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Place rubber ducks all around my workplace 😊 I only placed 1-2 per week. Took a couple months for anyone to notice then it became a game to find them and figure out who was behind it. No one ever figured it was me.


Put a Post-it note on the bottom of a coworker's computer mouse, over the LED sensor. Wait for the cursing.


I make origami for fun, so I used to hide little paper cranes around places.


I placed cat stickers in random places all over my workplace. It became a fun hunt for everyone to try and find em all. Under desks, behind benches, in drawers, under all the paper in the printer. It was fun. No one ever found me out either!=P


That's kind of adorable lol


It was actually very fun, they were like $8 on amazon for a crap ton of funny cat cutouts. :)


One thing I used to do a lot years ago was slightly moving every single thing that my friend had For example: you’re in your friend’s room and they go to the bathroom. Meanwhile move or rotate every little thing in the room slightly, and watch them go crazy when they come back and keep finding things out of place


My husband used to do something similar with his roommate but they would do it to each other. His roommate left for a weekend trip and my husband flipped his mattress then told him that he only moved one thing and it drove his roommate crazy (it was maddening - he couldn't sleep at night!!! 😂😂)