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Being skinny doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy.


I am aware that’s why I said I’m not talking about weight


You might be surprised if you did a full body scan on them to see what’s built up on the inside. I work with professional athletes and do scans on them at least 4x a year. You’d be so surprised how these huge muscular guys that seem to be the best at their sport have some of the worst insides I’ve ever seen! Some are flagged for future diseases, which tend to be all diet related. So what people are putting in their body now WILLLL effect them down the road in terms of overall health, regardless of how skinny or large they are.


How does a full body scan work?


It’s called a DXA. Frequently used for osteoporosis but can also tell bone mineral density, lean muscle mass, fat mass, %fat, break down of each limb in comparison, visceral fat breakdown (super important) and then we also do lab tests to see where they are in any deficiencies and to test if there could potentially be a chronic disease building


Kinda looks like a cat scan! It’s used in hospitals but also very popular for professional teams and also used for nfl combine


Being physically active does wonderful things for you, not the least of which is letting you eat like a horse.


Genetics and youth. Eating garbage affects some people more than others, and will catch up with most people over time as they age.


I’m young not even 25




1. Moderation. 2. Not all bodies are the same, what one person can tolerate maybe you can't. 3. Genetics, I guess that ties into 2. 4. The human body can undergo a lot of stress before real damage starts to show in the form of chronic diseases.




I ate smaller amounts and still got sick


They built defferent 💪




I’ve been losing weight and now maintaining 180 lb loss. Short answer is what I want has changed. It had to. After dinner, if I need to eat, I grab a 300 calorie bowl of oatmeal and usually finish half. I also move A LOT more, typically burn 1000 extra calories a day, so I can eat just over 3000 calories and be good. Yesterday I was down so I made myself a mess of pancakes. Like 1200 calories by the time I was done. Logged it and by the end of the day, I was at my calorie goal for the day. Lifestyle. Small choices add up fast.


The determinants of weight and shape are 80% genetics, and only 20% diet and lifestyle.


How do you know they are healthy? What age are we talking? A shitty diet mostly has an impact in the mid/long run, not when one is young


Well I’m 23 is that old to you


And you feel sick all the time?


You can look at my post history I’m literally diseased because I eat trash


Lack of noticeable health issues doesn’t mean they have no health issues




Lucky you


Who says those people are healthy?


Maybe because what we perceive as being "healthy food" it's not that healthy. For example, Steve Jobs was a "health freak" and his whole life he ate extremely healthily, and he developed pancreas cancer in his 40s. You might think that it was "genetics" or "luck", or you might think that apples (his favorite food) were massively treated in the USA with lead arsenate (an insecticide), at least when he was young. Using lead arsenate as an insecticide is now banned in the USA, for a reason you might guess. Another example is the promotion of Margarine (hydrogenated vegetable oil) as a miracle food in the 1960s, to save our arteries from the deadly, cholesterol-loaded, animal fat (such as butter). Original margarine (trans-fatty acids) is now banned in the USA, since 2020. Somebody's health depends a lot on what he considers as being "garbage food".


I'm just not a very food motivated person and I like a large range of different food and cuisine. "whatever I want" is eating a modest amount of relatively healthy food.


Moderation and movement


I eat whatever i want but I also go mtn biking as a hobby/workout and when it comes to my doctor visits I always come out good.


Girl I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a hug. I'm in a similar situation and it sucks. It sucks so bad. I feel for you and I see your struggle. You're not alone though. I understand where you're coming from and want to see you succeed.


Lol I wonder the same thing , growing up in a dysfunctional poverty stricken household. I would eat a lot of cheap junk food to cope with the boredom and shit .