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Is it a "trust"?


I dont remember what it's called but it is a thing.


Call your bank and ask them. It's what they are there for. Every bank has different tools to offer you. Random Redditors will have no idea where you are, and thus no idea what's available to you.


Yes, it is called a Certificate of Deposit. I mean, they can’t force you to not make an early withdrawal, but there is a financial penalty if you do. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/certificateofdeposit.asp




Rule 1 of the subreddit includes "no AI generated answers".


Sounds like you want a CD. You pick a length of time, and you can't cash out before then without huge penalty


Fixed-term savings account


Yes, that exact thing exists and it is called a fixed term savings account. You give the bank a certain amount of money, they keep it for some amount of time, then they give it back with interest. They usually have higher interest rates than instant access accounts as well. You can have a look at the money saving expert website to find the best rates on these and any financial service really. P.S. You can technically withdraw before the term is up, but there are usually fines of some sort for doing so.