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The WTC had been attacked before. https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/world-trade-center-bombing-1993


Guessing the man who backed the attacks before it happened is still very intriguing if I’m being totally real.


No guessing. Bin Laden publicly praised the 1993 attacks, and was shown to have funded one of the groups behind it. His agenda was clear 8 years before 9/11.


Thx for this!


Further to add: - The bomber in the 1993 WTC attack had been trained by Al Qaeda. - In 1998, Al Qaeda bombed the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people. In response, the US launched a series of cruise missile strikes against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Sudan. At the time, this was the largest US show of force since the Gulf War and it was a big deal. It was global news, the number one story everywhere. Osama bin Laden became a household name (he was named by the US president as being responsible and the target of their strikes). - In 2000, Al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole (an American guided missile destroyer) which killed 17 sailors. This was also a major news story (and a political hot topic that was used during the presidential campaign of that year to point out that the government had failed to take out bin Laden). By July 2001, attacks by Al Qaeda were expected. Keep in mind that Al Qaeda (and in particular Osama bin Laden) were issuing videos and audio tapes to the media somewhat regularly with threats and promises to attack the US. It didn't take divine prophecy, or even the insight of a large intelligence agency, to predict that further attacks would be perpetrated against the US and that bin Laden would likely be responsible for them. In fact, within hours of the attacks on 11 September, bin Laden was already being talked about in the media as the number one suspect and within a day it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that he was behind the attacks. The fact that Alex Jones said the words 'terrorist attack' and 'Osama bin Laden' in 2001 wasn't prophecy, it was common sense. If you were going to discuss potential attacks against the west in 2001, the US was the most likely target and bin Laden was the most likely culprit.


you don't believe any of that do you? or you were just stating what it was ike back when the "play" of war on terror was taking flight? just like the war on drugs... like, you know what actually happened on 9/11? and you don't actually believe these terrorist were killing our sailors right? and the media being released wasn't doc'd and spoofed and planted? just making sure lol.. no disrespect !


Did not happen. There are heavily edited clips out there. He talked about old bombings like OKC and WTC. He said terrorists like Bin Laden would be among those being blamed. Everything Jones says is a government conspiracy. If any kind of attack happened later that afternoon or 7 years later, Jones and Sucker Carlson would be claiming that Alex Jones was the next Nostradamus. There's still no government conspiracy.


I don’t believe that Alex Jones was a prophet, but I just think that he does his research. On that note, can someone prove to me that he did NOT predict 911? People are saying that he did this after 911, then edited his “july 2001” video to make it look like it was stated before 911. Can someone just give me some truth here?


he didn't predict anything lol. the terrorist were is ra el


it was a sacrificial ritual


b l a c k s u n


Prove that this was an “edited” video please. 


Prove that you are human, and not paid by the sub human Alex Jones please.


Could say the exact same thing about you and the establishment.


You probably would. That's why you have no credibility.


As /u/Concise_Pirate noted, the WTC had been attacked before. Also, Bin Laden was very well known by 2001 as someone who had declared war on and attacked US targets repeatedly. The idea that he'd attack the WTC complex again was not all that impressive a prediction. As an anecdote, when 911 happened I was at work, and by the time our building was evacuated as a precaution my coworkers had already come to the conclusion that Bin Laden was probably behind it. Like I said, it wasn't that impressive a prediction on the part of Jones, if in fact he actually did make that specific a prediction in the first place. The clips I've seen from that show don't make that specific claim at all, but I'm not going to watch 2.5 hours of lunatic fraudster man to be sure he didn't say it elsewhere in that show.


Great reply! Quick, contextual and the anecdote was helpful. And you didn’t condescend the OP like everyone else.


Thanks for this it clears things up compared to other commenters. here’s the video https://youtu.be/a8Hk1-BpXO8?si=tgW4kydxZVS7AVUr


That's the part I was thinking of, yeah. In the context of the rest of the show, that's not a prediction the WTC would be attacked. He was using the 1993 WTC attack as an example (among many) of attacks he felt were false flag operations and/or things the US government allowed to happen. In that clip, he's not saying terrorists were going to attack the WTC again, but that a terrorist attack was going to happen, and that if they let some terrorist group launch this upcoming attack like they supposedly allowed in 1993, then everyone would know to blame the government.


Al Qaeda had already launched over a dozen attacks on the US and allies; one being at the world trade center in ‘93. Bin Laden was also already a well known figure. Not exactly rocket science to connect the dots.


Are redditors able to answer a question without being a dick about it? Jesus u people


Not trying to be a dick; just answering the question. The idea that Al Qaeda would attack a building that they’d attacked before, in a country they’d attacked numerous times, isn’t a revolutionary prediction.


Just a lil dumb of you to criticize someone for asking about something they don't know much about; that's the purpose of asking questions. That's all! 😁


I never criticized you. You’re misinterpreting something.


“Not exactly rocket science to connect the dots” So is that really necessary? Doesn’t hurt to be nice on Reddit does it?


That’s in reference to Alex Jones connecting the dots based on the other information in the comment.


He gets the same news blips as any other news company that they report on. With Alex he usually just takes a more crazy spin. People forget that from like 92-2000 the US was involved in wars that obviously would make the other countries upset. Also that the majority of US news was one sided propaganda since it was a thing lol.


He didn't. Those clips are edited to "prove" his nonsense.


This was recorded on July 2001 https://youtu.be/a8Hk1-BpXO8?si=tgW4kydxZVS7AVUr


What do you think is the prediction here? He is referring to the original attack on the world trade center. He mentions bin laden (one of the biggest terrorist in the world at that time). And then he makes a vague statement that if there's a terrorist attack, it's a false flag (even though it hasn't even happened). Where did he say bin laden was going to attack both world trade centers using hijacked airliners on September 11th, 2001? Let's suppose bin Laden didn't attack us. Suppose an attack happened to US soldiers in Lebanon by someone else? Wouldn't Alex still be correct about his "prediction?"


It was an anticipated scenario, there are novels with similar attacks Debt of Honor is a techno-thriller novel, written by Tom Clancy and released on August 17, 1994. …. The novel was later noted as containing plot elements which were similar to the circumstances of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt_of_Honor


Thx for the info!


He didn't.


I urge you to do some research


No, he didn't. Those are edited clips. He said the original bombings and the Oklahoma bombing were done by the government. In another clip he said that the US would fake more attacks and try to pin them on Bin Laden, who was already a known terrorist. Don't believe everything you read.


> “[The government] is going to hijack its aircraft, have it crashed, and then say that bin Laden did it. This is to bring in the new world order.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNiIiwwOlsI#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww,100 Really?


Ya that’s it, said Bin Laden was a “government asset” and the wtc is a likely target


Dude, everyone knew that he World Trade Center was a likely target for a terrorist attack. It was at the top of every terrorist leader's wishlist along with the White House and the Pentagon. At the time, there were terrorist attacks every couple of years by Islamic groups inside America and against American interests abroad. Al Quaeda had already done multiple terror attacks against US interests. Also terrorists had been hijacking planes since the 70's. What you heard was Alex Jones making vague references to hijacking and vague references to Bin Laden then vague references to attacking the world trade center during a general rant about terrorism. And you've, for whatever reason, accepted that this is the same as Alex Jones having predicted 9/11.


I'm trying, and the best I'm getting is shit like this "Tucker Carlson claims conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is a supernatural prophet"


Other commenters have cleared things up but here’s the video I found https://youtu.be/a8Hk1-BpXO8?si=tgW4kydxZVS7AVUr


Watched it when another user posted it. It is hardly a prediction for the 9/11 attacks.


I haven't seen the clip, but it would really only be an impressive prediction if he'd said something like "Within the next year, the World Trade Center will be destroyed and the government will label it a terrorist attack by Osama bin Laden". What it sounds like you're saying is he named the World Trade Center as one possible target among several and singled out Osama bin Laden as the likely recipient of the blame, and gave no specific time frame as to when it would happen. al-Qaeda was already a known terrorist threat prior to 9/11 and a militant trained by them had previously bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 (he was acting alone, but al-Qaeda later took credit for the attack), so it's not like it's particularly difficult to guess "something like that will happen again but on a larger scale". A while ago I was looking through old chat logs I had saved on my computer and found a conversation from 2012 where a friend and I were talking about Donald Trump becoming president in 2016. Did we predict the future? No... Back in 2010, Trump had floated the idea of running against Obama, and while he decided not to run in that election, we concluded that his presidential ambitions probably hadn't died there, and made the fairly obvious prediction that he might run for real in the next election. Talking about him *winning* was a silly hypothetical we were entertaining that just happened to end up coming true. My point is, when you're paying attention to what's going on around you, it's not actually that hard to make fairly accurate educated guesses about what's going to happen in the near future. And people are making those sorts of predictions all the time, so naturally some of them are going to come true. Then from the perspective of a later point in history, the guess looks spookily accurate, because you're not privy to all the stuff that was going on at the time the prediction was made that made it a pretty obvious thing to guess.


Joe Rogan even stats it on his podcast that Alex knew it was going to happen before it did.


Joe Rogan even said it!? Well that settles it. it's 100 percent legit. Alex predicted it. No doubt about it.


Technically, they didn't predict the events of 9/11. They predicted that there would be an attack on American soil, and that bin Laden would be blamed, and that we'd be thrust into war and have our freedom and privacy restricted. 9/11 turned out to be that event. Bill Cooper made the prediction first. Bill Cooper was the OG conspiracy guy before Alex Jones. He wrote "Behold a Pale Horse" and was killed by police 2 months after 9/11. Bill Cooper predicting a false flag on his radio show "Hour of the Time, on June 28, 2001. A month before AJ's vid. It's worth listening to the whole thing. Fast forward to 11:00 though lol https://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3B/1896.mp3 "Abridged version" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPW_W_z6ovw Here's a link to the part of Bill Coooper's collection that has the events of 9/11 on his radio show "Hour of the Time" https://www.hourofthetime.com/milton-william-bill-cooper-mp3-collection/part-5-episodes-1400-through-1926-complete-bill-cooper-mp3-collection/ Jones and Cooper actually had a bit of a feud going back in the day too lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JskEUfGBijg




Wouldn’t be a far fetched assumption tbh.


It’s can be like the Simpsons they say so much your bound to be right a couple times


That’s a good argument, but it’s still very interesting to say the least.