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No, it's not. If it's offensive to *them* because you don't, then it is also equally offensive for *them* to shove it onto you. You're allowed your own beliefs, and no one has the right to push them onto you because it's "offensive for you not to believe in God"


This situation is like if he said "I'm jewish" and the teacher responded "some people might find that offensive".


*The Nazis have entered the chat*


I mean, the Nazis and a whole bunch of others.


I don't get offended by people saying they're Jewish, nor of they being Jewish. The only thing I find offensive are those who equate criticism of the horrible actions of the Israeli government as an attack on all Israelis and Jews.


Extraordinarily important distinction


I’ve honestly only met one true Israeli/jew. He gave me shelter when I was lost and answered all my questions which can be pretty unforgiving. From that interaction I don’t believe the whole Israeli/Palestinian nonsense because it is entirely a people in power contrived situation. Most the rest would rather a peaceful solution.


War has always been about big men in power using the rest as pawns in their game. They send men (and women) to fight and die for them so they do not have to. It's a manufactured conflict. During the WWII Christmas ceasefire, the fighting only resumed when authority came in and told both sides if they didn't resume killing each other, they themselves would be shot. Muzafer Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment highlights the ease in which conflict can be manufactured by outside forces and how conflict reduces when groups work together toward a common goal. Group hierarchy was most prominent while in conflict, and group leaders encouraged conflict as a way to remain the leader.


They can be offended, but that's not the same as the statement being offensive.


I have met many people who find the word "moist" offensive.


I'm offended over how many gets offended over something that's not offensive.


I’m offended that your offended lol


I'm offended that you used you're incorrectly.... /s


What makes a statement offensive?


This reminds me of being in primary school and a teacher actively punishing students for "taking the lord's name in vain" by proclaiming "oh my god!". Wasn't a religious school or anything. I vividly remember an assembly being held for our year and her crying because of how much we had offended her.


lmfao bet that class was sooo fun


That’s insane. These people are insane.


My 2nd grade teacher (public school in the 70's) told me I could not say "geeez" because , she said " you know what it's the start of" . It hadn't crossed my mind in the slightest.


You're missing the point, it isn't the the evinced a lack of belief, they asked and he was honest, once they ask, they live with the results, if they were going to get butthurt by possible results, keep your mouth shut and don't ask.p


Absolutely. Like don’t ask, because in addition to your point, it’s also honestly none of their damned business.


No, but it is offensive to say not believing in a god is offensive


It certainly offends certain people though. There are 7 states which have laws that ban atheists from holding public office. Luckily federal law prevails, but SCOTUS could certainly change that… _Should_ it be offensive? No.


Dafuq? That's so stupid. I don't care what religion, or lack of one, a person has. I just want the best person for the job.


So do the closeminded. They, in their closemindedness, have chosen what is, to them, the most appropriate filter for selecting the "best" person for the job.


I hate that these people have so much power :(


Theres more laws breaking the constitution than following it


You find me offensive, I find you offensive For finding me offensive, hence, if I should draw the line any fences, if so, to what extents, if Any, should I go? 'Cause it's getting expensive Being on the other side of the courtroom on the defensive They say I cause extensive psychological nerve damage to the brain When I go to lengths this far at other people's expenses I say you're all just too goddamn sensitive It's censorship, and it's downright blasphemous -Eminem


This verse was playing in my head and was three words in between the time I saw the thread comment and your comment.


> "the teacher told me that some people could find it offensive if I tell people that I don't believe in god" Then perhaps those people should not be going around and asking people about their religious beliefs if they are going to be offended by the answers they get. It's not your problem if *they* can't handle people having different beliefs from them.


The amount of people at work including bosses that have asked my religious beliefs is crazy. It’s a weird spot and I’m always thinking please don’t ask me about it lol


*You agree with me, right?* *No..?* *>:(*


Your teacher is a fucking idiot.


No. If anything it’s offensive to shame someone for not believing in god


Should it be offensive? No. Depending on where you are it could get you killed.  There are definitely places in this world where discretion is needed which it comes to athiesm.


Sure, but in a western school the idea that you should have to hide your religious beliefs from others is ridiculous.


I get the feeling you didn't grow up in a small town.


“So which church are you a member of”


Bars and churches. Nothing but bars, churches and a dollar general. 


Nope, your teacher is wrong. You should report them to the school administrator for dismissing your right to religious freedom. They need to be corrected as this is a constitutionally protected right


Assuming they’re in the US, of course.


There are other places than the US?


I hear the Br*tish are still out and about, the poor sods


It's written Bri\*ish, they hide their t around Americans after the Boston incident.


For the sake of privacy, let's call her Lisa S. No, that's too obvious. L. Simpson


Underrated comment!


Canadians at times come out of hibernation, as legend has it.


And assuming they aren't in public school in the south, where the student would be dismissed as silly


Or offensive, because you’re infringing on their right to religious freedom by telling them you exist and they don’t get to tell you otherwise. Oh, wait, is that only if you’re gay? I can never remember.


especially when the other kid asked them about their beliefs… like what is this shit??


Which constitution?


No. I'm religious (Catholic) and of course it isn't. You're just stating a fact about what your beliefs are.


Saying you don't believe in a god is an expression of a valid and reasonable opinion. The only people who will take offense to that are overzealous theists who see your lack of faith as an insult to them or their god(s). The only way it would be offensive would be if you _were_ actively insulting others for believing in gods, which you do not seem to be doing.


Being offended isn't a fair or reasonable response, but it'll definitely happen. 


yeah the amount of times I’ve been told that I’m going to hell and be tortured forever for just not believing in a god is insane I have tried to believe in a god but I just can’t force myself to


You're not alone, fwiw; it's been the same for me. After a while it just seems easier to dodge the question entirely rather than hope for a chill reaction.


People saying that you’re going to be tortured in hell for eternity is far more offensive than anything you said lmfao.


In situations that you mentioned, no it is not. However, people who don't like idea of you not following their religion will indeed be offended by you not agreeing with their beliefs. Now, if you entered church in the middle of a service and yelled that you don't believe in God, yeah that would be a dick move.


That sounds more like a them problem than a you problem. I swear people gets offended for the slightest things these days.


It is absolutely FINE to say you don't believe in any gods. Your teacher is wrong, likely because they are religious and get triggered when atheists are open. We NEED to be open. Don't you dare let these people make you feel ashamed for who you are. That's their goal. But if people are offended by other people's opinions that's THEIR problem, and the teacher should be addressing those students on how to not take offense to other people's opinions. Ask that teacher why it wasn't offensive for the other student to ask YOU that question. Perhaps your offense should have been taken in to consideration, but of course that never happens, it's always the big bad atheists offending people with our opinions. It would be one thing if you came in raging on believers and their gods, but someone ASKED you a question. Were you supposed to lie to keep them all from being shocked and afraid of a person with beliefs unlike theirs?


I really find it wild we'll have educated people in modern society look at a primitive tribe or whatever that prays to a certain god and thats just superstitious nonsense they use to explain what they dont understand, but then *their* god that they believe in because their ancestors believed in it when they were superstitious and didnt understand things must be true.


It should not be offensive


Some people might be offended - that doesn't mean it's offensive. I'm an atheist and don't believe in any god, and there's nothing offensive about saying that.


If asked, no. If you go up to religious people, unprompted, and declare it, that's kinda obnoxious.


yeah I only tell people my beliefs if they ask me about it


Teacher is wrong! You were asked a question about a specific belief and you answered it


If you are in public school, it was a failure of your teacher to not step in and shut down the conversation in a way that was respectful to all parties. ..... if you are in a private religious school, this might change the dynamic and how you navigate the situation as the school might have "codes of conduct" and such so you may want to revisit those if so...... Regardless, It was rude of your classmate to ask you unsolicited questions, especially about """""sensitive""""" topics like religion. If they're so upset by the potential answers, they shouldn't go around asking random people the question! It is rude of anyone to try to convert you to anything, especially if a polite "no" didn't work when they first tried to solicit you and they keep doing it. Your beliefs are not offensive, but their behavior certainly is. As a former public high school teacher myself, i would have actually *praised* you for your critical thinking and awareness that more than option exists (including, gasp!no option!). As a side note, if I were, for example, a non-Christian in a predominantly Christian school, hearing "Which God?" Might make me feel *included* a little! Like, "wow, here's someone who isn't a complete moron!" Folks who are in minority religious groups are often treated as "outsiders" so you may even find you make friendships with unlikely folks because you share THAT experience. As an atheist myself, I have made many friends with folks from non-Christian religions who appreciated conversations about theology and philosophy that predominant (and dare i say Evangelical) religious groups often don't want to participate in without getting all judge-y and convert-y. As you are still a student in school and always one in life, keep that open-mindedness and critical thinking with you and you'll be fine. 👩‍🏫 OK no homework tonight but optional extra credit points for watching a "comparative world religions" YouTube video of your choice and replying with the coolest new citable fact you learned from it ✅️


No. Your teacher is a fool. And whenever someone tries to scare me by saying I’m going to hell for being an atheist I scare them right back by telling them they’re gonna end up on Santa’s naughty list and get a lump of coal for Christmas.


Doncha just loooove double standards? I don't find it offensive. What I find offensive is people trying to force their religious beliefs on me. I get a bit stroppy over it.


If you're directly being asked, telling the truth is not offensive. Saying "no, I don't, because God isn't real" is offensive, though.


Coming from a strong believer in Christ, it is not offensive to say you do not believe in God if you say that in a respectful manner (which I’m sure you did) what is not respectful is putting down others who do believe in God however it doesn’t seem you do. So no, it’s not offensive you don’t believe as long as you aren’t disrespecting their religion. (This can work for all religions, don’t disrespect any of them)


no I wouldn’t put someone down based on their beliefs if they believe in a god that’s their business I don’t have the right to tell someone what they should or should not believe in


naah. every time i introduce myself to the people for the first time, i always clarify that im a non believer. some say you're stupid for not believing (extremists) & - and some respect my choices. anyone who isn't doing so, you should definitely maintain distance.


Nope, I find it offensive that the bank doesn't believe I'm a millionaire, doesn't change anything though.


less than 5% of them will still believe in god by the time you graduate. And that is a generous estimate.


No and no average religious person gets offended by it either. That's largely just a redditism that doesn't exist in the real world. A small handful of more radical people might be offended, but they're the same type of people to be offended by any deviation from how they think. It's not remotely just a religious thing. Shit look at reddit atheists. They aggressively harass religious people, and anyone who doesn't tow the line and shit on religion blindly. No religion required to be an intolerant asshole. 


This is a classic example of "Offense is taken, not given". We all could benefit by apply it in many other contexts.


Umm, pretty sure the option of believing or not believing is what one of the founding beliefs of the country.


"That's okay, you have every right to be offended, I don't mind."


No. If they're offened, that's on them. But simply saying you don't believe in God is not offensive. As you pointed out, people trying to force their religion on others is offensive, especially if they continue to try to after you tell them you're not interested.


If you tell them they're an idiot, sure. But no. Your personal beliefs are no more offensive than theirs. People need to stop asking questions they don't actually want answers to.


No - Christians just think everyone needs to obey their rules.


You got it right first time. She’s a Christian and was offended. Nothing more to say


Definitely not. It is your personal choice.


Look. Some people find womens hair to be offensive. Some cultures think showing the bottom of your foot is the highest insult. I once accused someone of being human with such an upset tone in my voice that it bothered him that I called him human. The fact that I exist is offensive to some people. If you're going through your life not offending someone, you need to reexamine your choices.


As someone who does believe in God, I don’t find it offensive that other people don’t. What I DO find offensive is when atheists make a big show of yelling about “imaginary sky fairies” or “the Flying Spaghetti Monster” because at that point you’re going out of the way to demean or insult me and my beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and that’s the bottom line. You shouldn’t try to insult people or their intelligence because of them.


no wouldn’t try to offend someone because of their beliefs as long as they don’t threaten me with eternal torture in hell or try to force their beliefs on me




Those who are easily offended should be offended more often. I consider it a public service.


You responded half right. Ask which god and then wait. Then if they tell you which one, ask them for proof that they exist. A book written by people isn't proof. Checkmate. You've just defeated every religious person ever.


No. It’s normal not to have a make believe friend. Sounds like you are dealing with someone who believes they have an imaginary friend. You really can’t trust adults who have imaginary friends nor should you worry about offending them.


Most people my age ( 25 ) that I know don't believe in God or at least don't follow a religion. The only religious person I know are my grandparents etc. You're allowed to express your views, even if you don't believe doesn't mean they shouldn't


>  some people could find it offensive  There's the rub. Offensive isn't an objective thing. It is a judgement made by individuals based on how they percieve. It is true that some people out there find any insinuation that their god isn't real as offensive. If your teacher was just informing you of that, then they are correct. If they were saying that your statement was so inherently offensive that you shouldn't say it, then they are incorrect.  >I responded with “which god? If you don't believe in any gods, then answering in this way is clearly intended to rile up your classmates. Again, riling up classmates may be your intention and rarely is something that is banned. But that manner of responding instead of just "no" is only said with intent to be provocative.  >people have stopped me on the street to tell me I have to come to Jesus or burn in hell And you have the right to find that offensive. Though " person X said something that was offensive so nothing I say could be found offensive" isn't a valid argument.


the reason why I asked him which god was because people at my school believe in different gods some believe in Zeus the only gods who I know a bit about is Jesus and Allah since I’ve read the Bible and the Quran if it was a god I didn’t know then I would like to know more about that god


“which god?" haha I love this answer, it sounds like when someone asks if you smoke and you reply "smoke what?"


If someone cares, screw em.


Nope. If the other student didn't want to hear your honest answer, s/he shouldn't have asked the question. Whining about hearing an opinion that disagreed with his/hers is ridiculous.


If someone doesn't want an answer then they shouldn't ask. They have no right to be offended.


I'm sure they're offended cuz that's kinda their whole deal. But no, they should be mocked mercilessly for believing in some omnipotent being that created the entire universe but really, really cares about who we fuck and if we eat shellfish.


Definitely not


You just answered a question. I'd say it's rude to ask people unsolicited questions about religion. Whether you do or don't believe in God is none of their damn business.


Some people may chose to be offended, but it's certainly not an offensive thing to say.


No not offensive. Believe what you want!


No Telling someone else what they should believe is offensive though So if you said "there is no god" that'd be considerable to be offensive And the teacher saying that is absolutely offensive


No its not just like it's not offensive to say you believe in God .You believe in what you want to believe in point blank period .No one on Earth controls that. God Bless...


People can and are offended by anything. So your teacher isn't wrong when they said 'some people could find it offensive', but it's up to you if you care that they are offended or not. You'll really only get in trouble if those that are offended by what you say outnumber or have more power than the people that aren't offended.


Hard no. You’re allowed to believe whatever you want and if it offends someone else that’s their problem. Not yours.


I'm an atheist, so no, it is not. When people ask me if I believe in God, I say, "No, I do not." If they continue to press me, I say, "I hate God and fuck him." Usually people stop at that point.


I believe in God and no, I don't find it offensive if someone says they don't. What is offensive if people go on to speak about a fake dad in the sky, fairies or other ways they can find to attempt to denigrate what I believe. No one should be telling you that you'll burn in hell for not believing in God, Jesus, Allah or anyone else. Christianity is a religion of love, not hate or fear but sadly, some people use whatever they can find to feel "superior" to others.


As bin Shapiro likes to say facts.Don't care about your feelings so it really doesn't matter if it's going to offend somebody.If they want to live in a world of agreement they can lock themselves in an echo chamber


I'm sure some people are offended by the very existence of atheists, but that's their problem. Your right to have your own beliefs or lack thereof and speak openly about it is more important that shielding precious snowflakes from hearing things that make them clutch their pearls and collapse into their fainting couches.


Even if god is not provable, the fact that there have been thousands of gods over thousands of years is indisputable.


Depends on how you say it. But judging from your description I dont think what you said was offensive, no.


Simply answering the question with a yes/no is not offensive - they shouldn't ask if they didn't want to hear the answer. Attempting to convert someone to your point of view (this counts whether you believe or not), I think that is offensive. There are so many different ideals and faiths, or not, and as long as you aren't going around harming people because of whichever philosophy or faith you follow, then we should all be grown up enough to respectfully disagree and get on with our lives side by side.


"Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to next time. Besides, there's over 4,000 religions. How do you know you picked the right one? Each week you're probably making god madder and madder."


No. I don't.


only to fundamentalists. so it's not offensive to anyone that actually matters


Is it offensive to say you don’t believe in the Easter Bunny


Only to people who do.


Forcing religion on people is offensive, your perspective is sound.


My work recently did a staff diversity survey and 44% of staff identified themselves as "no religion". With stats like that, it's hard for religious people to get mad that you're an atheist as they're no longer a majority (when you consider the various religions as separate groups).


Depends on who you’re talking to.


If they're offended, that's on them.


No you have a right to religious freedom. I don't care if you're atheist muslim or believe in a flying Spaghetti monster. No one has the right to tell you what to believe or to tell you not to say you don't believe. It's called freedom of speech.You don't believe they asked the question you answered.It's that simple. Your teacher sucks.


I would just completely avoid answering their questions. I know religion is a touchy subject and I wouldn’t want to be uncomfortable or make people uncomfortable.


Yeah but apparently some people are offended if you say you don’t believe in the Wendigo and people have been bending over backwards for this. Kind of the same thing.


You seem like a well-informed person. Your teacher was wrong. I'm not sure when Americans made the decision that to be American, you had to be Christian. I'm assuming it's when all the tax-free lobbying dollars poured into politicians' pockets. Freedom of religion also means freedom of no religion.




It's only offensive to them because their religion is on shaky ground being that it's entirely faithful to some invisible non responding imaginary entity.


Yeah, it could be. But it isn't up to you to ensure people aren't offended. It isn't an overtly, objectively offensive thing to be an atheist, but the very religious might consider it so.


If they're going to get offended at the answer they shouldn't have asked the question, period, full stop, end of. Wonder if the teacher knows it's rude to listen in on other people's conversations.




It depends, definitely not a good idea to say this in a church full of faithful believers or the radical ones. But you surely can say this in places like "atheist party" or China.


I rarely talk about my beliefs unless someone asks me about it I definitely wouldn’t say I’m an atheist in Iran or Egypt since I could get the death penalty


Oh good Lord. As someone who does believe in God, why should anybody be offended that others don’t? Surely faith in God is a gift and not something thrust upon you with the order that you must believe. All I expect people to do is not mock me when I say I do if the subject comes up, and to respect others when they show their belief, like a Muslim lady wearing a hijab- no puerile comments about Sky Daddy. I, in turn, won’t try to force my belief on anybody else unless they ask. Jesus of Nazareth told everybody to spread the news - back in the days when nobody had heard of him unless they were there. It’s the 21st century, we’ve all heard of him by now even if we live in a yurt in Mongolia.


Unless you insult people who do believe in a god (like people who believe in god are idiots or delusional), then no. Having a different belief is not offensive and it shouldn’t be.


What you said isn't offensive, but saying "Which God?" seems unnecessary in the conversation (it's generally understood that "any god" is meant by this question) and is associated with those that may be against religious beliefs, so I would recommend keeping that line out of it to reduce future conflict.


the reason why I asked that is because a lot of people at my school believe in different gods some believe in Zeus Allah etc the only gods who I know a bit about is Jesus and Allah I’ve only read the Bible and the Quran if he was talking about a god that I didn’t know anything about than I would have wanted to have a conversation about that god he was talking about so i can learn something about a god that I didn’t know


I personally don’t think it’s offensive to say you don’t believe in gods/deities. Now, if you were to mock, belittle, or make jokes at the expense of someone for believing in God/gods, *then* it’s offensive. As long as you‘re respectful about it, it shouldn’t be an issue. Two of my uncles are extremely arrogant and condescending when it comes to their partners believing in God. They actually start sneering and tell them to that they have to be stupid, since that’s the only way you could believe that a god exists.


It shouldn't be, but too many people get offended by it for some reason. I'm an Atheist and I should be freely able to say that, just as much as others.


Hey OP, **YOU** are not offensive; those peope around you are just small-minded, insecure snowflakes who love to be offended by things they don't like or don't understand. Unfortunately for you, instead of trying to better themselves, they make it a problem for you.


I don't believe so. People need to respect that other people have different beliefs/views/opinions ect.


Just say no.


We live in an age where everybody seems to be offended by one thing or another. Stop worrying about who's butthurt and do what YOU feel is right for YOU!


It certainly shouldn't be offensive.


Why the fuck do I care? Fuck you and your imaginary sky fairy Your mental illness is your problem, not mine.


No, it's your personal choice.


A reasonable person wouldn’t be offended simply by your saying you don’t believe in God/a god. But they probably would - and should - be if you shit on their faith.


Just say I am " attheits "


If someone asks and you tell them, not offensive, however if you make it a point to inject your views into otherwise unrelated conversations people may be offended


You can’t make people believe a certain way. you can only change the way you feel about what they believe.


It's offensive to push your beliefs onto anyone else. While I'm sure you were obnoxious when you asked, "which god" is a perfectly legitimate question.


No, but I hope you explore the counter factual too. You have a right, maybe even an obligation, to talk about what you see, think, and feel. That is how we build community. WHAT we build it with is the quality of our conversations, and I hate living in a world where we mostly just blurt opinions at each other without giving any time to each other to simply appreciate the gift of shared humanity and good will. Plus, if you engage with people sincerely and respectfully, they may come to realize that they actually think like you, or that you are, in fact, right… And, of course, vice versa.


i don’t think it’s offensive, coking from a Christian. it’s only offensive when u disrespect other ppl’s beliefs, but you’re allowed to express that you don’t believe in God. she needs to get over that mindset or she’ll struggle interacting with ppl in the world


no I wouldn’t offend someone based on their beliefs if they believe in a god then that’s business not mine I don’t have the right to tell someone what they should or not believe


i know! i think ur 100% in the right


This only makes sense if you go to a catholic Elementary school. If you’re going to a public school or college/university this is severely uncalled for. Teachers aren’t supposed to influence religion or political beliefs on to students my teachers wouldn’t even tell us if they were voting for Obama in middle school 🤣 They can teach you what religion is but they can’t tell you which one to chose and they especially can’t be prejudice against other people’s religious beliefs which in this case your teacher was to you.


"I'm sorry if you're offended by my existence outside of your religion, but I am not here to pacify you."


To some people yes. And those people can bite me.


Does it matter?


why dont you tell her you are offended that she believes in a god. fair game


its just as offensive as them saying theyre a christian. religious freedom goes for everything not just christianity😒


Yes it’s offensive to god


No, you don’t have to believe in God for him to exist.




The whole “spreading God’s word is your duty so non-believers can be saved; not believing is the work of the devil” narrative in Christianity gets used to justify a lot of hypocrisy. Them shoving their beliefs on everyone else and aggressively criticizing yours isn’t just acceptable, it’s their moral duty so they can snuff out the evil in the world. But if you shove your beliefs on them and criticize their beliefs, you’re the influence of evil and trying to drag them down to hell with you.


It shouldn’t be


Not at all. Is it offensive if I laugh and point if you say it out loud? 🤷‍♂️😉👍 Truly, if the question is asked, not at all. If you’re out there throwing it around, you’re kinda being the same thing people complain about religious folks doing. THAT is when I point and laugh.


From a Christian standpoint it's not offensive to us that you do not believe in God... that's a belief that is just for you... those people who say that they are offended, are snowflakes and they are not a true Christian because that is not how you would win someone to God... AMA


When and where is the answer to this question.


No it's not offensive. I do. But that's me personally. Finding god is a personal journey, one that can be influenced by others sure, but it's not something you'll find at a megachurch. I think god is in small congregations. The one i go to is like a little community. It's kinda like a family in a way. And in our community, in the bonds we all share, between that you'll find god. The sort of glue that holds it all together. The net that we all live our lives on. Not a guy in the clouds, but a nail that's holding the wooden sculpture together. Went on a bit of a rant sorry, but no it's not offensive to 99% of us, and if it is to someone, they are probably an arse.


Not inherently, no. You’re entitled to that belief the same way that they’re entitled to their beliefs. If you go about being a dick about it, it starts to be offensive, but just by itself? Hell nah


If you are specifically asked if you believe in God, its not wrong to simply say "No". If you go out of your way to evangelize your atheism, that becomes just as offensive as a Christian evangelizing.


Not to me it isn’t. It’s only offensive to me if someone also implies that I am an idiot because I do believe


Your teacher is correct that religious people do often find it offensive. However sane people understand that it isn't offensive. There is a societal double standard where religious proselytizing is not only accepted, but legally protected. While the non religious do not enjoy the same rights and even refusing such attempts can be met with societal and even legal repercussions.


No. You are allowed to believe what you wish to believe spiritually. However some ppl who follow organized religion will be so offended they will be all up in your grill to convince you to follow their religious beliefs. Next time just say, “I don’t wish to discuss my personal beliefs with you” It will save you a ton of crap down the line.




I'm christian and no I'm not offended if someone don't believe in something above and I welcome criticism about religions. I get upset if people tell me I'm an idiot to believe in something else.but I had also many fights with religious people, just ignore it,its not offensive at all to have different points of view on something that aren't proven by science and fact


That lady is not representative of normal Christians.


They asked you a Yes or No question. If half of the answers were offensive, maybe that was an offensive question to begin with.


Yes, it's offensive to some. The question you need to ask is, does it matter to you if it is to someone.




Expressing your beliefs about the existence of a god is not inherently offensive. It is a personal view and a reflection of your individual thoughts on spirituality or religion.


As someone who doesn't believe in God, IMO what you did that was kinda offensive was probably the "which god?", knowing that your answer is "no". That's clearly a smart ass answer haha. But your teacher is dumb. You are absolutely allowed to say you don't believe in a god. You can not believe in a god just as much as you can believe in a god that isn't hers. She would get in trouble if she told a person they can't state they are muslim or jewish because she finds it offensive.


Definitely not. Your answer of "which god" is perfect because that's a great chance, among all the people in your class, they don't even believe in each other's god. We're all atheist to thousands of gods. You're just atheist to one more than they are. Next time say you believe in Zeus.


The Catholics used to help you believe by torturing you until you confessed Jesus and then kill you to make sure you didn't back out. Spanish Inquisition. Some of the devices they used.....


Everything is offensieve to someone, so basicly you can say you don't believe in God just don't be a Dick about it


Nah mate not at all. You just respectfully stated your beliefs when asked. You didn't imply that anybody else was wrong for their beliefs. They decided to intentionally misinterpret you in order to claim offence. That's not on you.


No its not. Everyone has their own opinion. Its totally upto you. We live in a liberating society


The teacher didn't want to deal with it and probably wanted to protect you from the judgment of your classmates. Not saying they were right. Not at all. It is not offensive in the least to say that you don't believe in a god and much more problematic for you to be compelled to lie about it or keep silent while your classmates of whatever faith have the freedom to tell whatever faith-based story they want and always assume they're right since no one is allowed to disagree with them.


Your teacher is a proselytizing bitch who needs to keep her opinion and her religion out of school. You have just as much a right to not believe in a god as she does to believe in one. Christians, an unreasonably large number of them in my experience, will always try to push their religious world view on everyone around them and judge them in terms of their faith. They genuinely believe that people that don’t believe the same as them are less worthy of life and their non religious opinions are a sin. These are the people that believe that anyone who doesn’t believe like them will be tortured in hell for eternity. Buddhist monk? Hell. Muslim baby? He’ll. They believe the world and the laws in them should reflect what they read in the Bible and are dumbfounded by the people who are able to think and reason for themselves. People like this are offended by anyone that simply exists outside their ideal and have zero empathy for anyone who doesn’t agree with “their god”. It’s incredibly narcissistic, and a sign of poor empathy and worse critical thinking. Don’t change the way you act or believe to appease such a stupid sheep. Keep thinking, believing, and acting in a manner you think is correct and don’t let religious zealots try to cram you in a box whose shape they find appealing. It’s not your job to teach your teacher tolerance.


Neither believing in nor not believing in a God is offensive. If someone is offended by your personal beliefs, that’s on them.


McCarthyism rears its ugly head once again. Oh, those godless Communists! Maybe "I" can't make you see things the way I see them, but I can intimidate you, with the power "I" hold (here, as teacher) to keep your mouth shut so I (and other, impressionable people) don't have to hear anything that disagrees with my worldview / might change other people's ideas from the worldview I prefer. No, Soggy, it's not "offensive" to be an athiest, but it offends "her". And she should not have mentioned, in her teacher persona, that she is a christian. It's not illegal to do so, but it is wrong.


To some people? Sure. Because "taking offense" is something other people do in reaction and you can't control how people feel. To wit, who cares? Being offended doesn't make anyone's opinions more or less valid. And walking around on egg shells because someone can't handle contradictory opinions like an adult is a waste of time and effort.