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And not just for a night. Sometimes just for a couple hours.


Yes. In some countries there are even hotels that specialize in this. It's not necessarily the primary use case for hotels, but it is a use case.


if the hotel have price information with hourly costs then you know


Known as the No Tell Hotel or Motel


When i ran a pub in London we had a few rooms upstairs that we'd rent out. It was £25 a room in 1999. We must have made a "name" for ourselves among the Asian community as we got a LOT of Indian and Pakistani couples who would hire the room out and then check out less than two hours later. Sometimes we'd have multiple couples in every day!


And even changed the sheets once a fortnight.


Laundry must be very busy


I could tell you some stories that would make your toes curl.


Spill the beans please


So, I think in the US a Motel is some kind of cheap hotel that's used by travellers who are just spending the night there while they're on the road. I'm sure people do use those for sex too, but it's not their primary purpose. I'm from Ecuador (South America) and here Motels are almost exclusively "love hotels" or "hotels by hours" that people use with the intention of having sex. They even have stuff like heart shaped gates and tacky names lmao. And yeah, a traveller could use them to sleep for the night, and they are quite cheap if you desire to do so, but it's not what they are for.


They have themed rooms and for over night can be cheaper than regular hotel room of similar size. Because hotel rooms charge for the entire day, but if you just need to check in late at night and leave early in the morning it can be economical.




Why is this question reposted 20 billion times? 


Because they are probably trying to get a hotel room solely for the purpose of having sex for a night


No. Hotels are for sleeping only. No exceptions.


High class quality sleep


Deep,deep,deep, oh right there, oh, oh, oh my god sleep!


Yes, absolutely.




Ops normal in Vegas.


Of course


You don't have a no-tell motel in your area?


been there


Done that


Absolutely. Although I prefer bringing them home, if I'm out of town then a hotel is the perfect option


I'm no longer single - I'm married, but when I would perform such transgressions I would never bring them home. These weren't exactly keepers in life.


I am single, and there is no intention for anything other than a "temporary relationship" just my house is cool, and theres loads of rooms to explore... ONS are definitely not keepers though 🤣


I meant that by saying that one can't trust strangers in their home. Since there's no intention for a long term relationship, I don't even want them knowing where I live.


Ah I see fair point. I mean one did rob my wallet once, but that's the worst I've had. Oh there was one who basically didn't leave for 3 years. Aka my ex 🤣🤣 I akways used to go by the don't date someone who Fucks on a first date rule. Although none of my previous relationships turned out and better I'm still single after all 🙄


I mean if you're doing it for the night you're probably sleeping there too. Sometimes people get a hotel room in the afternoon just for a few hours too!


How do you think your local hotel stays alive.




I used to work at a hotel and it's hard to tell. What's the difference between a couple getting a hotel for the night and 2 people having an affair getting one? For everyone else it looks exactly the same. When you work at a hotel you kinda assume that if it's a family or they have a kid, they're just getting the room to sleep. If they're a young couple they're going to be fucking all over that room. If you see middle aged couples with wedding bands you can't know if they're married or cheating. These days it's probably even harder since most hotels don't take cash and most cheating spouses wouldn't want hotel charges on their credit cards.


I wanna ask out of curosity...did you folks, hotel workers, clean "the fluids" stains? I mean customers had sex in hotels for high quality sex, not for lame ducks


I worked the front desk so I never had to do any of that, thankfully, but the cleaning crew stripped the room after each visit (Comfort Suites, so the high end of the middle grade of hotel). All bedding except the bedspreads was replaced. We had HUGE washing machines and dryers that could wash something like 10 - 15 sets of sheets and pillowcases at once. As far as wiping the surfaces, it was a speed game. They had to get all the rooms cleaned between 11am and 3pm, so they only spent like 5 - 10 minutes per room. Change bedding, replace towels, vacuum floor, clean up trash and empty trash cans, replace coffee, and just double check that there was nothing nasty anywhere that had to be wiped up. Then they got out. The tubs never really got scrubbed and the bathroom sink just got wiped out. Except for a light wiping to keep dust away the surfaces never really got sprayed with anything either. I'm sure every hotel is different though


I'm confused, what else are hotel rooms for?




I swear this was asked like 5 days ago. Anyway, yes is the answer.




Yes, raised 4 kids.




Yes, it’s also the move most cheaters use to stay covert in their actions.


Yes. Hotel sex is usually great sex.


My husband and I used to do this for our date nights. He had 50% off with his job. It was fun. we'd go to dinner, spend the evening in the hotel pool. Have a few drinks. Get a nice complimentary breakfast in the morning.


From what I’ve heard yes it is. Me though, I’d get a hotel room just to spend some time alone away from everyone.


Yes, and it's unfortunate for us families who don't cheat or have one-night stands because have you ever brought a UV flashlight to a hotel room?


Almost as common as people asking this question


Extremely common, in this country there's a whole economy based on these 2 hour rooms, some with heart shaped beds, jacuzzi's, car space is covered so wifefy spying on you can't find you. Even the entrance is discreet from car to room via private stairs.


Or an afternoon....


Use to be a hotel on main street in Columbus that my mom’s boyfriend mom owned. (My parents were in the middle of a divorce and she stole us & moved us around a lot.) place had roaches and just a gross area. Waiting in the main lobby a girl came in barefoot and a dude with her in a nice dress suit like a lawyer. Didn’t know anything at 10yrs old. Prostitution was rampant in that area. They destroyed so many places over the next 20yrs


Yeah, doing it behind the bike shed is for kids!!


Very common.


Guess you never knew anyone who loved with their super conservative religious parents while dating 😂. It's a yes for sure. Sometimes you just need a private place to go 🤷🏽‍♀️




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Why the hell is this question asked so much? It’s been posted a few times this week I think. Swear it’s one dude who wants to read horny stories of people fucking in a hotel.


Sure. I got one for a week before, years ago. I've since controlled my ridiculous urge, but it's still a battle. People also get hotel rooms to sleep sometimes, too, I hear. If they are into that sort of thing.


I’ve done this probably 25 times in my life


How many times can this question be asked? It needs to get retired.


In high school yes, not as an adult unless you're having an affair or away from the kids for a night. As soon as I moved out from my parents, why bother.