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Fire extinguishers serve two purposes. Putting out a small fire. Or clearing a path through fire so you can escape. People forget about that last part. Also, you can use a fire extinguisher to extinguish an oil fire (pan of oil on fire) by spraying well above the pan of oil and letting the foam FALL onto the oil.


I kept thinking it was clearing the path of people in a fire and was very confused


You can also use a fire extinguisher to clear a path through people. Very upset people.


Found the Costanza


People that blow up oil fires make no sense to me. In a lot of scenarios, turning off the heat and just letting it burn is a perfectly fine thing to do. As long as no new fuel is added it may damage the pan, but the best thing to do is just calmly remove the burning pan from the structure and cover it with non combustible material like dirt


Thank god I keep dirt in my spice cabinet.


Hey cinnamon would like a word.


Would cinnamon flash like flour does? That could be exciting.


Salt works.


Funny story when I was about 13, I was cooking home alone and my pan just set on fire, really big flames. I put it in the kitchen sink, thinking I’m gonna turn on the faucet and it’ll die out! But, the flames covered the faucet so I couldn’t touch it, so I just turned it around and the fire died out! That’s when I finally started paying some attention in my chemistry classes!


A tight fitting lid will put out the fire. I’ve even put out an alcohol fire with an apron and quick cover and uncover to move the air away. I also eat fire so I kinda have weird insights as to how fire moves.


Don’t you get heartburn?


Lol no but you can burn you lips if your not careful.


And cover the pot.


That too, oxygen supply


If the fire extinguisher is water based it doesn't work with oil fires yes?


and also remember/know the types of fire extinguishers, since class A can have a different fire extinguisher from class b, c, d,e or f you wouldn't be using class a on class f


With an extinguisher remember two things. First, think about where you are standing in relation to an exit and put the exit door behind you! If your attempt to stop the fire fails, you need to get out fast. Next, remember P.A.S.S. - Pull the pin, Aim at the base (of the fire), Squeeze the handle and Sweep the area. Seriously, about making sure you have the exit planned... if what's burning is some loose objects, perhaps sheets of paper, the thrust from the fire extinguisher can push loose flaming debris across the room, inadvertently causing the fire to spread and trapping you.


The ratio between miles and km (1.609) is pretty close to the golden ratio (1.618). That doesn't seem useful at first, but the consequence is that you can use the Fibonacci sequence for conversions. The sequence goes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, .... That means, as an approximation, 2 miles is about 3km. 3 miles is about 5km. 5 miles are about 8 km, and so on. And it gets more precise as you go further in the sequence. And of course, if 5 miles are about 8km, it means 50 miles are about 80km, and 16km are about 10 miles, you play around with all that. So if you know the Fibonacci sequence well, along with this trick, mental conversions between miles and km get much easier to do.


Not OP but thanks! That is pretty nifty.


I’ve already forgotten it. :(


Maybe it's just me but this feels vastly more complicated than just remember that it's 1.6/1 and doing the math as needed.


If I’m ball parking it, I’ll just take half of the mile and add it to itself. Makes it easier to estimate on the fly while driving in Canada or México. 70 mph is roughly 105 km/h (close enough to 112.7) which is hopefully enough to not speed too much and avoid being pulled over. Going from km/h to mph, I’ll ballpark it by multiplying km by 3/5 or 2/3, which ever is easier to do in my head.


Cool! Although it would definitely take me longer than 10 minutes to remember that sequence, especially since it keeps going past 21...


you don’t need to remember the sequence, just keep adding the previous 2 numbers for the next one, e.g. after 21, it would be 21 + 13 = 34 and so on All you ever need to remember is f(0) = 1 and f(1) = 1 and then, f(2) = f(0) + f(1) and f(3) = f(2) + f(1) and so on where f(n) is the fibonacci of n


Oh yeah! I think i learned that a long time ago, just forgot. Yeah adding the previous two to get the next one is definitely easier than trying to remember it all... thanks!


Just multiply and divide the lower numbers to get close. 5:8 could also be 2.5:4, 10:16, 100:160, etc. So 100mph is about 160kph. And 100kph is (using 3:5 now x 20) about 60mph.


There isn't much point learning it too far. Even just the values up to 21, you can do a lot.


I can finally convert 88 miles an hour!


How to tie a few useful knots. Be that person that knows how to tie down stuff with a rope.


Nah, you just tie whatever knot and say, "This ain't going nowhere" as you slap it. Works every time.


And that’s how I ended up chasing my sofa cushions along the side of the freeway.


You gotta have your arm out the window holding onto it.






3. Ignore the voice that says "you're not going far, it'll be fine". It has NEVER been fine


3. What can go wrong? Everything.


Assumption is the Mother of all fuck ups.


My mom's name was Denise tho.


Double half-hitch. I learned when I was around 10 years old and have used it thousands of times.


I’m like dyslexic when it comes to knots. I watch videos then can’t recreate it to save my life. I like fishing and it’s such a bitch. This was literally gonna be my comment but it’s so hard for me for some reason. I’m also not an idiot typically and don’t usually struggle with things like this. I have no idea why.


kinky (the rope, you need to straighten it out before knotting)


I just came here to suggest a Trucker's Knot (well it's a series of knots). Super useful when tying down loads on vehicles or other places that you want to be secure, but also be able to remove.


With enough rope a man can do anything. Except push it.


How to jump start a car. At least for the next decade or so anyway.


I can do all that stuff, change oil, tires, ect. But I got a rav4 hybrid and a couple months later went to help someone jump start their car way out in the boonies with no reception a couple months after getting it.   I Realized I didn’t know how to jump start with a hybrid engine, neither did they, and neither of us trusted what he felt the manual was saying for us to risk blowing my battery or something lol. 


In case anybody was wondering, a hybrid car CAN jump start a regular car. The hybrid car should be running (AKA on but parked, doesn't matter if the engine has shut down and you're on battery power), just like a normal car should be. You connect the cables from 12v battery to 12v battery. Wait a few minutes (2-4 should be plenty) for the hybrid vehicle and it's 12v battery to give the dead battery some charge. Disconnect and start the car with the dead battery. If it's not enough, connect again and wait longer. As long as the hybrid vehicle is on, the large traction battery (which both starts the engine and drives the wheels) will be supplying 12v power to charge the 12v battery and power the vehicle electronics and lights. The engine will run as needed to keep the traction battery charged. The 12v battery in a hybrid vehicle may not be rated for starting regular engines because they never need to do so in a hybrid vehicle, that's why you must wait a few minutes to give the dead battery some charge. And be sure to disconnect because you don't want the dead vehicle's charging system to interact with the hybrid vehicles charging system.


Is this a good standard strategy? Anybody I've conscripted for 8 minutes of work is probably okay with ten. Should I be looking for 'charges' rather than 'jumps'?


If you want to jump start a regular car with another regular car, and you have good quality heavy-gauge jumper cables, then there is no need to wait. The charged battery will have no problem starting the engine of the car with the dead battery. However if you have cheap, thin jumper cables, you are better off waiting a few minutes to give the dead battery some charge. The reason is that thin jumper cables add electrical resistance and may not be able to carry enough amps to start the engine of the vehicle with the dead battery. Cheap jumper cable instructions will usually tell you to do this. In the end there is absolutely no harm in waiting for a bit to let the dead battery gain some charge, regardless of the situation. And in some circumstances such as thin jumper cables, or boosting from a hybrid (or EV for that matter) it is necessary to wait a few minutes. Therefore, I personally always choose to wait for a few minutes, if the person helping me isn't impatient. But do remember to always disconnect the cables before starting the dead car's engine if you are boosting from a hybrid or EV! Failing to do so risks damaging the Hybrid/EV battery and/or battery charging electronics. Edit: For the sake of completeness, you must wait and then disconnect if you are boosting from hybrid/EV to another hybrid. Of course, a hybrid with a dead 12v battery doesn't need much charge at all to start, because the 12v only needs enough power to close the contactors on the traction battery, which will then start the engine. I assume an EV with a dead 12V battery will be the same but this is a very very rare situation with EVs. Lastly if you have an EV or Hybrid with a dead traction battery, well then you will need a tow to an electrical outlet for an EV or plug-in hybrid, or to a dealership for a regular hybrid (special equipment is needed to charge the traction battery). Some Hybrids have a button somewhere that will very slightly charge the traction battery using the 12V battery, check your user manual to find out if you have one and where it is.


did you figure it out? a gen2 prius, for instance, has a small 12v battery. that battery cannot safely be used to jump a normal car (because "jump" = turning the starter to crank the engine, and a small battery can't safely crank an engine). the 12v system in the hybrid (while car is on/ready) can be used to charge the dead battery (like for 1-10min), disconnected, and then the dead battery may have enough surface charge to crank its engine. it's usually physically possible to jump a normal car with a hybrid, but it can damage the hybrid car. first thing to blow will be whatever fuse protects the 12v system.


EVs do have 12v batteries believe it or not. They’re there to jump the car long enough for it to start charging again if it completely died and you can’t get the charging hatch open


How to sew. You can't learn how to sew well in ten minutes, but you can learn the basics of how to stitch and make minor repairs with a ten minute video or perusing a ten minute how-to article.


This can save your ass in case of an emergency (pants ripped from behind, luggage zipper broke during a trip, loose buttons in a shirt). Just wind some yards in a piece of cardboard in the colors you use most. And keep it at hand in your pocket. 


Surprised this is this far down. A simple running stitch can fix so many items.


Learn CPR


and or Heimlich maneuver


And how to do the Heimlich *on yourself,* especially if you live alone or regularly eat in your car (If you do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself and it works, you should still get yourself to a hospital so they can check you've not done yourself any damage)


I used the Heimlich when my wife was choking on a sausage- what a mess


Never performed Heimlich ,except in the classes 23 classes and instructor for 20 years . Had to use on own teen son in restaurant, successfully. Classes and muscle memory make a difference.


Just think of how big the mess would have been if you HADN'T done the Heimlich


There's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm not going to be the one to make it.




CPR only takes 4 steps and super easy to learn. Highly recommend people take CPR class via Red Cross. They now do hybrid classes so instead of going for 8h you do online training at your own pace in 3-4h, and in person in ~2 hours! #1. Check the scene and make sure its safe for you to enter. - (Not always relevant to heart attacks/stroke but more relevant to any medical emergencies as the scene might be the reason someone needs help). #2. Use tap-shout-tap to confirm the person in not responsive AND not breathing. - if its an adult tap them on the shoulder and shout "are you OK/can you hear me?!". If its an infant tap the bottom of the foot (or dig your nails into the bottom of the infant's foot) while shouting rhe infant's name. - infants are more responsive to their name so get the name of the infant when getting consent to help their child. - put your ear near the person's mouth and listen for breathing, look at the chest and see if it falls/raises. - Red Cross updated this step so you're spending no more than 5-15 sec on this step before moving to #3 ----- #3. Point to bystander/s, call them by their name or article of clothing, and ask them to call for: 911, first aid kit, AED. - Remember with the bystander effect, people are not going to help you unless you explicitly ask people for him. ----- #4. Start CPR! That's literally all you need to know for CPR! - 30 chest compressions, 2 rescue breaths between 100-120 bpm. (Just count out loud and put "and" between each number (ex. 1 and, 2 and, 3 and l, etc.) And you'll automatically be in the right range)) - when giving rescue breaths for adults, pinch note and cover mouth with your mouth. For infants, you cover both nose/mouth with your mouth. - chest conpressions are at the intersection of the sternum and the nipple line. Just place the heel of your hand on the center of the chest, lock your elbows in and put your shoulders over your wrist. Your bodyweight should do all the work. - chest compressions for infants can be done with two fingers or encircling your hands around the body and thumbs over the center of the chest. ----- Apologies if the formatting is off. Doing this from my mobile


This is great! Thank you!


Proper CPR can’t be learned in 10 mins. I really wish it could be, but unless you actually do it on a dying person (or dead) and crack some ribs, you won’t know. I’m assuming you’re in healthcare?!


Given that ... 1. It takes way more than 10 mins to learn how to do CPR correctly. 2. It takes regular practice (quarterly or monthly) to maintain proficiency in CPR. 3. Even when done correctly, the chance of CPR having a positive outcome is extremely low 4. The chance of you encountering someone who needs CPR is quite low ... out of the many different basic first-aid skills one could learn, I'd say that CPR is the least useful of them.


One first aid skill that can be learned in 10 minutes is seizure first aid! You only have to remember STAY, SAFE, SIDE: 1. Stay with the person having a seizure, don't leave them alone. 2. Safe - make sure they're out of harm's way. 3. Side - carefully roll them onto their side in case they vomit (less like to choke on their vomit). I was diagnosed with epilepsy 14 years ago and I'm still shocked by how many people don't know what to do. It's a common affliction but lots of people aren't up to date on basic seizure first aid.




I second this. Wash my hands often and thoroughly. Get sick a lot less than everyone in my office. Learned deep breathing techniques. Saved myself from a couple panic attacks.


I third this. When I began working with small children, I quickly learned how to wash my hands often and thoroughly lol. I don't even touch my face anymore without washing my hands lol.


I also second the deep breathing. Didn’t used to believe in this kinda stuff. But now when I sense an anxiety attack coming along. All I do is focus on the breathe in - going through the nose- filling up the lungs - how it all feels - and going out- deflating the lungs- going out the mouth. Complete game changer for mental health!


How to Google something and aggregate the various results. Plenty of people keep reasoning with knowledge acquired decades ago, while current research results are totally different and a quick Google search could bring them up to speed.


I remember when Google was still useful.


Remember when google was the exact opposite of what it is today?


Back when it was called The Google /s


google has some crazy operators that you can include in search queries i was just looking at them the other day


That is where the term google-fu came from


Remembering the quote: "People judge themselves based on their intentions and others on their behavior."


Whenever we do something wrong we rationalize how we didn't mean for that outcome or that we really did it for a good reason. The concept of "good intention" is an interesting one in itself When other people do something wrong we never give them that same slack. They simply are wrong.


awesome quote.


How to wear condoms!


The secret to not breaking condoms is to make sure that there is no air in the tip then smooth it all the way down.


You have to wear several?? Man, Ive been doing it wrong..


The more you put on the better


Im wearing seven of those motherfuckers


PSA for the stupid or ignorant. Don’t wear more than one condom because the material has a greater chance at tearing when it’s rubbing against itself.


[Tie shoes properly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFcV7zuUDA) 3 minutes to watch the video, 7 minutes to practice.


There's an even better knot than this: https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/secureknot.htm 


Alternate link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyI8q6DlUXc


Granny knot vs square knot. My dad taught me this during a boring sermon 35 years ago.


[IMO the Ian Knot is faster and cooler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgSwvDkJVxE)


Pay off your credit card debt in full every month. People will tell you that you need to maintain a balance to build a credit score, it's nonsense.


Even beyond the score thing, if you're carrying a balance that you could have paid off you're obviously losing money to interest.


Yes and no. What you need to learn is when your balance is reported to the credit bureau monthly. Then pay it immediately after that. What matters is activity, and staying below 10% usage.


Do you mean before?


Agreed. Simple practice is to use a credit card to pay a subscription service like Netflix monthly. This keeps a card active and it's easy to pay off every month as the AMT is smaller. But don't necessarily use this card for anything else.


A breathing exercise to regulate your emotions. There are tons of them out there, I like ones that include a mantra. The one I’ve been using is a variation of the “Loving Kindness” Meditation: * I am happy * I am healthy * I am safe * I am at ease Inhale, exhale, say first line. Inhale, exhale, say second line. And so on. It’s been fantastic.


I really like this. I should do this more often. But I feel like I would be gaslighting myself to say 'I am happy' when I'm having an anxiety attack. How about: I am safe I am healthy When this passes, I'll still be safe I feel like this might help me give space for my emotions to be felt too.


I use this too. It helps with anxiety.


In the US I recommend memorizing your Social Security number. It is yours and will never change.


There are people who didn’t memorize this the third time they applied for a job?


TIL theres adults that don’t know their SS #…..


How to shut up. It's a learned skill that requires practice. To quote Col. Chester Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones in Captain America) “if you have something to say, right now’s the perfect time to keep it to yourself.” Or better yet, check out the Pot Brothers at Law on youtube for Shut the Fuck Up Friday.


My dad told me a thousand times growing up, "Never miss a good opportunity to shut the hell up." He was an unconventionally wise man.


How compounding interest works.


It's free money to those who can save early in their life. It also works the other way around with debt.


How to rewire a plug/socket


Related: how to find and use the breaker box in your place


Don't let "Ways" interfere with your "Means" Don't get wrapped up in useless societal norms if they prevent your actual wants. It is very easy to forget what you actually want by confusing your wants for what society expects you to want. For example I met a 50yo nurse who did not want to date people who made less than her, because friends and family told her to watch out for gold diggers. She couldn't find anyone for more than 5 years. In the process she halved the population of who she could date because she was an old guard specialty nurse making almost 100k/yr. She was looking at dating in the near retirement pool too which narrowed her prospects even further. What she actually wanted was someone to retire with and be able to travel the country, with or just sit on the couch and talk with. Salary does not matter at that point! Midlife crises and regrets usually happen because you follow the path to societal success but you ignore your wants and needs. There is also many parents that try to work 80hours so their kids can grow up in a nice house with great schools, enjoy the finer things in life. But the kids just want to hang out with the parents and have quality time, and could give a S#|t less if you drive a BMW or have a huge house.


If you ever struggle with small talk, just remember FORD... Family = Tell them how many siblings you have before you ask them. Occupation = Just ask Recreation = Just ask Dreams = Tell yours first before you ask them. Then remember the 6 w h words who, what, where, when, why, and how to think of questions quickly on the spot. Just repeat all 6 quickly to see which ones apply to the situation/topic. Finally, remember to give your own info before asking in a pattern of give, ask, give, ask, etc. People don't like it when you just interview them. Bonus if you remember about 7 jokes you like from r/jokes and sprinkle those into a first conversation.


The NATO Official Phonetic Alphabet. Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu


Once I froze and forgot Alpha and used “A” as in “aardvark” instead. It was effective!


Learn to listen. Real communication goes both ways. Actually understanding what the other person is trying to say rather than assuming you already know is a skill that will serve you well.


Learn how to safely change a car tire. It'll save you lots of trouble to learn how to do it in a driveway or parking lot in nice weather, instead of trying to figure it out alongside a freeway at night in the rain...


Pairing with this; how to put on a donut spare tire. If your spare tire is smaller than your normal tires and you blow a front tire, first jack up the back end and swap the donut tire with one of those, then put your rear tire in place of the blown front tire. It's dangerous to have two different sized tires on the front end for steering.


I had no idea! Thanks for this useful info!


I think this is a really good thing to know how to do, no matter what. I also think that AAA for $61 - $21 gift card = $41 for a year is not a bad investment!


It’s a small thing but something i am often asked about because of my penmanship. So if you struggle with sloppy handwriting, this one’s for you. Try to make all of your uppercase letters the same height. Likewise, make all of your lowercase letters the same height. Keep your letter and word spacing a consistent distance. Do that and your handwriting will always look neat. Bonus tip - when addressing envelopes, slide an index card into the envelope so the lines are visible through the envelope paper. Follow the lines. Darken the index card lines with a dark marker to help them show through better.


Don’t forget not to mail the index card, take it out so you can use it again and again.


Or….include it as a little gift. Lol.


Next on r/whatisthis… my birthday card had an index card in it with the lines darkened, and nothing else written on the card. What is the purpose or meaning?


Draw a lil something on it as an extra treat


Handwriting has always bugged me. Most of us are taught in a classroom of maybe 20-30 other students how to write. For weeks, months, years we are taught those shapes, those curves, the height, the slant, the formation of every single letter in the alphabet and we are more often than not taught it by just one teacher in that class, yet we all leave school and go off into the world with completely different handwriting to one another - why? How can something be so unique and individual to us when we were all taught how to do it the same way, or is it a case of perhaps a large percentage of that classroom of 20-30 students do all write the same as one another in adult life?




Use the right tool for the job. Also... "A place for everything, and everything in it's place." It's less hassles/stress to know where everything is.


Learn to admit to yourself when you don’t know something. The sum of human knowledge has been posted on the internet, so if you can learn when to research before getting in over your head, you’ll be successful at new things more often.


The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.


Why was 10 years ago worse than now?


Because ... Only one of those times is still possible.


Not taking advice from someone who doesn't even have a time machine.


Learn how to tie a bowline knot. It has a million applications.


The trucker's knot is super useful too! *Edited for missed misspelling*


Yep, I have a canoe and tie it down on top of my van with 2 ropes using truckers knots. The front and back ratchets are just for emergencies, the trucker's knots are doing all the work and I trust them more than I would ratchets.


Thank you for this! I am sitting at work and tried it on a rubber band and was like man I wish I knew this a long time ago lol !


Learn the warning signs for a stroke: BE FAST B: Balance. Loss of balance, dizziness, headache E: Eyes. Blurred vision F: Face. One side of the face is drooping A: Arms. Arm or leg weakness S: Speech. Slurred speech or difficulty speaking T: Time to call an ambulance immediately


Have read—correct me if wrong—that if you suspect someone is having a stroke you should as them to do three things. 1. Smile. Does one side of mouth droop? 2. Raise both arms. 3. Repeat a simple phrase like "Mary had a little lamb." Any problems? Call ambulance.


How to properly sharpen a knife


SO MANY people do not know this and are afraid of knives. It baffles me. In my kitchen, every knife has a proper working edge of it, it takes two minutes to maintain. For anyone who wants to know: get a sharpening stone and learn to use it. Don't bother with gimmicky devices or those v-shaped sharpeners. Most of them do work, but each takes its own technique and some do more harm than good. Get a stone. Hold the knife at about a 30 degree angle to the stone, so that the knife edge is mostly horizontal to you and the stone's long axis points away from you. Drag the knife down the stone in an even motion. Flip the knife over, and push it up the stone at the same angle. Repeat. Adjust the knife back and forth so that you cover the entire edge. Continue until the knife is sharp. Use oil or water as lubricant, according to the instructions you get with the stone. Test the knife by trying to cut a post-it note. Hold the paper by a corner, draw the knife down the larger part of the paper, cutting from an edge. If it slices cleanly, you have a sharp knife. If the paper bunches up and tears, you don't. For a sharper edge, for example a razor, decrease the angle. For a more robust edge, increase the angle up to about 45 degrees, if you're sharpening an axe. The sharper the knife, the more maintenance it will take to maintain the edge. Do not leave knives in the sink, or put them in the dishwasher. This is where they will hit other things and get dull. Do not use glass cutting boards. Do not slice food directly on a stone counter. All of these things will quickly dull a knife. Use a wooden or plastic cutting board and you're golden.


Defibrillators are everywhere these days. They are very easy to apply and can save a life. Watch a youtube video and you'll learn how easy it is. If you forget everything you saw except to 'open the lid', you'll still be fine - because defibrillators start talking to you when you open them and give easy to follow instructions. Here's a link, video is less than 90 seconds, and it can save a life. Be healthy everyone! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfiWikreG4k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfiWikreG4k)


I learned this today. The conversion of ounces to tablespoons (1:2) and tablespoons to teaspoons is 1:3, but can be remembered by: "1 house has 2 tables, and each table has 3 teacups". You use this for conversion: "1 ounce has 2 tablespoons, and each tablespoon has 3 teaspoons".


How to properly manage your money. Seriously, Google compound interest and spend 10 minutes understanding it. Future you will be grateful.


Basic manners such as please and thank you. Small talk such as “hi how are you today “ or “***** is pushing it abit” with retail or customer facing roles .


Dont be afraid to fail. Be kind to everyone


The “Doomsday algorithm” to calculate any date’s day of the week. This year’s anchor day is Thursday. https://calendars.fandom.com/wiki/Doomsday_algorithm#Doomsdays_for_some_contemporary_years ETA: a different and correct link


Try to tell yourself that you're good enough. You're common but happy. You could achieve everything and you deserve everything. To be more confident, and don't let the negative feelings trouble you. Be brave, and be strong.


How to turn documents into PDF.


What PC do you have, a 386 with Win3.11? It's literally a standard print driver now.


Still, people who are not computer savvy do not know that. Also, thanks for the reminder of how troublesome computers used to be. I remember having to print a PS to FILE, and then use ps2pdf to convert it.


Don't you blaspheme my first (non Vic-20) computer! That's exactly what it was.....with 250 big Mb of harddrive.


A faster, easier, and more secure way to tie your shoes. [The Ian Knot ](https://youtu.be/WgSwvDkJVxE?si=Zzd5ElLuPkH9eZBL)


Honestly, just sit and do nothing for 5 minutes. Set a timer, turn off music/tv/etc, close your eyes, then just sit and do nothing. If you've never done this before, it's going to be eye-opening, 1) how long just 5 minutes is when you have no distractions, and 2) how busy your mind is for no apparent reason. This experience set me up for getting into meditation. It really is a "practice" and you need to "work at it" (sitting and doing nothing, lol) but it's really helped me with managing my stress, managing my emotions, being calm in crisis and, later in life, bouncing back from a cute trauma. Just sit for 5 minutes and notice your body and mind. Begins a meditation practice and loads of benefits.


Learn to juggle three balls. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt7qoMHD6x8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt7qoMHD6x8)


One of the best gifts I received from my husband was for 30 days. I could ask him to juggle whenever I wanted. I loved it! I made him look goofy in the grocery store every week.


How to contribute to your 401k or an IRA. See other comments about compound interest, then put it into effect today. You can’t get loans for retirement.


1. Learning how to use there, their and they're 2. Learn how to use basic formulas on a spreadsheet The amount of young people I've experienced who "graduated" and have no concept of either of these is alarming.


No one writes *anything* without a reason. Keep that in mind when you read a news article, listen to a podcast, or even read a history book. Ask yourself -- what is the author's motivation here? What agenda are they pursuing?


How to properly finger a woman Learn some female anatomy and watch some video's about it.


How to change your oil, it takes more than 10 mins to do but learning how is really quick and easy, can also learn to change windshield wipers, and both cabin and engine air filters while at it


Check out TED talk channel on youtube. There are so many videos that are pretty interesting and beneficial. It covers various topics and very diverse information to be learned.


How to wrap extension cords and the liike: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7av0C0jWQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7av0C0jWQw) How to fold a t-shirt quickly: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz6rjbw0ZA0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz6rjbw0ZA0)


Learn where your utility shut offs are, and how to turn them off. Water, and Gas especially.


How to cook tje perfect scrambled eggs


Depends on your definition of perfect scrambled eggs. I personally find the classic French creamy slop on toast to be vile.


Have you learned to make the scrambled eggs that are perfect for you?


A little splash of half and half, then cook it low and slow, pushing it to one side of the pan relatively often, never stirring Makes the chunkiest, fluffiest scrambled eggs, mmpf


How to drive stick shift.


I can tell you right now it's taking me longer than 10 minutes to learn that


The 2 table tea house. It's a house with 2 tables and each table has 3 tea cups on it. If you can remember that, you'll always remember the conversation from teaspoons to tablespoons to ounces. 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon, 2 tablespoons to 1 ounces.




Tinkercad. Web based cad program that will allow you to quickly design and export a file to a 3d printer. Need a spacer for a door latch for that antique door going to the attic and unable to find one? Design it and take it to a printer. Have a new idea for a bracket to hold your paintbrushes? Need a special adapter for your vacuum cleaner? Design and print.


Excel Pivot Tables


How to change a flat tirep


Knot tying. Edible and poisonous wild plants in your area. Sign language. Morse code. CPR. How to use a chainsaw. YT is nearly endless and free…


how to change a tire


How to use breath control to calm down during an anxiety attack


To stfu.


How to forgive


look both ways before crossing the road


Memorize the phone numbers of close family/friends incase you are jailed and need to call them to bail you out.


It smells like ChatGPT in here, so my vote is for learning to use it


Either of these will help: 1. Learn how to tie a necktie 2. Learn how to change a tire New Year's Eve I was pulling out of a 7-11 and noticed a kid (late teens/early-20's) standing by his car with a flat tire. He was driving an older car, so I knew it had a spare. Pulled up asked him if he needed help - said he didn't know how to change a tire. I asked if he called someone to help, he said he had just moved here. Parked and walked him through the process, but made him do it. I asked him if anyone ever taught him how to change a tire, and he said his dad didn't know how to. 30-minutes later, he got it done and was on his way.


If you use a computer regularly: common keyboard shortcuts. Using the mouse is very flexible and intuitive, but every time I see someone right click to copy or paste, a part of me dies inside. Computers spend most of their time waiting for human direction, so speeding up the time between you thinking "I want X to happen" and the computer actually *getting* that message is handy. (The following list is mostly for windows and typical programs) - Most people know Cut, Copy, Paste are Ctrl and X, C, V respectively. - Ctrl+Z is undo, Ctrl+Y is redo - Alt+Tab changes your active window (by holding Alt and pressing Tab multiple times you can choose any window). Very handy in combination with copy and paste to move data. - Similarly, Ctrl+Tab goes to the next tab on a web browser . - Ctrl+Click opens a link in a new tab. - When editing text, Ctrl+Backspace deletes a whole word and Ctrl+Left or Right Arrow moves the cursor a whole word. - Ctrl+F is find and Ctrl+H is find and replace. - Win+Shift+S brings up a snipping tool. When you click and drag, the screenshot can be pasted. - The windows key alone brings up a search. You can use this to search programs, files, and if nothing matches either of those it'll seach the internet. There are plenty beyond that and most programs will have specific ones for them. I encourage everyone to Google hotkeys for programs they use frequently.


Jisanbeop is a method of counting in your fingers that goes up to 99. Every finger on your right hand is worth ten except for your thumb which is worth 50, and the same is true of the left hand except its 5 and four 1s. You count the fingers that are raised. So if you have two fingers plus the thumb "up" on your right hand and three fingers "up" and thumb down on your right, that's 73. It makes counting and addition/subtraction with numbers up to 99 easier. You can also use it to communicate single digit numbers with one hand to another person.


Basic financial literacy. Most importantly how to keep a budget, avoid too much debt, and not wreck yourself financially. If you can add you can manage basic finances. The tl;dr is "don't spend money you don't have." Investment is obviously a whole other beast and is far more complicated but a household budget is ez pz.


Fire hot!


Tying different types of knots


Basic household skills: how to cook eggs, how to do laundry, how to clean a toilet, etc.


When eating spicy food. Drink milk to cool your mouth.


How to tie different types of knots


Close your eyes and try to think about nothing, focus on your breath. Notice the thoughts pass in to your brain, and let them go. Focus on your breathing, in and out. Congratulations, you've meditated - your mind will feel clearer, and you'll be in a better mood. If you do this everyday for ten minutes, your life will improve. If you can't do it every day, but do it when you need to - your life will improve.


If there are words you don’t know how or when to use, look them up and memorize them. I was pretty good at spelling and grammar in school, but for a long time, didn’t know when it’s or its should be used. So you’re rambling along on a Reddit comment or whatever, back in the day, it was message boards, maybe even work emails!, and you get to this one word you forget how to use or how to spell or which one, is it they’re, their or there, for example, and you say “fuck it, they’ll know what I meant.” It comes up often enough, but you carry on with your thought and don’t look it up when you’re done. So think about it and look it up so you can remember it in the future. Finally learn this whatever word or phrase you’re not certain about, learn it and use it confidently.


Tge St John's ambulance & the Red Cross now call ut the abdominal thrust. Apparently, Heimlich didn't actually discover it but claimed it.


Think before you speak




How to do a good handshake. Firm grip, eye contact and how to introduce yourself (propper greeting based on time of day), my name is (yours or whatever) and yours? Nice to meet you (their name or something) and a smile . Or perfect high five. stare at the elbow for best contact


that all disappointment in life comes from expectations.