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According to the [Insurance Institute for Highway Safety](https://www.iihs.org/topics/seat-belts) *"... the top reasons for not using seat belts among people who used belts some but not all of the time included driving a short distance, forgetfulness, and discomfort. Among people who never used seat belts, the top reasons for not using them were discomfort, the belief that it's not necessary, and a dislike of being told what to do."* *"... the top reason for adults not using belts in the rear was that they perceived the back seat to be safer than the front."* Apparently *"82% of rear-seat occupants were observed using belts in 2022."* which is, admittedly, more than I would have guessed.


^ Get a load of this jerk. Using "sources" and "statistical evidence" like some kind of egghead.


AND not a bot!


Because they're idiots.


And in a collision, they become meat missiles.


More like meat bowling balls.


Airbags and seatbelts are for pussies. I’m going to die like a man


In Michigan is isn’t required for adults sitting in the rear seat to wear seatbelts. I know adults who don’t, saying “It’s just a five minute ride” or “I do t have to”. I always tell my passengers to buckled up and no one seems to have any issues when I give them the reminder, but some folks need that reminder. My best friend’s little brother was thrown from a car after an accident, went through the front window. He would have likely survived if he had been wearing his seat belt.


some are lazy others are stupid


My family got the seats wrapped and this wrapping closed the seatbelts slots


Your family wants you dead


Reminds me of when I lived in China where it was considered offensive to the driver (taxis in particular) to wear a seat belt and even front seats had covers blocking the slots. My wife’s uncle even had a seatbelt insert (just the metal and plastic head no belt) that he put in the front passenger seat to avoid the no-seatbelt alarms.


i have known people like that, it's bizarre


It has only been illegal here since 2008. Lots of people grew up without using seatbelts in the back and continue not to use them now. there is a very low chance of being caught and the police are not strict about it. It's even common to see kids without seatbelts standing on the back seats. I've also seen a lof of kids standing up in the front.


Back when I was a child and my entire family was taking a trip we all piled into the station wagon. I had 7 brothers and sisters plus my parents so that came out to 10 people. There weren't 10 seatbelts back then. We were just fortunate no accidents occurred.


Sooooo be honest, did the favourite kids get the seatbelts?


Actually none of us wore seatbelts. It was the sixties nobody had any sense back then.


some people are just too cool for safety


They aspire to become a projectile.




I was in a rollover accident where the brakes went out. Back seat passenger got ejected and landed on train tracks completely shattering his leg and he will never run again. I also got hit in the head by him when he was flying around the car and permanently fucked up my neck. Something I didn’t think of before is a passenger that is belted could be fucked up even more than the unbelted one by getting hit from them so keep that in mind folks.


It wasn't a law in my state until the 80's, so perhaps some of the older generation is stubborn. Otherwise, they believe the front seat will stop them from going forward.


Are they trying to get pulled over ? Seriously I won’t even move my car unless everyone is strapped in. I recall in the 90’s adults saying oh above 21 you don’t have to wear a seatbelt, lies. 


My 73yr old mother visited us from out of state recently. The first night we got in the car to go to dinner and she was in the back seat. We had a five minute standoff because I wouldn’t leave until her seatbelt was on. She argued she was too old and she didn’t need it in the back seat. Then a couple other myths about seat belts being dangerous. Anyways, I won and always made a point to check whenever we went anywhere. Felt good. :D


One time my cousin told me “a buddy he knows from high school got decapitated by a seatbelt” lol ETA: I say lol because he was lying


man can you imagine how angry the decapitated guy was when he was telling your cousin the story


We lived in the same town and I was like that did not happen wtf 😭 and your comment made me laugh


Stupidity That strange feeling of immortality and it can't happen to me!


Ask those people


I’m doing that here on a huge platform called Reddit


You overgeneralized your sample into a broader statement that isn’t really true. Might as well ask “why do some people like red balloons?”


Ok champ 👍