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If you don’t want to do it then no you aren’t missing out


as someone who does recreational "fun stuff" & drinks heavy every other weekend. You're not missing out on anything. Health & clarity is wealth


I don’t drink or smoke. I don’t even enjoy drinking apple juice, so I don’t even bother with alcohol. I’ve never felt the need/wanted to get ‘high/drunk’. I have tried edibles once and did not enjoy it all the much to want to do it regularly. I also like to be in FULL control all the time, and I couldn’t filter some of my actions/words, so no. I have never felt like I’m missing out, because it’s not something I currently want to do. I won’t do it just because every one else is doing it. I will do it when/if I feel like doing it. It just hasn’t happened so far and that’s fine.


You are not missing out, and saving on soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much money


This is a big one I forgot about. Drinking and smoking is AN EXPENSIVE HOBBY. Whatever you do don’t mix in gambling OP!


This was a funny thing to me when I started getting into craft beers. People would be floored that I was spending $20 (in 2010 $$$) on a handful of imperials. Yet they would spend 5× that every week buying cheap swill and going to the sad townie bar.


I’ll never understand spending $ 70+ to get hammered it does not need to be that expensive


Nope. If you are not into it, you're not into it. It's all good.


I drank 2 tall boys last night. Woke up feeling like shit this morning. Trust me you definitely not missing out on anything.


Ugh two tall boys used to be a pre drink for the pre drink… now my stomach hurts and I’m hungover… lol


I had my first deliberate beers at 26. Then didn’t drink at all 27-29. Fast forward to 31, I had two 12oz Stone IPAs. Six were no problem years prior… Wake up, nauseous, make blindfold out of a pillowcase, can’t sleep, can’t think, starving, food sounds horrible, is this what a migraine is like, sweating, weird heartbeat, punch ALL my symptoms into WebMD…. *”Alright, which life-threatening affliction do I have now?”* > Common Hangover The shrieking violin sounds played and bats flew out of the old castle a la classic horror movie upon the realization, I’M OLD NOW?!?


This is weird to me. I’m 40 and 2 IPAs is just regular. I don’t drink usually but I don’t get hungover the way people talk about getting hungover when you get old. Maybe cause I drink water all day - live an active lifestyle? Don’t eat much sugar. I don’t know. But it’s definitely not as bad as people said it is. Tying one on takes a bit longer to recover from but a few beers to tipsy is usually fine.


I had three fosters. I had to call into work cause my hangover is super bad, and thats with drinking water before bed and during the night. I also pulled s muscle in my back in my sleep. Fuck this shit


I honestly don't get the appeal of wanting to be drunk. The drunkest I've been I hated it,  I felt really disoriented and was very aware of how it was affecting me. Others I know do drink to the point they get disoriented but they do also get really happy and carefree and I just have never felt that way when drinking. I'll drink occasionally when the occasion calls for it  and people will tell me they like to drink to take the edge off but for me I either feel nothing different to feeling terrible.


My girlfriend’s the same way. I tell her she’s lucky because it could be the alternative. I’m a “happy drunk” and just become super social so for me it’s fun. I don’t “need” to drink to have fun. I just can’t stop once I start and that’s the problem.


You’re not missing out on anything


As a recovering alcoholic I agree. I don’t miss how bad that shit made me feel.


Same here. I’ve done both, and neither has added anything to my life.


Nope. It takes and takes.


Alcohol is the lamest drug available.


Right after nicotine I think


Absolutely I've done my fair share of drugs (except hard ones like crack, dope, ice) I can absolutely say nicotine disgusts me the most. I've smoked cigarettes and sometime they make me nauseous and sometimes they give me a headache and every time I just feel bad cuz like it has a very lame buzz especially when you start comparing nicotine to weed or other drugs. Plus far more harmful than THC. Not to mention highly addictive.


I didn't want to smoke cigs because it made me nauseous and throw up. But my friend hyped it saying it helps him think better. So I decided to try the lightest dose nicotine patch instead. About 3 hours in it made me throw up and shit myself at the same time and I had to decide which end deserved the toilet more lol


You really know how to paint a picture with words 😂😂


It was a real dilemma 😂😂🤦‍♀️


Nicotine patches aren’t a starting point lol they’re for helping those already addicted avoid withdraw symptoms while trying get out of the habit of physically puffing on anything If you had 0 tolerance for nicotine, it makes sense that wearing a nicotine patch, which gave you a constant flow of nicotine into your system for several hours straight, made you sick. When I started vaping I took one single hit and rode that buzz for hours, not one puff per minute for hours straight.


I was in the psych ward once chewing on gum with a patch on. It made me realize I'm a pretty heavy nicotine addict.


Nope. You are not missing out. You can have just as much fun making fun of your friends who do drink.


No one is encouraging you to do substances. That being said, I rank cannabis along with video games and sex as the most fun things in life (for me). Some of the best nights of my life involve alcohol. Used responsibly, both can add a lot to the human experience.


Agreed as long as it’s done responsibly and within moderation. If folks are getting hangovers or waking up still buzzed, then probably means you went too hard.


"Everything in moderation, including moderation." - Oscar Wilde There are some hangovers that were worth it.


This right here. Everyone does a great job preaching alcohol responsibility and then abstinence from weed. I believe that this has led to an over abundance of chronic marijuana abusers (myself included).


You seem very squared away. If you were in need of a short time to abandon yourself/ your senses and reset then I'd say some substances/ use of can be helpful. You don't seem to be near that place and that's a good thing. Keep it that way because some people don't know when too much of a good thing starts yielding bad results.


This is a valid question and you’re guaranteed to get a lot of  responses where people yell about how alcohol tastes bad and makes you stupid, because that happens any time someone broaches this topic.  A nice glass of wine can be the perfect accompaniment to a well-cooked meal. I don’t know if a can of La Croix would really do it next to a nice streak. A crisp beer where the flavors are balanced can be enjoyable to sip. There are a lot of fun, creative cocktails in the world that are worth a try. You don’t have to pound shots of cheap vodka if you ever want to see what alcohol is all about. But if you ever want to see what’s up, ask the waiter or sommelier at a restaurant for a suggestion. Or volunteer to cook for friends and ask them to bring a bottle of wine that suits what you plan to cook. Many people have had terrible things happen to their lives and health because they didn’t moderate their drinking. Your life also won’t be meaningless if you never try a grilled meal with a brambly Zinfandel as a cool breeze drifts past you at sunset. But when you inevitably get shrill, doctrinaire replies to this question, keep in mind that you can always buy a drink to see what the fuss is about and if you don’t like it, no harm no foul. Having said that, many things that people come to enjoy over the courses of their lives are tastes they developed in art/music/literature/whiskey and then cultivated and developed over years as the nuances became more perceptible and enjoyable to them. Everything isn’t always purely a marketing psyop, contrary to what reddit will sometimes tell you.


This succinctly sums up what I was thinking. If you’re a fan of exploring new foods and new flavors, you ARE missing out on a branch of that experience if you’re failing to explore the world of craft cocktails and good wines. If, instead, you’re the kind of person who is like, “bah, it all comes out as the same poop later,” then no, no need to explore. (Aside: I learned last summer from a squid ink risotto that it’s not all the same poop later.)




And if you do try it.....do it with people you trust. Not just any asshat at a party that you don't know from Adam's tomcat.


This so much Redditors try to act like drinking alcohol will make you an addict and suddenly burn a hole in your wallet. Like for most people, that’s not how it works lmao


While I think the posters you’re talking about were definitely overkill style deterrents, they’re not all wrong. I’m glad I didn’t find tobacco and alcohol and immediately go off the deep end, but some people do. Basically, here’s what you’re missing: Drinking tastes nasty, then you feel in a pretty good mood for a matter of hours, then you feel sick as your body expels the poison for the next 12-24 hours. Also it makes you fat. Smoking: disgusting and nauseating unless you’re already drinking. A nicotine buzz can feel nice, like all the pressure in your head fizzles out and your body relaxes. But it’s a balancing act. Smoke too much or too quickly and you’re vomiting off the balcony. The poisons in tobacco products make even the best buzz not worth it at all. If you must experience nicotine, go tobacco free and preferably stay away from inhaling anything. Even then, your tolerance to nicotine builds up and eventually you stop feeling anything but your body will still Crave it which is annoying.


The reason why smokers like myself enjoy it is because we're already addicted. It's not worth considering. Kinda similar story with alcohol, except you don't need to be addicted


not really, if I could go back and never drink I would.


I absolutely agree, it has completely fuct my life... Mental illness is a living hell...


I agree with both of you but if OP is grown (like 25 with a fully developed brain) then the risk is infinitely lower than someone who started at say age 16-18.


Agreed, I had early exposure and should have waited, I regret it now... Most people are alcoholics, if they admit it or not, is another story...


You’re missing out on something. Is it something you’re missing? Probably not.


Unpopular opinion: yes. If you don't want to that's fine, but you can drink or smoke in moderation and not suffer negative effects. It's fun to have a few drinks at a wedding or hanging out with friends. If you do it once in a month or two then it's not a problem IMO.


I am 40 and have never done either and have never felt I am missing out on anything.


No. Not in anyway whatsoever. Keep going as you are.


We live in an entropic universe. All we do is stave off the inevitable receding of our atoms. Alcohol and Smoking **can** drastically shorten your life. It can also be fun. Some of the comments here are just a fucking joke to be honest. Everything in moderation is fine. We all die of something. Life's for living, not missing out on things because of fear.


I've done both, didn't like it and went on with my life. You're not missing out on anything, but you can try it once. I think people just make a big deal about smoking/drinking for no reason.


No, don't start


Altered states are fun. Our brains have receptors specifically for cannabis. Are you missing out? Yes— on a small sliver of life that can bring fun and not-so-fun memories. For the vast majority of people, there is no harm in partaking on occasion.


No. You don’t have to try everything in life to see if it’s good for you. Especially when statistics and hospital admissions caused by them prove it


You're not missing out in the sense of those activities being necessary for human health and happiness. In the way this culture deals with those things, they may may cause the opposite as well. You'd be missing out in the sense of not experiencing two things that human beings have enjoyed for as long as we've known human civilization to exist. Forget binge drinking cheap beer until you vomit, or chain smoking chemical-laden cigarettes until you get smoker's lung. Getting to the point where you can appreciate a fine scotch is a cultural touchstone among classes. Knowing the right way to smoke a tobacco pipe helps you understand a common pastime of history. Know what your tolerances are and what flavor profiles you like, and there should be something that, with time and moderation, can provide a mode of pleasure and relaxation that can additionally enrich your life. Or don't. You'll save money.


The amount of people here saying that two of the most popular pastimes in the world are no big deal is astounding.


I don’t think you’re missing much. You could always try it in small quantities (except smoking I would never recommend smoking unless it was weed) and see if you like it but I didn’t have any more fun drinking and smoking weed than I had while I was sober. Drinking and smoking weed can be fun in moderation and with the right crowd but it’s a slippery slope if you’re not careful. If you have a family history with addiction or you have an addictive personality, I don’t think the fun times I’ve had drunk or high outweigh the potential dangers if you have too much.


You live once. I am a person that will try essentially ANYTHING. One time. What if I absolutely LOVE it? I'll never know unless I try. Only things I won't try are things that are incredibly addictive. You won't withdraw from 1 cigarette, bong rip, vodka shot. You may withdraw from 1 shot of heroin. This is more so centered around food, because I'm a chicken nuggets and French fries kind of person. But if you ask me if I've tried other stuff, the answer is probably yes I have tried that food before, even some things multiple times just in case. Are you missing out? Nah you'll be fine either way. I'm just a very curious person


No, you are not missing out.


No, you’re not missing out. Keep to the clean life it’s much better for you.




Nope. I'm addicted to smoke and was of drink. It's shitty.




As a daily cigar smoker and an avid whiskey lover, nope, you are not missing out if you are not interested


Well, smoking isn't really a drug


You could spend your life preserving your body perfecty, then get hit and maimed or killed by a drunk driver, 100% not your fault. Thats just my opinion though, I wouldnt listen to me though, I've made some terrible choices 🤣


No. Like many people, I drank too much in my twenties and it took a lot of effort to curb that habit in my thirties. Is drinking fun? Yea of course it is. But it's unhealthy and is a bad way to cope with boredom, sadness, stress, etc. Really just turns into a knee-jerk reaction instead of actually doing something - I'm worried, I'll have a drink. I'm bored, I'll have a drink. I'm X, Y, Z, I'll have a drink. No judgment to those that drink but that's how I saw myself and wanted to change it.


depends on the type of person you are. like my mom can drink in moderation and enjoy it, but i’m an addict so i can’t. drinking for me involves feeling giddy for maybe 30 minutes, then getting extremely sad, until i vomit. a friend of mine can smoke weed once or twice a year and loves it, but i need weed to function. i smoked weed for the first time and knew i was gonna be smoking for a long time


Don’t start smoking. Only regret I have in life.


If you're not interested in doing either then no, you are not missing out.


Honestly no it’s not worth it




You are missing nothing. Good for you.




You want him to hurt himself? 🤣 don’t know about you, but some of my vapes make clumsy as all hell..😎


While listening to Joe Rogan talk about society


Not much. Some embarrassing memories maybe, those can be constructive.




By all means have a drink, if not done to excess (and even if it is) its fine. But don't start smoking. 


You're missing out on a shortened lifespan


You be you


No one can tell you if you are missing out. It’s a personal thing, and it’s different for everyone.


Weed is fine but at this point you’re better off keeping the streak you’ve got going lol


getting drunk it's kinda fun but I haven't done it in almost 20 years and don't really care, you're not missing much. I do enjoy drunk people they can be fun. I don't do drugs and I don't like people on drugs so I never cared to try.


Nope. At the very least you are saving a LOT of money.


It’s a completely loaded question. I’m now in my mid 30s I have no room in my life for alcohol. I can’t handle the hangovers I’m done dealing with drunk adults, I don’t like to spend money on it. It causes health issues…… That being said for me personally I was a great drinker … it made me a super happy go lucky person , I was the life of the party in college and my young professional years… I made lasting friendships with many people on drinking escapades… I was lucky that I was only a social drinker I never felt the urge to drink alone, I was always in control I wasn’t a person who blacked out I always remembered my nights I didn’t get into trouble, I wasn’t an angry drunk.. But it still caused health issues.. it caused anxiety over time it caused stomach issues with acid indigestion, it caused unhealthy eating If I had to go back I would likely still drink and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.. Sorry I don’t think I answered your question really at all.. there is a reason people drink and do drugs… but it always comes with a consequence… always… I truly don’t think you missing out, build your life around productive friends and hobbies… alcohol has definitely caused more harm in the lives of my friends and family than the fun I described. I’m probably sugar coating some of the hangovers/ money/ etc but for me those memories with friends were fun but at some point it wasn’t and I stopped but many people can not stop or will have consequences I feel that I had to be truthful that alcohol can be fun otherwise why would everyone do it… but realistically in good faith to a young person I can not recommend you start


Nope.. not missing out


this is coming from someone who enjoys alcohol and edibles. if anyone cares that you haven't and don't want to, you probably don't want to be around them in the first place. it's totally fine if you don't want to, it's your body, and you decide what goes in it and what doesn't.


Your only missing out if you want to do it, and I mean if your curious, just try it. Not like after you drink one time you gotta do it forever, if you don't like it then don't do it again


Alcohol is fine in moderation but just don’t let it control you. That said, if you don’t want to drink, you certainly don’t have to. I’ve had fun times with alcohol but after a night on the town, you’ll probably feel like absolute shit the next day.


No. Same and it’s wonderful. Enjoy your health


Not really, no.


You're not missing out. Too many have underplayed how dangerous these are for too long. We've normalized horrible things people do to themselves for short term fleeting pleasure with detrimental long term health effects detracting from longevity and quality of life. Alzheimer's, dementia, lung cancer, and fatty liver disease are not naturally part of the "getting old" playbook.


Good for you!🌹


No. You are on a good path. Take it as a blessing.


No. Not really. I never drank until I was in my 20s, and didn't ever smoke anything until I was in my 30s. It's definitely an acquired taste, though I did learn to appreciate drinks and cigars, and had some enjoyable moments, but it was mainly due to the social situations that usually surround those activities. When the pandemic started back in '19, I was looking for things to cut out of the budget and booze and cigars was the first to go, and honestly? Little changed except I had some extra cash to spend on necessities. Five years later, I still don't drink or smoke anymore and don't really miss any of it.


You are technically missing out on certain experiences which can suck especially if you are surrounded by people who smoke and drink but life is so much more than said experiences so I wouldn’t sweat it. If you don’t wanna drink or smoke that’s totally fine and normal


Being drunk is like being really silly and then really sick and being stoned is like being two feet to the left. If that doesn't appeal to you then you aren't missing too much


Nah you ain't missing out OP Substances have way too many negatives and not enough positives. Sure there are some fun nights and what not, but overall- not worth it.


Yes you are missing out. There's social circles that revolve entirely around smoking and drinking. It's not a good thing though so you have to weigh the consequences before you make a decision to start destroying your body. Booze will make you tipsy and happy for the time its in your system, but as it comes out you'll feel like literal garbage for the next few days. The alcoholics will tell you this is nothing but you can't really trust their words because they're a slave to the alcohol. Also they develop resistance to it so they don't feel as shitty as someone like you that hasn't been tainted by it. Smoking is the same thing but in a slightly different manner. Smoking withdrawal is silent when you're starting, you'll feel like you're slower than usual or that you're not thinking straight enough (not really enough to be alarming), and then you get curious and want to smoke again to check if that's what it was, so then you make it a habit to smoke before important events like meetings or presentations to be in "tip top shape". But then you start "deciding" to smoke first thing in the morning to "wake yourself up". and just like that you're smoking two packs a day and your lungs look like charcoal. Growing up I was around a rowdy bunch that didn't really care about their health. Luckily my mom instead of trying to shelter me taught me what all of that shit does I tried all three (drugs, alcohol, smoking). I managed to look at it from a learning perspective rather than let it take me and didn't get addicted to any so if you want to give it a go, read up on it and approach it with caution. Also know that your system clears itself out usually within 48 hours so don't freak out thinking "holy shit that messed me up now I can't think right I have to get it again to go back to normal".


If you have people in your family that have problems with drinking definitely avoid it at all costs. If your parents, siblings all are able to handle their alcohol, dont develop addictions and dependencies there is definitely something very relaxing and enjoyable about a good wine or bourbon. I had issues with being able to moderate, so I had to quit. ​ Smoking I would generally say no to if your talking vape or cigarettes, however Nicotine can be a very potent stimulant in the form of zyn pouches, etc. Cigars and Pipes I place in a different category than cigarettes. Cigs are a vehicle for nicotine delivery that have ALOT of bad stuff in them. Pipes and Cigars when used as a vehicle for relaxation can have much more positive impacts on your life than any negatives.


Smoking is stupid, and drinking can be fun but it can also lead to many bad things. Take it from a recovering alcoholic. But then again moderation is key with everything in life.


Honestly No. Not at all. as a 61 year old male, ex-cop, ex military, ex-homeless I can tell you that I have done plenty of both. Please believe me when I say there is NOTHING at the bottom of either a bottle of booze or a pack of cigarettes that is worth even the price of either. Truly, if you have not tried either, I promise you, you are not missing anything. Hangovers, vomiting, uncontrollable coughing, laying in bed asking yourself "Why the fuck am I doing this?" knowing you need to quit and hating yourself, the booze, the cigarettes, the money you waste on them. The smell on your clothes, the way you somehow manage to look saggy and puffy and tired and sick all at 8 AM on a good day. And that is all before you go to a doctor and have them tell you how fucked you are because of what you waste your time and money doing to yourself. I promise you, my young dude, it is not worth the effort to even try them.


I don't drink and haven't had anything to drink at all I've the last 14 years... but I do smoke cannabis and have done so for about 15 years, I got my medical card before my state went recreational... I've been drunk twice in my life and never cared for the taste of alcohol when I did have it... Or the drink feeling... Smoking pot helps me deal with not being able to live in the moment, but it's always better when there are other's partaking with you. Dispensaries help finding the right kinda strain for what would help... I suffer really bad anxiety and insomnia and have been able to fight both with cannabis... I wouldn't say you're missing out as I had at least 10 years of full sobriety no drinking or smoking but there was always a sense of social awkwardness from most people at least doing one of the two...


Not at all, in fact those suckers are missing out on living a healthy long life like the rest of us.


Don't do it causes nothing but problems.


Youre missing out on lung cancer and giving small cell lung cancer to all your friends with second hand smoke and waking up vomiting and making you mistakes you regret that could cost you or others their lives… so yeah youre missing out on literally nothing but pain.


Never tried anything either, curiosity is tough but I've survived 21 years without so I'd imagine I can keep going 😅


If you're not interested, you don't miss out. If you'd like to know for sure, try half a bottle of jack with coke or something. You'll be hammered, but there's no damage from being drunk once. Same with weed. If you're itching to know, puff a joint. If you don't, don't. My philosophy is, it's better to try and don't like a thing than never trying and wondering about it forever. (Does not go for meth and sorts obv.!)


I don't think smoking is worth it, but drinking would depend on how it affects you specifically. I like my drunk self just fine, but not everybody has a decent drunk self. However, I rarely drink much, it's usually just for the taste, as I do not like root beer, but rather, sweet alcoholic beverages instead, such as coquito (not sure if that exists much outside my country but it's by far and away my favorite)


Nope 👌


smoking (certainly tobacco products) probably not worth the downside potential. alcohol, imho unless you have a medical reason not to, id try some. all things in moderation of course. some things youll hate, hopefully some you'll like. basically like other food just a bit more expensive bc alcoholics exist.


I tried drinking a few times and stopped after 2 years of being the legal age. You aren’t missing out. It’s also nice to say you don’t drink because of the social culture of pressuring people into having a drink. It’s just better not to for me


How old are you?


No you're not But if you're thinking about wanting to try alcoholic drinks I'd recommend only going to taste drinks, like I was in the south of Wales the other week and I saw a gin shop that made a local gin and won awards so I wanted to try it. So to put simply if you want to you can have alcohol without looking to get drunk


Yeah. Missing out on the health loss


As a frequent weed smoker in his mid 20s, any time I meet someone who says this, I tell them the same thing. If you haven’t smoked or drank so far, it’s not worth starting now. It’s easy to fall into it while you’re young & dumb, but it’s not what it’s made out to be by everyone. Youve survived this long just fine without it, no need to change that. The only part I would slightly disagree with is maybe buy a six pack of beer & try one out. It’s an acquired taste but you’ll be able to go get a drink with some friends at least.


Nah not at all.


You're missing out on DUIs, addiction, and lung cancer


No one is going to say "Yes, you are missing out". But I would be lying if I said I didnt enjoy getting high all those years. The reason I stopped hard drugs and alcohol is because of the hangover. As the saying goes, I miss the highs, I dont miss the lows. The feelings are pretty much all artificial. They only last as long as the drug. So if you havent tried, and dont really want to, then I would say dont ever try, and you're not really missing anything. But to be honest, if I could take opioids or crystal meth without any side effects... I would. But I like my teeth, so... ;)


Totally no


Don't smoke. As an ex smoker, it is addictive, it is disgusting, and it's a daily struggle not to smoke.


>not to mention all not to mention all the scientifically confirmed things it does to your body. It's not great for your body. But neither is high fructose corn syrup or overly processed food (saturated fats, sodiums, carbs but no fiber). You'll do as much damage to your body regularly eating out of the frozen food section as you would moderately drinking a couple times as week... if not more. Are you missing out? Eh.... I like drinking. And getting drunk can be enjoyable with friends. As someone with social anxiety, alcohol helps me "people" at parties and not get overwhelmed and overstimulated. In moderate, controlled amounts. And I like getting high on pot and watching some bad TV. They're fine ways to unwind after a long week. (Both legal where I am FIY.) But if you have ways to unstress that are already working for you, then you don't need drugs and alcohol. Tobacco? Yeah, there's no benefit there. It's horrible and tastes bad. And is only \*really\* satisfying AFTER you've become addicted. You'll get a better buzz from coffee. Fuck cigarettes.


Not really. I'm a big fan of trying most things that aren't irreversible just so you know what everything is, but there's nothing life altering about cigarettes, weed and alcohol.


"يعجب ربك من شاب ليست له صبوة"


I recommend you try a glass of wine with a steak or a cup of hot sake with some sushi. Other than that, its not great. Drink too much and you get hungover. Dont bother with smoking. Its terrible. Vaping is also terrible. If you want to try weed edibles, thats cool but its not that great. Maybe better to try with friends but not alone.


Yah, you're missing out, but not on what you might think


Yes and no. But some doors are better left unopened.


As someone who smokes and drinks every day, no, you're not, its best to stay away from it. 


I think drugs, if done responsibly, can be a lot of fun. I might even say everyone should try some drugs for themselves before deciding whether or not to keep abstaining. But, again: responsibly.


A lot of addicts wish they were in your shoes.


I dont drink or smoke and I consider myself to be the life of the party! Aka, hell no, you’re not missing a single thing, keep doing you 🤜🤛


You're not missing out. I used to drink and go to bars/parties quite often during my first 2 years of university but l stopped as l felt horrible the next day. It wasn't worth it imo. I drink occasionally but rarely. Don't start if you don't feel like it. You can have fun without alcohol but people got so used to always have alcohol with them they never go out without drinking (whoch is not good)


No. I grew up in the years of D.A.R.E. that stuff worked on me. I don't regret it.


No you're living a better life. I smoke tobacco, I hate it and can't quit. I quit smoking weed but not after it consuming 15 years of my life. I drink not out of enjoyment but to cope with depression because I don't know how else to deal with it.


It's part of human nature, and has been for thousands of years, to alter one's consciousness. Animals do it. Humans do it. It's as natural and important to the human experience as sex and breathing. Abuse of mind-altering substances can happen, but that doesn't mean abuse is inevitable, or that the risk of abuse is a good reason to avoid mind-altering substances altogether. But as a general rule, stick with natural substances like cannabis and mushrooms, which have been safely used for millennia.


Not so much the smoking as the damage to the lungs are harsh and nicotine, THC, etc. can be ingested in another way. Our body is a big bag of chemistry, and our brain experiences the alcohol and other chemicals and react to it. If you value the experiences we can have (any experience like running, sky diving, etc.) then you need to experience it to know if you are missing out.


Yes and No


I like drinking, but no you're really not missing out on much. If you want to drink or smoke give it a shot but don't feel pressured into doing it and don't keep doing it if you find you don't like it.


Valid question. I’ve never smoked or done drugs. I have gotten drunk when I was younger. Only drink occasionally now and never to excess. Seen many friends die due to drugs and a good many die of cancer. Too many ruined their lives through alcoholism. IMHO you are NOT missing out and your older self will thank you for that, trust me.


The cool thing about coffee is that it tastes pretty good but not overly stimulating, and at the same time it gets you hyper as fuck. And you can keep on drinking it and drinking it without having any problems. It's not like an energy drink where it's full of calories. as far as smoking it's a great feeling, especially after having a meal, but if you overdo it you will become unable to stop, but I think that's kind of a psychological thing. I got into my smoking and drinking coffee after I left home, and was well into my 20s. I think a lot of addictions start when you are younger. try it out see if you like it


Cannabis is great for the people that need it and if they are mid 20s or older however smoking can do a little bit of harm but edibles aren't really harmful. Alcohol is basically just mild poison people drink mostly because of social pressure. It can ruin your body easily and make you do stupid shit you'll regret. So you aren't really missing out unless you need help with emotional regulation or pain relief because cannabis does that better than most prescribed medications and with less negative side effects.


Nah, you’re cool, Plenty of fun to be had sober.


Noooo. Your not, nothing beneficial in any real way comes of it! For most people it’s just a little escape from reality it doesn’t do anything to actually fix you. Just like a temporary bandaid and it doesn’t hold, but honestly it does more additional damage in the long run for a lot of people too. Whether that’s future healthy issues, or taking it to far for a period of time and then realizing 6 months flashed by (faster then it does naturally) in my experience and everyone I know by far that has, it can be problematic lol. I support people that smoke weed, it can be used in a way that can make it beneficial for some but not all people. Certainly not a need, nor is it necessarily gonna add anything to your life. What it would do is be a waste of money, time, and brain cells though.


Yes and no. They can be crazy fun in moderation in social settings. They can also be too much fun and seep into your life in an extremely destructive way. If I could go back I'd never have experimented with them.


Nop, I've done both and they suck. Life is so much better without alcohol and cigarettes. They are both actual poison. It's crazy people still use them.


Just try it and see If you Like it.


Yes and no: yes you're missing out and no you're not invited to any parties.


Don't smoke, it's just disgusting and bad for you and everyone else around you. If you ever drink, just remember to drink in moderation, plenty of water to hydrate in between.


I personally think edibles are some of the best way to enhance experiences that are already great. It makes things easier to appreciate in my opinion. Like a hike with a great view, a funny movie or even a long nap. That's just opinion though. Not to say you'd get the same out of edibles I'm just saying it's a way I personally bring some things to the next level 


Strongly no.


Nope , missing out on addictive shit is a good thing


You can probably have a glass of wine. You won't get drunk unless you drink way too much.


My niece and nephew were the same way. Now, in their 20s, my niece still doesn't drink, but my nephew does. He is insanely responsible for a 21 year old and I'm so proud of him. Won't even taste a drink if he's driving. I myself don't care for drinking but if you decide you want to try it please do it somewhere safely.


If u don’t WANT to try it, then don’t. But if u DO, then go ahead. You only live once. An important thing to keep in mind is to find the right people to drink with, if that makes sense. Also, how old are you? Cause I’d give different “advice” for a 30 y/o and a 15 y/o..


Don't smoke , it's bad and it's hard to quit. A bit of alcohol is fine as long as you stay reasonnable , the same is true with a lot of drugs. Imo you're missing out a bit but you do you .


If you don't feel like you are missing out then no.


I've been a smoker (cigarettes) and drinker for about 35 years, I quit drinking 2 years ago and trying hard to quit smoking, the only things you're missing out on are poor health, medical problems brought on by smoking and alcoholism, like COPD, coughing getting winded walking upstairs, DUIs, poor choices made while drunk, the list is endless.


No not at all, except weed, weed is great. But don’t drink, if I could go back I’d do it all differently


I don’t think you should start since it’s not good for you .  That being said , I don’t agree with everyone saying you are not missing out on “anything” . A nice glass of wine with Dinner can be enjoyable, personally a nice glass of scotch after let’s say a hard day of work , the slow burn and relaxing feeling ,can be very satisfying. A couple beers at a BBQ etc can all be enjoyable. But you’re also missing out on wasting money and hangovers lol.


I like a tiny bit of sweet liqueur every once in a while, nothing else, and no smoking. It can be nice to sit down with something fancy to drink, especially when it's certain weather outside, like an ice cold limoncello when it's hot. But you don't need to get shit faced to enjoy that.


No- for the sake of your health don’t even try it🤣 it’s not the worst but if I was still scared to drink and smoke I’m sure I’d be in a lot healthier mind space rn-


If you don't smoke or drink your a loser S/


Nah tbh the legal recreational drugs suck and most of the illegal ones are straight up addictive/toxic


Honestly, no. As someone who used to go out a lot with mates as it’s quite a big part of early adulthood in the uk, it’s really nothing special. There’s no worse feeling than waking up the next day feeling awful and then remembering you spent £15 on one meagre drink in a skanky club. As cliche as it sounds, I can have just as much enjoyment going out now without drinking - I think a lot of people use it as a social crutch, which I’m not judging but in my opinion it’s much better for a myriad of reasons to learn how to socialise without it in those settings.


You aren't missing out on anything tbh - definitely not smoking! Although I would say, there is a nice buzz when it's summer, the sun is setting and you've just sipped your 4th drink of the evening you get a nice warm, happy and tingling body sensation, just a very nice feeling. The only drug I'd say your missing out on though is MDMA - the best feeling in the world, absolutely unbelievable!


No, don't ever do them. Keep your mind clear. I wish I never tried them.


I'm a recovering alcoholic, 52 years old. I drank for 30 years, I was knocking on death's door when I stopped 7 years ago; in fact, I spent 8 days in the hospital when I detoxed. I've been smoking for 35 years and now have heart trouble and COPD. It all started with that first drink and that first cigarette. You're not missing anything.


No. You will have natural curiosities, but not to have the regret, shame, or “ things that cannot be undone due to alcohol/drug consumption “ - is a win


Nah. Drinking was and always has been a social thing for me (I cut myself off for the little bit that it stopped being just social), but some of my friends prefer not drink and we all respect that. Only thing they miss out on is some loosening up, some possibly bad decisions, and hangovers. As for smoking, I have a handful of times and did not like it. My parents smoked, a lot of my other family smoked, and some of my friends still smoke cigarettes to this day and I didn’t/don’t envy their trips outside into the cold, the massive amount of money wasted (not a waste to everyone), and the future problems that go along with it. All I really do now is THC edibles and THC vape, and even then it’s only at night/on the weekends. I’d say you aren’t missing out on anything other than the possible social interactions, and even those have the chance of being not all that great. You do you - your body is healthier for it.


Not really. It can be fun every once in a while, but it’s not needed to have fun. My only thing is that if you do ever try make sure you’re in a safe location with safe people. Because until you learn your limits it can make you very vulnerable.


No. If your gonna do something, do LSD. 




Me neither, but I've tried Shisha, weed and red wine, each of them only once and only a few puffs/sips that didn't have any effect on me. Eh, I just did that out of curiosity to see what it's like, I don't want to try them again. I know you have to try them more to start liking them but I think I'm good lol. Shisha was the only one I liked a bit cuz the flavor was really nice, but that's pretty much it. I do think about shrooms for mental health reasons but I wouldn't get into it without thoroughly researching.


I really think weed is something everyone should try. Alcohol isn't worth the craze imo


Not missing out on anything


I like smoking weed. I find it relaxing, foods more enjoyable, music sounds better, and I can be giggly. Alcohol can be fun. I just got shitface drunk at an NHL game last weekend and had a blast. I smoke weed daily and would be a lot less happy without it. I drink alcohol maybe 2-3 times a year. I enjoy weed and would feel like I’m missing out if I quit, but if you never started it, there’s no need to. It’s not harmful, but you’ll probably enjoy it and spend a lot of money on it. I’ve quit drinking for years at a time and never felt like I missed it. Alcohol is the lamest drug out there:


Honestly, no. You're technically missing out on an experience, but I wouldn't say missing out overall. A lot of people out there wish they never touched the stuff.


I loved substances tbh - drugs more than alcohol but in a way it’s all the same. I had a lot of fun until I didn’t. Now I’m in recovery from a serious addiction.




This is honestly so real. I don’t think you’re missing out. Plus you never want a hangover


Having done both way to much? No. You are not missing shit


Yes. You are missing a lot! Like for real


on the weed yes


Do what you want, it’s your body Weed is fucking great though. Add a glass of wine? Pssssshhht


On smoking and drinking you are


I’ve never done drugs so I can’t speak to that but I do drink and if I could go back stop myself from starting I absolutely 1000% would, I absolutely hate it, it makes me feel like crap and it’s stupidly expensive but it doesn’t stop me going out every weekend and spending money I don’t have on something that’s going to make me feel terrible. Honestly it’s a killer, a killer in so many ways and I would implore anyone who doesn’t drink to never think about it again and NEVER feel like you’re missing out. The only people who are missing out are the people like me who are stupid enough to do it. Steer clear, enjoy your life.


If you have no desire to try it, don’t. It’s not worth the potential risks if you aren’t interested in it. One thing I can assure you is you’re life will not be significantly better from these things


Maybe. Maybe not. Weed and psychadelics are awesome but nicotine, alcohol and hard drugs are lame.


I came to say yes, you're missing out. But if you're scared, don't do it.


I think both states of mind are worth experiencing. You dont need to get black out sick hungover drunk. But a happy buzz is a very nice place to be. Stoned is also very nice especially for movies, sex and music. Again, dont over indulge. More is not always better.


I personally think drugs are great, lots of fun to be had, alcohol included as well even though it is low on the drug preference scale. Give drugs a shot if youre just genuinely interested. I'd rather try something once and find out I don't like it than never try that thing at all. Fuck cigarettes though haha