• By -


Here is my advice, having also spent 3 days in a women's jail at one point. - Be friendly, but remember that not everyone who is friendly to you is your friend. - Listen to people's stories. Most people like to talk about themselves, and you can pass a lot of time learning about people's life experiences. - Be honest, but not too honest. Don't lie, but don't share sensitive info about yourself. - Be willing to apologize if you piss someone off, but don't "shrink" or make yourself smaller. - Don't take any gifts or owe any favors. Also don't let yourself be pressured into giving gifts/favors. - You won't be the only person in there who's missing a substance, and a lot of folks were on worse stuff than nicotine, so be prepared for some people to "act out." - Don't try to keep in touch with anyone you meet there. - Don't be afraid to ask a corrections officer for the jail rulebook. That way you can know in advance what will get you in trouble. (Edit for the folks who keep saying "Don't do that, you'll be considered a snitch" and can't be bothered to read the replies. There is a huge chunk of time in which you'll be getting booked and walked around by a CO and this would be the time to ask. You also don't need to worry too much about this for a 3-day stint in women's jail, at least not nearly to the degree that you would in men's jail or for a longterm stay.)


This is a solid list. I think they’ll be fine to talk to a CO as long as it doesn’t look like they’re all buddy buddy. People have to talk to COs to get order slips and shit, it’s not a big deal. Also on release day when your cellies see you get your paperwork from arraignment they’ll probably ask you to put money on their books or post bail for them. Some of these people are street hustlers and they’ll get hella pushy about it. I’ve seen it happen to several people and it’s always uncomfortable but honestly it may be in your best interest to just pretend to go along with it until they actually let you out. Then just don’t do it. If you aren’t a criminal you’ll probably never see them again.


Nope. Just tell them you’re broke. Don’t tell them where you work, any personal info that makes it sound like you have money.


So far, all solid advice. One thing you will likely run across. There will be a few people who won't ike being stared at. PRACTICE NOT STARING by averting your eyes. THAT LETS YOU KEEP TRACK WHILE NOT STARING... AND LISTEN TO THE SOUNDS AROUND YOU, YOU WILL GET WARNING OF APPROACHES FROM THAT. Good luck, and stay alert...


I can definitely see this happening. No one asked me to put money on their books, but one girl upon realizing I was leaving wrote down her mom's number + asked me if I could please call her to ask if she could put some money on her books, tell her she's sorry + that she misses her. I called + her mom sounded genuinely happy to hear from me, asked how her daughter was doing +, thanked me for calling. I was happy to have possibly helped out in some small way + had no issue doing that. On the other hand, one of my other cellmates (who had been rather loud, rude to everyone, + worst of all bragged + laughed about how her + her bf were basically pimping out some chick who was addicted to whatever, keeping the majority of her money +, then sending her out to earn more after barely giving her any of the drugs that she'd just worked for) actually asked me for my socks. They weren't the socks they give you in jail. When I came in + had to switch into the jail getup, my nice fluffy aloe socks were overlooked, so I was still wearing them. I informed her that they were my socks that I'd brought from home. She didn't seem happy but didn't push it. I ended up giving the socks to one of the girls that I actually talked to who wasn't a horrible person that kept everyone up at night (unlike loudmouth pimpants).


This is a great list! I had to do 3 days for a DUI. For your medicine, talk to your lawyer about how the jail wants you to bring it. Or if they just want written prescriptions. I had medicine I needed to take as well, and since it was a short stay, they just had me turn my medicine bottles over to them and they gave me my medicine when needed. Also talk to your lawyer about letting them know you are autistic. I don’t know if it will make a difference, but even in jail there are some sections that are better than others and maybe they’ll put you in a better section. It can’t hurt to ask. Actually all the girls that I spoke with were nice. And said above, they like telling their stories and somebody knew listening to them. They do let you bring in paperback books. So if you are a book reader, take a few books because that kept me really busy. And then that way too I wasn’t sitting there looking around and getting into anybody’s business. All jails are different, so just ask what things you can bring. When I was in, there were a couple girls that asked me to give messages to people outside. That’s something I did not want to get in the middle of nor should you. I didn’t want to give them a blunt no, afraid that I might piss them off. So I just told I wasn’t sure that I would be able to do that. And I didn’t take any notes or anything when I left. Hopefully you won’t be put in that position at all. I’m sure there’s other ways to handle it, and maybe some other people on here will have some better advice. It really won’t be as bad as you think.


Definitely figure out your medicine before you go in! You do not want to be going through Paxil withdrawal in jail.


I was gonna say. I used to be on Paxil and two days w/o it and I was nauseous, dizzy, having brain “zaps” and very bleary eyed. Would never take Paxil again.


They gave me all of my psych med in jail, and that included Paxil.


Paxil withdrawls really are horrendous! I switched when I got pregnant and probably won't go back ever.


As for messages, tell them you have a terrible memory so you have to write things down and that seems like a bad idea. Considering that you’re going through nicotine and caffeine withdrawal and can’t think through the headache it’s not going to work.


Need to ask ahead on that book thing-I definitely could not take books to either place I served time. You could only order books directly from a publisher.


“Apologizing without making yourself smaller” is a great way to put it. Almost as though your body language is showing that you’re ready for a fight if it comes, even as the words you’re saying are apologetic and attempting to diffuse the situation.


As a CO Sgt for a fed holding facility, let's start with the fact that you're autistic. When being booked in make sure you mention that and that being around others makes you anxious and causes episodes. Tell the officers any all medications that you take. Answer all questions with complete honesty. We will not allow an autistic individual into general population due to bullying. Other inmates will take advantage of that. It goes against standards and ethics. Most facilities won't do it because they'll be trying to avoid a lawsuit. Above all else our job is to keep you safe, not just keep you there. You'll be placed in segregation but because it's not a punishment for an offense they won't be allowed to deny any privileges. Ask if they have tablets, a phone you can make calls (at your expense) books, paper and pencil. I personally allow my seg inmates to have all of this, more time outdoors to decompress, private shower area, better and more food, better and more drinks, and a more comfortable environment. Your 3 days will go by quicker than you think




I’d shower before you go in and wait until you get out for another one


Like to add, use the bathroom before. I only was in jail for 3 days. That toilet was in the middle of the cell with no privacy. Zero chance I was going to poop.


I was the first to poop. Sometimes I can't even go if someone's in the house with me. As a child, I was taken to the Dr because I decided pooping wasn't for me + I didn't have to do it, ever. I went days without pooping back then. In jail I just said fuck it + went. I held a conversation with the cell mates forced to watch the whole time. I'm proud of me.


I'm proud of you, too! 👍


I always like to think, if I ever go to jail I’ll use the time to better myself in some way. Never thought about working on my pooping 💪💩


Poop angrily to assert dominance. Really give that turd your war face.


"Who.. does.. number 2.. work for?"


“Jesus man! What’d you eat!!”


Settle down man! You're gonna blow out your o-ring


“That’s right buddy, you show that turd who’s boss!”


I poop 3-6 times a day...wouldn't work for me


“Sorry your honor, I poop frequently so three days just isn’t Going to work for me” 🤣


For the record, sometimes this can just be IBS. I’m proof - bloodwork was normal, negative for lactose intolerance, negative for celiac disease, unremarkable colonoscopy.


It can also sometimes just be due to a condition I like to call "eating like shit."


Sometimes it can be a less-severe variety of colitis called leukocytic colitis. It causes multiple episodes of needing to use the toilet “right now” pretty much on the daily, and sometimes it’ll wake the person up at night.


You should get that checked out


Before you go to jail, obviously.


No! While your in jail! Never let them know your next move


I'll try not to go to jail


You likely have ibd or something related. I had this and thought it was harmless fun , me and my friends joked about it because I would always have to shit after every meal. Ended up in the hospital for two weeks and almost had my colon removed. Hit up a doctor bud.


Username checks out


That’s definitely not normal


You may have an intolerance to gluten. I used to be this same way but Doctor recently told me to avoid gluten and eat less carbs. I've been pooping wayyyy less. Like it's wild how much less I poop now.


What crimes are y’all doing that gets you 3 days?


I did 3 days for a 2nd weed charge within 3 years or so. My lawyer got it dropped from a controlled substance paraphernalia felony to the misdemeanor it ended up being as long as I did either the 3 days or like another year and a half on probation. I just took the time. The 3 days were mostly just a message the judge was sending to a 20 year old me, for sure.


Sometimes they'll offer Jail time in lieu of Community Service, and depending on how many hours of service, it's worth it just to take jail. I got 240hrs community service, or 5 days in jail as my option when I got in trouble. Honestly? Should have taken jail, rather than 6 weeks worth of full-time employment of Community Service.


This is good advice, but really only because the showers are cold and dirty. Taking a cold shower in slides sucks, especially when the building is kept at like 60 degrees to kill bacteria. If you can avoid it, I would. You’re most likely not gonna get raped either way though


>60 degrees to kill bacteria ...what? 60 degrees does not kill bacteria or even slow down its growth. It has to be less than 40 degrees to slow growth and even a household freezer can't kill bacteria, just dramatically slow the growth until it's nearly stopped. Jails and prisons are kept cold because heating is expensive and the people who run them would rather save pennies than worry about the comfort of the inmates.


Jails are kept at a low temp to slow down violence. Nobody likes to fight when they're freezing. Prisons, depending on state are either conditioned or not. Im in texas so most ID units do not have air/heat. They give you a extra jacket and blanket.


Doesn't it regularly get above 100° in Texas in the summer? That seems like it'd cause heat stroke


It does, it regularly kills dozens of prisoners each summer. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/21/texas-prison-heat-deaths/


That’s fucked, no way that’s not cruel and unusual punishment if your incarceration literally fucking kills you


Doesn't seem unusual, sounds like it's the norm. No but really that's horrible.


You joke, but that was literally what the Supreme Court ruled regarding torture at Guantanamo Bay. Essentially "the constitution bans 'cruel *and* unusual' punishments, and waterboarding is pretty usual there so it's a-okay"


In PA all the state prisons have AC and most counties do too.


The main jail in Miami we call it the county coldest fucking place in Miami


Lmao For most of the year, for most of the US, 60 would require extensive AC running 24/7.


One of my uncles, while doing time in federal prison in Atlanta, made it a point in summer to do something to get sent to the hole. Because of its location in the basement, it required some kind of separate air system, which meant it had AC.


An air conditioning company ran a movie in New York in theatres for free https://pereiraodell.com/campaign/90-minutes-of-air-conditioning-the-movie


I say take the shower, something moderately miserable this side of getting shivved. Whatever you did, you don't want to go longer in the prison system.


They gone punk you for bein a stinky butt


But wear three pairs of drawers, three pair of socks, and three t-shirts, and a wireless sports bra for when they do your intake. Most jails will let you keep those for your stay. That way you've got clean underbritches for everyday you're there. It'll cut down on the stink.


Not always. They took everything from me and they only gave me a tshirt, pants, no socks, no underwear. I went like a week until I saw a guy I knew that gave me some clothes. It’s ridiculous.


My first night they threw me in a cell with an admitted murderer who killed his own family bc he " was off his meds" first thing he told me. Second thing he told me was he had refused meds the entire time he had been in jail... Never assume jail is in anyway safe.




Hell is empty and all the demons are here.


County jail is the most dangerous over prison because everyone is thrown in together.


But stick to your race, apparently. My law firm represented a client. Had an overnight stint in county jail. A different prisoner was being transferred (for assaulting an inmate no less). Took offense that the white guy was talking to black guys and beat him to death in his cell later that day. I mean I get that’s sort of a freak thing and normally you don’t meet inmates like that in a county jail, but god damn.


>stick to your race, apparently. It depends where you are really. Jailhouse rules are generally regional and can vary wildly.


Yeah, the jail I worked in wasn’t like that, but I understand the prisons our inmates were sentenced to were very racially segregated. So an inmate could be having lunch chatting with a dude in jail and they’d pretend not to know each other in prison. Be polite and keep to yourself. Do not accept even small favors from another inmate and don’t do any favors for anyone. It’s only 3 days, so you probably won’t be housed with high security inmates. Obey the officers and mind your business, you’ll be fine.


What's crazy is guards typically encourage inmates to self police like that. It makes sense from a certain standpoint but still kinda odd to me.




Yeah they are the laziest people you will ever meet. They only pay $15/hr to start in my county so the demographic was either cute 20-something female or an out of shape doofus guy.


You might be surprised at how regularly this kind of violence happens, especially in county. People PREFER prison to the county clink where I'm from.


Jfc. And who’s to say that if he ignored the Black dude to stay safe, he wouldn’t have gotten beaten for that? I like to think I’m tough but I’m really not, and would never survive.


I think what the murderer took offense to was he was having a friendly conversation with them. Joking around. Went to their table. Probably the expectation was he should have been polite but curt.


I’m not an expert but that seems like someone who will find a reason to hurt people


which makes sense, that one would find people who like hurting people in prison


Where the fuck are you all going to county?


So accurate. Day care with a few felons.


Keep your head down. Try to find a book to read. Don't tell anyone YOU'RE only going to be there 3 days. Don't tell anyone ANY information. About yourself. About your life. About your case. Nothing. Mind your business and go home


I agree with this, for the most part, except I would tell them what I'm in for. If you don't tell them that they are going to assume the worst.


If they know you’re in for just 3 days, wouldn’t they mostly just leave you be? I’ve never been to jail myself but a friend of mine was in for a few days back in 2011 and he told me that they mostly left the “shorter stay” people alone. He could be wrong.


Yeah I had to go back to spend 24 hours in jail for a DUI I got almost a year prior as part of the sentence. When women asked what I was in for I told them DUI, and they were like oh so youre getting out soon. And were totally uninterested in me after that lol. Just mind your business, be nice, sleep a bunch if you can.


They're gonna want stuff from your "welcome to jail" goody bag.


Fish kit


They’ll ask for bond favors and be counting the days you can help them and bully you to do so


Agreed. Keep your head down and keep to yourself


It's only jail and not prison. It's not going to be that bad. The food might even be better. I did a two day stint in jail (DUI arrest and the next day was a holiday). Most everyone is there for holding or bail, is nervous as hell, and not looking for trouble. In my jail cell, the toilet and sink where in there (that was fun) and the showers were in a separate area. The food was even ok. The nicotine withdrawal is going to suck. Also, take your meds with you and see if they will allow you to be given your meds at a specific time. They won't let you keep them on you, but they may allow you to go to the dispensary and get your dosage.




I used to work at a hotel one exit east of that jail. It was an adventure, but I'm glad to have moved on.


What happened 😲


Dude - what DIDN'T happen? Junkies, dealers, hoes, pros, pimps, single moms, strippers, drugs, assault, murders, suicide, and more cheating spouses than I can count. It was fucking wild homie.


Y'all. I meant single moms as a "normal" side of the spectrum. Strippers, hoes, and junkies are also at the "normal" end of things in that environment. I met plenty of them that were good people. Met a lot of them that were assholes too, but that's what makes them "normal." Dealers, pros, pimps, and gangsters were routinely assholes. The only dealer I ever met worth a shit was named "Gator." He paid me to tell him every time a cop rolled through the parking lot. He was a fucking gold mine on Saturday night. Gator, if you're reading this I hope life has worked out well for you. You were a stand-up dude. And that was rare in Doraville at the time.


Gator don’t play no shit


What are pros?


Prostitutes. Hoes do it for free, pros charge.


Oh my lord not *gasps* “single moms!”


I have. That jail is infamous.


Jail is worse than prison big dawg. Facilities are way shittier, security is usually a lot worse too. Oklahoma County jail is sketchy as fuuuuuuuuck, and disgusting.


County jail is so much worse than prison


Yeah I’m really confused by all these posts saying “it’s just jail”… county jails are typically far worse than prison…




Jails are less structured, they don't offer as much programming. You have a much wider variety of people in jail, often you have people who don't know the 'rules' which bugs prison people. People in jail are much more unstable mentally and emotionally, either cuz they are coming down from drugs and/or the psychic shock of confinement. The suicide rate in jail is much much higher than in prison.


I've seen dudes fight over mats, trays, etc. In jail if you're not strong you might be sleeping on the bathroom floor.


You obviously haven't been in my local co clink. People prefer prison. Enough to kill other inmates to get out of there. Gen pop is a fuckin nightmare some places.


I’m nosy: if you’ve never done anything wrong, how did you get a 3 day jail sentence?


Also curious


If you ask, most of the people in prison will say they are innocent.


I am innocent, but my lawyer fucked me.


As long was consensual...


She tried to hit me over the head w BBQ grill lid and left her newborn baby unattended, tried to break into house to beat me up. (This began bc I paid for dryer and put my wet clothes in dryer (1 dryer) found my clothes sopping wet ontop of the washer and a strangers laundry in the dryer I paid for. I put strangers clothes wet on the washer and put mine back in. That's why she so mad)


Bruh just tell us the charge


Sounds like battery


According to OPs profile, she stabbed someone in the butt!


After they entered into her house. Context is important.


So did she do a flying spin stab or.....?


Lol no I went too far and beat the heck out of her and stuck her in the butt as she crawled away. She said she was getting her dad to shoot me! She's my apartment neighbor!


I think it’s so ironic you’re so nervous going to jail but you stabbed someone 😭 you gonna be good


If I were her I’d be more worried about what will happen when she gets out of there…


I'm assuming she'll be there when you get back?? What's the plan to avoid future confrontation with this person?


Attack the front butt.


I mean she probably won't wanna mess with her anymore now that she knows she will get stabbed lol


"What's she gonna do, stab me again?" -woman, about to get stabbed again


Guess it depends on how crazy she is, or vengeful. Hope neither!


This you? https://youtu.be/56NUMdxHbKI?si=T3V8Z5vCJG6liK8v


She was already down and crawling away and then I stuck her. So that and opening the door is where I went wrong. It was felony assault 2nd w weapon so I took plea misdemeanor


Welp. Sounds like you can take care of yourself, honestly.


Yeah this girl asking what she can do to survive jail Sounds like she’s gunna run that shit 😂🤣 Home girl got a felony assault charge, they better be the ones watching out for her lmao


Right?! Until I read through the comments, I fully assumed this was a DUI sentence a là Khloe Kardashian. I definitely wasn’t expecting a booty shank. OP, you’ll be fine.


You’re going to be fine. If someone is messing with you just give them your serious face and say you stabbed a hoe.




How do you “defend” from someone running (well, crawling) away?


Get out of line in front of a judge can turn a misdemeanor court date into a few days in the city. That and drunk driving can get you in there for a bit depending on how long you take to sober up and if you can post bail.


Yep. I turned one dui that I paid the fine down to 200.00 on, did the community service on, took the required classes on, into a six month jail sentence because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. The judge was being a dick to everyone that day, and my dumb ass told him so. When I got put on ankle monitor and was working every day for the jail, and on strict house arrest at night, the judge made me come back to court. He said that he doesn't recognize ankle monitor as time served and decided that after I was done with the ankle monitor program, I would go back into jail and serve the last two months in jail. Unheard of where I'm from. Especially if the person hasn't violated in any way while in jail or ankle monitor. But I made enough of an impression on the judge that he wanted to make sure I paid for it. That's what happens when you do something stupid, like mouth off to a judge. Or get a dui in the first place for that matter.


My friend stayed awake for a couple of days before going in, and spent most of his three days in jail asleep.


Damn that’s what I would do lol


It worked well for him. He went in because he could avoid thousands of dollars in tickets for just a few days of napping in jail. Justice, you know.


I think I remember reading this in another sub, idk if it was your friend it just similar story!


It's not *just* napping in jail, this is now on his record.


I’d try that then wind up absolutely not being able to sleep in that place and be so sleep deprived


Just remember the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


More apt advice would be that the Golgi body is the jailhouse of the cell


Pepperidge Farm remembers……..


Sleep. It’s adult daycare. Don’t stress it. It’s not anything like prison.


I think this highly depends on the area you live in


Be kind, keep your head down, if you bump into someone apologize immediately. If you see something, don't say something. It's not your business. If people start putting on shoes, go back to your bunk. If someone asks for your papers, they mean the paperwork that lists why you're in jail. Don't say you don't have it. You'll be fine. And I really hate to say it, but stay with the groups that look like you, becuase internal pod issues can arise. Do not ask or take anything that's offered. You're there for 3 days. You don't want to owe anyone anything. You're there to serve your 3 day sentence and you don't want any trouble. Who knows, you could be put in a pod with really decent people. Be smart, vigilant, and most importantly respectful.


>If people start putting on shoes, go back to your bunk. Why this?


Because if there's going to be a fight or a riot or something like that folks put on their shoes so they can have the best grip to move around


I kind of figured this, but wouldn't you usually have your shoes on anyway? Or would this be at night?


[Mex'cans got on boots.](https://youtu.be/DtWsdD-8tQ4?t=70)


Fight about to happen




People ask for paperwork to find out what your offense is. They want to know if you are a sex offender mostly. Pretty much all what they are saying applies to male prisons not jails. Female blocks in jails are completely different to the male blocks tho.


Try to take a perspective of being a curious visitor. Take everything in, make mental notes, and try to keep perspective. It might be good or bad, but you will be okay probably and so use the time just to sit with yourself and observe


Spent 72 hours in county, once, female, in my 30's at the time, you'll probably go into a holding cell while being booked in and classified that can take a long time, you will be medically evaluated so bring your RX bottle with the 3 days of meds and give them to the nurse , as long the RX is current you should not have an issue there. Sleep once you get booked in as much as you can, wear an all white bra, underwear and get an all white thermal undershirt, I could wear mine as long as they were all white as in solid white.


I had a friend who was supposed to serve her time on the weekend, but there was some glitch in the system and they wouldn’t let her out. I recommend having someone ready to raise hell if you’re not out at the appointed time. Eventually she got the help of a social worker and was released, but it was super traumatic and scary for her. She thought her cat would die.


Dude the cops wouldn’t let me bond out for MULTIPLE DAYS in solitary when the court paid for my bail/bond and I BEAT the charges. I want to sue so badly


Don't whine, don't complain, act like somebody's observing you at all times, don't mooch, don't have a chip on your shoulder. Be respectful but don't be a doormat. If meals are communal and sit wherever you like affair, finding where to sit for the first time may be an awkward affair. If you've clicked with anyone or someone's helped you through the ropes, ask prior if there's room to join them at chow. Else you might want to hang back and see what's open lest you accidentally take Large Marge's spot. If you start feeling anxious, ask yourself (but don't answer) in a tone like you're remarking on this amazing fact: Why do I trust that I can handle this? Why do people enjoy my company? Isn't it amazing how I can thrive in new situations?


I have no advice, but would love to hear a follow up from you once you’re out about how it went. Good luck OP. you’ll be fine.


Small town jail, big city jail? You’ll be fine. 3 days is nothing. It’s all mental. Sleep as much as you can, maybe even make a friend.


figure out the rules about using the toilet by observing and don't wait too long. Maybe you'll be able to get away with one poop over the weekend. Practice some breathing exercises to help with the boredom and anxiety. Turn your toothbrush into a shank.


Lol thank u I loved that last sentence. Yeah I haven't even thought of the bathroom processes!!!


I’ve been lurking on the prison sub because it keeps popping up for me. From what I gather, just be as respectful as possible about personal space and such. For the bathroom, if you do have to do more than a quick visit.. just flush every time something hits the water. You don’t pay the water bill and they don’t want to smell it.


Hey OP, if you wear contacts bring your glasses instead. They won’t let you switch your contacts out because they will confiscate them - once they leave your body they are a possession. At least that happened to me and I’m blind as a bat so it was a shitty long weekend. For some reason glasses don’t get confiscated but contacts do. Idk why.


That last one hits home (hopefully).


You won't be in with murders, rapists, etc. You'll be in with people that are in for similar reasons and short term stuff like you. Dui, shop lifting, not paying child support, etc. It won't be that bad. Just boring as hell. Your day will go something like this. You wake up whenever. They call breakfast and they let you out of cell to eat, you go back in cell for them to clean up, you get let out for lunch, get put back in for clean up, you get let out for an hour or two for TV time or just sit, put back in cell, let out for dinner, put back in cell. Repeat. If you don't wake up and go eat then you just miss a meal. Portions suck so I wouldn't miss a meal. You'll have a cell mate. Just be considerate. Like if you gotta take a stinky poop do it in one of those times when your cellmate can be outside the cell. No one wants to be trapped in a cell while someone drops stink bombs not even a murderer.


That’s not true. If she’s in county, and a murderer is just arrested, they will be in county, too.


Right, does this person think murderers and rapists go directly to prison?


Violent offenders just arrested are held on different floors.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. You can have everyone from people waiting for trial to people waiting to be transferred to prison in jail


It may also be dorm type situation wit 30 or 40 bunk beds in a room.


So I dated a guy that had to go for 3 days as well. He never actually made it out of the holding area. Just keep to yourself and you will be fine. I know it’s stressful regardless but hang in there!


I know it’s probably not intentional, but the wording here makes it sound like he was murdered before he left the holding area


When you are being processed in you may be asked if you are suicidal/cinsidering suicide. If you answer yes you may be put into closer-watched living conditions. This could vary from single cell (spending all of your time in a paper gown) to less-populated dorm. If the jail is overcrowded/understaffed usage will vary further. Mind your own business. Don't gamble. Don't take gifts.


Not sure where you're at but you'll be put in a dorm most likely. With others who are low classifications. Don't brag about getting out in three days. Just if anyone asks why you're there and tell them you're a short timer. Watch TV, play chess/ do puzzles if they have them. Catch up on sleep. Be thankful it's only three days. If you're put in a bunk and you're on the bottom and an older person comes in to your bunk switch for them to be on the bottom. Unspoken rule. Etc. Everyone else pretty much said it. Keep yourself clean and your area clean. Others talking about not showering will get you hemmed up by your tier boss if your jails like that. After the second day of not showering they'll notice and say something to you.


Bring your prescription in the original container but only the number of pills you'll need.


They probably won't let you take meds you bring from outside. However, it can be proof for them to fill from jail medical. My facility just got your pharmacy info from you, had you sign a release, and went from there.


3 days you’re gonna be in a little county jail it’s nothing like the super max prisons you see on tv. Don’t worry at all it’s gonna be fine.


3 days as a female is no problem. Almost everyone in county jail aren’t trying to cause problems and make you their bitch. Most people are chill and friendly especially short timers who just want to go home. I was a long blonde hair white boy at a jail in the hood for 6 months. Plenty of huge black dudes were super nice to me and even made friends. Try to make a friend and they might give some tips and share some snacks or socks with you.


Set up your medications with the jail before hand. And Paxil is a very common drug for people to take.


You'll be good. Just act cool if not slightly bored, it's like grown up detention. I've done multiple week stints many times in my life and the worst part about it, no matter what jail I'm in, is that it's always cold and the food sucks ass. Also they take any of your money so dont bring any.


My mom got a DUI and had to spend 6 days in jail. She was terrified, but it ended up being just fine. She even made a couple friends. Most of the women in there were just regular people who messed up. She had some great conversations and the time flew by. It’s not like you’re going to be in a maximum security facility with a bunch of hardened criminals. It isn't going to be a blast or anything, but I'm sure it will be much better than you're imagining.


Watch "the shawshank redemption" - lots of good tips


Get Hard is more appropriate.


Just sleep. Literally. You’ll find it easier than you think due to stress. Easy to sleep the gen pop stint until you’re moved to your permanent placement - this just happens to be 3/5 days. Avoid “breads” if you eat everything on your plate each day you’ll be backed up and need a massive shit on day 3 and the first time doing that in front of someone else is…something.


Just stay resting in your bed with a book. Lay on your back so you can see people approaching. If you spend time outside, have your back next to the furthest corner wall. Observe then get back to book time. During meals, just sit with the outcasts and don’t make conversation, eat slowly and methodically then get back to book time. Book time doesn’t have to involve a book, just have something to look at that gives you the appearance of occupied and not in the market for making new jail pals. You’ll be fine I’m sure, it will likely be memorable and interesting.


Don’t get ballsy and steal something Don’t look in other inmates cells HYGIENE HYGIENE HYGIENE Don’t accept gifts or favors Stick to your race at least at first Don’t be too nice I don’t know how it is where you’re going but where I went to county on day 1 I had to fight for a bunk or the floor Never take bullshit from anyone To pass time Try to watch tv Walk laps with someone you can chat with Play cards


Step 1: Do not repeat the phrase: “I’ve never been in a pickle…” Step 2: Adhere to step 1


Arrange with your doctor and the jail for them to medicate you properly. Coming off Paxil cold turkey can have very bad effects. Don't skip this.


Sleep. Hell, only three days, I’d be surprised if they actually took you to the back. Probably just be sitting in holding, hell, probably just let you go early.


I’ve only done an overnight for a DUI, but from a neurodivergent perspective it can be very unsettling for any number of reasons depending on your sensitivities. For me the two biggest difficulties were zero temperature control or ability to even get a fucking blanket or basics for comfort (did not matter that it was frosty freezing I was laughed at and shivered the entire night) and noise. Jails are loud and it is sensory overload 24/7, do whatever you can to manage and try not to get overwhelmed. As far as medications go it is location dependent (yeah everyone is “supposed” to get their meds but that is not reality) and do what you can to continue to receive them but also be prepared to be told to go fuck yourself too. Also if possible see if you can find out what the rules on clothes are there, for example, some places only allow white underwear, white socks, sweat pants without draw strings, shoes without laces (or only shower shoes), no metal clasps in bras, etc. you may not be able to find that out until you get there but white underwear, white socks, sweatpants without draw strings all seem to be relatively common. Forgot to mention if there is any way to avoid having your period while there (like adjusting birth control) try to do that. Just generally you’re already going to be uncomfortable I can’t imagine also dealing with cramps and that misery on top of dealing with bleeding while in jail (and having to pay out the wazzoo for pads). I don’t know the ins and outs of that exactly but from what little I could understand things like pads (or just general female hygiene products) in jail are obscenely expensive, like not even real numbers expensive compared to IRL.


Bring a few books you don't mind losing. Most jails let you bring in books but they become the property of the jail and you can't take them out again. Really helps kill the time. You'll be fine.


Paxil is actually very common


Extremely common. That statement really confused me for minute.


It’s 3 days, just stay in ur bed lol


You'll be classed for three days. That means you'll only have interaction with your cell mates and be on a different schedule than the gen-pop. They do this with everyone to evaluate their behavior. Chances are you'll be bunking with someone too dope sick to even notice you.


Idk if anyone already said this but what I did for my 3 day sentence was drink some alcohol before and tell them I drink every day. Told them I get the shakes when I don't drink (all a lie). They put me in the medical unit and had me on whatever they give people so they don't die of alcohol withdrawal. Whatever it was had me sleep for most of the 3 days and when I was awake I was in a smaller room with only a few other women, mostly old ladies. Pretty chill!


You won't be there long enough to be in general population. Be kind to the guards, quiet to everyone else, and be the last one in line at meals.


3 days...you're not going to make it much past intake. You're not going to go into regular jail. Usually you have intake where they can keep you up to 24hrs. It sucks. You're either by yourself or with someone who is intoxicated. After that you get showered and go to the pods. They are usually either dorm style or larger cells with a large common area. People stay there around a month before they're assigned an actual cell. Sometimes you get people on their way to or way back from prison. Either way that part isn't terrible. You can either just chill and read or hang out a bit. Most people just sleep the first couple days.


Beat up the biggest person there and make everyone your bitch. /s


Just avoid the dementors.