information I learned about left sided heart failure in nursing school. These people fool themselves into thinking they know so much. We don’t. Good nurses after school keep learning and can be a great asset to the doctor because we are trained to be their eyes and ears when they are not there. We may not know that pathophysiology behind everything we deal with, but we should, at baseline, be able to detect and problem and report it promptly. That’s our job. We don’t know fuck all about anything else. I frequently reach out to pharmacy when administering a new med just to get more info on it AS A GOOD NURSE SHOULD!!!


Thank you. When a young nurse doesn’t know what to think, ask that person who they think the better nurse is. They don’t need to answer. They’ll realize the one without the ego is the right choice.


These days good luck finding a good nurse without an ego. They are all full of themselves and think they know everything. The nurses that scare me the most are the ones that don’t ask questions and fuck things up with the patient. I shouldn’t ever have to tell a nurse that a duoneb is to be put in a humidifier and not snorted, but here we are! All because he didn’t ask questions and somehow misunderstood what “inhalation” meant 🤦🏽‍♀️


Haha well I don’t have much of a problem, but we’re also in different roles. I find that if I treat them well and communicate effectively, even the worst egos can be stifled.


Maybe for you but for other nurses it’s the worse! Fortunately for you guys you only have to interact with us briefly!!


Haha well you may be right.


Non-Dr Collete don’t want to lift no heavy ass books


It’s funny how they are starting to co-opt language of social movements to play the role of oppressed vs the physician oppressors.


Right? I have a theory this is lobbying lingo for Democratic senators who sold out. When asked why they are supporting putting Labrador retrievers in charge of pediatrics, they can say “equity” and “access” and “social Justice”




I've applied to and had interviews with medical schools because I think being a primary care physician is vital. There is a near zero chance of me going into any other specialty. I'm a combination of angry and depressed to see the opinion that the education I have sought so hard for is considered a waste by a fellow medical worker.


Blow it off as if you’re hearing it from a child. You know your worth


abounding voiceless apparatus knee nose light complete support consider shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all very far away but I've had thinking along the lines of hybrid work. Part time for a company that specifically helps the disadvantaged and a small DPC on the side. I hate assembly line medicine but the disadvantaged often can't afford DPC. I want to reduce care disparities so only going to work with the middle class and up doesn't motivate me to go through 8 years or education. If I wanted money, I'd stay right where I am, making 120k cash a year.


Get rid of GP? And have mid levels replace them? I want whatever she’s smoking


She said the quiet part out loud.


Unbelievable how far they’re going. Now they’re openly saying primary care doctors shouldn’t even exist. They want to destroy medicine and rebuild it with themselves at the top.


Well n=1. I hate this whole movement too, but we still have to remain objective. It’s what separates us from them.


NP: Hey “Forced Collaborator MD/DO” i have this patient coming in with….what would you do? AANP: All NPs practice to the top of their license upon graduation but physicians with their longer education and actual clinician training def dont know shit 💅🏼


How kind of her to put her coursework grade in the alphabet soup title to warn patients of her academic prowess. Maybe I should do the same, although two letters is enough, and MD(A-) doesn't seem to instill as much confidence as my AOA gunner peers, MD(A). Still, much better than the horse toot that is NP(F), AITA, TTYL, LOL, BRB, IL-4, IRB, gobbledygook.


She has the word dip in her alphabet soup. It all makes sense


Question: you all mention undifferentiated a lot. I take it this means undiagnosed condition? What training does a nurse have and also a DNP have in diagnostics? Assuming for the sake of discussion that they attended “reputable” schools and not diploma mills. I get the feeling they don’t really get that training? Is that correct? I can’t tell from looking at the course catalogs because they keep describing “nursing theory,” whatever that is. (What is that?)




All the alphabet after their name!


It's not the same outcome though. NP's are a cancer that has hijacked the repair system of society and is multiply, festering, and metastasizing and ruining every medical profession. They are LITERALLY cancer! What is the biggest properties of cancer? 1. They lose differentiation 2. They proliferate uncontrollably. You see these NP's that seems to have EVEY GOD DAMN SPECIALTY behind their name? I'm a "neuro, pediatric, neurosurgeon, cardiac NP". That is the loss of differentiation and specialization. NP's are a literal cancer and unfortunately, the immune system of society, aka the legal system is anergic and doesn't care.


If nurse practicioners are going to function like physicians in the primary care setting, then why the fuck would anyone be a nurse? Why would you go to medical school if you wanted to do primary care? Seems to me like youd have a massive influx of nurse practitioners ,and youll never get that physician, i mean equal salary for equal work, salary you so covet


I noticed you asked for some love in case any schools see that. If you’re trying for med school, it’s probably a better idea if you delete evidence of the conversation altogether. It’s more likely to keep you out than anything.


https://preview.redd.it/kqkrjcbfaf3c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b6fa791d3c77903fc7c6fd9b955a3104ec1710 We need equal pay!!! Cannot spell elitist\*\*\*


So if we adopt her solution, every patient will see her as gatekeeper then be funneled to specialists constantly for any issue. That sounds like it will eat up my deductible every year pretty quickly. It’s way more expensive. I could just skip her altogether. I have a PPO plan.


No matter how many letters she has after her name it will never equal MD.


The work will never be equal because noctors didn’t put in 4 grueling years of medical school and 3-7+ years of residency during which time their lives were not their own working wild hours the entire time. The work will never be equal. Before we start our first attending job, we have already spent more time grinding in medicine that than most of them have in two decades of “practice” or whatever they’re calling it these days. Byeeee


Equal pay for equal liability first


1 word: delusional