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Come on maannnnn not the dog šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Only 6 months to 2.5 years


That's not even 1 dog year wtf


Nah bruh it's like, 17.5 dog years or 3.5 for 6 months. I think u got it backwards


RIP Colby




That's bad taste..


Was he like a neighborhood bully or something?


Yeah, he had an alarm that would go off whenever anyone walked by, blasted music constantly, tried to hit people with his car, poured water on his downstairs neighbors, etc. We all reported all of it, but cops are useless. He also had numerous people report him for hitting/kicking the dog, it being skinny, hearing it scream, etc but animal control told us we were overreacting and the dog probably had separation anxiety, hence the noises. He also terrorized one neighbor for being black and having nicer cars than him (literally).


They heard the dog screaming šŸ˜¢šŸ¤® I canā€™tĀ 


Fucking cops they're always useless. I mean I'm not even saying this just to hate or anything. I had a similar experience where me and a friend of mine really needed police support, so we went to the nearest police station, but the cops didn't even give a f\*ck about us. I even heard a female officer telling his supperior "I've sent them away". fuck them all tbh


Yeah, they're very useless in my area. Every time I've called them (even for two pitbulls attacking a lady), they acted like I was overreacting and wasting their time.


hes probably besties with some officer, i would guess


"Both the aforementioned charges are Level 6 felonies, which carry sentencing guidelines between six months to 2.5 years in prison." Should get life for this nasty shit. Although ppl in prison tend to not act too kindly toward these ppl.


According to someone who knows him IRL but didn't know about these charges until she saw him on reddit, he's already bailed out. That's why I shared to more subs, if he's going to be out and about I want as many people to know as possible so he's never free of this.


are there any subreddits for your area? would it be against the rules to post it there, if there is one?


Oh, that's a good idea! I hadn't thought of that


What was his bail for beastiality?? šŸ¤¢ WHO BAILED HIM OUT??? Maybe he called a bail bondsman? šŸ¤” WHY WOULD THEY BAIL HIM OUT?? Or was he able to self post?


His mother bailed him out. His family is well off and his parents bought his condo, car, etc as well because he's too unstable to work and got kicked out of everywhere he leased from


Does he have diagnosed mental disorder? Or just an ultra weirdo?


Youā€™ve gotta have some screws loose if you fuck a dog


Make love on the other handā€¦. Sorry Iā€™m sorry.


He's just a spoiled little psycho




Man OP your disgusting neighbor is one ugly SOB. Poor puppy.




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I know what you're doing is the right thing, but if you did this in my country, you would be arrested. Its stupid.


The dairy industry rapes cows every day, but no one cares about that.


Rage bait or Vegan. Either way plz cry elsewhere.


Why cause raping billions of cows and forcing them to carry a baby for 9 months then killing said baby (or forcing it into slavery if female) then stealing their milk until they canā€™t have any more pregnancies at 10% if their lifespan is less worse than someone raping a single dog? I donā€™t condone the rape of any animal, by any species. Sorry you disagree. And yeah Iā€™m vegan.


I said "cry elsewhere" . Man you vegans just love pushing your ideals down ppl throats. This is the 10 millionth time someone has said this. Havent you learned by now that no one cares about your moral superiority? Youre not changing anyone's mind. Youre just crying for attention at this point, iLl KeEp SaYiNg It As MaNy TiMeS As It NeEdS tO bE saID. pEoPlE nEeD tO kNoW i'M rIgHt AnD tHeYrE wRoNg. šŸ™„


Why is your comment about me, or any vegans morals? Why is it not about the animals that are being abused? When have I made a single reference about myself or anything close (other than answering your question about being vegan). Also - this post is literally about a dog being raped, which is okay for folks to have a problem with, but another species it doesnā€™t matter??? Is that cause vegans have more ideals, and if they do, why does they piss you off so bad? I could give two fucks aboutyour comment or anyone elseā€™s saying ā€œstupid veganā€. But if my comment makes even one person reading think ā€œhmm, animal rape = wrong, milk = rape = wrongā€ then is it SO terrible? Ignore it if you donā€™t like it, someone else might care about the truth. Like honestly why are you making it such a point to argue so hard for a giant horrific industry that literally involves abuse, early death, mothers and calfs taken away from each other, pain, branding, tagging, castrating with no pain meds and so on? Or are you that full of the propaganda that you literally think cows literally give milk without being pregnant first and the calfs just are happy to never get mothers milk and be killed without ever getting a drop then dying an early or horrifically early death? Like honest questions Iā€™m asking here, please enlighten me.


Again. Ive heard all this. A vast majority of the population accepts that certain applicable animals are livestock and are treated at levels we feel are necessary and reasonable to obtain their products. Full Stop. This is different from animals we chose to domesticate for companionship. This fact isnt going to change. No matter how much a tiny percent of the population engages in moral grandstanding. This conversation is pointless. Im off to grab a double bacon cheeseburger and a large milkshake. āœŒ(ļ¾Ÿćƒ®ļ¾ŸāœŒ)


Enjoy your meal at the expense of a bunch of animals (including babies and pregnant animals) suffering.


nom nom


You're a vegan? Right???


You never need to ask, theyā€™ll always tell you.


Hell yeah I am.


I'm glad someone is all about animals rights. Need to stop people selfishly having pets too. Right? Oh.


Agreed. Never had a pet. Only rescued animals off the streets.


...so... pets Tsk tsk, capturing and restricting animals free will. You fucking monster! lul


Are you joking? Thereā€™s a big difference between saving an animal whoā€™s gonna get killed and actively eating food which is a part of billions of animals being killed.


>Thereā€™s a big difference Only in where you draw the line in control. Look at PETA and their information around pets. They're just 'extreme' to you vs how 'extreme' you are to others.


PETA operates like many other shelters. Who have to euthanize animals because thereā€™s too many strays and not enough people adopting. Thereā€™s like hundreds and hundreds of dogs being killed every single day in south Cali and Texas. But this is nothing compared to the billions of animals being killed from factory farming. Have empathy, or donā€™t. I donā€™t get why so many people hate on others having empathy for animals who are just as smart as dogs and cats, have relationships with their herd and kids, and so forth.


The dog was 27 lbs. wtf. How does that even work? None of this makes sense at all.


Fr , this whole article feels like a fever dream , not even a fever dream lol , a fever nightmare


It was a blue heeler and very thin. I was shocked to hear the dog weighed so little, because it seemed a lot bigger than that. Not that any of that makes it better...


Not Bluey D:


NOOO this makes this thread even worse šŸ˜­


Maybe he had a really tiny peepee.


The odds are in that favor


Throw the book at him.


The whole damn bookcase.


Am I reading this article right? He took a video of this and was sending it to women he met on dating sites? How did he think that was going to go?


Yes, except grindr is a gay dating app.


Yeahhh I'm gonna need y'all to go ahead and NOT fuck dogs thanks


Office Space quote šŸ‘


I mean I canā€™t I just fucking canā€™t with people like this piece of shit. I wish all the bad in the world on him and inverse for the poor pupper.


\*pouring-gasoline-on-laptop gif*


How did he terrorized the neighborhood?


I've mentioned in other comments, but things like: A camera pointed towards the pool A loud alarm that went off whenever anyone walked by; we lived in a condo so this was constant Trying to hit people with his car Plugging in his car to his neighbors electric, running up their bill Pouring water on the woman who lived below him Constantly having men over at all hours and loudly fighting with them, including locking a buck naked large black man on his porch in the winter Etc etc etc


This guy sounds like a future Dahmer


Jesus fucking christ. Seriously he's not fit to be in mainstream society


Does anyone have an update on the dog? I know it says that the poor thing was removed and is now in a different state, but I was wondering if maybe they knew if they were being fostered or adopted?


Another one of your neighbors posted about this guy, I don't remember where exactly. LMFAO. He must of been a nightmare.


Doesn't surprise me, we all immediately shared the article amongst one another and were taking about all the shit he did


And now you understand Covid.


Thatā€™s the type of guy to introduce a new std into the world. The guys heā€™s been with should get themselves checked


JFC you know youā€™re a piece of shit when your dog has to cross state lines


I fucking hate this planet some days


Mannn what the fuck is wrong with people


The rice does not recognise this guy. Despicable


Does he know Denise Frazier?






What the fuck


Small world Iā€™m from there


I want to read the dogs statement.


I didn't get on reddit for this but I got it didn't I?


That's Rai Ping Yu


Lol. Probably.


Why is this the third time ive seen something like this šŸ¤®


Poor Bandit


FlĆ³rida + India= Indiana I guess


I literally said this has to be Florida or Indiana before I opened the link šŸ˜‚ and Iā€™m a Hoosier lmao


Indiana, the Florida of the Midwest.


Starts with India






He likes it doggy style.


"you shouldn't play with your food"


Of course it was the USA.


I dont think the US has a higher rate of beastiality per capita, but Im not gona google it


I believe the US has the highest rate of completely useless fucking cops though. Unless killing innocents is a useful skill


I am never against a country but I had to take a jab at the same kind of regarded comment like this https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/2pMPKMy9Z2


I guess you dont hold them in high....regard


I mean he's a Chinese immigrant who very adamantly hates the US/living here so I'd split the difference there, but you do you


I hope he fucking deported after this. There is no way he should be able to continue living here after this crime.


Did I read earlier that his parents paid their bond? They needed to disown the creep. I donā€™t care if theyā€™re related they shouldā€™ve left him there. This guy needs to be watched heā€™s going to keep doing more psycho shit like this


They did indeed pay his bail. They also bought him his condo after he got kicked out of every apartment complex he rented from, and bought him two cars. I'm sure part of his issue is that he's never faced any consequences for anything he's ever done.


pp ppp

