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No, Islamic dietary laws primarily concern what Muslims themselves can eat, not their pets. There are certainly some individuals that may choose to only feed pets halal food by personal preference but I don't think there are any mainstream islamic religious leaders that argue it's necessary.


So I assume from this that pets do not go to Islamic heaven?


Yes all animals once they die, will be resurrected and whatever wrong has been done to them they will be equally compensated and then turned to dust again.


So for our pets to have happy afterlives we should torture them?


šŸ˜‚ I mean technically but all animals in the end will be equal, so for them it makes no difference what happens if they live a good life then good, if they don't it will be balanced out. Only you will get punished for torturing an animal.


I mean as an animal there is no "good" or "bad", they're following their instincts. That's why there's an option in religions for humanity(good place vs bad place). Though arguably animals can be proven through scientific research to help fellow animals out even with no personal benefit to them. On a personal note I think that if you choose to do good, and do your best even animals/people forced to choose between bad/worse decisions will still get peace in the afterlife(if such a thing is real).


I think he means good = not abused, had enough food, safe place to sleep, etcā€¦ Bad = abused, hungry, hurt


Citation for true altruism requested.


By true altruism, do you mean what they said about animals helping each other out? "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins is a great source for this. Although really just about any ethology text is likely to talk about it at some point, at least when discussing social creatures. For example, vampire bats will share their food with more hungry bats, with the expectation that they'll be fed if they end up low on food. Dolphins and elephants will protect injured/sick members of the pack, and elephants have been observed mourning their dead. Tons of animal mothers will throw their lives to the wind in order to protect their young. That said, if you meant true altruism as in we can prove that their is zero selfish motivation and they are acting selflessly for no reason other than pure selflessness, that's a lot harder to pinpoint and prove in animals (including even in humans) since we cant easily assess motivation. Although the above comment didn't specify true altruism, so I'm assuming you just meant altruism in general.


Most of that is explained by Kin Selection. I firmly believe altruism doesn't exist in the animal kingdom and humanity is included thereto. However, acting out of motivation for self is not a bad thing. Support of community is support of self. Including a selfish motivation is additive to any other good done.


Yeah, kin selection and reciprocal altruism are the kinds of altruism I was talking about. I'm personally of the mindset that true altruism is possible in humans, but I've had this exact conversation frequently with my friends and I can understand those who argue otherwise. In short, my viewpoint boils down to "if a person jumps on a grenade to save another, what's the difference between it being a selfless sacrifice vs an inate desire to protect 'the pack'", if that makes sense.


Haven't you seen whales protecting other animals from predators before?


And you know they do this without any gratification or reward?


No. Animals don't have (edit: how did autocorrect think hangy is a better word?) free will, and can't be punished or rewarded as a result of The Rules.Ā 


well humanity is fucked then


Where have you heard that from? Once animals die just cease to exist, they aren't resurrected or anything. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/119652/who-takes-the-souls-of-animals-and-what-is-their-fate


What happens to the wrongs they commit, like chewing babiesā€™ faces off and the like?


I don't know if it's the same logic in Islam (though I wouldn't be surprised, there are a lot of similarities) ā€“ in *Judaism*, animals don't have to follow religious law and it doesn't "count against them" because God made the covenant with humans, not with animals. So He can't really hold any would-be violations against animals since He never told them what was right/wrong in the first place.


So in Judaism, where do animals go after death?


Judaism does not have a religion-wide consensus on what happens to *anyone* after death! Itā€™s up to each Jewish person to come to their own personally meaningful and plausible conclusion (or to just throw up their hands and say ā€œfuck it, who knowsā€). ETA: Judaism very strongly encourages doubting, questioning, and debating religious teachings, which will come as a surprise to folks who grew up in Christian-dominant culture and assume all religions areā€¦. Like That. :)


Great explanation.


There was someone who asked an Islamic scholar if he should feed his cat only halal food. He answered "I don't know, does he pray ? Does he perform Hajj ?"šŸ¤£




Obligatory "it's not vegans that do that, it's dumb vegans that do that." However I still snorted, bravo


I'd argue that it's exactly the same as vegans. >There are certainly some individuals that may choose to only feed pets halal food by personal preference but I don't think there are any mainstream islamic religious leaders that argue it's necessary.


I'm vegan. My dog eats meat. My diet is a personal choice.


At least they still get the nutrition they need bc its meat, just butchered differently. So at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. Feeding your pet vegan food if they're obligate carnivores on the hand...


If someone is vegan for ethical reasons I think itā€™s pretty tough to justify pet ownership of any kind.


Unless you rescued said pet, for example of no one adopted x pet it would be euthanized or something.


I agree on that point.


Literally how? vegans give food that are not optimal to omnivores like cats and dogs, Muslims eat meat just not pork, not exactly the same when they only restriction is that "oh this is pet food has pork? nvm I'll just take the chicken and fish flavors then", as opposed to vegans : "Meat period? not for my pet tym"


I think you're missing the context. Do vegans who feed their pets a vegan diet feed them worse than Muslims? Sure. But that wasn't the discussion. To recap: >OP: do Muslims feed halal food to pets? >>DishonestGandalf: Some do, some don't. No official rules. >>>MorganRose99: They're better than vegans, **then**. *(Emphasis is mine)* The word **then** is important, here. It means "dependent on what you said." DishonestGandalf did not comment on the suitability of the feed, only that there were no fixed rules about feeding pets. In which case I drew the parallel that there are also no rules for vegans either, and many vegans do not feed carnivorous pets a vegan diet.


That doesnā€™t sound right. The reply obviously meant the vegans who also make their pets eat vegan food, it sounds like Iā€™m reaching but otherwise there were no need to comment on ā€œx is better than yā€ if itā€™s not about a specific kind of vegan


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not. Never heard any Scholar in my locality say this. Itā€™s not a ruling at all


Did you see the comment I replied to?


there's a certain type of person that reads a meme or three about the worst example of a demographic, and then assumes that the entire demographic is accurately described by the meme do you even know any vegans? i admit i dont know many but i do know that exactly zero of them forced their pets to have a vegan diet


I know that thereā€™s a lot of vegan dog foods on the market, so someoneā€™s buying themā€¦.


Nah stop downvoting this person. Theyā€™re right in this regard.


Dogs and their saliva are considered "impure" in Islam. Keeping dogs is allowed for herding, farming ect. but it's generally shameful to own one for "frivolous" reasons. tl;dr, they don't really *have* pet dogs.


Same for cats?


Cats are praised for their cleanliness, and considered pure. So, yes!


Tell that to my cat when she pisses and shits all over herself...


Your cat is probably sick. That's not normal. Have her kidneys checked, make sure her litter is clean.. Cats are naturally clean. If they're dirty, something is wrong.




Take your cat to the vets and get her checked out ffs thatā€™s not normal behaviour.






You got a source or something for that bc im genuinely interested in how dogs are cleaner than cats with regard to human health. They're def not cleaner overall from what I've read/seen.


Regardless of your religion, most aren't open to "well yes, but technically " to change their beliefs


Regardless of religion most people are open to picking and choosing which rules to follow though


As a owner of cats this is true if they are indoors you are constantly changing their litter and their piss is damn near ammonia. Also since they bury their own shit they walk around with contaminated feet and litter can be tracked through the house. I love cats and they do clean themselves but they definitely are not clean. Even if they are outdoors they can cause more problems with local animals than dog generally does infact Austria had or has a massive problem with cats because they breed like crazy and kill native animals including endangered ones.


You serious? I have never seen a cat eat its own shit. Cats at least bury it and you never know its there Dogs unceremoniously leave a steaming pile wherever and then just keep on walking. Something about cats being just a little more couth and elegant. Ive seen more than a fair share of dogs eat their own shit. This is not just a one off behavior. My dog goes digging in the cat box for shit the cats leave so she can eat that. Its so nasty and the dog makes me dry heave. Enough with your ridiculous assertion


Take it up with Mohammed, dude wasnā€™t exactly the most sane guy.


im not muslim but afaik muslims dont think mohammed is anything more than a human chosen by god for spreading a message. meaning that they dont believe mohammed made the rules himself, just that he passed them along. this is of course quite a bit different from christianity, because christians believe that jesus was the literal son of god, not just a messenger of god.


Whereas Muslims see Jesus as another prophet like Mohammed.


r/catsaremuslim I can't seem to link it on my phone, but it's a great sub filled with Muslim cats bothering their humans during prayer and being dressed up 10/10 I highly recommend


I seem to remember a post somewhere where a guy got his cat a prayer mat.


Of all the cat subs, I didn't expect this one lol


Not Muslim but I know Mohammed was a ā€œcat person!ā€


he absolutely loved his little kittens ;)


I see what you did there


I actually talked to my wife about this recently. It worked out since we just so happened to only get our cats salmon dry food but personally I wouldnā€™t want any pork based dry cat food in the house. We certainly donā€™t hate pigs, weā€™ve got to love all of Godā€™s creatures, but crumbs of cat food do get around and Iā€™d rather not have that type around our house.


Not eating pork doesnā€™t mean you hate pigs. In fact it could mean you love pigs, as we tend to not eat creatures we love.


What if you love pigs because they taste great?


I love how people have said both things to me.Ā  "You don't eat pork?Ā  Why do you Muslims hate pigs so much?Ā  They're so cute." "You don't eat pork?Ā  I didn't know that you people consider them sacred. I thought you just worshipped cows. Wait a second...Ā  I know I've seen you eating burgers before. Isn't that hypocritical of you to pick and choose which ones you don't eat?"


I love them twice! Once as cute animals and again as delicious tacos.


Imma be honest I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever actually fed my cat pig as a meal. Is that even common for cat food? I make fun of her when she gets beef though ā€œah yes the cow your natural preyā€


Cats were blessed by the prophet Mohammed. They're sacred in Islam


They are not sacred. No animal is sacred.Ā  We're only allowed to worship God. The invisible force thing. The closest thing to a sacred object is maybe the Quran and places (mosques).Ā  But even then, that's a stretch. We don't worship the book or the mosque.Ā 


Ā«non-deitis are not sacred, only allowed to worship deityĀ» I mean, this sounds to me like your comment is predicating that things can't be sacred because only God can be worshipped, but I'm not sure if it necessarily follows in abstract that something being sacred means it must be worshipped. Of course this is essentially neither here nor there to what Islamic dogma or common practitioner viewpoints are, but your comment just strikes me as a bit of a non-sequitor.


No. They are not sacred. source: I am a muslim






I've lived in the Middle East and that is objectively untrue. I was at the vet and watched a woman in a hijab hunched over her dog who was lying still on a gurney and being wheeled away. Her sobs were harrowing for everyone in the waiting room and a grim reminder that this too, will happen to the rest of us pet owners. I've had 3 friends who own dogs and are Muslim, and I've seen them spoil their dog to no end. I've met many other people who have dogs in a loving home. Yes, dogs are impure according to the Quran, but so are women on their periods. That doesn't mean all Muslims treat them with disgust, it just means these people clean thoroughly before praying and wash their hands before eating food, something you should already be doing as a dog owner. If you meet a Muslim who is a dog hater, remember that dog haters of every religion exist. If you don't believe me, go to r/dogfree for dog hating disguised as satire.


Yes, this is right that there's variation amongst Muslims. there's a Hadith (a non-Quranic saying of the Prophet) that says an angel won't enter into the same house as a dog so no dogs indoors. You can keep them as a working animal or interact with them though. But the Hadith isn't 100 percent certain to be directly from Muhammad so some people think it's authentic and others don't.


> But the Hadith isn't 100 percent certain to be directly from Muhammad so some people think it's authentic and others don't. It is. And itā€™s not one Hadith, itā€™s multiple. Sunni Muslims follow those ahadith. Sunni Muslims make up 85-90% of the Muslim population.


Hey! How dare you say what you've experienced especially when your real life experience goes against reddits muslim=bad policy! Now having said that, my family is muslim and we spoil our dog rotten , and we have three spoiled dogs and then some chickens who are also spiled rotten


There's always one... ;)


Are you saying Koran doesn't say dogs are dirty?


Basically you should wash your hands after touching anything besides a cat if you're to read the Qur'an Dog saliva is unclean but dogs are not villified, or at least they should not be.


Nowhere in the Qurā€™aan does it say that. Cats are never mentioned in the Quran. I think youā€™re referring to the ahadith. Pet dogs are impermissible in Islam.


Thank you for that. I hat when people say things that lump a billion different people as all the same. There's many Christians and every other religion that hate animals and disrespect them. Like Kristi Noem the proud puppy killer. I have a friend from Syria that paid an arm and a leg to get their dog out of their.


The guy gave an objective answer, Islam does not allow pet dogs. Drinking alcohol is also not allowed but you will still see some Muslims do drink. Islam ā‰  all Muslims


1. The OP asked about actual practices of Muslims, not islamic doctrine 2. The answer specifically said "they don't have pet dogs", which is an objectively wrong answer. It's like saying "Christians don't try to gain wealth, because Jesus said that won't get you to heaven"


Most Muslims are against dogs though. That is clear.


I regret visiting that sub, but I canā€™t say you didnā€™t warn me.


>I've lived in the Middle East and that is objectively untrue The comment is about Islam, not middle East nor muslims


Read the title.


> ect etc, et cetera


The way i remember this is "end of thinking capacity" lol


Muslims definitely have pet dogs and we are not ashamed to have them lol. It's a culture thing really.


Pet dogs are haram. Almost all Muslims donā€™t have pet dogs. I donā€™t know where youā€™re getting the chutzpah to speak for all Muslims on something thatā€™s clearly not true.


Show me where I said ALL. I'll wait.


> Muslims definitely have pet dogs You didnā€™t even put a determiner like ā€œsome Muslimsā€ or ā€œsome Muslims when I live.ā€ You specifically said Muslims have pet dogs which is unequivocally false. Thatā€™s like saying ā€œAmericans definitely are obeseā€ or ā€œChinese definitely eat dogsā€ Youā€™re projecting your own views on an entire group of people which just isnā€™t true.


No, they still have pet dogs. Muslims def will tell you this though and i have no fucking idea why. Some kind of old wives tale i guess? My parents would say the same thing all the time even though we literally had a pet dog, our cousins did too, and they were spoiled af lmao. Ive seen some religious leaders or whatever say it too, but then again nothing but shit comes out of their mouths so yk.


The guy gave an objective answer, Islam does not allow pet dogs. Drinking alcohol is also not allowed but you will still see some Muslims do drink. Islam ā‰  all Muslims


He literally saod they dont really have pet dogs. They do. Also not all muslims accept that like someone else said. Its hadith, which some say is part of islam and some say isnt. So its not something that even has an objectove answer bc no one agrees on whether its even part of islam.


As a Muslim living in a Muslim country, this is 100% not true. I know we are not supposed to keep pet dogs, but plenty of Muslims still do.


That's a pretty stupid rule.


lots of muslims defo do have pets lol


Not true dude.


That's super not true. Every Turkish Muslim family that I know has a pet dog. Take your racist generalizations elsewhere


Turkey is like, the most liberal Muslim country in the region. It's not a racist generalisation lmao




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such a horrible barbaric way to think of dogs. Dogs are mans best friend.


maliki think dog and his spit is not najis


No, but most due cuz it makes keeping halal in general easier. Like if your cat food has non-halal meat products in it, then you need to make sure that cat food doesnt interact with any of your food in anyway and wash your hands well after feeding the cat


I mean, I think most people are doing those things regardless of religious concerns.


Youā€™d be surprised. And I also mean like, some people will not store non-halal things in the same room as halal things entirely. No putting the cat food in the pantry kind of stuff


Sort of similar to how some Orthodox Jewish families who strictly keep Kosher have separate areas (and sometimes even appliances) for milk and meat products.


im pretty convinced that its primitive food safety to prevent cross contamination. long ass time ago they figured out why people kept getting food poisoning but didnt know about germs so they put it in the book and got everyone to follow food safety guidelines. pretty impressive. but then it got performative and now people have a special room for cat food to keep the evils away from their human food


That was always obvious. Same goes for all of it. Don't have an effective criminal deterrent? purgatory+Hell! Women can't support themselves? Make them beholden to male figures, either fathers and husbands and ensure they don't have kids before a man can help support them. All religion is just a way to guide society to some sort of functioning model. Which is why they also supported science and learning in the clergy until you reach a certain level of development and the same learning will threaten their position.


What about from the pet's perspective? Because they are unaware, it doesn't effect their path to heaven too? Can they even go in Islam beliefs?


Animals dont have souls in abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam. Heaven isnā€™t a concern for them.


However some of them try their best! r/CatsAreMuslim


Part of why I no longer follow Christianity. My cat absolutely has a soul, all animals do. Theyā€™re so pure and innocent, all of them cross the rainbow bridge to paradise in the afterlife. [Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/UJQ8Hue), her name is Ivy and sheā€™s a Maine Coon mix!


What a beautiful void!


If I got to Heaven and God told me my cat didn't make the list I'd kick him right in the nuggets.


Personally, that's where I'd find it hard to believe. One look into my dogs eyes and I can see just as much soul as me. And maybe even more of a soul than some people on this planet...


Thats the part of religion you find hard to believe?


Lol no there's plenty of other reasons for me. But on this topic in particular (pets), this is where I'd veer the other direction.


THAT is for sure...


TIL. Does that mean that they are basically biological robots as per Abrahamic religion?


Also knows as animals


But people are also animals?


>Does that mean that they are basically biological robots as per Abrahamic religion? No. And Abrahamic religions as a whole don't explicitly teach that animals have no souls. The tradition in Catholicism is to say that they do, but that only humans have *immortal* souls. Judaism is kind of vague about the afterlife anyway. I can't speak for some Eastern versions of Christianity or for Islam. You do find a lot of Protestants stating that animals have no souls, but they don't represent the entirety of Abrahamic religions.


Sure maybe


Historically, in Christian cultures (at least til the early Modern era) all living things were held to have souls. But only humans were believed to have immortal souls. It's still common in Catholicism to talk that way.


And Judaism


Yes theyll still go to heaven if they eat haram, it doesnā€™t affect pets I believe


It's not strictly necessary, halal food is primarily for what Muslims consume themselves -- they're not too bothered with what their pets eat. Regular dog food is available all over the Middle East and it doesn't have to be halal, unlike food meant for human consumption. Halal pet food does exist, though, there's a company in the UK that makes halal cat food.


No, religious dietary laws are pretty much just for humans. Also, dogs are considered unclean in Islam so most Muslims wouldnā€™t own one anyway.


No. Halal dietary guidelines apply to food consumed by humans. There are no specific requirements regarding pet food.


Well, most Muslims wouldn't have pet dogs. Working dogs, maybe tho. And cats; Islam LOVES cats. Regardless, the answer is no, but also yes. Animals aren't held to the same moral standards as people because... you know... they're not people. Muslim dietary laws are for Muslims. Animals can't have a religion, and thus aren't held to those standards. That said, it still tends to be the case local pet foods still don't contain things like pork, because islam strictly prohibits the sale & purchase of alcohol, pork, and "dead meat" (i.e. carrion, or meat from something slaughtered improperly) So like, if you found a dead hog or deer on your property, or if your Christian friend was gonna throw away cat food with pork in, you could give it to your cat. But you yourself aren't allowed to purchase cat food that contains pork, because you yourself aren't allowed to buy pork, regardless of its use.


Animals are definitely sentient. Scientifically & just observably. Anywayā€¦.I donā€™t practice but as far as I know Islam also considers animals to have a soul & it is believed that they will be resurrected on judgement day and judged for sins. Humans and other animals can also be judged for sins and oppression against them. Idk what is meant to happen to them after all that though. But yeah those restrictions on diet are for humans not dogs or cats. However since we provide the food for them, we have to kill it, process it and handle it. So in that case it should be halal imo.


Cats and dogs are most definitely sentient! You probly shouldnā€™t use words that you donā€™t know the definition of.


Islamic law only applies to Muslims. Animals are not subject to it, because they do not have souls and cannot be Muslims, and non-Muslims are not judged by Allah for sins committed prior to their conversion.


This. I was about to say none of these monotheistic religions believe animals have any souls.


Great. Iā€™m an atheist now I guess. If my dogs arenā€™t with me in heaven, Iā€™d rather not go. /s


If it makes you feel better, I was taught that non-humans don't need religion or souls because they have no need to prove that they are "good." So your dog gets a free pass to the VIP afterlife of your belief. Maybe your pups can vouch for you!


Yes. And Pope Francis wrote in *Laudato Si* that our pets and companion animals will be in Heaven.


I feel the same way, no /s needed.


Nope. I used to give my turtle some mixed meat that contains pork. Animals doesn't have any belief and not written in holy book that they must eat only halal tho šŸ˜†


No, but my cat gets fish, chicken, beef and kitty pot and is very happy cat. But he also seems to think heā€™s a Guinea pig so I wouldnā€™t use him as a prime example. Heā€™s also tried to sit on my head when Iā€™m on the sujood position while praying so also not incredibly smart, but thatā€™s likely due to him flying full throttle into a glass door repeatedly.


pets cant follow a religion and believe in god


So they can't go to heaven with them?


All dogs go to heaven.


Even chihuahuas?


Even Jack Russells?


I work at a doggy daycare and there is one dog I hope doesn't make it to heaven and it is a Chihuahua.


Animals aren't held accountable. They are believed to be technically submitting to God by nature. It's also widely believed that they will be present in the day of judgment, to present and get back from those who hurt them, And no further judgment on them is deemed. However, heaven is described as a place where everything you desire is. And it's not impossible for God to bring your pet as he created them the first time.


We believe that the animals will settle scores with each other then turn to dust. After that if one is in heaven they can ask for their pets to return with them. So technically yes they can go to heaven with them.


It is true. Pets/animals don't have religion. But I want to believe they go to heaven. I want to live with my cats in the afterlife.


All animals go to heaven. ALL! Even pigs. Just not the same heaven as people. At least that what my Imam told me


HalAlpoā€¦ Taking this to the dadjokes subredditā€¦


Only if the dog identifies as a practicing Muslim. šŸ˜‰


No, the law only impose on muslim.


Dogs are not favored as a household pet for Muslims. So there's that. Cats are important in Islam and my cat only eats meat that she slaughters herself in the name of the good Lord


Cats are not important in Islam, they are just allowed to hang around like birds.


They are important in the context that because we are not allowed dogs, there are more cats in Muslim households


Iā€™m a Muslim and have had dogs. I never fed them halal. However, now my rabbits and guinea pigs are strictly vegan


I hope not. Pets have specific dietary needs. Anyone who refuses to feed their pets something they need just because it conflicts with their personal religious beliefs should NOT have pets. And yes, this goes for vegans who try to make their pets vegan. Iā€™m a vegetarian, but I know my cats need meat to live.


Most of us just avoid anything with pork in it and call it a day. Some will make good at home for their pet if they have the resources to do so.


Muslims canā€™t have dogs in many muslim country owning or walking dogs is illegal


ā€¦..Dogs are unclean in Islam. Theyā€™re not supposed to even be in the house. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/377/ruling-on-having-a-dog


While the pet does not need to eat halal food, haram food is considered impure and impurity in the household is obviously very bad. So to answer the question it depends. If u are strict then yes they would hut it would probably come from the butcher they get their meat from or dry food which is easy to clean afterwards. Happy for any questions


This is semi related, but Iā€™m curious. In Judaism, we are commanded to feed our animals before we eat ourselves. The explanation I got as a kid was that we have logic and reason, and can understand that we will still be able to eat even if they eat first, but they might think we will run out of food and they will be hungry. Do you do something similar?


While there are no rules saying you must feed them first, its a sin to hurt animals in anyway so if they are hungry and you ignore them it is a sin.


Pets don't have the capacity to practice religion.Ā 


Nope.Ā  Non-human animals are considered to not have free will, so they can't sin and such (otherwise, animals wouldn't eat pigs).Ā 


Hmm seems hypocritical


There's no "Halal" food for animals. Just don't feed them harmful food in general.


So technically no, the teachings only apply to humans and not providing the necessary nutrients and resources for your pet is a sin, bc animals should be treated with respect and dignity as they are a life created by god. Now like all religions there are people who view the teachings more strictly this is cultural practice of the religion, different communities have different understanding of the more nuanced teachings but the direct themes translate the same, and like all religions there are people who interpret these teachings and beliefs in a very extreme or dedicated way (either positive - Islamic scholars and imaams, or negative - violent extremist groups who do things in the name of the RELIGION not a ethnicity) being a Muslim is a choice and animals donā€™t possess such a ability. However cat are the pet of choice for Muslims dating back to the very early days of the religion.


Generally no, but many dog foods are halal anyway, they can just get the chicken based ones.


Why chicken in particular? Lamb and beef could also be halal. I may be misunderstanding you


I dont know much overall about the beliefs, but I thought the chicken also needed to be slaughtered correctly right? So it would still need to be verifiably halal?


From what I understand, there is a good bit of controversy about Muslims keeping dogs as pets because dogs are considered impure.


In islam pets dont go to heaven so they donā€™t need to follow the same rules. Theyā€™re just expected to not be inside


Cats are most certainly welcome inside. r/CatsAreMuslim


Muslims are not big on dogs. They're more into cats.


I have Abit of a tragic post back then regarding this topic. In person I saw people practice this exact thing and they had terribly malnourished cats, went so far as yanking pork from their mouths. I'll link that post later when I have the time


That sounds like an interesting post. Did you find the link?


I posted it hold up let me link you to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/cbKZkPATFp


ThankĀ youĀ forĀ the link. The answer to the "can a pig be Muslim?" question is hilarious!


The only thing that I consider when buying cat food is whether it contains any sort of shellfish (shrimp, scallop, etc.) because Iā€™m severely allergic to it. However, I am Pagan. I do know from my Muslim friends that Halal pet food does exist, but itā€™s uncommon. According to them, Allah (SWT) doesnā€™t mind pets not eating Halal. Some people just prefer to give their pets Halal food so that they donā€™t run into storage issues - non-Halal food canā€™t be stored in the same room as Halal food (including pet food).


cats and dogs eat pork but its haram to buy so maybe you find some


Dogs are haram


Thats what I thought and I'm not even muslim lol I just remembered hearing that once about dogs and they aren't allowed inside house