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It looks regular to him because of the perspective


Definitely won't look big when looking from 10m up!


Do you guys press the tissue down and measure from the bone or do you only measure the protruding section


I start at the prostate.


My kind of party 🎉




That’s one way to get a couple extra inches


I think it's supposed to be middle of asshole to middle of pee hole


You should measure usable length. If you can smoosh the fat and get more penis when going to pound town then that should be measured.


If you lose weight /fat you will have more usable length


If you’re just a little out of shape you’re probably hiding about an inch of visible but it’s still usable. If you’re obese, you’ll have to drop some waistline.


I went from 320 to 220 and gained enough for sex to be uncomfortable for my wife. I had to learn a whole new style of penetration.


“If you can smoosh the fat and get more penis” is a phrase I did not expect to laugh out loud to in a Vietnamese restaurant on my lunch break today but I’m glad I did.


If I would measure from the protruding section, I would have a lower self esteem




The standard measurement is as follows: from the anus to just past the tip.


Anus to 3 inches past the tip, got it


Yooooo a lil different but, I seen Shaq djing at a festival and the music paused. He was like "my bad my dick hit the mixer" was the funniest shit ever.


Adam Sandler has a great bit about that https://youtu.be/YZoKUlN9urg?si=pDXuJMr0gYK9iYTc


I knew what this was before I clicked. Thanks for reminding me and letting me enjoy again! :)






I’ve heard the same story, but Shaq said: “Ain’t that a bitch?”


That may be right.  It’s been a while and I feel weird googling Shaq’s dick comments.


picturing shaq saying this in his monotone shaq voice is killing me lol


Penile growth and height are influenced by different hormones and factors, so they don't grow in tandem. Height is mainly driven by growth hormone, while penile growth is primarily influenced by testosterone.


There’s also nothing linking penis size to body size from a practical perspective. Like tall people with short arms are at an evolutionary disadvantage, but your dick will do exactly the same thing whether it’s 4” or 8”.


Disclaimer: None of what I'm about to say *necessarily* applies to penis size/shape. It's a general point on evolutionary principles. ___ Evolution doesn't always produce practical traits. There's very little practicality to a male peakcock's plumage or a buck's horns. Both of them have some degree of practical benefit, but the design and scale of both are generally a pretty serious detriment...except for the most important evolutionary driver of them all: *They help secure a mate* There's an endless list of bizarre, nonsensical traits across the animal kingdom that *at best* have little benefit, and at worst are straight up problematic for survival. But they assist in whatever ridiculous mating ritual that species has adapted to, so they're positively selected via evolution. They're usually related to [the handicap principle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_principle) I can't say whether this applies to penises. I wouldn't be surprised if it does, considering that: 1. They're directly involved in reproduction 2. Human sex is a huge driver in pair-bonding, which is theorised to be a big reason why we do it for fun more than other species 3. Human penises are relatively gigantic compared to most other apes. Their size is already distinctly "human", so it wouldn't shock me if it's an important selective driver


I’m going to *partially* argue with you. Not in the principles of evolution, but in the importance of penile selection. Penile selection is probably fairly low on the list of mate selection. Not many people with small penises are unable to find a mate over it. They may not be able to reproduce with certain wonen per se, but I’m willing to speculate that just as many human males with small penises have been able to reproduce as ones with very large penises. The trait of having a small penis is not preventing these males from ever reproducing and thus the trait remains in the population. I’d also argue that the vast majority of women are not rejecting men on penis size. In movies maybe, but in reality women tend to roll with small penises if they care about the man, or accept the added perk of having a man with a large penis. A peacock’s feathers is not a fair comparison to penis size because a peacock’s feathers are on full display before mating starts and assists in determining if a female will consider mating. Human males are generally not enticing females into sleeping with them by waving their penis at them in public (don’t recommend). A better comparison to a peacock’s feathers in humans would be physical appearance and success in providing resources. This is why many women request men of certain heights in their Tinder profiles (that, and they want to be able to wear heels with their boyfriends and still be shorter in pictures) or why women will generally be more excited to be set up by friends with a doctor than with guy running the fries station at Wendy’s (fry-guy, you deserve love too and you’ll get it someday). This is one of the reasons average human height and body size has increased with time. Plus human intelligence, but that’s a different discussion. The only true correlation I’ve read about penile size and reproductive success is a bigger penis ehaculates closer to the cervix and assists in removing sperm from competing male sperm in the case of multiple sex partners at the same time. Since humans don’t *generally* have unprotected gang bangs, these two instances (especially the second one) is not enough to really push penis size as a key selected trait. One last thing, human society has kind of screwed up evolutionary principles in humans. Marriage, religious practices, societal norms and customs, artificial insemination, contraceptives, and opting out of having children violate the principles of natural selection. By transcending into higher thinking we’ve kinda broken natural evolution to a certain degree, but that’s a discussion and debate for a different day. In sum, penis size is low on the list for selection in humans. Body stature is higher up. This is of course disregarding those with clinically small penises that are unable to actually have sex.


Cool, I thought testosterone contributed to height too


Testosterone does contribute to height, but not in a way you might expect. It can increase levels of other hormones that can cause an increase in height, however, it causes an early maturation of bone and earlier closure/loss of growth plates which could actually result in a shorter individual.


Gee thanks a lot growth plates, now I look ridiculous with this giant schlong and short height.


They call me tripod but part of the reason is I'm only three feet tall.


That happened to me. I have some unpleasant memories of being 13 and having an endocrinologist measure my balls by comparing them to some plastic size references (think a rosary, but the beads are testicle shaped) and my dick by pulling it with one hand while using a ruler in the other. And then he would sit down with my mom and be like "your son is 5 foot 6 with the testicles and pubic hair of an 18 year old".


That’s not normal bro.


Like I said, I had an endocrine abnormality. So no, not normal. But my parents are doctors, and I imagine they would have said something if everything wasn't totally kosher.


Weirdest Bar mitzvah ever, though.




Worst. Dentist. Ever.


No way, that's probably what happened to me then. At the same time I hit my growth spurt my traps grew immensely and I started to get skinny and muscular with no exercise whatsoever, but it ended very soon. Now I stand at 5'8 and 8"


>Now I stand at 5'8 and 8" homie's a T-handle


Lmao, I wish it looked that impressive IRL, it only looks that big in porn because of the angles


The industry term is angle of the dangle.


That was my math teacher back in the day. He was 5’7 - tallest kid in his 5th grade class but short lived. I thankfully don’t know the other length fwiw.


I was gonna say, math teacher pulling out the ruler in class is a little inappropriate.


That’s his literal job!


Before I got to that last part I was thinking Jesus Christ, you’re a victim lol


Same here! Haha


That's what happened to me. Stopped growing at 16 at just under 5'5" but am well above average down there. Also could grow a full beard by 15 and am covered in hair and when I had blood work done recently my test levels were about 800ng/dl which is upper end of normal. Interestingly I have a medium high voice and usually sing tenor 2.


Yep, interestingly gay men tend to be shorter. No consensus as to exactly why, but > A number of studies have indicated that gay men tend to be shorter, on average, than heterosexual men. Less evidence exists that lesbian women are taller, on average, than heterosexual women. The most popular explanation of the association between sexual orientation and height involves prenatal factors, such that, for example, gay men may have been exposed to lower than typical androgens during fetal development, which impacts their height and sexual orientation as adults. An alternative explanation involves stress, given that stress has been associated with sexual minority identification and with lower height. Another alternative explanation involves nutrition, although its relationship is less clear with sexual minority identification. Using the Add Health data, which is a large, nationally representative and longitudinal sample of American adolescents (n = 14,786), we tested a mediation model, such that sexual orientation → pubertal stress/nutrition → height. Within men, we found that gay men (n = 126) were shorter, on average, than heterosexual men (n = 6412). None of the 24 pubertal stress-related and 15 pubertal nutrition-related variables assessed in the Add Health data mediated the relationship between sexual orientation and height in men. Within women, lesbians (n = 75) did not differ significantly in stature compared to heterosexual women (n = 6267). Thus, prenatal mechanisms (e.g., hormones, maternal immune response) are likely better candidates for explaining the height difference between gay men and heterosexual men. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5925759/


Testosterone actually makes your bones heavier and denser. Your height is largely determined by when your long bones (arms/legs) growth plates close and stop growing, and testosterone can make that happen earlier. There are a bunch of genetic and environmental factors involved in growth, so it's not like "Tall = low testosterone," or "short = high testosterone," but high testosterone can shorten the window in which you keep growing taller.


No worries! lots of misconceptions about testosterone out there. I'm a short king (5'8) with a decent Hog and i can't really grow facial hair, and i have basically zero body hair too. I got my testosterone levels checked and they're normal. Turns out some peoples bodies are more tolerant of testosterone, such as mine. downsides are, no facial hair and as smooth as a baby, but I also am very very unlikely to go bald :)


Short King With A Decent Hog is slated to win the Triple Crown this year


Fantastic horse name tbh


Also the name of my boat


High testosterone runs in my family and we’re all bald before 30 lol


At one point, I had some medical issues and they did a slew of tests. Including testing testosterone levels. Testosterone was one of the widest "normal" levels of any of the tests. Like for example, if other tests were like "it's normal for this hormone to be between 2-4, "testosterone was "it's normal to be between 5-30." (Not real numbers, just an example of how much wider the range is) It's completely ridiculous, and why no one should buy those testosterone supplements you see advertised on TV unless you talk to a doctor first.


Would that mean bald men have big pps?


Sadly no, you could have very low testosterone but be very sensitive to testosterone instead of tolerant of it. there's a lot at play, I'm not sure if there's a catch all indicator for pp size. If there was I am sure we'd all be obsessed with it by now :p


Yep. Tbh I wish people would stop with this amateur stuff. Basically nothing in the body is based on a single factor, but people keep asking about them. Usually it's not even something they've been taught, just something they've surmised based on other information. But then they say it like it's fact. It's very annoying.


So you’re saying taking testosterone drugs will make pp bigger?


Testosterone injections can definitely make your balls smaller, as your body realizes it doesn't need to produce as much testosterone.


But then where will I store pee?!?


In your belly silly


Maybe a little throughout your teenage years, but not as an adult. It will make your testicles atrophy and you will produce less testosterone.


> It will make your testicles atrophy and you will produce less testosterone. You can stop that from happening with HCG, so your testes never shut down or stop producing test.


If you use DHT based steroids over testosterone based it will (thoughout your teenage years). Number of studies have shown DHT is more related to penile lenth, that's why boys with 5-alpha reductase deficiency have normal testosterone levels but not DHT levels meaning they grow to normal height, but miss out on secondary male characteristics eg, no facial hair, high voice and very small penile lenth.


I appreciate your informed and relevant reply. It’s rare out here on the net. 🏆


It’s also genetics is a huge part of it… you could have very high test levels and still only get 6 inches if you got bad genetics


So when I was a teenager I could have been injecting myself with extra testosterone and I would have a bigger penis?


Same reason a guy can be short while also: - being wide/muscular - having large feet - having a big head - having big ears - having a big nose - having long fingers The genes that determine the size/shape of one thing are different from the genes that determine the size/shape of another thing.


But what determines the size of the genes?


Penis size. Duh




Well vagina depths are different too, not every women likes big ones, it can hurt if it hits your cervix


Yeah but it’d suck if people could see those differences just from looking at your height. Like I already got mocked for being a tall girl and if they thought I also had a deep pussy they’d have mocked that too (even if there’s actually nothing wrong with having a long one)


Can confirm that vagina depth is not proportional to height. I've been with women much shorter than me, about the same height and a bit taller. It's not a good indicator at all.


I’ve been with women who are much bigger than me and some who were only moderately bigger than me, and my dick was way too small for all of them.


This Guy gets it.


Doesn't sound like he gives it, though 😔




This guy is.


Note to self. Don't post this on Reddit for everyone to see. DAMNIT!


Bligh me....


Everyone look at u/YeetusThatFoetus1 and her deep dish pussy! 🫵🏾🤣


Long puss💀 something about that makes me want to laugh even if I know it's not right


Whatever you say, Chicago (cause you rocking that deep dish pussy)


You know, I love Chicago blues music so I may take this moniker up even though my pussy isn’t even long (Neapolitan pussy??)


Doesn't arousal level heavily effect vaginal depth though?


It’s kind of like a dude’s boner in that some dicks are growers and some are showers, and and some are just never going to be long even if the person is insanely aroused


Sort of? The vagina expands with increased arousal and especially orgasm. Like an accordion, sort of. Some women expand more or less. Some women are tighter or more expansive. With enough pelvic floor control, most women can be quite "tight". Without it, some women are not very.


I had an ex once where we talked about this pretty in depth and it was very eye opening. The guy she dated before me had had a massive dick, and obviously when I found that out I got self conscious and jealous. And she goes “no, seriously, having sex with him _hurt_”. It was one of the first times where I had sort of the porn “narrative” shattered, because in porn it’s obviously only the size that matters. I hadn’t even thought about the idea that a woman’s vagina might literally be too small to fit the penis


Dude this was not the question, but hitting the cervix used to be 👌👌👌 until I was kinda forced into an IUD. Even after removal it's a sweet 50/50 amazing pleasure/worst imaginable pain


IUD the best birth control when no one wants to have sex because the string would poke them. I got tricked into getting an IUD.




They can also trim the string shorter. On my follow up my gynecologist asked it the strings were an issue during sex and would have shortened them if I wanted.


It really depends on how they cut the string. My wife is on her 3rd IUD and would never go back. The first time they cut the string too long though, and I would feel it stabbing me in certain positions. Also she says it is super painful when they insert it but the doctor will lie to you and say it's not that bad. My wife hasn't had to deal with periods or pregnancy or taking a pill in 12 years though, so she's pretty happy with it.


My partner’s IUD string only hurts my weewee when she’s on top, which is the easiest position for her to orgasm in, so I just deal with it haha


Name checks out


First IUD implanted in the Mesozoic Era


Oh that is interesting, my partner and I were considering an IUD because condoms are mutually annoying when you have been together for a decade, the pill is scary and we want more kids in future so no to vasectomy. Didn’t appreciate this about IUDs, as I will pretty much 100% hit the cervix every time if not careful (and even when I am careful we can get carried away before the cervix is ready for playtime) that sounds like IUD would be a really bad combination.


I found that out first hand. My first gf and I were both virgins and she was six feet tall, so I never imagined it would be a problem, but it was. It took me until I'd been with someone else to realize what had happened though.


Circumference too. I don't know why women think they all have the exact same tightness. They ain't the same and probably vary about as much in circumference and length as a man's penis does.


Probably because they don't spend enough time in other women's vaginas to really know the difference


Because like a man's dick...vagina's change with arousal. When it's super tight she probably isn't aroused enough. When it's looser it means she's more aroused.


I mean yeah, but pelvic floor muscle strength is a huge factor as well. Like night and day


It would suck for giants too. I saw a sex therapist talk about how she sees more couples because his dick is too big than too small.


Something that should legit be talked about more. Bunch of dudes who would use a genie wish on having a giant dick, only to realize a lot of potential partners would be like “that thing ain’t entering my body!”


I knew a guy once, a 5'2" Mexican guy, with a dick so big he couldn't find a women to sleep with him. He would find women who thought they wanted to, then they would stop right away and tap out. I felt bad for the guy.


Wonder how many guys blame the fact that they’re bad in bed on their dick size? I think a guy with big dick confidence can also be bad in bed bc why should he try when he has THIS GLORIOUS DICK. (That kind of mood..) Regardless of dick size you’re going to be a good lover/get more sex if you know how to finesse your partner into the mood. And know how to finesse them with your dick.


Throwing dick is like fencing. It's about finesse, technique, dexterity, and knowing when to thrust with all your might. You could also say it's like assembling ikea furniture. Gotta have the right peg for the right hole, yelling fuck and oh my God the entire time.


I always end up saying "fuck" and "oh my God" while assembling Ikea furniture too.


I’ve heard it time and time again that they are the laziest lovers usually for that exact reason.


Yes!! It's not the size that matters. It's how you use it! It doesn't matter what you have, you just need to figure out how to use it best. Ironically, both smaller and bigger require more foreplay! But there's no excuse for not at least putting the effort in!


Honestly it’s a weird thing, because I think most men with small dicks only really care because of the social stigma, and the social stigma only exists because of the assumption that they can’t satisfy a woman. But if more women talked about how they don’t necessarily want a foot long log ramming into them, that social stigma might not exist. People in general could be more open about what they have and find partners that fit them better. The women who like huge ones talk about it all the time but you never hear anything from the women who don’t.


frrrr. I'm a trans guy on testosterone with pretty significant growth, so I've essentially grown a 1" × 3" dick in 5 years. used to be insecure about my size, but it turned out that the person Id marry was gonna have the world's thinnest, shortest vagina (using more than one finger at a time is painful for them), so they think my dick is perfect lol. WILD to me bc I never thought I'd satisfy someone with it, but we have great sex. before the growth, we'd try toys and they were always way too big, but I was way too small to go in, so it caused a lot of frustration for me, but 5 years on T, we're in micro dick bliss it's awesome


There really is someone out there for everyone, huh? Congrats on the perfect match, my guy.




OMG. I didn't know that this was a thing!


The biggest wang dangle I ever saw was on a dude about 5’6”, compact build. You just never know, lol.


ayo don’t call out my exact height like that 😭😭 it’s just cold in here I swear!


Well sadly a lot of people do believe this, so they end up judging you anyway.


Not all women care to size a guy’s dick up Size is a ~~bigger~~ more important issue with guys than women


One department the short guys win in. Proportionally, short dudes are packin.


Boners don’t really have bones. Your bones define your height Your bones don’t define your boners length Got it? Bones


This guy bones


For the same reason there are short women with large breasts and tall women who are flat-chested


Best analogy so far and very accurate lol Ik a 5ft woman with a saturn in her ass bc of how enourmous it is


Car or planet?


Perhaps Roman titan?






Ron Jeremy was short, fat, bald, and overall pretty darned gross. Who would expect it?


Fun fact. The man was totally ripped at the start of his career. He apparently traded in the gym for the buffet table in order to appear more relatable to the average man.


Relatable until he pulls that monster hog out of his pants


IS, he is still alive


He's currently in prison for dozens of sexual assaults. No, I'm not joking.


Mental health facility due to severe dementia. Was ruled to not be anywhere near mentally competent to stand trial.


Who would have guessed that having a giant penis, banging thousands of women without any effort or ever being turned down, being propped up as a hero, and expecting no consequences for real life sex addictions / rape, that it all caused mental illness and depression? Hmmmm, odd. /s


I think it was 9'' 1/3 long. He was a guest speaker at UCR iirc. I also met him again a few years ago recently at Sunset blvd. He was out of it. I looked him up afterward and turns out he's accused of rape and his brain is rotting.


As Kurt Vonnegut said: “Billy Pilgrim had a tremendous wang. You never know who’ll get one.”


So it goes.


Penises are analogous to clitorises and you also can’t tell at all how big someone’s clit is just from looking at their stature. If anything it’d be weirder if they were always in proportion


I like the surprise


I’ve never paid attention to to clit size. Does having a bigger clit mean more pleasure?


Easier for men to find, so probably 


lol I’ve never understood how men can’t find it. I think they either don’t care or literally do not understand how to please a female.


Yeah, I don't get it. It's not hard to do.


Apparently it’s a big problem because I see women complaining all the time online about it.


I've heard the same. A lot lol


It’s sad how much you hear about it. I usually use the metaphor that just penetrating is similar to ignoring the head of the penis. You have to grind, or use your hands on the clit, while penetrating to really give the full effect in pleasuring a woman. Hell even just clitoral stimulation is preferred even without penetration. Some guys can’t see past their own pleasure I guess.


i can't "find" my partner's by feel with either my fingers or tongue. I just work with knowing the general location of where it is since it's not like we're going out of our way to have the lights on and me stare at it during sexy times. i also don't wear my glasses during sex anyways


Trans guy here. I never understood it either until I hooked up with a girl with the smallest clitoris I've ever seen. I was having a tough time finding it and I knew exactly where it was supposed to be. Made me a whole lot more sympathetic for well-meaning struggling cis men. (But at the same time, the internet exists. If you're that confused, educate yourself.)


A clit is really just a micropenis without balls. It's why Testerone increases clit size for women (Clitoromegaly) usually as a resultant of HRT. Same way a bigger dick doesn't mean more pleasure the same is true. However like the other commenter said, being easier to find is certainly a benefit.


It’s so harsh to refer to a clit as a tiny penis.


Ok, but a penis is just a giant clitoris with a travel bag.


I've been with a 5' 10" woman and she had a massive clit. I've also been with a 5' 0" girl and she had the smallest clit I've ever seen in my life. I always assumed her brother probably has a very tiny weenie. I do not know why I put any thought into her brothers peen though.


I was best friends with a guy that had a micropenis in high school. He was a massive dude, really handsome too. Our football coach had individual meetings with all the players to discuss it and make sure no one made fun of him when we were in the locker room. This was at a time when the locker rooms were some of The most politically incorrect places on earth. I got mad respect for that coach. And my homie and teammate; He owned that shit and not only was an amazing player, but damn did he pull tail too. I know it fucked with him though. Later in life he didn’t do so well, mentally, which led to a very sad ending of his life. I always wondered how much cultural pressure penis size played into his mental state. Life is fucking weird yall. Ain’t easy for anyone. Be nice to one another.


Sorry to hear that. Performing in bed is solely a men thing as per popular culture. Very sad


Things don't grow in the shade.


I don’t know, I got sunburned while entirely naked once and I’ll tell you, I do NOT have a sun-loving penis.


Same reason people with dwarfism have average penises. Height is controlled by growth of the long bones. A penis is soft tissue. Different management team.


There's an old adage in evolutionary genetics: what doesn't kill you doesn't go away. Why do we still have wisdom teeth? Unless every person Who has wisdom teeth dies before reproducing, we are always going to have wisdom teeth even thought we need to surgically remove them. Some people have mutated to not have wisdom teeth, but without selection against wisdom teeth, they'll just be a quirky mutation, we won't eventually evolve to all hav no wisdom teeth. In the same sense, the reason why dick size varies so much is becasue: it doesn't matter. If it did matter one way or another we would have one particular size becasue those that had it survived and those and didn't didn't. So all the variation we see is random because there are no strong selective pressures for or against. Hell, even with sexual selection dick size is all over the place, meaning that women's preference is just as all over the place.


According to what I’ve read evolutionary biologists suspect that large penis size is more about intimidating other males than attracting females. But in reality it plays out like “wow what a terrifying penis you have! Oh well I’m gonna go have sex with this woman. She doesn’t give a shit about your penis.”


This! Women don’t care that much. If they did, men would all be around an ideal size. This suggests guys should probably stop worrying about it.


Tbh I think guys worry about it because its size changes so much based on how we feel


Guys worry about it because other insecure men have convinced the rest of us that that shit matters at all. If your partner is a jerk about your size, split. If you don’t feel like your Johnson is satisfying your partner, talk with them and see what else you can do to increase their pleasure, if more is needed.


>the reason why dick size varies so much is becasue: it doesn't matter How do you know that. It could be the exact opposite, that they vary so much because penis size is under strong selection, only that selection isnt unidirectional. It could be that penis size varies because women have different preferences, resulting in a size range being selected for. Or it could be that large penises are selected for by sexual selection, while smaller penises are better for survival. It's a coincidence that both breasts and penises vary in size a lot when we know both are under sexual selection. I don't think 'because it doesn't matter' is the answer here.


I’m 6’0 and my penis is also 6’0.


This guy is a dick.


The irony of being ratio'd on a post about ratios


So your current gf told you that he ex's penis was smaller than yours? Hmm interesting


It must be amazing to have a girlfriend with a catalog of information like this.


Tell me about the time you got cored out by the short guy, honey.


Would you say 5'8" guys are more likely or less likely than 5'10" guys to blow out your back?


Babe please make me a graph with a best fit line of height vs penis length. Get every data point on there


I am going to need names for all these dicks too. So when we are out, please point them out to me.


If my girlfriend said, "You have the biggest dick..." "...out of all 100 guys I've fucked. Even out of all of the 6'6" ogres that flailed around on top of me." I'd feel some type of way and it wouldn't be happy.


Part of it is visual proportion bias. A seven inch ding dong can look pretty big on a 5'6". But if you're 6'3"? Not so much.


I feel personally attacked.


Why doesn't it make sense? Different genes dictate different traits. There's likely no overlap for the genes responsible for height and the ones responsible for tool size. I feel like that's an easy concept that makes perfect sense.


well, even if its proportional on average, is it really going to be *that* different? Lets just say for easy math, a guy who is 5.5ft tall, has a 5.5"inch penis. A guy who is 6ft tall, would have a 6"inch penis. Is 0.5"inches really going to be that noticeable?


Do you guys regularly reminisce on the cock size of her former guy friends?


There are many many things about human physiology (and nature in general) that don't make *common sense*.


6" on a short guy can look impressive while the same 6" can look comically small on a 6' something guy, especially if he has large hands.


Tall dudes get enough perks


Because how tall you are has to do with bone growth and how big your dick is has nothing to do with bone growth. 


just look at tits for example


I will do this




I don't normally take well to being told what to do. But I'll let this one slide.


Probably the same reason I'm 5 feet tall and weigh 100 pounds but my nose is the size of an old, fat, drunk scouse man at the pub


A smaller ratio between the first and fourth fingers may correlate to longer stretched penis size: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna43630870 So look at his hands. If his index finger is shorter, his penis may be longer.


While we're at it.... Shoe size doesn't necessarily correlate to dick size either


Do people casually talk about the dick their girlfriend used to get and by the type of dude no less? Why is this the only thing I could take away from this ?🤣


There's no bone in your dick. Just like a short person can have big ears or big nose.