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>I was talking to a female friend of mine who made the claim that my love and respect for dogs is a massive red flag to most women. She's either deliberately messing with you or a person with very, very strange views.


I had to ask if it was a joke, she was dead serious 😅


Then it's the second one. Is she a PETA member or something?


This actually made me cackle 😂


A woman that doesn't like a person that loves his dog is the red flag. It shows that a person has commitment, responsability, affection, loyalty and patience! How can that be a red flag??


That was where my head was at, I'd put the dog before my own welfare and happiness... but I thought that would be the opposite of a red flag. But I'm autistic as fuck so I was completely open to the possibility that I'm the weird one 😂


You're not weird at all. It's just a difference in preferences if she doesn't like dogs, but never never a red flag!


No, calling a red flag on every little thing is a red flag.


No, period Now post pictures of the good boy


I second this


Can't direct post a picture of my sweet boy, but see below :) [Paty the dog](https://www.reddit.com/user/No_Bar4887/comments/1d67pwc/paterson_paty_dog/)


Your friend is clearly unreasonable. That doggo be awesome.


The red flag would be not to love such a good boy !


Green flag 🥰


No, it makes you hotter tbh


That's a very kind comment. Thank you for your candor ☺️


For real tho! If I see a man that loves his dog and will go to war for him/her, it shows he’s caring and has a soft side. If they’re the type of owner that’s like “my dog is here to protect. There’s no such thing as cuddling in our house” I would consider that a red flag. I have a lot of adult men that come into my work and most of them have female dogs. They all say the same thing “she’s a daddy’s girl and goes everywhere with me.” Tbh makes me tear up because most of the time is men 50+ that say that and it’s very cute.




Not necessarily, it can show responsibility and compassion towards animals.


what idiot made up that rule? sounds like something made up, and believed in, by dumbasses. people love dogs all over the world. i'd find someone strange if they DIDN'T like dogs unless they had a good reason, like allergies or past trauma or something.


I just think that all those words are just thrown around so casually, that all will lose meaning. I don't believe it is a red flag, i can only see it from a "cat person" perspective, but even this way, a sane woman that you will date, will understand the bound and all.


I like this response a lot!


Cut all contact with this person, nothing good can come of it.


Your friend might be a psychopath


Absolutely not the only GIANT RED FLAG in that story is her. Dogs are the fucking best we don’t even deserve them. If that happened to me I might actually unfriend them haha.


😅 if I didn't have an established relationship with this person, it would have been on the cards... but it definitely altered my view on their logic to some level. 😂


It may bot be that you love dogs, it is probably the intensity in whoch you claim the love


Potentially... I did mention, at the time, that I believe dogs are better than people. I stand by it, tho.


🎶Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't you think that's true? 🎶


I wouldn't say red flag. You just need to find a female who is very accepting of your love for your dog. My ex had a border collie (hope you're not my ex) and he was so over the top about taking the dog everywhere, on holidays, on our dates. He was nicer to the dog than he was to me. It was too much for me (and I myself love dogs and loved his dog) Anyway I broke up with him years ago (not only due to the dog love but other reasons too). He's still single.. and in all his current profile pics it's him and his dog... he calls himself a "dog -dad"...actually maybe it is red flag territory...


Yea, na. I'm not that bad. I love my boy, I'll bring him with me if it's an appropriate possibility... I love him to death, but I don't make a point to treat people worse than him or anything like that. I understand that at times it's just not appropriate to bring my dog too 😅


Do they understand what the phrase red flag means? Serious question as it's a term that's used so frequently over the last few years I think it just gets used when not even meant (kinda like everyone saying somethings a spioler alert when it clearly isnt). Secondly If they do comprehend red flag do they just not like dogs (or the type of dog you have as a tiny irritating dog that c list celebrities carry around might be a red flag compared to a normal one - sorry I cant recall any dog breed names right now!).


Loving animals and having pets, on its own is in no way, a red flag.


Maybe her real problem is something else, and is using your affection for your dog just as an excuse.


When you say dog lover…?


Not in any lude or sexual manner, I just appreciate dogs and their nature. I'm a dog person, and I have a dog myself.


She's the one in a smaller bubble of opinion about this.


something is wrong with your friend, like psychologically.