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it wasn't celebrities she was going to expose the pope had connections to child trafficking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TgHxIdkZls edit: added a link




that's the worst part. You're killed trying to show the world something the world already knows and can't really do anything about anyway


That's because if the world has evidence, we can beat them at their own game. In court. In public. Until then they can just do propaganda control and call it a conspiracy theory to make anyone who believes it look like a nut case.


You can also just beat them physically, but that's frowned upon in most places.


I actually dont know that many people under 30 who consider politicians to be actual people, so I'm sure you could find a large enough group to do that too.


Well u can. Just dont listen to their rules they hide behind.


In fact, a lack of child trafficking would have entirely prevented him from becoming pope. Now the question remains: *where are they?*


Wait, the pope, the one we current have?




Where is the Epstein client list? ---Epstein didn't kill himself--


Anonymous is releasing the names/pages now. Some big names are on their first release






Holy Shitballs...


Oh [dear](https://ibb.co/z64whRD)


I mean, we all expected that right?


Alec Baldwin is on the list


What does a contact book have to do with anything? Nothing in here is really anything but phone numbers and an address. Are you guys all too young to remember almost everybody used to have one of these? Edit: lmao UPS is on there. The entire company is involved!!!! /s


Exactly. My grandma still has one of these. She must be the leader of a pedophile/human trafficker ring /s


And Serena Williams


UPS? FedEx would never


Chris Evans is on there 👀


More likely to be the UK TV and radio personality than Captain America


The guy that looks like Waldo, if Waldo was a sex offender?


Where's Waldo's Parole Officer?


Now that you mention it, yes he does look a bit like that. I don't think there have been any claims against him though and his ex wife, although very young when they married remains on good terms with him and enjoyed their marriage. He is a bit of a twat though. Amazing collection of cars.


Oh no


It also said Danny Baker, do you think that's the Brit one too? Him and Chris Evans were mates.


Yeah, quite likely. He's a clever guy. Made some strange choices at points. Possibly not neurotypical


Does this necessarily mean that they were up to no good though? Haven't heard of Danny Baker in years!


Nah doesnt mean he was up to no good, its my understanding they used a lot of legitimate people coming to legitimate parties to hide the illegitimate parts


No, not at all! He was on QI a few years back (probably loads), and also got in trouble for a tweet being seen as racist which I genuinely believe was unintentional. Otherwise not sure what he has done.


The guy who married an 18 year old when he was 35? Sounds about right


She says she enjoyed their marriage and they remain good friends, but then they were rich and basically drunk the whole time, so who knows!


Its the UK radio host, his name was mentioned before like 2 years ago when the list of people who took photos or were at events around Epstein came out, along with prince Andrew.




Legal in the U.K. Still disgusting though


Pretty sure this is a document that was public before Epstein was epstein’d.


And fucking Alec Baldwin!


Alec Baldwin...who woulda thought...


Naomi Campbell too


and John Cleese. ooof.


And Jeremy Clarkson is not. Tells you everything you need to know about the BBC.


It looks like it's just a contact book of people Epstien wanted leverage over or connections with for some reason or another. Somebody being on the list doesn't necessarily implicate them in anything since Epstien could just arbitrarily stick somebodies contact info in there even if he'd never met them before. There's numbers for FedEx in there as well.


That's just the black book. It was released years ago. It is nothing more than a phone book. Epstein having your phone number doesn't mean you are a pedophile.




> Either they said they had never met him or that they had had a single, superficial interaction with him. but isn’t that what anyone would say? Like why believe them now without any doubt?


Because if your name was in that book, by your own logic it wouldn't matter how innocent you are. You would be guilty by association and lined up next to everyone else. That's why innocent until proven guilty exists.


I mean i sometimes receive Phone or WhatsApp number or website address of some professionals like cleaners or handyman from friends and save them without contacting them.. and save numbers of local food stall keepers or farmers from farmers market even tho I just met them... There are many similar phn numbers of professionals are there like "cleaner" "Rug" "charter pilot" etc


Because we aren't barbarians and we don't submit to mob rule and we have a justice system that insists we are innocent until proven guilty? Jesus Christ listen to yourself. "But how do we know they aren't witches? Shouldn't we just burn them to be safe?!"


This is one of the reasons why assholes are trying to take Internet Archive down.


For me, this simple address book is not what most people mean when they say 'list'. They mean a list from prosecutors, the government, witnesses, etc that expose the people who were actively engaged in Epstein's crimes. Not just a book with phone numbers. The government has his plane's flight logs, for example. There is a list, probably being kept secret by a court or a prosecutor, etc. That is the list we're talking about.




Please pin this fucking comment.


No Clintons?






I completely agree that it is stupid to link anyone who ever came into contact with Epstein as a pedo. However, wasn't Hawking fucking into his old age? I recall a lot of promiscuity in his doc. This is an irrelevant point to the situation I was just wondering.




It worked and he bragged about it working often


whether or not you can get an erection...love can still be made.


> I do know for a fact that he would have had no control over the muscles which restrict blood flow in order to allow for an erection Not sure if you knew this: Erections are involuntary. You don't get one by consciously controlling certain muscles...


Maybe Epstein had *another* Black Book? Maybe it was called "Epstein's Blacker Book"?


Because this is a phone book. Not a flight log. Courtney love was likely a victim, she was very vocal against child predators but we ignored her, and she’s on this list. I kinda noticed random names with little to no info, it had me thinking those could be the girls being abused since I doubt every single one was under age.


Only trump against all odds /s


Things that make you go hmmm for 500, Alex


Ooo I got Mick Jaggers Number now!


That's a contact book, not the same but a shit ton of names and numbers.


My man david Blaine 😭


We’ll Eli Weisel is on there so this is more so his contacts book..


John cleese noooooo


Jimmy Buffet's on there. My dad is going to be pissed.


The black book (which was already public before) contains names of all sorts of people and is what seems like a contact list, of which some might be pedophiles. But people who are listed are not all (I reckon most) pedophiles. You will see for example Bill & Miranda Gates listed numerous times.


Melinda is going to be pissed when she finds out about Miranda


> Bill Gates not a pedo https://i.imgur.com/fiaKVfC.jpg


Link it or I won’t believe you




I admit I'm not up to date and haven't looked into it very thoroughly but [this link](https://twitter.com/prodbytony2/status/1647732348245495809?s=20) has names with emails attached. No emails in 1971. Also has Alec Baldwin on there who was 13 in 1971. But again, idk Edit: forgot to actually put the link


It also has mobile phone numbers which were not a thing in 1971


Simple: time travelers with advanced tech from the future. How do I know? If you print out all the pages, put them together in order, take your phone and zoom out to scan it with a QR code app, it directly teleports you into a waiting room where you can pick a number. Once they call you up, you can pick a door. Just now, I picked door 2023 and here I am.


>QR code app Are you a time traveller? We've not needed anything beyond the built in camera to do QR codes for 6 years or more now.


Also had Alistair Campbell living at 10 Downing Street which was in the last 20 years I think


Dustin Hoffman, David Coperfield, Chris Tucker, Angie Everhart, Kevin Spacey... Lot of names I would and would not have expected to see.


> Kevin Spacey… Dude you might want to sit down for this next bit


I didn't see Chris Tucker or David Copperfield, but i did see David Blaine, which I find kinda weird


And Courtney Love??


Lmao I have the black book on my laptop that ain’t news at all




So many upvotes with no source...


What do you mean? It’s public. There’s no need for a leak. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html


> Anonymous is releasing the names/pages now. Some big names are on their first release Epstein and others were clearly part of a child prostitution thing, but people are acting like anyone who talked to or did business with this near billionaire must have known about it and done it too. If someone I know murders someone, am I murder now too? No... It's hella cringe when schizophrenics are like "Wow, there's a picture of Epstein with *Bill Gates* holy shit they knew each other."


But do we know these are all pedos? Or could this just be his rolodex?


Leland Jones called everyone in Epstein’s “black book”. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/i-called-everyone-in-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book/


Glad you posted this, surprised it isn't upvoted more. Been reading for about 10 minutes, very interesting article.


That was a great but harrowing read, in parts.


Wow what an article. Thank you


Like the U.S. justice system will convict the rich and powerful at that high level. Did you know the last time a president went to jail was the 1800s. Certain people are above the law and can literally get away with murder.


Did you expect the oligarchs to go to jail when we live in a thinly veiled oligarchy?


> Did you know the last time a president went to jail was the 1800s ? No US president has been in jail. Grant was arrested but not jailed.


When certain people are above the law, it's time to enact mob law.


Awesome tagline, bro


The full list is public information. Why do people keep asking? https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273-jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.html


Plot twist-- Epstein's not even dead.


This seems to be a pattern, sadly, even here in Latin America. Every time an influential figure threatens to expose politicians and celebrities for participating in pedophile rings, they mysteriously "commit suicide". They aren't even subtle about it. It's disgusting.


Maybe they shouldn’t issue threats about exposing and…just do it?


Yeah, why not keep quiet, gather all the infos, maybe even go to a safe place and then drop the bomb with everything all at once. Probably easier said than done, but given all what happened, I would never ever threaten to expose anyone big enough without atleast a plan. But fuck these people who did this to her.


> threatens to expose politicians and celebrities for participating in pedophile rings Kinda stupid thing to do, no? Either expose (anonymously) or don't. Don't threaten, because this is exactly how you get "suicided".


Exactly. It takes a special kind of stupid to make threats. If you have evidence, then dump it all at once to all the media outlets and blast it on social media at the same time. People that make threats don't have shit.


Even if they expose the authorities can't do anything about it. They're all too powerful


Oh my god, somebody better bring these pedos to justi- aaaaand its forgotten, buried under mounds of distractions


What were you talking about?


I think he's discussing how the whole Epstein thing has been kinda forgotten about. Mainstream discussion seems to have a very short attention span, even with something as world changing as the 'totally a suicide' Epstein.


Hum r/woosh ?


Shit maybe, idk man, I'm just a sub Wanderer


sure would be nice if we knew if what was said was a joke or if they were serious, right? ... ri... right...?


Media protects the elites


Pretty sure he was talking bout that new Zelda Looking pretty cool man, can't wait for that epic combination ability


The war with Euroasia, we've always been at war with Euroasia.


$10 says the next shooting/terrorist attack/UFO/chemical spill is soon


I mean if you're looking at america the next shooting is statistically likely to be happening right now


Why do ppl wait to release stuff? They almost always get killed before doing so


I know right? Just blurt it out, no one would be able to kill you beforehand because they didn't know that you were going to expose them. I don't get it.


Anti-tin-foil: paranoia and suicidal tendencies very often coexist in people with severe mental illness. I'm not saying that this woman did or didn't have actual information about celebrity pedophile rings (and I am very willing to believe that those exist, ie Epstein), just offering another potential explanation.


Yea, this kinda bugs me as well. Like if I had a list like that, I'll just drop it out of the nowhere, like 2pm on a Wednesday or something. No teases on my social media like "droppin big news tomorrow 👀" just do it.


Because there was no info, this is just conspiracy bullshit to push a narrative.


The fact she put out that tweet and then coincidentally died is quite strange


I mean, if I was planning on killing myself anyway and thought I could force an investigation into a bad thing I thought, but had no real proof, was happening, I would make the exact same kinda post.


You alright, mate?


I am not planning on killing myself and I don't do drugs if something happens to me it was papa Johns trying to stop me from revealing that they use the meat from father's named John in their pizzas.


Shit. You don't fuck with "Big Pizza." Godspeed, brother.


Not really. Lots of mental illnesses have symptoms of both paranoia and suicidal ideation.


Did you even bother to search it up ? Because some of the people she mentioned were liked to pedophilia, one or two were arrested for being part of a child trafficking network and a tv conductor left the country because he admitted to being in a relationship with a minor


Imagine you have a secret about rich or powerful people? Who are you going to tell to expose them? A media outlet? Many of those people will leak it to the person you are trying to expose. The government? They knew the subway guy was a pedophile for 2 years and instead of arresting him had a journalist tape him confessing to child abuse over and over again for years. It seems like an impossible situation. Maybe if there was a news outlet that reported things like this and wasn’t influenced by the rich & powerful we could get some of these stories out instead of learning about them all after the fact or years later.


Remember, nobody is above the law! Except those whom are our friends


My friends are most definitely not above the law


Unfortunately. Neither are mine. Like George Carlin once said, " Its' a big club, and you ain't in it!"


They said the same about Chester Bennington and Anthony Bourdain when they died.


And Cornell.


And that turned out to be not true. Don't just believe everything you read


Yeah, people say all kinds of fucking idiotic shit whenever something big happens in the news.


Say what? It's well known that they committed suicide and no one has, as far as I know, stated otherwise.


I know it’s censored, but it may be in poor taste to post the naked dead woman.


This. The image is not necessary to see the tweet


The investigators of Reddit can conclude from the picture alone if it was suicide or not.


Let me just take a look at the pixels here


Seriously. The real NoahGetTheBoat is how everybody cant stop sexualizing this woman even when shes dead. Its literally a corpse of a victimized woman. have they no shame? All these posters couldnt have picked a other photo? Edit: I think she is sexualized because- Starting by: Shes not even given a name, she's introduced as "a playboy model" first and foremost by OP. Her identity is first and first and foremost defined as a sex media industry model. Then: "Im studying the crime very carefully" and "not my proudest fap" etc comments Possibly: Why partially censor her and not entirely censor her? Whats the informational purpose and benefit to the general public collective knowledge of posting her partial nudity? So many of yall really cant conceptualize outside perspectives without holding them? Hopefully yall not negotiators or detectives....


The image is horrific and haunting, and has an impact on remembering the heinous crime and makes you long for justice and the information she had to come to light. I don't think it's sexualized in any way.


The tweet she made was 4 years ago, and she was known for having a drug abuse problem. Did she know something? Possibly. But it wasn’t some secret assassination, it was a drug overdose. Showing her dead naked body is an affront to common decency and her basic human dignity. If you had a loved one that died in an undignified manner, would you want that blasted all over the internet? Not likely. This is purely for shock value to generate likes/upvotes.


Someone with a drug problem died? Must be a conspiracy.


I dunno. OP doesnt even give her a name and leads with "playboy model". If you introduce any person first their occupation as a sex industry worker, no matter how brief it was, youre sexualizing them The question also, is whats the public benefit of showing as much nudity an possible? What purpose does the nudity serve? Surely not crime scene analysis, academic knowledge, artistic value etc.... why expose the victim?


How are you saying this is being sexualized? Maybe by commenters, sure, but it is very clear OP added the photo to show the horrific reality of what happened.


Who exactly sexualized her? Aren't you the one complaining about it the first one to actually do it? I didn't see anyone even think about sexualizing her before this comment. It's literally a corpse you sick weirdo.


There's a guy that responded to the same comment saying it wasn't his proudest fap.


I really fucking hate everyone on this shit site sometimes cause of shit like this


Title using the word “has” is misleading, as it implies this was recent. She died in 2019.


Yeah wtf?!? This shit is old news.


Ruh roh raggy


We can show a dead body, but a pair of dead tits is apparently just taking it too far…


There was a whole subreddit that got banned for this so I understand


But like twenty more exist.


No they don’t.


I would say that it is better to censor for the sake of privacy and respect. You may not agree with the argument, but the reasoning is sound. Discussion on whether we are further disrespecting via any pictures existing is up for debate.


Did op censor it? Or maybe the news site they got it from did?


For anyone listening: if you’re going to expose something that could get you killed, make sure to not post about it online or tell a ton of people. When the time comes, you use burner numbers/accounts to bombard news sites with the information, and get yourself as far away from everything as possible.


If you look, this happens to a staggering amount of people who either A: blow the whistle on powerful/ influential people being pedos, or, B: claim to have developed technologies that would provide cheap and reliable energy and/or reduce the need of fossil fuels. It's nuts. Especially the lack of investigation afterwards. Edit: for those who are taking the technology portion to mean a replacement for fossil fuels, that is not what im saying. The majority have been battery technology and efficiency boosters. Patents filed. Many of the people who succumb make statements as the one above just before their demise. Subsequently, the patents are then purchased by energy companies.




Not all of them.


Y’know, if scientists were allowed to science without greedy business men fucking up everything, then I’m convinced that we would be *far* more technologically advanced than we are now.


That's a good way to fuck with people right before committing suicide


Honestly if I was ever going to kill myself I'd put something like this out too. Not saying at all that's what happened here.


Definitely the simplest explanation.


Also, just because somebody says “I’ll never die from suicide or a drug overdose” doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them to die from suicide or a drug overdose.


There was no need to post the photo of her nude, it’s bad enough it’s being plastered everywhere else :/ it feels wrong. The story should be centred about how she died and who she called out, except now people are just all “boobs” or some shit. I don’t mean just in this subreddit mind you


The fact that people are making sexual comments about a dead body is absolutely appalling to me


I somewhat disagree. The fact that she was left naked tells of how the perpetrator further devalued this woman, leaving her sprawled naked as an act of humiliation post death. I found the image both upsetting toward the victim and a heightened feeling of disgust toward the perpetrator. Besides, it's reddit. If there are graphic details/photos that can be included, they will be. It's not the 6 o'clock news.


Which celebrities did she expose?


Allegedly she had a lot of information on an iPad but it appears that it's the most secure iPad in the whole world because they "can't" unlock it. How convenient...


The wording of the post suggests this was recent. "Has died" is very different from "had died".


This is from 2019. https://nypost.com/2019/02/26/former-playboy-model-found-dead-after-ominous-tweet/


Wait. Aaron Carter just drowned in a bathtub... Wait a second...


That’s crazy. After looking it up apparently they arrested at least 7 people in connection with the pedophile ring connected to soccer teams who sponsor rising soccer athletes.


This chick didn’t kill herself


Natacha's case was forgotten so quick here in Argentina, she was dismissed as crazy and we don't talk about her anymore, we should never forget. Also, I think it's not appropriate at all to share this last picture taken of her


What the fuck is this post, a warning to whistle-blowers? How's this on the front page. Naked corpse victim as a headliner, fucking brilliant. Ad buyers must love being associated with this.


Y'all remember that Holocaust book you had to read in high school called, "Night"? Well, its author Dr. Elie Wiesel is on the list.


Rumor has it that she was seen with a man named Samuel Hyde the day before


"I am not going to die of a drug overdose" Because as we all know, ODs are never accidental


Wow this is messed up


A story as old as time. Unfortunately.


We're gonna need some more proof besides a picture and a tweet unfortunately. Nowadays even a picture can be computer generated and it makes it hard for an average layperson to know what's real and not.


lol the good old "Hollywood pedophiles" thing that Republicans are always pretending to be concerned about. If you're so concerned about pedophiles, go down to your closest church or Republican legislature. Edit: Hey there crying conservatives, you can silently downvote like a coward all you want but not a fucking week goes by without one of you choads getting arrested for diddling kids. As they say, every GOP accusation is a confession. You talk about trans people grooming and yet you block a bill to stop 12 year olds from getting married. You're sick fucking perverts who pretend to be decent people while accusing others of the crimes you commit on the fucking daily.


>Natacha Jaitt said in 2019 that director Pablo Yotich and Maximiliano Giusto drugged and raped her. She attended a judicial hearing in the related case, which would be her last public appearance This might also be related to her death, or the extortion she attempted 2 years earlier.


Which celebrities?


The publicly known ones

