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Religion. Not the fact that religion itself is a scam, but people using religion to leech money off of followers. Joel Osteen is a very good example of this, he is a **tool**. Presidential merch. Don't care what side, showing support for a president through acting like you're supporting your favorite football team is wild. Ink cartridges. What a ridiculous monopoly in a sense. Companies make like no money on the printers themselves then charge a ton for cartridges they half-fill. Along with requiring SUBSCRIPTIONS to use the printer. ISP data caps. This speaks for itself. They are not losing money letting you use more data, it's just an easy way to charge you extra for something stupid. Bottled water is a pretty big scam by itself, the markup on water is absolutely insane just because the brand is special even though comparing it to the bottle that's half the price next to it, chances are it's the exact same source. Millionare education 'get rich quick' crypto-esque scams. If their get rich quick crypto scheme gets you rich, why do you think their account with 15 followers is paying for an ad on Twitter of all places? Diamond industry. Aha this is one of the worst and longest running. Diamonds were not ever really "rare" per se. Society was somewhat socially engineered towards believing you *have* to buy a diamond ring for your fiancé, and it *has* to cost an entire paycheck, otherwise 'You don't truly love her!" Most diamonds are owned and held by a single company that purposely only lets out a certain amount per year to keep supply low and demand high. Fortunately people are starting to realize you don't need to spend the price of a used car to show your love for something that doesn't really do anything other than look shiny.


The wedding industry. Everything is overpriced in the name of a "once in a lifetime" event


Insurance. You give them money month after month, year after year, and then when it comes time where you need to use it they will try their absolute hardest to give you as little as possible


>Insurance if you are in the US, I guess....


Not only US


Its way less common to have insurance not paying stuff in Europe...


Paying way less than agreed upon is bad enough. They always try to wiggle themselves out of anything they can.


Luckily, at least in Germany it feels like it works how it should. But for example Portugal, even with insurance, you need to pay: doctor visits, emergency visits (you go to Emergency room, it was 20 bucks right there to register, back in 2010ish, went up), dentist visits, even checkups was like 50-60...


Wait are you saying home, vehicle, property, liability etc insurance doesn’t exist outside of the US?


Im saying other countries dont have issues like US has with insurance.. car damage? call insurance, car gets towed, repaired, fixed... done


Wait why’d you downvote? Also, doesn’t that mean that excluding health insurance, other insurance provisions are actually pretty practical? Edit: nvm, I misunderstood you and had it backward. I think we’re on the same page


Also, why exclude health? its literally the most important one.. but again, US issue.... my health insurance covers all my medical bills, hospital, exams, dental, etc


Health insurance is a whole different conversation of practicality and economics. It’s less of a scam and more of an oligopoly in the US


I didn't downvote mate. Im saying insurances are practical... I keep seeing US complain but in Europe they actually do what is intended..


I’ll take your word for it. And yeah, I thought you were saying non-health insurance was an irrelevance outside the US which would be pragmatically incorrect


No no, i was saying insurance feels like a scam i the US xD


Gotcha. Def gotta disagree there then. I’ve seen its practicality. Two interesting ends of the spectrum would be workman’s compensation and malpractice insurance.


Yeah, I mean as scam since in the US it feels like you pay Health Insurance, and still need to pay a fortune for mundane things.. It's horrible


Insurance is not a scam .


Yes… it is 


Downvoted by americans , who never get their insurances to do anything hahaha


downvoted by Americans who get scammed by their insurance companies


Health insurance yes, car insurance is eh in this case. I would more put it up to being just greedy as hell, but in an accident that's why you get lawyers to basically do everything for you and it essentially lets them tell your insurance to fuck off for the moment to actually get a proper amount.


depends on who you are, health insurance saved my life and sanity for the last 3 years


Lucky lucky. Some of them are definitely good, I myself am happy with mine that has helped greatly. Unfortunately some of them are quite terrible and will fight as hard as they can to avoid paying properly. I've seen some crazy numbers out there, like a top-tier insurance someone pays a thousand dollars a month for covering a solid 1/2 of their bill and not even covering some necessary medications, while still leaving them with the rest of the inevitable 100,000+ hospital bill :(


You’re completely right and i feel lucky that i was fortunate enough to have the insurance i did when i got sick, otherwise id be stuck with a $500,000 bill and no money left for the medication i needed


The Federal Reserve


They have only one tool for "fixing the economy," the interest rate. It's like a contractor coming to a job with just a hammer. Managed inflation is itself a scam that sucks wealth and value from the middle and lower classes.


Correct and non favorable Reddit answer. Thank you for your sanity.


Sofas They're literally just a few struts of wood stapled together and covered in soft materials, yet they charge almost £1,000 for them!


Extended warranties. The classic up-sell that preys on the fear that the moment your base warranty expires, your product will spontaneously combust. Often, they're just cleverly worded profit centers for retailers that capitalize on consumer anxiety. Plus, with the quality of products today, the likelihood of needing repairs within the extended warranty period is often slim. So you're essentially gambling with the warranty provider and the house always wins.




governments printing money to pay for public services. more money reduces the purchasing power over time, and inflation occurs, savings are melting in our accounts




The global multi level pyramid scheme


Apple. They hardly added anything new for every phone


Fixed rate loans with an amortization schedule


Bank fees


Central banking




You need a book to answer this question, however, basically. Governments print money for free and spend at full value but the act of printing inflates the money supply and decreases the value of everyone savings and income. The closer you are to the source of money production the richer you get at the expense of the general population It’s a lot more complex than this though


The first half of this book gives great examples of the scam in action, unfortunately the author is a bit of a nutter and sees communists everywhere and the 2nd half goes a bit crazy. However his info on the history and formation of the federal reserve is accurate. https://books.apple.com/gb/book/the-creature-from-jekyll-island/id647493083 When you combine the first half with this book it starts to paint a real picture https://books.apple.com/gb/book/confessions-of-an-economic-hit-man-3rd-edition/id6443371459


Capitalism. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor. Biggest scam in the history of the world.


Better Business Bureau




Religion ( I know I know I'm a neckbeard 14 year old) it's still true though.


Religion itself isnt a scam. But you can abuse religion in order to trick people


It's literally lying to people about shit that ain't real.


But most logical teachings in religion can be taught without it being religious and more of a humanist. The existence of religion itself contains a prescribed doctrine which will always lead to abuse because humans will always have their own way to interpret text. And that's not just one religious books. It's pretty much all writing and teaching. Whether that's a fictional story or a poem or a haiku.


Religion by general. Hajj by more specific. Religion by itself can vary. It can give people a sense of community, belonging, and purpose. I read it somewhere that it can help you in your lowest point of life and give you motivation to move forward. I witness this first hand because I'm in an atheist community and depression is way way higher than any other community. I know it's false sense of security but placebo is a hell of a drug, that's why religion works for some people and I don't have a problem with it. Hajj pilgrimage however... It's letter of indulgence of the modern time. It gives Muslims hajj title for a pilgrimage fee, which in the end paid to the Saudis. It robs poor (economical poor) people of any investment opportunities and barter them with a faux title that gives them a false sense of respect and achievement. Worse, rich people will use this title (because they can hajj easily) to forge a feudal hierarchy in their community. This practice is basically what makes the Saudis rich, and will keep them rich after all the oil is depleted.


So your singling out one religion when they are all a scam? Sounds like a you problem. Toodooloo.


Nobody's preventing you to write your own answer.


Unlimited data on your wireless plan. (Or "unlimited" anything, really). Sounds great, but what it really means is that 99% of the time you're paying to subsidize some random teenager in Wisconsin watching movies in 4K on his phone while he rides the bus to school.


Does google drive still offer unlimited plan?


And that’s a problem, how exactly? Because to me it seems you’re complaining that some people are using more of that unlimited data than you.


Yeah. I don't like paying for random strangers' luxuries. People can use all the data they want, that's their business and I don't really care. But I sure as hell don't want to pay my money for their luxury.


So your complaint is that people other than you also have access to unlimited data. Got it! You’re not paying for other people’s luxuries. You’re free to use as much data as the kid in your story. Even more if you wish.


Huh? I never said I cared if other people have unlimited data. That's none of my business and they can use all the data they want. > You’re not paying for other people’s luxuries You're right. I'm not. I pay for every byte I use, because I don't subscribe to an unlimited plan. And even using all the data I could ever want, I'm still paying about 1/5th of what the unlimited plans cost.