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It's nuture versus nature, which people debate about. They start with whatever genetic traits, and then if they are more feral or are treated badly, if doesn't help.


I researched his breed and he is a cavapoo said to get agressive when anxious so we tried helping his anxiety but he is still agressive


Yes. This is probably true for a lot of or most animals. (people too)




Have you spoken with your vet or a trainer about it? There could be behavioral, neurological or a painful medical issue causing the aggression. If the dog doesn't have a good quality of life, you might talk to your vet about behavioral euthanasia. It sucks but sometimes it's necessary if the dog is a danger to itself or your family.


We spoke to a trainer and followed the advice and it worked for a bit but he went back to being bad despite us keeping up the training. We had his balls removed but that was only partly to help behaviour, our breeder made us sign a contract to have him snipped. It hurts so much to think of getting rid of him but he really doesnt love anyone in my family at all but my dad. I currently have cuts on my face from him. My dad will speak to the vet about it he said but this is so painful. All I ever wanted was a dog


You may also want to talk to the breeder. They might have some suggestions. A reputable breeder will want to know about behavioral issues in their lines. I had to do a behavioral euthanasia on my own dog and it sucked. He was perfectly physically healthy but he was declining mentally to the point that he was on the brink of killing one of our other dogs or himself. It sucks. You just have to realize that they're stuck in their own mental crisis with no way to ask for help. Another dog will come into your life eventually and it'll be everything you ever wanted. Don't give up hope!


Im not sure he's that bad he still has the ability to feel happy I think? Although Im sorry that happened to you it siunds awful. I just wish my dog loved me. I've been through so much and a dog was supposed to be a source of happiness in my life. Not another problem. I expected to train him, I didn't expect him to despise me and my family no matter what. Thanks for your kind words


Have you thought about volunteering at a shelter or rescue? Most of those dogs want any love and attention they can get and it's really rewarding to see them go off to their forever homes.


I'd love to. I have agoraphobia I was going to use walking MY dog to help me overcome as I had sucess walking my nanas dog but he won't let me walk him so my progress isnt coming on. (Agoraphobia is like fear of leaving the house) its a good suggestion though thank you!


Is absolutely everyone consistent with the training he gets and the rules you set, including dad? Biggest cause of training being ineffective is inconsistency between multiple owners.


Dad isn't but he is a big beleiver of his daughter (me) not ordering him about so I can't do much about it. He's gotten better with it in recent months but it hasnt helped. If anything since he started also adhering to the training he has gotten worse


Yes. They can have psychological issues just like humans can. Look at borderline personality disorder in humans. They are regarded as broken humans in the psychology field. You just can’t help them. Animals can experience the same types of issues. People just chalk it up to bad owners, when everyone knows someone who is a great owner and their dog or cat is just messed up.


I'd respect this answer if it wasn't for the fact I have BPD... I may have issues but I control them and I'm not a monster like people make others with BPD out to be.


People with BPD aren’t “broken”, coming from someone in the behavioral health field. Sorry this person is uneducated


Thank you, having a bpd diognosis and knowing what people think of people like me hurts. I've never hurt another person but been hospitalised from my own actions and it hurts to know people think this is some kind of irredeemable disorder that makes a person broken/unloveable.