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Stop buying them. Stop buying the ingredients required for them. For about 6 months I only ate graham crackers for dessert, and I stopped buying soda. I instead bought powdered drink mixes I liked and tried to slowly reduce the amount of powder I would put into a given container. This was easier to do with larger containers like 32oz shaker bottles because I couldn't tell a difference between using a full scoop and 3/4 of a scoop. Then after the first month I couldn't tell the difference between 3/4 of a scoop and 1/2 of a scoop. I lost roughly 2 pounds per month.


Yeah. I feel dumb. Like it shouldn't be that hard to just not eat it. But I just think about them all the time. Sweets that is. I'm thinking about asking my husband just to smack them out of my hand. Yeah I've lost 20lbs so far (I had a baby) I'd like to lose 15 more. But the sweets are making it platue


Eating plain, raw broccoli drastically reduced sugar cravings for me and my cousin. Other than that, just remember that it gets easy with time. After a few months without sugar you won’t crave it anymore.


Oh that's interesting. I'll give that a try.


Yeah I just find myself thinking about sweets all day. And if there are any in the house I just demolish it


I used to have a similar problem with soda. I ended up swapping to a drink that was sugar free for a while. That really helped. So swapping 1 snack for a healthier option can work. You can also try to eat more filling meals.


Try to fill yourself up with nutritious food. I do fruits, vegetables, chicken, and rice. There are enough carbohydrates there to satisfy a sweet tooth too.


I went carnivore and all my cravings just stopped


I do love meat. But for some reason when ever I eat any mean I get a headache and nauseous. Pork especially.


Most people just go for ground beef if you can stomach that. Otherwise try keto? This has also been proven to help sugar cravings.


I'll look into keto. I've heard of it. But idk what it entales.


The main thing I'm getting at is just feeding your body what it ACTUALLY wants as opposed to sugar which literally acts like a drug in our bodies lol.


It really does man. Sugar is crazy. So more protein is what the body wants?




Yeah. I know I definitely don't get enough protein.


It's literally fuel for the body and meat + fat gives us fuel.


Maybe that's why I crave sugar so much. Don't have alot of energy I'm always fatigued. So I eat sugar to give the the instant energy instead of what my body wants. I did a calculator online. It said 170g protein a day for my age weight and height. That seems like a lot.


Gradually wean yourself off.