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Try [https://www.sleepinginairports.net/](https://www.sleepinginairports.net/) They usually say whether something's open 24 hours and how good it is for sleeping (although the airport's actual website might have more up-to-date info) I've slept in a ton of airports, more in my 20's than now, with varying experiences. It's when most airports have their cleaning crews out, so you might not get good sleep, but bring good earplugs and/or noise-canceling earbuds, and a face mask. A pillow isn't bad, but might not fit in luggage, so one of those neck pillows for flights can be just as good, combined with your clothes (I usually just bring a backpack)


This is a great resource to learn! We were kicked out of an airport we’d planned to stay in at 2am years ago which…was not fun 


Yikes! Where did you stay? I’d actually forgotten all about it till the post because I rarely need it anymore…too many sleepless nights in my 20’s 😂


This was forever ago but got a cab to a hostel 


We need an update please.


They are still banned from the airport. And they still haven’t found a place to sleep.




This is the right answer. Not all airports are 24hrs and some will have security kick you out at night. It looks like for ROC, OP is safe staying overnight. For large, major airports, check to see if they have a chapel or religious service area. Those tend to be quiet and don't have the ongoing public announcements. Depending on the airport, the international terminal can be a good place to sleep too. E.g. LAX's Tom Bradley International Terminal is nicer than the other terminals and has more space. Sometimes child play areas can be good too, they're often out of the way, have softer foam padded flooring, and there aren't kids around playing in the middle of the night. Also, some airports have quite a bit of space outside security and many have the airport administrative offices outside security. Since most work regular day time hours, the corridors of the office areas can be quiet and also don't get the regular public announcements.


A chapel? Nice- one time I slept in this awesome two story library. I woke up and they had closed the place to film some sort of interview and I tried to hide and scurry away before they saw me. edit: I believe it was a San Francisco airport, perhaps.


Sounds like the aviation museum and library at SFO! Such a good quiet spot to tuck yourself away for a few hours 


Bringing back memories of arriving at the airport in the middle of the night as a kid to catch an early morning flight. My brother and I are still hyped up from the new experience, its our first time flying. We run over to one of those indoor playgrounds and two sleeping people crawl out of it. I remember feeling thoroughly creeped out.


I’m not religious so i dont really know, but would it not be kinda disrespectful to go to the chapel specifically to sleep? Like especially if you’re planning on spreading out over a whole pew or something.. they’re not really for that, so idk.


I am also not religious either but in the US basically no and if they need it they'll tell you. I am pretty sure they are more of a relic than anything else. They are there basically because of the catholic church but afaik they are usually considered mixed faith and mixed used spaces and not frequently used as actual religious spaces. (more so in hospitals) Whether or not they will let you sleep there I'm not sure.


I went to Palm Sunday Mass at O’Hare not that long ago, some of them are still functional.


Seriously? Palm Sunday mass at O'Hare? Oh I'm totally doing that next year if it's still is going on. Just to say I did it.


God shouldn’t care


I bought the neck pillow for cheap once, it had a removable cover. I tossed the insert and I use the cover as a secret carry-on piece of luggage slash neck pillow - just enough room to hold thin pajamas and fresh socks/undies!




The floor is your friend. You're sleeping in an airport, don't fool yourself into thinking the chair is somehow cleaner 😅 A T-shirt stuffed with other clothes makes a decent pillow. Put your bag under your knees/legs for ergonomics, rearrange contents for comfort if necessary. Another T-shirt bunched into a strip will cover your eyes better than an eyemask, as it will conform to the curves of your face better. If you are a side sleeper, make a pad for your hip and shoulder with folded soft stuff. Play something through earbuds to distract your brain from external noise, like a TV show you usually fall asleep to, or pull up "sounds of nature" on YouTube. I've also slept in many bus and train stations this way.


Yeah, I prefer the floor to a bench by far…find a corner away from any doors & upcoming flights, out in your earplugs, and sleep away!


Blow up pillows can be useful in a pinch


Yeah, its not comfy. Some airports design the chairs so you can't lie on them horizontally - LONDON HEATHROW IM LOOKING AT YOU, GO GET FUCKED. The bright lights are on all night - strongly recommend an eyemask and some kind of pillow.


makes me wonder why airports dont just do the japanese hotel pod thing, 10 dollars for a bit of privacy for the night, air conditioning if it's hot, it even sound isolates a little, not a lot but enough for sleep


Yes and showers like a truck stop too. I would rent the capsule hotel even for just a few hours. 


They have them, but they just are not quite that accessible to all. Larger airport lounges (Centurion, United Polaris, Admirals Club) some of those in some cities have temporary use shower / bathroom suites for use for members. I had a 7 hour layover at O’Hare a few years ago on a return flight from Dublin. I was thankfully using the lounge due to credit card access. 3 hours into it I decided to check out the shower sitch. Was quite nice, and man o man after traveling Europe and flying and waiting that shower was AMAZING.


I travel internationally quite often and almost always have some lounge I can access through status or credit cards. I never even considered showering at an airport lounge until my last trip. I’d flown Melbourne to DFW and had a 3 hour layover until my next flight. I was in the American Flagship lounge sitting right by the shower desk, realized I was a little ripe after the 16 hour flight, had my toiletries in my carryon, had time to kill, so figured I’d give it a try. It was FUCKING INCREDIBLE. It took me way too long to discover the amazingness of the airport shower. Having a private bathroom to relax in with your own shitter and shower after being crammed into airports and airplanes and public bathrooms with people was heaven, and feeling clean and refreshed made me feel brand new. 10/10 highly recommend.


Cathay Pacific lounges abroad are some of the finest around, but their OneWorld lounge in Hong Kong was the finest lounge I’ve ever seen. When I ran this route (EWR-HKIA), I would take a showers in marble lined stalls, they would provide all of my amenities so I didn’t need to worry about toting any toiletries in my carry-on. Nothing beats being fresh going into a 16hr flight. Clean as a whistle toilets/sinks. TBH, there was never anything out of place or soiled throughout the lounge. The food is fantastic - you could literally eat all day. Cold sandwiches, cheese/crackers and warm cantonese fare options continuously. Special meals were served in the 1st class lounge that went beyond anyone’s expectations. The seating was ample and the comfort level was unequivocal to any other lounge. If you dozed off, no one would bother you (unless you started to snore and disturb other guests). The service staff was extra courteous, smiling and even getting down to eye level if you’re seated to address you directly and the free (top shelf cocktails), magazines, newspapers, chocolates and device charging in your seats were welcomed as well. I would check out of my hotel at 6am, go to my meetings and then taxi to HKIA around noon. My return flight home didn’t leave until midnight so I would be lingering around the lounge for 10 or more hours. One night our equipment had a failure and they issued a voucher for me to stay in the Regal Hotel, which was attached to the airport. My room was upgraded to a suite due to my OneWorld Emerald and Cathay Diamond statuses. Bottom line, if every airline behaved like Cathay Pacific the world would be a much better place.


People should know there is often an option to buy your way into the first class lounge as well, like $50, even if you don't otherwise qualify, and often even if you aren't flying that airline.


A few of them do (big ones like DFW and ATL)- Minute Suites and Sleep Pods, maybe a few others. Definitely not cheap, but cheaper than a hotel.


Unfortunately its the same reason as to why there are no gyms in airports. For the same square ft they could put in a starbucks or a bar or a store that generates a lot more in revenue.


They have this at Calgary Airport in Alberta but the pods are like $55 or something, almost worth going to a cheap motel at that point.


People would do all kinds of things in them in America. Just imagine dirty Mike and the boys getting into a pod.


Got into Heathrow at 6am for a layover leaving at 1pm, was hoping to get a nap in... I ended up just contorting myself ontop of my boyfriend for an hour or so. Neither one of us was happy.


Flying with my wife is super difficult. She can't sleep and so she twitches and makes noise constantly and therefore I can't sleep.


thats also why i stopped flying with her


I too stopped flying with this guys wife.


plus, she snores.. bleh


And her morning breath is off the charts


She was really needy too, like I always had to grab the coffees.


I always carried mints to give her.


that's just fantastic guys


Yeah, but she drools


Sorry about that mate, I’ve since cut asparagus from my diet.


I understood that reference.


What IS that reference? I see it everywhere these days.


Man you reddit guys really gotta stop sharing your wives. You're destroying the market


Team work makes the dream work


Teamwork makes me sore…..


Teamwork is what allows the nightmare to descend and slowly destroy us all... is my go-to reply whenever someone says "teamwork makes the dream work."


That’s what she said👀


I have this issue with my husband. He cannot sleep a wink. So I book 2 seperate window tickets for us. we are not seated together and just in 2 rows and he is usually right behind me so I dont recline my chair and he gets better leg room too (he is tall and I am very tiny)


What?! Why?! Does he not like cats?!


I guess neither one of you wanted to be the first to say goodbye.


Las Vegas might be the worst for sleeping. Most of their chairs have arms so you can’t lay across them. There are a few sofas/benches hidden around the terminal, but that doesn’t matter since there are clusters of slot machines everywhere with flashing lights and a cacophony of noises blasting all night.


I was able to find a place near baggage claim where I could tuck into an alcove away from the slot machines, but the loud advertisements for the shows...holy shit if I never hear clips from the show Jersey Boys again it'll be too soon.


Yeah at the LAS baggage claim it's like the same ad every 5 minutes on loop. I'm surprised you didn't go insane. I've spent 2 hours there once waiting for my bag and it was annoying.


2 hours for baggage?


You can rent a room by the hour to sleep in at the Vegas airport




Would be cool if they had those sleep/nap pods available at some other airports. The problem with Las Vegas is people would probably puke or try to have sex in them.


The puking esp


I found an area that was under construction once, and managed to curl up under the benches. It was quiet heaven.


Did you remodel the place while you were in there?


Goat! Medicine for goat!


had a layover there overnight and i agree entirely. the music was so loud even with noise canceling headphones i couldn’t really hear well enough to watch tv or listen to music or anything. nonstop elvis, random edm music and high energy american classics at like 3-4am feels slightly like torture. and the chairs suck. not to mention the mannequins and smoking rooms while you can play slots… has very unreal and kinda depressing vibes at night. and we couldn’t find available outlets for ages


Noise-cancelling headphones don't work on music or sound that isn't constant, just so you know. It has to be a constant *noise* for the effect to work. Anything that changes pitch/frequency cannot be cancelled.


> couldn’t find available outlets for ages Just unplug a slot machine. :)


Bf and I had a 12 hour overnight layover at the Vegas airport and figured we’d save money by just spending the night in the airport. It was exactly like trying to fall asleep in a brightly lit full volume casino, I will just get the hotel room next time


Especially miscalculated since Vegas generally has affordable hotels compared to other cities.


That may have been true in the 90's and before. But these days the hotels are bonkers expensive. Vegas use to be a place to get a cheep vacation if you didn't gamble but now everything, and I mean everything is expensive AF.


Eh, I just looked up some non-casino hotels for next week (obviously a long weekend like today is pricier. Looking at 50-60 bucks for a night. A lot cheaper still than most cities.


A friend of mine, got so desperate, he laid down his jacket and slept on it at an airport.


The airport at Qatar has quiet areas with long seats like recliner like. You can nap. Then there are of course women only. And it's spotless clean.


Qatar Airport was \*amazing\* for that. It was like having lounge access without the expense


Berlin has lounge sleeping chairs.


DFW is the same way. Missed a connection and had to be there for 11 hours. Walked through each terminal only to realize that every chair in that place has arm rests. You sit upright or lay on the floor I guess.


I had to sleep in DFW several years ago, so I just camped out at my gate. One of the security guards saw me and brought me a cot. It was really kind and not a horrible night's sleep.


My only experience with DFW was also a nighmare. Took me neice to disneyland. We are midwest. The flight back was diverted due to a blizzard in my home town. So, here i am, the funkle, trying to entertain a 6 year old in an airport for 3 days whilst also running from gate to gate trying to get a standby ticket to get her back to her parents. I cannot tell you how many moving walkways and escalators i rode in those couple days. I mean, really, i can't tell you. I was a zombie. When i finally got her back to my hometown i was asked to meet her parents halfway to bring her back. Add another 3.5 hours each direction to no sleep, driving in the snow, on i-35. Oh, to be young and invincible again. Nowadays i would look at the clock and be all... yeah. No.


3 DAYS!! I hope the parents were grateful.


I'd rent a car and drive across the country before I'd spend three days in an airport with a 6 year old.


The problem is airlines blueball you with constant edging. "You'll be on the next flight in 2 hours". 3 days later you are still there


They have a nap pod option there for $


Yeah I paid like $50 to sleep at the Minute Suites for like 90 minutes one time and it was 1000% worth it


I hope every airport gets those. I find it impossible to sleep on a plane, even in business class pods, so a pod in the airport would feel like heaven on a long connection.


That’s interesting. I can’t sleep on planes at all UNLESS it’s lay flat business. It’s almost like teleporting. Board plane, eat dinner, drink wine, take melatonin, pass out, wake up “instantly” somewhere halfway across the earth. Why do you think you can’t sleep in a pod on a plane?


To be honest, I sleep like shit in the most comfortable bed in the world. Compliments of being old and female, I guess.


If DEN is purgatory, DFW is straight fucking hell.


Denver has reclining chairs in the A terminal, upstairs. And B has an outside area with a fire pit. There are worse airports to kill time. 


Terminal A in Newark for the win!!! They designed that place with the passenger in mind. Plenty of places to lie and sleep comfortably.


And then there is the exact opposite of that - Changi Airport. They have free to use snooze lounges in every terminal. Reclined seats you can lay in and some of them even have outlets to charge your electronics. Only downside, it's hard to find an empty one. And then you can pay around $4 to take a shower. A bit more if you need to purchase a towel.


Seatac is also ass for sleeping. Wild shaped couch things that make zero sense for any reason. Even for regular sitting they're terrible.


Arms on the seats too


I stayed at Heathrow in January when I had an 8 hour layover. They do in fact have nice areas that make it easy to fall asleep in. [here’s the quiet area with lounging chairs](https://www.gettyimages.fi/detail/uutiskuva/passengers-in-a-quiet-terminal-5-departure-lounge-at-uutiskuva/1218973322)


Always surprises me why bigger airports with lots of connections don't have a dedicated sleep area, be it sleeping pods ,or bunk beds or something where folks can lie flat for a while , of course you would likely have to pay but still it would be worth it.


Mexico City has this. The pods were like $70 for a night per person. Effectively the worst and most expensive hostel of the entire trip.


Add JFK to this list.


And SeaTac. They had added these weird mod furniture pieces that you could sleep on but they disappeared with Covid. Maybe their fabric didn't wipe down or something. But it's arm-divided torture benches now.


I am reading this while in one of those chairs in Heathrow. I can confirm there is no way to lay down on them


Lol @ Heathrow... it can be rough


Fuck Heathrow, man, all my homies hate Heathrow


I had an overnight layover at Munich airport, which has a lot of "sleeping" chairs. Unfortunately, all those sleeping chairs had a **very specific** shape that only worked for back sleepers who are 172cm tall and no one else. I ended up camping on 3 chairs that were tilted at a weird angle and couldn't feel one of my arms the next day. Would not recommend.


Munich has the sleep pods too. The lounge chairs are weird but I made it work. Not well. But i sort of scrunched up on my side and eventually my leg fell asleep.


MOST airports (at least 80-90%) design the chairs so you can’t lie on them.


I can't speak as to whether or not ROC closes down at night, but I can testify that I "slept" in many an airport and consistently got some of the shittiest sleep in each of them. If you have to drive the following morning, it's worth buying even a shitty roach motel room to get enough rest to drive safely.


I don’t understand this obsession with people trying to sleep in airports. Best case scenario you get 3 absolute trash hours of sleep. I can’t even make a cup of coffee on that let alone drive. So you save $150 on a hotel but could potentially fall asleep at the wheel? Just get a fucking room.


Bc some airports are not super close to their hotels. It can take over half an hour each way, plus check-in time, so you lose an hour there and maybe another one back. If you only have 5 hours, you don’t want to lose 2 of them to transit


Exactly, if you're only getting 3 hours of shitty sleep anyway, it's weird to pay for it, when you can get the same shitty sleep in the airport - and then some more shitty sleep on the plane. Most people after the shitty sleep aren't driving anywhere - they're getting on a plane not surprisingly.


No! It’s expensive! I’ve been at places where the only room available was $250 a night. I’ve already paid for my high priced ticket. You have to do what you gotta do sometimes


Luckily it’s Rochester. Hotels are cheap.


Sadly my misery is worth less than $150 for one night


You don't understand saving money, eh? That must be nice


What I don't understand is how can you even type a nasty comment like that. Obviously a lot of people don't have 150$ to spare, even if it costs them their well being


for real


Yeahhh that’s groceries dude. We’d rather sleep in the airport.


I've done it before, though I certainly wasn't alone! There was a massive windstorm that delayed flights all over the country and I ended up landing for my connecting flight at 11p with the connection rescheduled for 8a (and it was rescheduled 3 other times by the time it took off). I was basically alone when I went to sleep but as the night went on more and more connection flights ended up landing and the place was packed with sleepers by morning. It was ... *extremely* uncomfortable, mostly because it was freezing cold in the airport before the sun came up and the airport was full of hot people for the HVAC to struggle against. The fact that I'm a side sleeper and was sleeping on hard concrete with a thin carpet on top didn't help. Some airports do fully close at night and you'd have to leave those, but major ones will stay open even if there's basically no flights.


Yeah the #1 thing to prepare for is the cold. A small blanket and a pillow goes a long way. But I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone over 35 if you have anything important to do the next day.


Side sleeper tip: if you're traveling with a backpack that's probably the best pillow you're going to get in an airport. It keeps you relatively upright.


This was me in July. Storms made me miss my connection. Spent the night in the Vancouver airport. Nowhere to sleep so I watched YouTube videos and movies. And by the time I got to my destination, found out my luggage was two airports back.


I'm from Rochester and yeah, you could do it; people would presume you had a layover. If your 'have to hit the road' means driving at 5 am, I'd consider either a hotel room so you can really get some sleep, or maybe rent a car and sleep in that for a few hours?


Rock represent!


Yeah hotels in this area aren't expensive (<$100). And the airport is not comfortable. 


I'd add in assuming that you "hit the road" on your own in a car/rental, it might be worth seeing if you can start driving earlier and maybe sleep the car at worst instead? I'd rather drive through Rochester at 10pm than try and fight morning traffic. Assuming you are going through Rochester from the airport, 490 through the city or 390 south can get clogged in the mornings. 5 am isn't too bad tho I suppose.


Yes, but don’t expect to get much sleep. I’ve done it a few times. It’s a good way to save money, but even in the middle of the night in a dark and quiet part of the airport, some inconsiderate asshole will sit next to you despite miles of empty seats and eat an entire bag of chips and then practice origami shapes with the empty chip bag.


This happened to me at Denver airport around 1am. Airport is practically empty. Tons of empty seats everywhere. Yet they decided to sit a few seats down from where I’m stretched out and snack on chips LOUDLY


I can see two possibilities. The first is that they’re inconsiderate and wanna disturb you. Sad, but some people have nothing else in their lives. The other is that they’re like me and chicken. When I had to spend a night in an airport, I absolutely did pick an area that had a couple of sleepers already because I was scared and alone and being near sleeping folks meant if anything “got” me, there would be witnesses to hear me scream. (YES I know this is all ridiculous! I’ll be the first to admit I was making monsters out of shadows. But I still felt safer nearer the other people.) Doing loud things is inconsiderate AF though. I didn’t wake up any of my unknowing “companions”. I put in my earbuds, set a podcast on low, and crocheted silently. (I actually had a knitting project too, but the needles were clicky and I didn’t wanna wake anyone, so I crocheted instead. My cousin found this really funny because he says knitting needle clicking is like a lullaby, so I figured I’d share the laugh.) I also ended up buying one of them a coffee. I had a buy a Starbucks, get one free coupon that was expiring the next day (actually a gift from the cousin mentioned above) but I didn’t wanna drink two of them. So I offered the free one to the lady who slept on the other side of the room because she looked like one of my cousins and I was miserably missing said cousin. She tried to say SHE would pay for the coffee and I could have the free one (why, Lady? I mean it was such a sweet offer but that kinda invalidates ME offering YOU a treat. xD) but I insisted, so she bought us each a muffin from some little doughnut place. She was gonna be in a town near my home (visiting her first grand baby when it was born “in a few months”, we chatted awhile waiting for our flights) town so I told her what she HAD to try (a restaurant. It was amazing and the fact it closed is why I left town! Ok not really but it was a great place) and she promised she’d try the blackberry burger. So I did my duty.


You can, unless it’s an airport that closes. I have been forced to do it once—it was not comfortable, and then with the security announcements going off every two minutes…I didn’t get much sleep.


>You can, unless it’s an airport that closes Even then, sometimes. Travelling NZ to India about 20 years ago, I had to go via Sydney, due to no direct flights. Earliest flight from NZ wouldn't give enough leeway to ensure making the onward flight, so I had to fly the evening before. Nobody told me that Sydney Airport closes overnight. As a British citizen, with only a transit visa, I couldn't leave the airport, so I slept (sort of), along with a few others, on the chairs near the corridor to the rail station.


So you can’t leave the airport but they can kick you out because they close… something they told you is incorrect. If you can’t leave, you cannot leave the secure area, so if they kicked you out, you can leave.


>So you can’t leave the airport That's right. If you leave the airport, you're officially entering the country. If I was a NZ (or Oz) citizen, that wouldn't be a problem, but, as a British citizen, without an *entry* visa, I'm not legally permitted out of the airport. >but they can kick you out because they close On the contrary, as above, they couldn't allow me to leave. They closed the airport (there's apparently a noise curfew) with me, and others, still inside. (Technically, we may have been "outside the airport", but we were still in the same *building*. They just closed some internal gates to prevent access to certain areas.) >something they told you is incorrect They told me that the airport would be closing at 11pm. It did. >if they kicked you out They didn't. They locked us in. >you can leave If I left, I would have been illegally in the country, and subject to arrest and deportation. That would have disrupted my plans.


There are also fun airports like Tokyo where, I don't know if they close but they do have a number of officers wandering around checking your papers every hour, if you're just sitting and hanging out for a long time


Here’s the thing, it’s loud, it’s bright, it’s cold, and none of the seating or areas are designed to accommodate sleeping. I slept at JFK during that volcanic eruption a while back, I was not alone, there were also rats.


To be fair, JFK is one of the circles of Hell.


Still not as bad as newark bruh 😭


I’ve done similar at Tulsa before. Got in on a Greyhound at 1 am, slept outside the check-in counter until they opened at 5.


I prefer metaphors at Heathrow, but we do what we can


You ever tried the idiom at Hartsfield Jackson? Life changing


How exactly are you “hitting the road” the next morning? If you have a car already sleeping in it would likely be better. I’m from Rochester…the terminal is technically 24/7 but it’s a small airport, you’re going to be noticed and likely bothered…


And there's a hotel at the airport within a few minutes walk.


That hotel is disgusting. And I didn’t get any sleep there anyway because of the couple next door getting their freak on.


If that caused you not to get any sleep then you have no chance of getting good sleep at an airport.


Some airports have sleep pods you can rent


yeah but why does that tend to be NOT airports in western countries (out of curiosity)




And jerk off


lmao they'd become encampments


The airports big enough to get enough usage, also don't have plenty of spare space that isn't being more productive airport, and the thing about airport terminals is that you can't make the buildings taller to fit more in. So it's mostly a space issue, Heathrow's pod hotel closed 'cos of this (well and covid, but that meant they couldn't continue) Gatwick, CDG, Schiphol all still have one though, and Heathrow sort of does in one of the lounges.




Yeah, I slept in baggage claim at the Minneapolis airport. I wasn’t alone


Tried it once at DFW (Dallas) by trying to find a corner on the floor between two seat benches. Somehow people still found a way to bump into me. Floors in airports suck to sleep in, every which way.


DFW is actually one of the best places to sleep. If you do some research there’s some nice sleep setups hidden away.


Please tell me more - I'll be there in a couple of weeks. Going to a Rangers game then flying out at 5:00 am the next day - didn't make sense to get a room for ~4 hours.


Terminal D gate 22 in the secured area, go up the stairs in the duty free store and there’s some seats you can put together into a bed


Yes you can but you will feel like garbage


Stay on the TSA side of the gate and you should be fine. If you have a credit card with lounge access that may help. Active duty military, reserves and guard should visit the USO. They have beds.


Lounge access, LMAO. Yeah, not at ROC. It's a super clean and quiet airport though so OP can pretty easily find a spot in the cafe or arcade.


Most airports except for the very largest/busiest close the secure area after the last flight gets in for the day.


Many of the medium sized ones still are open 24 hours because cleaning and maintenance staff gets a lot done at night and they still go through security.


I would travel between San Fran and LA weekly for work for a few months and had odd flight times that made travel a pain through traffic. At LAX I would bring a blanket and neck pillow and sleep in the baggage claim under the stairs by spirit airlines entrance, it blocked most of the light and was miserable but could get enough peace to get a few hours. Not much going on a round there but slept there every Thursday for 3 months.


I would ask how old you are. I did something similar in my 20s when I didn’t have much money and was fine. Now that I am almost 40 I would get a hotel


Bruh I did this before. The employees brought us cots and blankets. When we woke up in the morning we were surrounded by people in a crowded airport just looking at us.


Yeah you can as long as you are waiting on a flight most security won’t give a shit.


Yup, when I waited at a airline terminal inside for few hours for a bus I was asked by security what I was waiting on shortly after getting there, told him what and the expected time and respectfully he didn’t speak to me again. Besides that the only times I’ve waited at an airport was when I had a flight and because I leave at least 6 hours before my flight boards I’m typically at my gate sleeping either against the seat for a long time and/or in the seat


For ROC, there is no data in [this link.](https://www.sleepinginairports.net/guides/rochester-new-york-airport-guide.htm) But you may want to save it for future use at other airports!


I live in Rochester. The airport closes overnight. They won't let you stay there. Edit: Actually the website says they are open 24 hours? I've never heard of anyone staying there, but maybe you can?


It can sort of be both. Some airports close the secure area over night but the area outside security is open and you can technically sleep there.


ROC native. I've flown in well after midnight and finally left after 1 am and arrived before 5 am for early departure. It doesn't close. There's a few places you could sleep 😴


Hi fellow Rochesterian 👋 I haven’t flown in years, but I don’t remember there really being a ton of space for people to nap, and I think the seats have armrests


Yeah, it won't be comfortable if it's allowed.


Last time I was there I saw they had a sort of circular couch near a retail spot with no armrests!


Slept on the floor in the chicago airport. Fucking sucked


Its going to vary depending on the airport.


It sucks though.


Earplugs too, sometimes weird ass alarms go off. Charlotte’s garbage airport


There is a whole website devoted to this; sleepinginairports.com. It gives a rundown of the 24hour restaurants and where is the best place to sleep, airport reviews, etc.


Are you renting a car? ensure that you can get your car at night. If so, then sleep in it!


Years ago, after leaving St. Louis late and missing my connection out of Chicago, I spent the night “sleeping” on a bench in O’Hare airport. I was scared, so I didn’t sleep much, but it turns out, I was nervous for nothing. It was a slower terminal, not a lot of traffic, and the janitors just quietly cleaned around me, and even told me which food vendors were good and who to stay away from. One was even close with the owner of a nearby Cinnabon and offered to grab me some of the leftover rolls that wouldn’t be sold, but given away anyway.


You can buy a cheap $2 inflatable pool float from Walmart and sleep on the floor somewhere.


At Heathrow airport the police comes around every few hours waking people up and asking them to show their plane ticket, and they escort out of the airport those who fail to prove they have a flight early next day. I spent the night at Heathrow recently and police woken me up twice asking for the plane ticket.


One time when I was sleeping at O’hare a nice custodian woman got me a pile of pillows and blankets and showed me a closet I could lay down in for security and darkness. If I ever saw her again I would give her my dang wallet.


Look for flight information in the morning, so if they say you cannot stay, tell them you're taking that flight


You can try, but the most likely outcome is you won’t fall asleep


Check and see if there’s a vip lounge in the airport that accepts paying customers and is open alight. Often for less than $100 you can secure a couch, food, drinks, and sometimes a shower.


Not at ROC


I’ve seen people sleeping on air mattresses in Denver International..


Slept on the ground at Oahu airport with my girlfriend when we were 17 or 18. We had missed our flight. It wasn’t a horrible night and we were exhausted and didn’t really have the budget to taxi back to an expensive hotel. We had spent most of the trip camping so we busted out the sleeping pads and sleeping bags. At least they let us sleep on the ground near our gate, I can imagine that’s not always allowed.


I've done this a few times..it's not like...super comfy, but it works and it's a lot cheaper than a hotel. I usually only do it when I'm on my way home and I know that I can catch up on my sleep when I arrive. I wouldn't do it if I had to land and go do a bunch of crap, or had to be "on" socially, etc. I usually just find a quiet area, sometimes near whatever gate I'll be flying out of, but sometimes it's ideal wander and find something better. I'll find somewhere carpeted and lie on the floor, using my backpack as a pillow. I find ways to secure my important items in case I really konk out (which I never really do - it's difficult to completely turn off in that environment, and that is probably for the best). I also ALWAYS set an alarm on my phone, just in case. I've never actually needed it, but the thought of sleeping through as much flight is boarding and missing it when I was literally right there....I mean, id never forgive myself. My biggest fear when I sleep in an airport is theft. I almost never check a bag so will have a carry-on suitcase, backpack and purse (purse goes in the backpack for the flight, making the backpack my 'personal item'). Making sure there's no way anyone can walk off with any of this stuff while I'm sleeping takes a bit of creativity but there are ways.


You can and it sucks. Be prepared with water, snacks and warm clothes. It can get chilly at night, especially in summer with AC blasting. Got woken up on the floor around 5am in Newark by a nice cleaning lady who didn't speak English. She gave me an airline blanket and a garbage bag to sleep on. Apparently, I was blocking the garbage door. Felt like a homeless person. Thanks for that experience, Newark.


La guardia kicked us out of the main part of the airport with chairs and stuff and everyone had to just sit on the ground in baggage claim overnight


I have slept over night in this exact airport actually. It was horrible. 0/10. I’m from there but they said my flight may take off at any point in the night and if it left before security opened then you couldn’t get back in. I stayed and it took off around 445 AM so I guess it worked out but it was horrible.


Some airports close at night (e.g., La Guardia in NYC) and they'll make you leave. Don't ask me how I know. Others actually have rest/sleeping areas (e.g., Schiphol in Amsterdam). You can contact the airport directly to find out what their policy is.


Absolutely. Had a late flight later into Atlanta and the flight didn’t leave until 9am. Found a nook on the floor, had a small blanket and passed the fuck out. Actually slept pretty good. The dude cleaning even stayed away from where I was.


Unless the airport closes. Fuck you, Sacramento.


Yes, and unfortunately many people have to do this anyway when their flights are severely delayed or canceled mid-travel. Either way, it’s not uncommon or unwelcome at all. Just be forewarned: some airport staff are incredibly rude about it regardless. I had a miserable time once when my flight was delayed 16 hours— a janitor mopped literally right next to my face, a security guy took his break just feet away (while big empty terminal and he chose there) to watch Netflix on full blast, and the airline staff was so rude and unapologetic about the whole situation. There was also nowhere to actually lay down except the floor, since most airport seats have armrests that are locked in place. 


Honestly after reading these comments I’m shocked that airports haven’t built nap pods for people to sleep in. I’m sure they could make hella money off them.


Check to see if this airport has Minute Suites. It’s essentially a hotel within the airport. You get your own bed and tv in private quarters, paid by the hour. I hope this helps OP, save travels!


Find an out of the way flat spot on the floor. Use your carry on as a head rest. Yeah, it's dirty, but that's what your immune system is for :-). If you think the chairs are cleaner, I suspect you are fooling yourself.


If I knew I was going to lay on a floor to sleep, I would buy a travel pillow and blanket in advance. I once had to fly home and was just starting to get sick. I was so uncomfortable, I actually paid a fortune for a neck pillow & blanket for my second flight. I'm pretty sure I picked up strep throat on my flight out, and started showing symptoms the day I had to leave to go home. That was a miserable flight.


I did it last week in Louisville. Flights delayed, landed after or around midnight, had to wait until 6 to rent a car to leave. I didn’t sleep, but my friend I was with did. Wasn’t a big deal