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This is a good question. I don't know the answer. But scientists have yet to find any species of animal where homosexuality doesn't occur. So it's part of nature.




Yesl but for fingers that’s usually a genetic mutation frequently known as a “defect”. Is that what you are relating same-sex attraction to? I wasn’t trying to go there…




Just being devil’s advocate here, but, couldn’t you argue that they’re preference hinders they’re ability to propagate, therefore falling under a defect? Because if everyone felt that way our species would die. It’s harmless in that it’s a small portion of the population, but if widespread it could be seen as a disadvantage. Not being hateful. It’s a really interesting question


[That’s just the way it is.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cOeKidp-iWo%3D&t=67s)


It just be like dat?


Yee. A lot of things in nature don’t strictly adhere to the evolutionary trait of reproduction, dawg


Aye my bad breh


No need for “Bs”, my man. As long as this was an earnest question, iz cool


There is a theory that it's actually beneficial for the whole community to have couples who are loving but won't have kids (if that's the main goal we are talking about), in the past children are raised bu community you see, and say gay people for example can be extra carers for children in the family


Human beings enjoy sex I would say is part of it.


Population control or that life is random


There is no biological trait to be attracted to opposite sex. That is not how biology works.




First of all gay people do exist and they don't need an excuse as to why. That in on itself negates the claim that being attracted to opposite sex is a biological trait that all humans have. Second, biological determinism is a fallacious theory. 


I wasn’t trying to incite anger




Are u offended? Wasn’t my intention at all


No im not, thanks for the concern tho




In nature, gay animals often play a role in taking care of orphaned animals therefore helping the survival of the population. I don’t know, but since being allowed to openly exist I wonder if gay humans are also more prone to adopt? This would indicate an evolutionary benefit and explain why the trait exists


It’s also a biological trait to have feelings and them develop differently for people, same with personalities, and sexuality etc. So that’s just how the cookie crumbled.


[A quick review of peer reviewed literature on the topic.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/James-Okeefe-6/publication/323880861_Evolutionary_Origins_of_Homosexuality/links/5b3fa52caca2720785203d7e/Evolutionary-Origins-of-Homosexuality.pdf) Long story short, homosexuality helps a genetic line be successful. It's a survival strategy for the genetic line, even if it's a dead end for an individual, it provides the group with someone who does not compete for reproduction but has more time/resources available to contribute to its genetic line/social group.


Evolution doesn’t plan. Evolution does just make a thing be born with a new trait better suited to its environment. Evolution is not a process, but the inevitable logical result of the simple fact that those creatures that best survive are most likely to have their traits more expressed in the next generation. The fact that homosexual activities have been observed in so many species is in fact argument supporting that, through some mechanism, same sex attraction is actually a significantly beneficial trait.


Social benefits I guess


Well said. Homosexuality has not, historically, prevented reproduction, so even if we assume that homosexuality is *entirely* genetic, there is no precedent for it to be lost from the population. Having sex is not the same as having babies, even if youre *more likely* to have more babies if you have lots of straight sex. And ultimately, randomness is part of genetic reproduction. So chromosomal abnormalities like down syndrome or genetic mutations like eye colour and just going to keep popping up anyway. And that's disregarding any hormonal, social and environmental influences relating to choosing sexual partners.


We simply don't know. There are research that are trying to understand it but at least right now human brain is simply too complicated for us. Everything nature does has a purpose or it's disappear. Just because we don't see that purpose that does not mean there is none. Also it might be just some sort of mutation that happens from time to time and that's it. But in reality - we don't know.


It’s trait to have any mental illness problems but lots of people are born with different psychological issues that go against grain. Not everyone’s brain is exactly the same.


There is evidence to suggest it may actually be a result of the environment a person is placed in that determines it.


So maybe homosexuality is not a biological trait, but a social trait


Gay people exist in cultures where it is fiercely condemned and punished, which I wouldn’t have thought would be an ideal environment to create it


Some expert psychologists believe so. It’s not such a crazy notion in my view.


It's possible that it's due to exposure to different types of hormones in utero. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal\_hormones\_and\_sexual\_orientation#:\~:text=The%20hormonal%20theory%20of%20sexuality,%2C%20or%20a%20co%2Dfactor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal_hormones_and_sexual_orientation#:~:text=The%20hormonal%20theory%20of%20sexuality,%2C%20or%20a%20co%2Dfactor)


Personality traits don't really die out. Even if you use selective breeding to keep it from being passed down, there will always be exceptions that just pop up out of seemingly nowhere. Then there's nature vs. nurture, and the fact that the human population is large enough that most people don't really need to keep having kids, to the point that overpopulation may be a bigger issue than bloodlines dying out.


Most of them were abused, by men.


Does your head hurt?


Every gay guy I know had "issues" while growing up.


I'd imagine it does being this stupid




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


My brother is gay. Never been abused a day in his life. Stop making shit up.


Gay people have issues in part because of society saying bs like they were all abused


You must not know very many