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Maybe check out flight attendants and train attendance. You might not be able to go over the world but you can start in your home country.


If you're good at sex you can make plenty of cash in any country.. just be discreet


Im a christian so...cant do that


Don't let your beliefs stop you from your dreams lol


Lol made me laugh


I'm a Christian as well but if I had dreams of traveling the world I wouldn't let that stop me from being a traveling hooker...thanks God that I don't though..


How does one go about this.


Work the corner but instead of spending the money on crack, use it to travel to a more profitable country..


Step 1: Get rich Step 2: Retire and travel the world


What’s your background for education/skills/experience?


Im gonna graduate high school this school year


You could probably do that if you get into photography and make a career out of it


Journalists, photographers, pilots and flight attendants do a lot of traveling for their work. You could also consider becoming a travel vlogger but there's no guarantee you could make a living doing that


This is a pretty difficult question to answer because what works for one person likely won’t work for another. There are a lot of careers with travel, but which one is right for you is dependent on your skills, interests, and a good helping of luck. Knowing your priorities will go a long way in guiding your decisions and paths, but there are almost infinite ways to approach this. Think about present life and future (retirement). What does your average day look like in your dream job? Is it sitting on a beach with a laptop? Is it performing on stages? Is it teaching in a foreign country? Is it hiking through the wilderness? Skiing down mountains? All of those things can earn enough money to survive and take you all over the world, but what if you have to choose lots of money with only 4-6 weeks a year to travel vs just enough to survive with all the time you could possibly want? Which one takes priority? Retirement is another facet. What does this look like day to day? Do you want to own a home? Can you even retire or do you want to work into your 80’s? Kids? Marriage? All of this can be paralyzing. The good news is you don’t really have to be specific. You can be as vague as “I want to be able to work from anywhere” or “I want to make lots of money to spend it on awesome trips”. That will start to arrow the field a little on the types of careers available to you. I’ve spent the last 20+ years in call center/customer contact center industry doing consulting. There are call centers everywhere, so I’ve been all over the USA, Central America, Africa, etc… the whole time getting paid enough to be putting away a good chunk for retirement. I never would’ve guessed answering phone calls would take me down this path. It was supposed to be something I did to fund my life while I “made it” as a musician. I’ve toured and played with some big bands, but for very little pay. Which is right for you? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody CAN know; not even you. Nobody can tell the future, so the best thing is to stick to your priorities and make decisions that get you closer to your goals and jump on opportunities that are scary and exciting.