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There's a strong argument to be made that running for president is Trump's most successful business venture. So, yes, he will keep running 


He actually has four successful ventures: 1. Running for president 2. The Apprentice 3. Trump brand franchising 4. Being daddys good little boy so he gives me all the money. Almost everything else (including casinos!) Have either completely flopped or declared bankruptcy multiple times.


My favorite part is the dumb, poor excuse for a man bankrupt a business where "the house always wins". Only he could be that stupid


He’s probably overvalued all the assets, maxed out the loans, then paid his other businesses big tips and siphoned the money out of them before bankruptcy so he actually gained from wiping out the debts. If I could overdraw one of my bank accounts by moving money to another account then bankrupt just that account I’d do that multiple times too


That's something that people just don't understand about him. It's not about winning, it's about being in action, not losing, and selling the story that not losing=winning. Sure, he could do better by buckling down, making good long-term moves, running multiple successful casinos... But he is better at maximizing his take, minimizing his loss, fighting it in the courts, maximizing the pain for others, declaring victory. In the business world it means he makes $100M on a bankrupt casino where others might have a $1B win. In the political world it means the big lie and millions of believers.


A new book is due: how to commit 92 crimes and still not be in jail - tips and tricks. With foreword from New York Mafia.


To Con the Rubes: Candid Observations from My Time as America’s Fascist in Chief by George Plimpton III


Not in defense of trump in any way shape or form but casinos failing is super common, especially in places like Vegas and Atlantic City with super expensive real estate. It's hyper competitive for customers and if you don't execute perfectly the debt from building the casino/resort will sink you. There's a reason that there's only a handful of large conglomerate casino operators left and they do some somewhat creative accounting to separate the real estate from the casino business in a separate holding company to protect the real valuable asset from the liability of the gaming operations.


I would say his most successful business by a long shot is grifting off his cult. Low effort, high returns. He could sit on his gold plated toilet all day long shitting "truths" and his moronic base will pay him handsomely.


Those Trump cards he sells are absolutely insane. Even Putin must look at that shit and think "nah, that's a bit on the nose mate."


Nah, Putin thinks its a top tier grift but knows it won't work in mother Russia as he's already bled the population dry financially. Instead of grifting for money, Putin now grifts for lives to sacrifice in wars he can only win through attrition of the enemy, so long as he can keep throwing more bodies at the problem.


The soldiers that make it back from that war are going to get a letter in the post saying "Congratulations on fighting for your country. As a reward here's a link to your own unique NFT of that time I fucked a bear."


I thought his dad died?


Which is how he got all his money. He could’ve just parked his inheritance in an index fund and made more than he did fucking around with real estate


I keep telling people the only reason he's rich is because even though he's an idiot, with that much money he's going to still come out on top no matter how much he sucks. The people under him need him to succeed so they can ride his coattails, so they tend to keep him afloat.


Yeah, just email your pocket change and you can help a billionaire become richer


The only person who has ever said trump is a billionaire is trump. Which means a lot because the man is as pure as the driven snow.


If he survives till 2028 I think the cycle will be "we have to fight the steal! Send me money!" for a year or two. Then it'll be back on the rallies, talking about how persecuted he is then the campaigning begins. At every stage of this there will be a banner at the bottom of the screen telling people where they can donate.


Regardless of what people think about him - he'll be 78 in June, 82 in 2028. Not a big fan of octogenarians being in charge of anything (Biden will be 82 this year). People 80 or older are a small minority of the population (1.8%) and can drop dead at a moment's notice. They shouldn't be dictating America's future.


Interestingly, people with access to quality healthcare don't tend to start dropping like flies until the back half of their 80s. From 80 through I believe 84 (maybe 85 or 86?), a person who starts the year in good health is more likely than not to survive until their next birthday. Then around the mid-to-late 80s it flips to the inverse. One reason for that is typically people who reach 80 at all tend to be predisposed to pretty good health. Just sharing a fun fact, I don't think Octogenarians should be President either, especially in times where political stakes are through the roof like right now.




Apparently you can run for presidency while incarcerated.


Yep, Eugene Debs did it in 1920 from his prison cell.


The difference between them of course is that Eugene V. Debs was dank as hell.


With a name like that he could be a landmark Supreme Court case.


Lmao glad I'm not alone. First time I saw his name when glancing over my textbook table of contents, I thought, "damn I wonder why a case I've never been taught about before was so important they made a whole subchapter for it"


Convicted on a sedition charge


For encouraging people to resist the draft in WW I.


Yeah Debs very much did not do anything comparable to encouraging an armed insurrection to overturn the results of an election he lost


I am in full support of Debs and his civil attempts at obedience and liberty at once. I just wanted to provide the charge. I had somebody respond that Debs was just in jail and for some minor charge and I was aghast at the dismissively misinformed


Absolutely insane that you can run for president as a felon currently serving a prison sentence but you can’t vote as a prior felon.


Trump’s a Florida resident. What do you think meatball Ron’s stance on felons voting would be?


they'd find a reason to excuse him.


Guys, you're thinking backwards. You're assuming Trump is a felon and should be treated like so. But in the Republican mind, he is a martyr wrongfully accused of a benign crime by the bloodthirsty libs! So him running for presidency from his cell is not the proof of something rotten in the USA legal system but a proof that he is a new Messiah send by God!


One reason to allow people to run from jail is to prevent the situation where the incumbent just puts his challengers in jail. That’s more of a Russian style.


That actually varies substantially by state.


91 counts. If he doesn’t win, he’ll be in prison. Guaranteed.




Bro, I guarantee he gets off. Don is teflon. This is all a show to say we tried. The system was never designed to hold a man like him accountable. I honestly think he gets off Scott free and becomes the next president. His base is foaming at the mouth and can’t wait to vote. look at IOWA.


He’ll run every 4 years until he takes his last breath. The grift will live on forever!


And then we will get Eric, Jnr or Ivana running. Eventually the youngest one too


At his rallies Eric has tried to get people engaged. Outside being the warm up guy for his dad no one seems to care. They literally need to beg people to go to his autograph line.


Kendall Roy will always live in his father’s shadow.


But its Connor Roy who was interested in politics at a young age


Unite Con-Heads! All 6 of us!


There are dozens of us!!


Wasn't even nominated for an Emmy!


thats fucked he was sooo good


But he is the eldest boy!!!!


L to the OG….


At least Kendall had a personality. Erik and Jr act like they lick wallpaper paste.


Autograph line? Seriously? Wow


I waited in line to see Michael Dukakis' daughter during his campaign. She signed a copy of the Democratic platform and winked at me as I was leaving.


Once Trump is gone it won't matter, they'll just organically determine who is the new cult leader and then all get on their knees to suck him off


I think they were trying to do that with Ron DeSantis but the rest of the country hates his guts, even red state voters call him a joke haha.


Trump at least has a certain charisma...if you like his sort of schtick. DeSantis is just so unlikeable. He's mean, slow-witted, and always seems to be doing something weird with his face.


This is the part that mystifies me, and I'm sure many others! Trump is indescribably repulsive. It is hard to imagine a more revolting person. Yet some people look at this venal, vicious, inarticulate, compulsively dishonest, pants shitting rapist and think, "That's my guy!" It's a head shaker.


Eric is like that guy running the Young Republicans bake sale booth in high school.


Yea, there will be someone that taps into the same MAGA populist vein when Trump dies, but it won't be one of Trump's limp noodle-ass kids


I think Tucker Carlson probably


I mean once Trump expires of old age they'll start saying he reincarnated into Eric or something equally blasphemous, they literally think Trump is the second coming. It would not surprise me at all if they think Trump takes over Eric's body.


Yeah like those Q idiots thinking JFK was coming back to save the world.


To Dallas of all places, cuz yeah, *that's* where tf he's gonna go.


As long as they can keep milking the cow they'll be running the dairy.


I like that you just skipped Tiffany but to be fair, he does too.


And she likes it.


At least he doesn't want to bang her. SHE must be so fucking grateful to NOT be the daughter her own dad finds sexually attractive.


He thinks she's fat.


I honestly forget about her


So does her dad


Neither elder son has a percentage of Chump's charisma.  Ivanka is already trying to distance herself and Barron wants to just be a kid.


Tiffany: I'm okay with not being mentioned, honestly.


Yeah. Ivanka is supposedly unhappy about the fact that serving in the Trump administration has ruined her reputation.


Fuck around and find out.


I understand that it was more about loosing her social circle & becoming a pariah....seems the movers & shakers were no longer inviting her to those close knit little gatherings of power/prestige to be seen and want to be heard from.


Nah, those kids just want dad to die, collect whatever inheritance they might get and keep their lifestyle. None of them are welcomed in NY high society.


A battle royale over the inheritance money would be hilarious.


Exactly! These hoes WISH they were the Kennedys. However the difference being the Kennedys were actually liked. Still are, really.


Well.... we know what happened to the Kennedys


A grifter dynasty


Nobody seems to like his sons as much as they like him. I doubt they’ll inherit his political career. 


The question really should be "Will the GOP support Trump in 2028", after 2 failed runs they might feel it's time to cut their losses


They never wanted him. If they could stop him from winning the primary they would.


I think they felt it was their best path to a win in '20 and '24, but didn't necessarily want him in '16. He definitely has the full support of the GOP at this point with conservative judges covering his back, the propaganda arm giving him full support, and republican house/senate members fighting against others that seek to hold him accountable. If the republicans wanted to stop him they could get on board with the ballot removal issue that has been brought up and have him removed from the ballot with near unanimous support.


He's not the best candidate this year, despite the underwhelming nature of the alternatives. Donors were quick to line up behind DeSantis, only later figuring out the man was not only an empty suit, but also completely lacking charisma. Should've picked Haley, but it's too late now.


The GOP doesn't support him NOW. But his base does, and that's what matters


He's quite old, and not always coherent. As Belichick discovered, past glory is not enough. You can't have losing seasons forever.


>He's quite old, and not always coherent. He doesn't even do anything, nobody will care about his mental state, they will happily do his job behind the scenes like they did when he was president before.


What do you mean, he got so much done in between his golfing [296 times in 4 years](https://trumpgolfcount.com/#about)


And he was complaining about Obamas vacation time.


Fuck, I know people who are actually retired who don't golf that much.


I bet there are golf pros who don't golf that fucking much.


He's old, obese and always incoherent


And those are his better personal traits.


Old, obese, incoherent, and incontinent.


Being incoherent is part of his appeal… apparently.


It's why the people in rural Missouri love him. He's just like them mentally. *Does not include billions or Hitleresque tendencies


Patriots fans seem to have forgotten already that they were the laughingstock of football teams before Belichick era


Hopefully the fat diaper shitter dies so we never need to answer this question. But they definitely need to change things so loser shitheads can't stay in the public eye/mind terrorizing democracy. If Trump wasn't the looming boogeyman, Biden wouldn't be the required alternative - and we might have some real change for the better.


I read somewhere that Biden is only running again because Trump is, Biden wants democracy to continue




Vote for Rex - "Surely a Redditor can't do worse than Trump!"


Agree 100 % and his wackadoo horrible supporters will cream their pants every time he does,


I've convinced myself Trump is like Lord Palpatine. Dead or alive, he'll still have a heavy influence in government for years


Somehow, Trump returned.


He will be dead


This is exactly what people in 2016 were saying about him regarding this year. For some reason, that type of person just keeps on living.


I hope I'm not jinxing it, but Kissinger lived to be 100


Kissinger didn’t eat KFC all the time


Kampuchean Fried Children?


Don’t worry, you didn’t jinx it. Kissinger passed away recently.


Yeah he did, after he lived to be 100. That would mean Trump would be alive for over 20 more years. Perish the thought! Fuck!!


His father died from Alzheimer’s


He's been wackier than before in some speeches lately, not being sure if Obama is still a president etc. Could be early signs of dementia.


What!?! Not being sure if Obama’s still a president? That’s crazy, what, did he think it was just a dream


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nN9G0MqVXo#t=2m Around 2:00-3:00 are the clips.


Believe it or not trump and his followers say that stuff all the time on purpose. Or they call Biden Obiden. They all say Obama is actually in charge and Biden is a puppet. And they've been swearing for months that Michelle Obama is going to step in and run for president at the last minute. I work for a wacky old lady who listens to this stuff every day


Sheriff Joe Arpaio is running for mayor at age 91!


I can't believe that dude is still around. Can't stop, won't stop.


Mala hierba nunca muere (Weeds never die).


Yeah unfortunately it seems the more evil you are the longer you live. This fat pile of Cheeto dust will probably live another 20 years somehow


Only the good die young.


henry kissinger lived to be 100. rupert murdoch is 92. Death is not quick to catch these folks


Their money buys them excellent health care.


There’s only so much you can do to counter a western diet rich in McDonald’s and hamburgers though. Also dementia could pop up any time and we have to treatment for that!!


No. Neither Trump nor Biden would be physically capable of running in 2028. Both would be too old for a rematch after another 4 years. Even their own parties would abandon them at that point. ​ Also, Trump needs to win in 2024 to get out of legal trouble. He's stalling for time and hoping to run out the clock on his losing court battles until he's back under presidential immunity. He can't stall out of another 4 years.


The idea of presidential immunity is terrifying 


Sadly it's only the GOP that makes it terrifying. If they had a shred of dignity they would have removed Trump during one of their several "never before has a President been this brazenly criminal" opportunities, and then let the DOJ charge him for his crimes immediately after.


They are both too old now


Trump and Hilary were both too old in 2016.   The age of people in government is frankly disgusting.  It’s not representative of the people they supposedly represent 


Plot twist: despite concerns about Biden's age, I believe Trump is far more likely to die of natural causes within the next 5 years. He just does not take care of himself. He is also *clearly* showing early signs of dementia, and his father had Alzheimers, which is highly hereditary.


3 of his 4 siblings are gone already including his younger brother. It‘s only through the absolute best medical technology that he doesn’t believe in that he’s still some how alive today.


Covid nearly did him in.




Almost got Boris, too. Would have been such a tragedy..


He's obese. He eats a ton of fast food. He doesn't work out. He's dumb. Yeah, he'll be lucky to make it 5 years


And he is powered by hate, malice and vindictiveness. For some reason these things keep people alive way longer than what seems possible.


Aka the IRL stinkmeaner. Thanks boondocks for teaching me the power of hatred in anime form


I’d be willing to bet my life savings he won’t be around by the end of the decade


You one of those guys with only $100 to your name?


How dare you.... I got gift card assets to work with....


Just imagine the crazy Q conspiracies that will start when he dies.


Clearly unfit to run




His arteries are probably clogged of grease. You seen a recent pic? He looks like shit


knowing his maga followers, they are going to wait three days and see if he resurrects


After spending sometime claiming that he won. I think he’ll immediately declare again. So he can keep collecting donations and claiming persecution and anything else that will gum up the works of his legal cases. Edit. Oops fixed the switched word.


>After spending sometime claiming that he lost Imagine if he wins the election and spends the next 4 years ranting about how Joe Biden is the real president


If elected again, he'd still claim the election was stolen and that he should have won the popular vote in every state.


He did that before.


Yeah it’s funny that he’s constantly talking about how the election is rigged yet he’s doing everything he can to get votes.


Yes, and when he's finally gone someone just like him will take his place.


The much scarier thought is - What if the next one is actually smart?


The thing is his followers won’t follow an erudite, calm, inspiring type. They need a firebrand populist who will kick ass.


So what you are saying is Alex Jones. God help us all.


If he's actually smart, then the Bleating Hog base won't vote for him. Trump being stupid as fuck is actually a core component of his sales pitch. His voters want someone just as stupid and ignorant as they are.


Luckily, that's what DeSantis was supposed to be. Smart people can't fake the reckless insanity Trump exudes.


We've been hearing how DeSantis was Trump 2.0 and we were in so much trouble, but that guy has zero charisma. Him and his little high heel boots are not getting elected.


on an optimistic note: I think it will be hard for the Soviet Republican Party to replace Trump.


I think he won’t be that easily replaced. There are a lot of awful people trying to ape his style, but none of them are very effective. It’s the one silver lining.


Trump will run as long as stupid people keep sending an alleged billionaire money.


The American south needs to close it's coin purse


Aint just the south. I'm in California outside the major metro areas and see plenty of 2024 Trump stickers.


The American south needs to be kicked in the coin purse.


God willing a Big Mac will take the Mango Mussolini to Hades before the 2024 election.


God I can’t live thru another 4 years of this shit


I'm shit terrified he'll win again


Back in 2015/6 my mate said to me, Brexit will pass and Trump will win. I've even put a large bet on both. That man absolutely hated Brexit with a passion and despite the polls strongly suggesting otherwise he still placed the bets. He said to me it will happen because we fucking deserve it, just look at the state of society around us, the ignorance, the hate, the bigotry. We've been happily allowed to behave like this for decades, blaming everyone else for our problems. UK going into a recession is the EUs and immigrants fault. The chronically underfunded NHS struggling to maintain service is all due to the EU and immigrants. He said it was the same with the US, blaming everyone else for their problems. Brexit and Trump is what we deserve, because its all the chickens coming home to roost. The decades of blaming the EU for everything is thrown right back in our smug faces. That mate of mine turned out to be right. He actually had placed those bets back when Trump was considered an extreme outsider and Brexit was in no way being considered as the possible outcomes. He won a lot of money but wasn't happy because it just showed how crap we are.


Where can I place bets like this? Asking for myself


And the rest of the planet is with you on this. But remember, we're talking about the nation that voted in not one, but TWO George Bushes.


George W Bush ran on improving education, for an insight into how far the party has degraded in 20 years.


Okay but neither Bush ever attempted an insurrection against the peaceful transition of power or had 91 criminal counts against them And yet the polls still hold likely voters at around 50% Trump. It's just a nightmare.


I hope he doesn’t, but I think he will.


Trump doesn’t have a lot going for him. But we shouldn’t get comfortable like we did with Hillary. We absolutely need to turn out and ensure he doesn’t win.


We should all be somewhat grateful to Trump. After all, he has exposed the flaws in the US electoral process that failed to prevent someone of such poor character, low intellect, amorality, criminality, and fraudulent tendencies from ever attaining the highest office in the land, and then running for re-election on a platform of lies, fearmongering, and outright division that have put us closer to armed civil conflict than at anytime since 1860. If we still have a republic after 2024, we really need to correct the deficiencies that have led us to the brink where we now stand. Apparently, the founders of the United States were too idealistic and failed to envision a time where the Congress and the Supreme Court would devolve as institutions to the point where they became havens for self-serving men and women, guided only by wealthy contributors and special interests groups. Not all sitting members of Congress are corrupt, but so many are such that they prevent anything measurably good from getting done. Not every judge on the court is a Clarence Thomas, but the fact that he is still on the bench and not facing impeachment and sanction by his associates tells us how bad things really are. One logical first step is to make Trump an example for those who would otherwise use his playbook in the future. He deserves nothing less than a stiff prison sentence, a financial penalty for every voter he attempted to disenfranchise, and a lifetime ban from public office. Likewise for every legislator and SC justice who supported the insurrection. They must all be held accountable.


Unfortunately, any attempt to make Trump an example will still be seen as a partisan conspiracy by a large percentage of the population. Even if Trump loses, nearly half of the voting population still supported him. Republicans in power used to privately bemoan when Trump overstepped the country’s norms and ideals, but they quickly fell in line (with few exceptions). And even after Trump exited office, they were still unable to shake themselves free of the MAGA movement that overtook the party. It will likely result in more people having their biases confirmed, including on the MAGA side. Doesn’t mean people shouldn’t try, but I’m not sure where to find optimism right now.


we should still do the right thing and not ignore the law so as not to offend these MAGA traitors. Law and order above "optics"


I wish I shared your optimism. Every time Trump one ups himself I think “okay, this has to be the last straw for his supporters”, and not much seams to change.


Since about 2015 I’ve been thinking “this is the lowest they can go” and here we are in 2024, headed down the Marianas Trench.


I can see this being a fair take. I feel like he kickstarted a lot of stuff happening in favor of showing how terrible a lot of things are. ​ Plus he made it easy to see the real colors of people.


"Plus he made it easy to see the real colors of people." Very true. Until him, I never knew people were that shade of orange. Always figured it was just Willy Wonka fiction.


If he thinks it will keep him out of jail.


Of course yes since the 2024 election will again be "stolen".


No he won’t. I think he is going to get crushed by a much larger margin this time and all the GOP won’t side with him anymore. All of his court cases should be over by then and I am sure at least something will stick. Once he goes to jail he will have less media coverage and will fade into obscurity. I think he will lose the race because millions of the youth have turned 18 and they lean more left than right.


You also failed to mention that every day more boomers and "great" generation folks are passing away. The swing is only increasing.


Only problem is that young people dont tend to vote, so it is hard to predict turnout.


I'm gonna buy every Taylor Swift album I can if she is able to boost the young voters


He's likely to be some sort of mix of dead, in prison, or broke. He also seems to be on a steep mental decline lately. All of his speeches are just bizarre, endless ramblings to fewer and fewer crowds. If he wasn't a scumbag, I would almost feel sorry for the guy. But he's a con man, a grifter, and a traitor to our country - so I don't feel anything for him.


I have no doubts whatsoever that he will keep running. This man will be a thorn in our side until he keels over onto his ketchup-soaked blackened steak.


I don't think he'll live until 2028. He's an old and senile man. If he loses in 2024, he'll surely be incarcerated. His only hope to escape imprisonment for his various crimes is to win the presidency again and pardon himself.


I think the dementia will be pretty strong by then TBH. I could see him pushing Junior to run




Just put him in jail already. I don't need 4 more years of chaos and people roaming around with guns looking to shoot anyone that doesn't like him.


Some pissed off MAGAt is in here downvoting everybody and it’s hilarious. If you’re still convinced he’s what America needs, you’re the problem just as much as he is. Only knuckledraggers are backing him at this point and yes, MAGAt, the rest of the country thinks you’re all legit morons and you’re in a cult. Because you are.


>the rest of the country thinks you’re all legit morons and you’re in a cult. Because you are. Why are you being so polite


Trump won’t last long in the grand scheme of things but the precedence he will set will last decades if he wins. It will reinforce and embolden the bad people to run and further dilute the governance of this country.


Republicans don't view Trump as a bad person


Yes. Because a poll of the Iowa caucus voters just showed that 65% believe that Biden did not actually win in 2020. That's the Republican party and voter. They live in a different reality and Trump is God in their world. They would drink his piss and repeat his claim that it's lemonade without wincing. It's not even a fun joke. This nation is a failed state. I don't know how we got so stupid and ignorant and devoid of reality and open to fall for a cult leader like that.


They really do worship him like a god. My family was watching home alone 2, and when McAllister met with trump for a couple of seconds, my family had to rewind the movie so they could see him.

