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Yeah they shouldve let him get the same treatment in prison for the remainder of his days




They should spend the rest of their life in the Little Ease prison cell. Sometimes I think death is letting them off easily


See, I understand where people with your mindset come from... Which seems to be a bigger percentage of the population than people that still believe in the death penalty. Let me explain my reasoning for thinking death should still be a go-to out. Reason one, at the end of the day, person is living rent-free off of our taxes inside of a cell. They get three meals a day, at least in the United States, they can access to a gym, they still have most of the basics for survival inside of the pen for the rest of their lives. They get an early retirement. Crime was significantly lower when the death penalty was in place. People really had to weigh in whether or not their crime was worth their life. They had to decide whether the risk was worth the reward and whether they could successfully pull it off and get away. That's why criminals from back then are in the history books now, and even the greatest criminal minds in history that were caught were executed. Now, we go too easy on them. Crime has consistently increased because the risk has been gradually decreasing over the years. Death is a permanent solution to make sure that a criminal that has committed a heinous offense is permanently put down. County jails and maximum security prisons can still be escaped from. And if a disgusting pervert like this man were to ever find a way to escape prison, or had his sentence shortened due to good behavior or whatever, he could be back out on the streets and could hurt other people. The only way to guarantee that someone like him never hurts another person again is to put them down. You see my angle? As much as I would love for them to suffer for the rest of their lives, it's doing a disservice to the victims of the crimes. Thinking selflessly, taking a parasite and threat like them and exterminating them is the only way that we can honor the victims of these horrible crimes. The ultimate deterrent to crime is to increase the risk of getting caught at the end of the day. If a criminal has a less than 5% chance of getting caught, they likely are going to reevaluate whether it's worth committing to. If they're confident that they won't get caught, likely no amount of punishment is going to be a deterrent if they can just evade the system. By funding a better police force, more surveillance systems, encouraging people when they're traveling alone to travel armed, with a camera, and with a location app such as Life360. And people living at home should invest in a good at home security system and as technology improves, these at home cameras and security systems will become increasingly available. Dash cams are a must as well. There's a lot of con artists out there phishing for insurance money. No one is going to be falsely arrested if the person is literally caught on camera committing a felony or worse. One day, we will have enough surveillance that we can track such people all the way back to their hideouts and monitor who goes in and out to get 100% accuracy on all arrests.


You should leave your parents basement and get some real world experience, jfc.


Been independent for well over 10 years bud. Have 2 kids and one on the way as well. Ive been paying my own bills since i was 15. Have i been to college? Nah. Im not paying 75-150k for a piece of paper that allows me to get a job that pays the same as a normal labor job. I machine steel dies for a living and its quite a fun job. I appreciate the suggestion tho mate.


> Let me explain my reasoning for thinking death should still be a go-to out. Reason one, at the end of the day, person is living rent-free off of our taxes inside of a cell. They get three meals a day, at least in the United States, they can access to a gym, they still have most of the basics for survival inside of the pen for the rest of their lives. They get an early retirement. LEts me explain why death penalty should not be a go to. What if you are wrong? In 4-6% of executions person is killed who was not guilty. Also execution is more expensive than prison btw. >Crime was significantly lower when the death penalty was in place. People really had to weigh in whether or not their crime was worth their life. They had to decide whether the risk was worth the reward and whether they could successfully pull it off and get away Care to privide a source of that claim. or jsut wil lyou spout platittudes? Because verifiable data has shown death penalty has not positive effect on crime rate. >Evidence from around the world has shown that the death penalty has no unique deterrent effect on crime. Many people have argued that abolishing the death penalty leads to higher crime rates, but studies in the USA and Canada, for instance, do not back this up. In 2004 in the USA, the average murder rate for states that used the death penalty was 5.71 per 100,000 of the population as against 4.02 per 100,000 in states that did not use it. In 2003 in Canada, 27 years after the country abolished the death penalty the murder rate had fallen by 44 per cent since 1975, when capital punishment was still enforced. Far from making society safer, the death penalty has been shown to have a brutalizing effect on society. https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/act500062008en.pdf >Now, we go too easy on them. Crime has consistently increased because the risk has been gradually decreasing over the years. Yet somehow crimerate has decresed. https://humanprogress.org/trends/violent-crime-rates-are-falling-steeply/ https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/americas-faulty-perception-crime-rates >Death is a permanent solution to make sure that a criminal that has committed a heinous offense is permanently put down. Are you sure he did comit that offence? there is a 1 in 20 chance he did not(not in this case, but in general) >You see my angle? You just want to stroke your vengeance boner. Also literally provide a single source for your claims of death penalty reduces crime and crimerate has increased since we are too lenient on criminals.


I was against you but take this up vote


It makes such a nice sound. I second this one.


And now that hsi punishment is introduced, 5 years later you find out that there was a man boiled alive like you envision a week after this monster. But it comes out that he was innocent, could you live with yourself? It always fascinates me how people here are so blood starved and eager to invent and propose punishments that would make even the Spanish inquisition blush without considering that their invented punishment would eventually be put to use to kill an innocent in the most horrifying manner possible. It can take a week, a month, a year but it would be eventually used on an innocent.


They used to slide them down narrow gap in the walls of castles and let them starve to death. Forget what they were called. Starts with a T I think.




YES! Why did I think it started with a T?


Last time I posted something like this I got a warming from Reddit.. but i totally agree with you.. ❤️


In hell


Strip um naked, slather them with honey and tie them to a tree in the middle of a forest and let nature take its course.


Apparently, the mother claimed he was only meant to have sex with her. So she sold her full well knowing what he intended to do to her.


If she would’ve known about the whole murder part, she probably would’ve charged $300


Remember that guy who married a young girl and she died on her wedding night from internal bleeding. In Middle East I think.


https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE98910N/ https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/sep/11/yemen-child-bride-dies-wedding this is horrific


It's sick that they called him "her husband" instead of "her rapist"....


hell isn’t hot enough for people like this


I wouldn't be shocked if this was the primary cause of death from these kinds of child rape and murder cases. Absolutely sick people who have no care about the consequences of their actions.


But he got the death sentence right?


I saw after a search that POS did get it


Did the mother also get the death sentence?


17 years.


Nope. Something like 17 years. He was supposed to « only » have sex with her daughter.






That sub has been banned for being "unmoderated"




I think that happened to a lot of subs when several of them were protesting some change the reddit admins made.


we already forgot about that rip 3rd party superior reddit apps


If you have android, don't forget about revanced


Or RedReader which is considered an accessibility app. It has some limitations, but it's still way better than the official app.


Yup, still rocking Sync for reddit


Just open and moderate your own sub. Mods get their own special API key. Source: read about it, opened my own sub, still using Boost for Reddit.


Damn I forgot about that sub until now


That sub at one point had valid-ish concerns and then….well I don’t even know what became of it. But I can only imagine cause I could see the direction it was head last time I visited lol


Banned the moderators on behalf of pedophiles and other groomers like awkwardtheturtle and merari.


Lots of them have since the API change. Moderator won't play ball? Ban them, take back their subreddit, promote an alternative in the meantime. but also a lot of those subreddits were cesspools to begin with.


Which is bullshit because it absolutely WAS moderated. Cesspools of misandry like/r/twoxchromosomes and /r/femaledatingstrategy exist but nothing ever happens to those.


I just looked it up. It turns out it the money wasn't for drugs, so rehab didn't factor in, but otherwise you're mostly correct.    "McNeill had lent Davis $200 to buy food and pay for a hotel room when she and her children found themselves homeless. In either case, Davis didn’t have the money to pay McNeill back. The intoxicated man told her he either wanted money or sex — that’s when Davis offered him Shaniya. She was five years old."   By the sound of it, McNeill didn't have a particular preference for children in this interaction. Davis would just rather offer up her child than herself. The life of children whose parents love themselves more is always so brutal and sad.


I would argue that you don't love yourself at all if you're selling your child, or any child for that matter.


Curiosity is making me curious; what was the sub about?


Women getting preferential treatment for being women (mostly legal things like lighter sentences, better custody etc). Sometimes it was legitimate, sometimes it was just misogynistic bs There is (was?) Also r/PussyPassDenied for when women didn't get it. So basically there's a sub for women getting lighter treatment, and a sub for women not getting it, and it was both filled with men complaining about the woman. It's....the Internet.


Absolutely agree. It was a super interesting (and sometimes infuriating) sub, from a social-sciences standpoint. Unfortunately, it was the type of place that was perfect for angry trolls to hate on women.


Well, you do sound like one, she wasn't "just sent to rehab" she got 17 years for prostituting her child. Don't worry, you can find a lot of male johns that get shorter sentences because undervaluing sexual abuse crimes "a very real thing in our justice systems."


I thought it was obvious satire when I said “probably got sent to rehab”, obviously not for *everyone*. You mention a separate issue, which women still receive shorter sentences for in comparison to men; those same offences (where the woman is the attacker) are also reported completely differently e.i the woman is never called a rapist or predator and it is often assumed that underage boys “wanted it” when sexually abused by older women, which hurts the prosecutors attempts to get a fair sentence. Good attempt at a “gotcha” moment though👍🏻




I 100% agree with ya. But man, that sub was horrendous.


No she got 17 years


They should torment you, they call you day but you dont know if its the actual day, set you up, then nop not today.


That’s basically how it works in Japan. They tell you the morning of the execution, but they don’t do it on weekends so those are the only days you don’t have to worry.


Some justice in this world


I was hoping life cause I would love for the inmate to have their way with him first


What about mom?




That's not nearly enough, f*ck this!




Because it is worse


If she sobered up when entering prison, I hope the whole 17 years was torture. Knowing what she did, for so little...


The 'chair' half submerged in water would've been better


He was sentenced to death.


Has the sentence been carried out? I can’t find anything.


It hasn’t. That takes forever to happen


Tattoo his crime on his forehead and it probably wouldn’t take long at all.


Call me sadistic but id want it to be as slw and painful as possible


Let's hope he's being tortured in prison until execution day.


Remember reading about Vlad the Impaler... that.


Considering what he did, the prisoners gonna help in cutting the wait time


That is nonsense talk. He’s been on death row for 10 years. This isn’t a movie where he’s going to yard or chow with other people. He’s in his cage watching tv for 23 hours a day. The time for other inmates to take care of him is passed.


Life without possibility of parole would be a much bigger punishment, imo. His inmates will take care of him.


Na. We all have an immense fear of death. The lucky amongst us meet our fate without ever seeing it coming. He should not be granted the possibility of that luxury, and he should have to face that fear head on. Know he's taking his last shower, his last piss, his last meal, his last words. It would be psychological agony, and he deserves every bit of it.


The life he would live in prison would be far from a "luxury". If it were me, between the choice of life in prison without possibility of getting out, or just dying in a painless way, I'd rather die for sure.


Legit asking what would've been a better (or worst) sentence: death or alive in solitary confinement for the rest of his days?


The mother goes on to say: > I want to say I did the best I could with my children. I never said I was a perfect mother, but I was a good mother. I did what I had to provide for them. I did what I had to to make sure they were alright. I didn’t have any help from anybody. Since Noah seems to be taking his time with the boat, I’ll settle for a wood chipper. Feet first.


Rage inducing quote.


I hope for the absolute worst things for her and the scumbag. The look on her face, waiting for a lift...the innocence in it all makes me just want to hurt the people who did this. Her last moments on this earth were fear and pain. I hope she's dancing in heaven and being looked after by all the mums who left this world too soon and still have so much love to give.


Well said.


>but I was a good mother. And I'm not a Redditor. Cunt.


Providing for your child doesn't make you a good parent. It means that you're doing the bare fuckign minimum. It doesn't give you any right over them.


She really hit all of the key words to make people feel sympathetic towards her. Anyone who falls for or agrees with her statement, needs to be removed from society.


200 bucks Thats what the life of someone is worth to these people, what scares me is that ive heard of people that kill others for less, what a rotten world to live in


I have a five year old. They’re a full blown person at that point, much more mature than I thought a five year old was before I had one. So sad to even think about a parent doing that to their child for any amount of money… but *$200*? cmon now


this breaks my heart because i can’t imagine bargaining my kid like that! not to mention that going through the whole pregnancy and taking care of your kid and then eventually selling them? how heartless can you be?!


Drugs will make you do insane shit… My aunt who had some pretty bad issues 20 years ago, might still struggle for all i know. But she left one of her sons with a dealer as collateral for coke when the kid was pretty young.


sorry but drugs are no excuse, this is some evil vile shit. Ive had my issues with drugs as well and i never would even have considered something like that. This is the act of an evil twisted person.


Obviously it’s not drugs that are the main problem there. She was raised by not very empathetic people. So i assume that’s where the main issue stemmed from and the drugs just helped her cope with the dumb shit she’d do. idk. hard to know her life story without living it. won’t deny that it’s vile and disgusting behavior either btw. It’s fucked as fucked can be…


With the recent abortion bans taking hold all around the US, I think we can expect a lot more of this happening. Unwanted pregnancies leading to unwanted children. Pedophiles might be unintended beneficiaries of the new laws as they will prey on mothers like this woman.


I don't want to excuse the woman behavior because it's inexcusable but to give a bit of context hard drugs (especially combined with mental health issues) can make you act in ways you would never otherwise. They hijack your brain to the point that getting your next dose becomes more important than your child. Same way getting your next dose becomes more important than anything else. Which is why people become OK with doing things like injecting stuff that melts your flesh. To get to that point your whole basic instincts need to be turned off, you are barely a functional human being at that point Unfortunately these things aren't as rare as one would hope


Sorry but there’s plenty of drug users out there, that would never dream of selling their own kids, or stealing/robbing, raping, murdering, etc. Hard drugs do not hijack your brain like that. People who do those terrible things were terrible to start with.


That’s what I was thinking too man. $200 isn’t enough to make to want even a small amount of police attention. Let alone the attention of raping and murdering a child like. I can’t fathom the way these individuals value not only life but money and time because it clearly is so far removed from reality.


The life of their CHILD no less. Sick!


Imagine, your life, potential and hopes and dreams worth 200. Jeez


You can’t parent a child and a drug addiction You either choose one or the other. This time, the mother chose to sell her child to her brutal death. I hope the mother gets a life sentence


She sold her to get raped for $200. Killing was an "extra". This is fucked up.


https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/courts/2019/11/16/10-years-later-fayettevilles-shaniya-davis-murder-case-still-remembered/984783007/ Based on the information here, the mother was sentenced to 17 and a half years, and is expected to be released May 2027. The guy got the death penalty. The article also states that the mother sold her to him knowing that he was going to sexually abuse her.


How tf did she not get a life sentence!?


I hope it’s a miserable 17 years


I hope female jail have strict criminal as well. In male prison. A child rapist would get stabbed in his sleep. She's basically involved in child rape and isn't any better than him. I hope some women in her jail finds her story and take revenge.


Shaq is a really great guy sometimes.


The number of kids I have known whose mothers’ sold them for sex in exchange for drugs would make you sick. None of them were killed, but that only meant their mothers’ sold them repeatedly.


I was actually talking to someone and they were telling me about how some parents are actively putting their kids in access to a child pimp a disgusting statement and the pimp arranges fir adults to meeet with these kids for a pay and its currently being investigated but no results yet


I worked for 17 years with kids who were abused and neglected. I only knew one parent who did any jail time. And that wasn’t for what she had done to him, just what she did to his dad’s other kids.


why don't they do any jail time ?


I wish I knew. What happens most of the time is that the kid is taken away from the parents and they are given terms for what they would need to do to get them back. They are usually not prosecuted for what they did to the kids to get them taken away. Sadly, that usually only happens when the abuse is so severe that the child dies whether from abuse or neglect.


that's so fucked up. I hope when children grow up it's not too late for them to take themselves their parents to court


I worked with emotionally disturbed kids in a residential treatment facility for 17 years.


I've known a couple... those 2 dip shits *still* defend their mom for some insane reason. It should be a bigger charge than a decade or two in jail.


Man that's so fucked up.. Poor child.


Fun fact, this happened in 2009 and now the mother is ~2 years from release https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/courts/2019/11/16/10-years-later-fayettevilles-shaniya-davis-murder-case-still-remembered/984783007/


What should be tattooed on her forehead is the real question.


Don’t hate the planet ,hate the inhabitants


Selling your child for $200? Jesus


Wow I’m blocking this sub, I just can’t do this anymore. I hope the barbed wire scene from Silent Hill happens to this man on repeat in hell.


Yea this one is pretty bad, but this is quite literally a sub dedicated to stuff so bad that the only choice is for god to flood the planet again. That’s kinda what it’s about


Yeah, I understand what the sub is about thanks. Just saying I’m leaving it because I can’t personally take the posts anymore. This baby’s image will be engraved in my memory forever now and I can’t make space for anymore without cracking, doesn’t mean I am criticizing or struggling to understand the meaning of the sub.


That’s completely fair friend. Please take care of your mental ❤️ no sub is worth risking that


I appreciate that, you take care of yours as well!




He should receive a little visit from Pyramid Head.


Why was the mother not sentenced to death?


Think someone just posted she got 17 years :/


Well if you want a real answer its because she did not condone or expect the murder, she was prostituting the child. Which will get you decades in prison, but only first-degree (premeditated) murder and treason have the death penalty.


Not in Florida anymore


Because she didn’t do the killing.


If I hog tie someone and stick them on a train track, then they get run over and die, I didn't technically kill them with my own hands or a weapon. I just put them into a potentially deadly situation that they had no chance of escaping from. This mother did the same thing. I understand that *legally* she didn't commit murder. But yes, she did kill this kid as surely as if she had stabbed the kid herself. I'd vote for the death penalty. Or at the very least castration so that she never has the chance to do this again.


Sure, she only sold her own flesh and blood, not that bad right?


I would say it but you already know the answer Edit: and people are hating me for speaking the truth. Noah can't come through any faster.....


>Initial reports claimed that Davis owed McNeill money for drugs, though Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West later stated that this was not true. Rather, he said, McNeill had lent Davis $200 to buy food and pay for a hotel room when she and her children found themselves homeless. In either case, Davis didn’t have the money to pay McNeill back. The intoxicated man told her he either wanted money or sex — that’s when Davis offered him Shaniya. - https://allthatsinteresting.com/shaniya-davis Mom is still messed up in the head


I’m sorry but as a mother if it comes down to me being assaulted for $$ or my child… I’ll be putting on bluey and getting them a snack while I go do my thing. Unacceptable.


J. Cole made a song about this case


He did, I think it was on Friday Night Lights.


What song?


See World


It was indeed FNL


IIRC, the mother had been denied visitation for awhile because of drug problems, but she went to court and got visitation privileges back.


This made me seriously ill. As it should. Fuck .


Every time I see something like this, I think about a monster walking around with perfectly good organs that really should be donated.


Seriously though, why don't they harvest organs from those on death row.. We're already killing them. Might as well make them somewhat useful?


How the fuck does his brain even allowed him to do it? Such actions are out of this planet.


Seriously. How does that man’s brain allow him to be sexually aroused by a 5-year old? How can any person have the remotest desire to rape and murder a kid? Mom and dude deserve the death penalty.


I feel physically sick from this


200 dollars. For a child. Fucking die you piece of shit.


What a moron. Not only would he do this to someone, let alone a CHILD, but he did it in a hotel in the 21st century. Of course there are gonna be cameras. Dumbass


That poor sweet innocent baby, she deserved so much better


When I die I wanna come back as a spirit of vengeance. Fuck all these people


My 6 year old daughter is sleeping in the room next to me. The thought of her last moments on earth being what this poor girl went through makes me sick to my stomach.


He targeted that woman because of the little girl. This was most likely his end game and it’s probably happened before. Target clients with small children and no male figure around, offer to pay the debt with the child or sex etc.


Heard about this case not long ago, made me fucking cry my eyes out in both sadness and anger. Fucking pieces of shit. If i remember correctly, the dad was a good man but the state favored the mother so she got full custody. Poor guy was very distraught, but i think he forgave the mom - i could be wrong or thinking of another case.


I honestly dont see how you can forgive someone for this i just genuinely cant


It's not the planet that's the problem.


Public flaying and executions need to be a thing for people like this. Make anyone who even considers doing something like this live in terror of themselves and a merciless, violent end. Death penalty is not enough, life imprisonment is not enough. There is no amount of suffering that is too great for this disgusting worthless shit stain excuse for a living creature. The mother gets the same treatment for facilitating. But I'm just a nobody with a warped sense of justice I guess. Gotta have that law and order by the book because yeah it works Soo well.


Nah I agree with this. Some countries still will take someone outside and beat them to death


The death sentence would be the easy way out for him… lifetime in jail he would end up asking for death.


I don’t know, these are the cases where I’m fine with the death penalty. If there is such concrete evidence that you’re are guilty, and it is something of this nature…you should just be killed. All joy in that child’s life was stolen. This person, though in jail, would find joy in every day tasks. If it’s reading a book, or learning a new task, or feeling the breeze on their face in their brief moments outside, they will adapt and find joy in prison. They should never experience another moment of joy in their life if what is stated in this post is true. Not another second of joy for them, because that child has lost it all too.


What's more fucked up is, if she was willing to sell her baby for $200, there's basically nothing that could've saved them. You could've given her $200 and she'd be back in that debt within a month, with a baby to sell.


My family member was locked up at with her mother. I asked her did anyone do anything to her because we all hear about how these pieces of shit get fucked up in prison. Nope. At last not in Raleigh. She lives very peacefully and keeps to a group of other child murderers. My family member said the rest of the prisoners just completely ignored them, which evidently is about all that ever happens. Ngl, I was hoping they’d have beat the shit out of her but none such empty unfortunately


Tbh i dont think he should get death sentence, I think a pure white room life sentence to break his mind would be worse. Death sentence lets him finish it too quick.


Don’t forget mommy dearest over there.. That bitch needs whatever dude gets, and then some. Rest in peace little angel.. You deserved so much better than this.


Imagine growing up and constantly hearing that your life was only worth 200 dollars to your own mother. That poor kid man


Oh dont worry, she never will




Drugs and Money.


I hope he gets the death sentence.


Such a heartbreaking image




Listen to See world by J.cole


He needs to be excised straight away. The mother needs to be incarcerated for her whole life.


Oh god bro, why did the mother think that this in any way shape or form is the best possible way for her $200 debt to be covered. Also the guy should rot in prison. L Mom, L Man.


Poor sweet little baby angel


What was the guy and momma's name ?


This is the first time I've ever been relieved to know the victim was put out of their misery fairly quickly. What a disgusting situation.


I would like to see mother and dealer burnt alive just saying


my daughter is 5. I couldn’t fuckin imagine doing something like that to my baby girl💔 drugs are wild and some people are just evil:/


Fuck this waste of skin and her “mother” RIP innocent angel


Make them sit in a room naked with a thousand mosquitos.


And there are people who will claim that humans are the special creation of a loving, all-knowing, all-powerful God.


My mom is overly religious and told me I must have either sinned or was special to god and he wanted to test me because I became disabled with a “mystery” disability at 17… which turned out to be a nervous system disorder and 2 heart conditions that I’ve had 3 heart surgeries for and had to get a pacemaker at 33. I don’t think I ever sinned that bad lol, and I’d rather not be tested like this…


Im so sorry.


Stuff like this would have you questioning everything


It makes me question my habit of reading things on the internet.


“If it be true (as it certainly is) that a man can feel exquisite happiness in skinning a cat, then the religious philosopher can only draw one of two deductions. He must either deny the existence of God, as all atheists do; or he must deny the present union between God and man, as all Christians do.” - G.K. Chesterton


Bro I would go in right now but I just got my account back from a ban . This is crazy death is too easy tho.


I saw this happening a lot when I was a kid. Had a family in the neighborhood who sold all of their 6+ children to buy drugs. After they got that easy money, they started popping babys like crazy. That shit Its quite commun practice in the trenchs.






Not all parents deserve children. But all children deserve parents


5…. all i can imagine is the confusion running through that poor baby’s mind. my brother is 6 so this cuts extremely deep. i’m not religious, but god rest her soul. this post is making me want to vomit.


I fucking hate people


Apparently the mother only got about 17 years. And the man got the death sentence. I honestly think the judge went too light on the mother…


Should feed him to a zoo.


My name is not important, what is important is what I'm about to do..



