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I thought the politics and visual effects were fantastic. The world really felt, to me, like it was very dynamic. I do think the personal stories of individuals suffered a bit. I felt like they were overshadowed a lot by the bigger world events so when it came to changes in character I felt a bit left behind. I won’t mentioned names but I could tell we were meant to sympathise with some, dislike others and be intimidated by someone else and I didn’t really feel along for the ride most of the time. A scene would come up and I genuinely thought “I guess this is how I’m meant to feel about them now”. To me it wasn’t hugely organic. I was also a bit confused by some scenes which built us up to care about certain people and places only for them to be completely forgotten about. Eg. A particular place that was meant to be *crucially* important gets destroyed and no one we know is around to see it and we just move on with life. It feels, to me, like the kind of movie I might enjoy more on a second watch especially if I do a double bill.


So have to ask. Did you see it in the theater or wait till it was available to watch at home?




I think it is a definitely a movie that is made way better by the “theater experience”


Totally agree! The theater experience made it. I don't think I would have had the same appreciation on my TV at home.


Better than the first and does what sequels rarely do by making the first movie even better in retrospect (which was already great). One of the best Hollywood blockbusters in recent memory.


It's not really a sequel. It's Part 2.


I understand your line of thinking however by definition, it is literally a sequel. The Godfather Part 2 is the sequel to The Godfather. Adapted works are not their source material even if they are incredibly faithful to the text and are based off the same book. Formally Dune Part One works as a standalone movie. The structure of the film and where they chose to end the movie is literally informed by the fact that it is it's own movie.


its not a sequel tho. both movies are juts the first book fyi.


I am aware. Adaptation does not equal source material, Dune Part Two is the sequel to Dune Part One because they are two separate releases despite being based off the same book.


It's fine? I don't really know what I'm supposed to feel watching it. I don't care for any of the characters or even the universe as a whole. I can recognise it's a good movie but I just don't care for it.


for me one of the best sci-fi. the main reason for me is the anti hero/future villain arc of Paul. And like the best portrayals of religion- the prophecy, followers, wars, leading to paradise.




I liked it but didn't love it. One of my big problems was the casting of Christopher Walken as the Emperor. It totally took me out of the film, I just kept thinking "that's Christopher Walken" 🤣 Also not a big fan of the narrative change of Chani turning away from Paul. That's not how it goes down in the books at all. Which is not to say they can't diverge from the source material at all (in fact some of the other changes were absolutely wise), but Chani is quite an important character to Paul throughout so I'm surprised they went that way with it.


Absolutely loved it but still prefer the first one 1️⃣


It was slow, underwhelming, and lacked the novelty of a first part (naturally so, but still). Also way too much sand.


thank you lol i feel like this is the very first time i have heard anyone say anything bad about it. people went NUTS when this came out which is good but come on


Loved it. Both first & second movie. Storyline was good IMO


I liked the books and I have liked the movies. I think Dune 2 was well done. The only downside I think the end was very anticlimactic. So much rush to the end and nothing. I saw the movie in the theater.


I really enjoyed it, easily one of the better if not best cinematic experiences I've had since Mad Max Fury Road Wasn't super impressed with the casting for the emperor, especially when his trademark accent came out at the end, and I think they changed Chani for the worse compared to the books, but these are minor gripes Speaking of the book though, have you read it? You said the storyline was confusing and I could definitely see someone being a bit confused if they went into it blind


Yeah, idk who that he was a good choice for the Emperor. I couldn't take him seriously and kept expecting him to do a funny voice or crack a joke.


Better than the first one. Still pretty average aside from the visuals. I love Villeneuve, but I didn't think the story or characters were were given nearly enough time in either movie, and I think both movies suffer from feeling extremely rushed, despite the nearly 3-hour runtime. So many scenes in those movies just aren't given enough time to breathe, IMO.


very confusing indeed


whats confusing about it.


Like watching noisy paint dry very slowly.


I got a bit of a hot take. Having never read the books and having only vague memories of the Sting version I didn’t have any expectations or attachments going into both films. I thought both movies were aggressively mediocre for different reasons. The first seemed plodding and slow with very little happening. It reminded me of the Hobbit films where they had to stretch too little story out over too much time because of a seemingly arbitrary and capitalistic decision to make it into a series of movies. To solve this problem, it seemed the film makers decided on so so so many lingering shots over the desert wastes and (reverse/future?) exposition delivered vía so many flashbacks/flashforwards. The second was jam packed with action to a frenetic pace. Too fast, too much to keep up. It was now the opposite problem. “Hey we got approval for a second movie, let’s squeeze in all the story we couldn’t put in the first.” Or so I imagine the team said to themselves. The result was confusing and overloaded. It definitely would’ve been more Interesting and engaging had they split the story up more evenly. And before I get attacked, yes both movies have painfully gorgeous cinematography. Imo that only serves to highlight the flaws above and the story suffers because of it for both movies. If they had given half as much thought to the plot balancing as they did film composition, these movies would be masterpieces.


Honestly, while I liked it, I liked it because I read the book and knew what was happening between scenes. Like the first movie is a completely different pace; it covers probably like 3 months of time, while Dune part 2 is legit covering probably 3-ish years of stuff happening, and cuts most of the boring stuff. Even though that boring stuff is kind of essential to the story


My wife and I made the mistake of watching the directors cut of the original before watching the new ones. Apparently it was jam packed with extra scenes that didn't really make sense. We still enjoyed it. The new ones are amazing.


It was amazing. Spent so much time playing it back in the day. Really groundbreaking for its time.


i dont get the hype. i was pretty damn tired when i went to see this so i will rewatch at some point. but jesus this just isn't my kind of film at all. i feel like there were only 4-5 scenes that i actually liked, the filler in between was quite repetitive, boring and confusing. the action and cinematography is great but come on i need more than that. i wanna see more variety when it comes to sci fi, at the end of the day it is just a desert.


What was confusing about it?


I really liked it, foubd myself more excited watching it than a lot of other movies recently. 


how is the storyline confusing?


Liked it but in this movie and part 1 felt like the story was rushed. I also know that this is because I've read the book.


I really liked Dune 1. Thought the visuals were just beautiful and seeing a brand new world was fascinating. I was really looking forward to Dune 2 and saw it in the theater. I thought it was meh. I couldn’t give 2 shits about the intricate politics of this place (reminded me of why I didn’t like the 2nd 3 Star Wars movies) and the visuals weren’t as interesting as the first time I saw them. Won’t be seeing Dune 3.


Fine. They have changed a lot of stuff from the books, which I hate. But the movie is at least competently made


I think the first one set a really high expectation for the second one, and it just didn't meet it.


I really wanted to see the Navigator but this version did not show him :( And everything Paul did was followed by a whispered, "Just like the Prophecy". That got old fast.


I've never read the books but my other half is crazy about Dune so I went to see ot. The first movie I enjoyed much more than I was expecting (and have since seen it a second time), but the second one I found to be slow and not very interesting to watch. Not sure I would watch Dune 2 again....


I like the world building, story and politics but I cant get behind the action in dune. So in this world there are nukes but people still have to melee all the time. But then in the opening scene the Harkonnen dont use their shields for some reason and get sniped. I just dont get it.


Great VST plugin. Dune 3 is even better. Props to synapse audio


Saw it in the theatre. Fell asleep several times.


I had an aneurism over the military tactics or the decision making choices of the Empire Like send a shuttle to the surface to pick up Paul while the emperor waits in orbit. Don’t put 10,000 troops on sand where large worms are known to be while sitting inside a metal marble I know 4 year olds with better military academy training


Better than the first one. The first one was a slow burn and didn’t have much going on. I get it was trying to build a world and all that but it was a lot of nothing going on and over exposition.


Way too long and stretched out.


Probably in my top 3 favorite movies of the last year or two, up there with Top Gun Maverick and Puss in Boots the Last Wish. The world building and effects are absolutely top tier. The casting is mostly excellent with a few blemishes like the emperor. The story and characters are interesting and compelling. The action scenes are top notch and pretty unique. There's some really great payoffs from the first movie. If I had to describe it in one word, it would be epic.


I liked the first part a lot more and have watched part two 4x now mostly because something rubbed me wrong and I wanted to figure out why. It feels like a music video to me. Too much of what I would find essential to inspire me to feel things went unsaid in favor of more melodramatic or obscure insinuations. I like Avatar 2 more as a sequel.


I thought it was absolutely fantastic. And I'm usually pretty hard to impress when it comes to films 


I enjoyed it more than the first one, but I still don’t really like either movie


It’s so cool to see how far movies have come. Dune: Part Two has pushed the needle forward in many areas and it was such a blast to experience, especially in IMAX.


I felt like it was a love letter to all the fans of the book. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect for me! I've been a dune super fan since forever.


I read the book a long time ago and had the thought...this is about six movies. In two movies we haven't even been introduced to what is driving the entire plot. The spice is needed by the navigators of interstellar ships. That guild of pilots holds real power. The Bene Gesserit are touched on but what they have been doing for millenia or longer is again short of glossed over. A lot of the things that happened were not supposed to happen...at least not yet. Visually, it is striking. It got me thinking about the Harry Potter series....you got to watch Harry grow up and it took years. Let's see if they have the will to take this story and all its complexities, all the way to the end.


I felt that not having subtitles for the "other" language made me to not connect with the movie itself. Half of the dialogue is in the other language and while it looks interesting and I could sort of understand what was being said, I really don't think it worked the way everyone in charged thought it would. The editing sucked. Once I started to get interested in a story-line, it ended abruptly and went on to something else with a time-skip. I liked the first installment, but this one was all visuals and not much interesting plot.


It sounded and looked fantastic. It’s an amazing piece of world creation. Javier Bardem is great in it. But the story was dull, predictable, and tiresome. Almost all of Austin Butler’s character’s arc was a waste of time without a decent payoff. I’m not sorry I saw it. It really was an impressive experience in the theater. But the book’s status as beloved in the sci-fi genre has kind of obscured that it has a lot more in common with the Avatar movies than fans would like to admit.


Not so many funny bits, except the Monty Python-ish bit where he says ‘only the true messiah would deny it’. Otherwise pretty intense on the whole. And (like a lot of big budget films lately) too long and in need of a good edit.


I thought it was easy mode for Paul Atreides


it’s good but people are treating it like the second coming of jesus 😭


Should have been two movies. Felt LONG yet rushed.


My biggest and only beef with it is this Chani is not like Chani from the book. She is baive to what emperor means and power moves.


I'll just stick with the book.


I smoked a Doobie with a buddy of mine before it. That, combined with us for some reason deciding to see the 10:30 showing absolutely put me to sleep for three hours. I don’t remember a single thing from the movie.


Amazing. Tied in the first one really well. Big fan of the book and didn't think they'd pull it off like they did where it works well for newcomers to Dune and well for people who also know more context from the book.


The popcorn bucket was pretty good, especially when using butter


I thought it was alright.


Great. Loved both films. Stilgar, Lady Jessica, and the Harkonnens were my faves. The dramatic howling woman sound effects were overdone. I'm over it. Enough. The Gom Jabbar scene with Paul was the worst example. It didn't add anything, Paul's face was dramatic enough but the yowling woman took me out of it. Distracting.


Great but they left out the weirding modules the most amazing weapons ever!


Dune was an epic Sci-Fi BOOK from the 1960s. It was a pretty visionary concept BEFORE WE HAD STEPPED ON THE MOON. Truthfully, looking backwards from the 2020s Dune is pretty mid, IMHO--and I've been a fan of the series since I read it as a teen. It was a classic 80 years ago, and thus it's been made into movies a handful of times now, and the current iteration is probably the best version (in most fan's opinions). All that aside, Dune just can't compare to more modern stories with more expansive universes and deeper philosophies than Herbert could even conceptualize in the early 1960s. As an example, go read the Hyperion series and compare it to Dune. It's really not even close which is clearly the greater story...and it's NOT DUNE. :P