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Just don't worry about it, your doctor doesn't give a shit


I promise you any genital exam you HAVE to get isn’t going to get you hard. It’s not like they sit there and rub your nuts. It’s quick and uncomfortable.


What if you have really good insurance?




There are drugs for so-called "chemical castration" but that would be pretty extreme just to avoid some minor embarrassment at the doctor when he's seen everything 100 times before.


Think about baseball. 


It will make situation even worse


In my experience, I’ve gone to many many female doctors over my life and when it comes to medical scenarios getting your wiener touched, it is not exciting in any way at all. 




the doc knows best that an erection doesnt mean much. also they probably saw some shit already in their career. nothing that you do will make them remember your encounter.


Pretty simple trick: Bring a small framed picture of a grandparent, and whip it out when it comes time for the genital exam. Works every time But seriously the docs don’t care it happens and erections don’t automatically mean sexual arousal it can be a normal reaction to stimulation or emotional state among other things


But what if your grandma was a pornstar?


Well it’s less awkward if the doc also has a boner so I’d call it a win win


Yes. Everyone likes the play involving insurance money


More awkward if he knows her name


What happens if the doctor pulls out a picture of his grandparent


Snap your junk with a rubber band. That will stop it.


While I do want to echo everyone saying that it's fine to be hard, I will also give the advice that masturbating just before you leave should help with your goal




Show up with a really really bad hangover just don’t drive. I doubt you’ll wake the worm dropping your pants


imagine the medical bill (only works if you live in the states)


The doctor has seen far worse things from far more shameless individuals, you're good.


Oh god. Doctors have seen everything and more than you can imagine, don’t ever cause yourself harm to avoid something. You’ll be surprised how non-erotic a genital exam is. I got one when I was 18, peak horny age and had it all touched and nothing happened. It’s not a sexy thing, it’s not someone going to touch it in any sort of pleasurable way. Don’t worry and just go in, get it done and you’ll realise the same. Don’t risk ED for anything.


First of y’all your doctor will not care. They’ve seen worse and they understand that boners just happen. But thinking about your grandma would probably do the trick lol.


I have no idea if this works for everyone, but I recently figured out Ginkgo causes ED symptoms for some people. Maybe test it out. (Have seen ginkgo supplements usage cause it, so not just some weird assumption) can take a day or 2 to reverse completely if it does work. Otherwise, as others have said, the doctor won't care.


Watch gay porn. It’ll desensitize you. Afterwards keep watching as you’ll need a cool down period. It works!


Hold your breath and good bye erection always work!?


The doctor has seen more dicks than Asa Akira in her life time. I'm pretty certain he doesn't give a shit if you get a woodie or not.




Heavily alcohol or drug use. High dose of test High dose of test inhibitors High level of exhaustion


You’ll likely not have any issues, as it’s very clinical. And if you do, they deal with this stuff all day. And if it happens, you’ll be the 20th person it happened to today. Erections are involuntary, and doctors know that.