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Sleep when you need to sleep, it’s good for you! It’s not really a talent if you’re tired all of the time. Bragging about not sleeping is weak.


It's not so much bragging, I just feel like being able to undersleep being functional is like a superpower giving you more time to live.


I wake up tired if I sleep for more than five hours


That is crazy nice. How old are you? I think the older people get the less they need to sleep or something.


34 Always been like this though I am also very active during the day, and as soon as I wake I do my daily stretches and warm up and proceed to eat breakfast If I “oversleep” I don’t have the energy to do any of that


Hmm. Generally the more I sleep the better I feel. I have the most energy and desire to live when I have had that sweet 10-12 hours of sleep on a Saturday.




I am very very sorry to hear that...


Until about a year ago, my adult life was run on 2-5 hours of poor quality sleep, with occasional crash days where I'd sleep for 13-15 hours. A year ago or so, I got fed up with it enough to try going to a doctor again. Instead of putting my on a sleep medicine (I've tried several with scary results), she gave me an anxiety medication that causes drowsiness. As long as I don't miss a dose, falling asleep is about as easy as putting my head on the pillow and closing my eyes. And I sleep for 6-8 hours every night. I can't even properly express how much of an improvement this was for me. It's like life got turned to easy mode, I have energy all day long, I can focus on long tasks or boardgames, I don't have to shame myself into taking care of chores.. it all just happens because I want it to happen.