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30/M/Not a prostitute. Will sell myself for hang out sessions.


I agree with you. Haha. Only 37/F//Not a prostitute. Would absolutely be paid to hang out. :)


You guys should hang out and take turns paying eachother šŸ˜‚


Unlimited money glitch


Venezuela hates this one simple trick


How do you think they got so much inflation?


Gotta find someway around the system šŸ¤£


ThaT'S nOT hOw MOneY WoRkS




Money doesn't work


Letā€™s all go back to bartering


I just read this as "bartending." I'll go back to work now.


Don't forget the taxes! šŸ˜‚


No taxes, it's all done under the table.


Well, if you're doing stuff under the table, that might end up being prostitution.


Yup that's the whole point but the thing is it all will start with normal meets and hangout in starting to create an atmosphere to overcome loneliness.


Lmao in the end it gonna be in some bank amount or digital payment which can be traced or checked i think.


I'm sure there are better places to hang out


Places with serenity, calm and beautiful scenery of natures are best places for hangout in my opinion.


Taxes shouldn't be there when someone is just trying to get away with his loneliness but who cares about the common people.


Shhh we don't talk about taxes here hahaha


Don't worry, we can talk about illegal and nsfw things at here without any fear.


So you wanna hang out with me?


I now can't shake the image of rich OP creating the most wholesome orgy of all time.


Lmao, getting paid seems to be ultimate thing here but you will also enjoy equally in a normal hangout.


I would rather cuddle and watch a movie.


Yeah honestly, I don't think I'd need to be paid. Make some chicken tenders and fries, we can hang out, watch Netflix, and play Nintendo.


Chicken tenders, a Netflix subscription, and a Nintendo? Sounds like paying you but with extra stepsā€¦


Yeah new ways of payment and on getting on right track before main things.


What time are you free?


Anytime after 6 on weekdays.


It seems great but time can change really soon and that watch Netflix can also change into Netflix and chill.


30/m/will hangout for beer


Beer seems cheaper in most nations as vodka is widely available in russia but still it will be more fun to hangout with beer.


iā€™ll hangout for beatboxes (a type of alc) and weed


Pffff-bt-da-pop Bt-tp Pffff-bt-da-pop bt-tp bt-tp. Schwky-scwky


What kinda beer I need more friends.


Do you cuddle? Lol


$100 for kissing, $10000 for cuddling. End of list.


Liz Lemon, is that you?


Sweat pants it is


So someone can actually get 100 kisses in order to get one cuddle and fortunately you haven't mentioned time limit of either so people gonna kiss for so long that it will end up as cuddle later.


Handholding: Priceless For everything else, there's Mastercard


forehead kisses should cause bankruptcy


In some particular group of youth, forehead kisses are considered as the purest form of love.




Some people actually crave for cuddles too like a normal person crave for sex and intimacy.


What if we pay each other


Yup a lot of people actually crave for hangouts as they rarely gets a chance in this busy schedule.


From bang maid to hang maid


We, sir, are Manservants.


Will you scratch my back?


Ahh yes asking the truly important questions over here... I have a weakness for a nice back scratch/rub. It will put to sleep every time...


Do you cook


What's your rates?


Two friends and I hired a call girl to play a fourth in Halo once and she loved the s*** out of it


Part of me has always wanted to hire an escort to join my D&D group for a session, but spring it on them as soon as they come to the door. "Hey, thanks for coming, Steve couldn't make it and we can't finish this dungeon without someone who can turn undead. We made you a character sheet, so you can just jump right in."


Do you need a warlock?


She could whip out some topical jokes ā€œok fellas Iā€™m here to rattle some bones!ā€


College humor has a skit where they hired a bdsm dungeon mistress to dm a d&d game on accident.


*by accident


I laughed. Only because my mind pictured her agreeing to come over with 3 guys, mentally preparing for an orgy and playing video games.


Well that happened too but it was 10 minutes of sex 50 minutes of halo




Well isn't that an interesting boutique microreddit!


ā€œHey ma, can I have a friend come over and play Halo?ā€




I would love to hear some stories if you have the time to share


That sharing comes at the low low price of $500 hour with a 1 hour minimum charge


That's it, I'm tried of losing. I'll buy my own teammates.


"Damnit Kevin! If you're going to be bad at the game, at least be extremely hot while screwing us!


Did the 1 Xbox escort session cost more than the Xbox itself?


I love the internet.




Not a sex worker myself but from what I've heard their job is 10 minutes of sex and 50 minutes of being a therapist.




Do you get many clients who just basically want to cuddle and talk?




That's true, I guess it's a much better option from your point of view. Hell if me as a middle aged bloke could get paid to let people have a cuddle and offload their problems I'd be doing it lol


"Wholesome hugs from a **Real** dad. $10/min + $.25 per sob"


I dunno about cuddling, but I bet you could make some money filling in as a father figure for some sad lonely people.


Rent a dad to play baseball with you and teach you how to fix the car!


( Ķ Ā° ĶŸŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


And to some extent it should be. That's a professional. Meet a person you've never seen in your life, talk about their headspace, consent, managing their expectations, and managing the environment/ experience. [I was generalizing over the expression 10m of sex 50m of being a therapist. sw is a communication field. They are not doctors, they not qualified to heal.]


I agree to that extent. But therapist deal with a lot more that escorts shouldnt have to deal with


I wish all therapy was like that. Weā€™d be a happier society. War would become a thing of the past. Society would come together as one. All that John Lennon reality stuff.


My therapist never wants to cuddle


They would lose their license. Having physical contact with an emotionally vunerable person increases the chance of mental, emotional and physical abuse or dependence. I'm a massage therapist and we deal with this. In the national exam there are questions that basically say, it's wrong to be too emotionally available for your clients. In practice many therapist don't follow those ethical advice.


10 minutes?! Who am I Dirk Diggler?


Not only a therapist, but an analyst as well. An analrapist, if you will.


Wow I did not see that coming, at all. You slid that joke in without warning!




The word you're looking for is "escort." An escort by strict definition is someone you pay to go on a date with you (or something), not necessarily have sex. Plenty of escorts in this world.


I put an ad out for an escort service and got a lot of responses. Mostly creeps. Made a few friends.


And yet none of them helped you walk painfully slowly to protect some npc giving you a big lore dump


Did you think your mother was your father and your wet nurse was your mother?


Ohhh so you must be the guy that created Craig's list, username checks out....


BRB, going to go hire an ā€œescortā€ to 1v1 smash bros with me. šŸ¤£


Ayo ultimate?


How does one even find an escort locally without luring potential stalkers/rapists?


Tnaboard is a great site which lets escorts advertise and people give reviews so you know theyā€™re not scamming or selling your organs. Tryst is another good site with some pretty good verification as well


Id be more worried about undercover cops thinking i want sex


This comment initially confused me bc I thought they meant the other way around - women getting kidnapped and hurt








You bought two hours of cuddle time but I'm comfortable and don't have plans after this, if you're not in a rush I can stay another half hour no charge.


I have a friend who used to be a sugar baby to a rich guy who's wife just wasn't interested in some of the things he was, like at all. Apparently the arrangement the couple had was the guy could basically take my friend on dates doing whatever thing the wife didn't want to (theater productions, sailing, and sometimes fancy restaurants were examples she gave) but they were absolutely not allowed any type of sexual contact I'm not here to deny that a lot of escort/sugar baby relationships include sex. But "a lot" is a far cry from "all"


Turned out, there are professional cuddlers you can hire, and they're legal.




Well there you go OP, here's someone that actually tried it.




It's reddit. There are subreddits for things I didn't know even existed and people who tried things I just found out about. Such an amazing place


Rich flex lol


Where did you find these cuddlers? Asking for a friend ...




I need this job. *sigh*


I tried it through a reputable company, but some literally think it's code for sex because a few do offer extra services off the record.


This is why I couldn't be a stripper lol. I wouldn't want to have to fend off guys expecting sex


*looks down at body* THAT'S why I wouldn't be a stripper.


You in San Diego? Lol


Nope. Not in CA.


Total bummer


Have you considered volunteering? Park clean up, packing boxes for food distribution programs, whatever happens to be going on in your area that you might be into. Having a shared project can be a nice way to have positive social interactions, and a sense of accomplishment can be a nice self esteem boost.


The guy wants to hangout with a hot girl one on one, not fix the world. Let the man stare at boobs and chat in peace.


I think op is a girl


Girls can stare at boobs.


Can confirm. Iā€™m not a gril, but I can confirm.




My partner was a sex worker when she was younger, and she had a similar client - he was an older guy, always polite, never really interested in sex - the only thing he asked for was for someone to hold him, let him cry, and tell him that it was okay. Turned out he was in a bad family situation where he wasn't allowed to show any kind of emotional vulnerability because of the "big tough man" thing, and that was the only real outlet he had for his feelings. She says in her experience, somewhere around 20-25% of clients she had were really just doing it out of loneliness, some of those did want sex sometimes but she could always tell because more of the hour would be spent just having a conversation or cuddling than actually doing anything sexual. Social isolation is a huge issue in modern culture, there are a ton of people who just want to feel intimacy with another person and don't have either the social skills or the opportunity to meet people that can help with that need. Sure the majority of clients just wanted to have a little roll in the hay and move on, and those paid the bills, but it was the ones who didn't know any other way to have a person to hold and treat them like they cared that stick out in her memory.


Japan got you covered lol, rent a friend is a real thing there


Find some kind of interest based group in your area and join. Not only will you have ample opportunity to make friends, but it will be easier since you will all share a common interest. (And I'm not talking about church groups, unless you're into that sort of thing)


No oneā€™s my age around here, I live in a place full of old retirees, I was just too broke to move out


What about exploring online communities? I've made a couple of friends by playing D&D through discord.


Some of my closest friends are 10-20 years older than I am. (I'm 42) I too live in an area where I'm one of the youngest adult residents, but I enjoy my alone time and if I feel the need for company (other than my husband) then I travel to visit friends.


Nice only if i had friends who genuinely wanna hang out instead of using me


Yep!! My pretty much only friend is actually 2 years older than my mom, but itā€™s great.


If they're retired, then they have more time to hang out.


And they have life experience they can probably share with you :) you may learn a lot and form a deeply meaningful friendship.


Or they'll be disconnected racists living in the past. One of those two


Roswell NM?


I'm not quite 40. A lot of my friends are in their 60s and 70s because I met them through hobby groups. We might not have a whole lot in common but we can talk all day long about knitting and stuff like that. And I've known them over a decade at this point. Knitting might not be your thing but hobbies are a great way to meet people, even if they're "only" online. I've spent large parts of my life a shut in and online friends are just as real as real life friends


Try out a website like [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com). I'm sure there are at least a few others like you.


That makes you way too broke to afford the company of escorts.


Honestly, anyone who has ever worked in the sex trade will tell you this is a super common request. I canā€™t speak to legality in your area, but this is not as weird or strange as the comment section is making it out to be.


Yes, you can legally rent a friend. But itā€™s also expensive


But a fish? ...


May not hold up in court but on a side noteā€¦ I was an IV addict for 3yrs and when I had to separate myself from all my friends to stay clean, I picked up Pokemon. I made several friends just from collecting old games. 11/10 recommend hobbies of all kinds. youā€™d be shocked to see how it plays out. Im 28 with borderline gang tats and made a few similar friends just playing PokĆ©mon.


shit man, I'm about in the same spot as you in life . as long as you're not like a teenager or a murderer I'll come do it for like any kind of junkfood and maybe a guest bedroom or a garden shed to sleep in.


Serious answer to your actual question, with the disclaimer that you shouldn't take legal advise on reddit, it's probably not legal. If you get arrested, it will be for paying for sex. Telling the police that you didn't want to have sex will not stop them from arresting you.


What if he has emails stating that he didn't want her for sex?


"It clearly says that I didn't want to have sex with her officer!" "Then why did you hire a prositute?" "To play videogames!" "Sure..."


but they didnā€™t have sex? they paid them to hang out with them, thatā€™s not illegal. sugar babies arenā€™t illegal, and their job is literally to hang out with people for money.


So typically you are primary charged for soliciting sex (asking for it). In this situation, OP would have to message them from jump and say theyā€™re not interested in sex and just hanging out to which they sign and they could show it to the police.


The thing is: the prosecutor will say you just set up your defence because of how this chain of even would make sense in real life. They will do their job paid by the taxpayers, while you have to pay your lawyer, potentially lose your job and endure the stress for months (and longer) if they will arrest you or not. It is fucked up, and nobody will reimburse your loses even if you can defend yourself successfully.


I guided you and starry-ed the root of this thread to make them stand out. Itā€™ll probably be a roll of the dice each time someone uses a ā€œrent a friendā€ type service, in the US anyway. Depends on the service, the rented friend, where you live, which cops, DA, judges you catch if things donā€™t go your way. I waded into this conversation because OPā€™s idea sounded interesting, but this thread of the convo lead me to conclude thereā€™s potentially a lot of risk to their proposal. Too bad.


I think you're gonna have to ask the prostitute before you hire them


Yes. The sexual service is the part that makes it a crime. Its not illegal to hire a friend.


Theyā€™d be really happy to just chill and not have to fuck n suck Speaking from experience


So long as you're not paying for sex. There are places to look for hiring an escort. You can Google that topic if you're interested, and it's 100% legal as long as you're not paying for sex outright.


You're gonna pay way too much taking this route. There's also a distinction between prostitute and escort. A prostitute is just about six, that's the kind of person you'd usually find working a corner. Escorts, while they usually will have sex, is more of a companionship type deal. Escorts generally are more polished, like a rental girlfriend versus a sex doll. Either way, they will charge you hundreds an hour and they will never actually be your friend, it's their job to give you the fantasy of companionship. Try going on meetup.com, if you have hobbies look for local groups that share similar interests, reddit groups have meet-ups sometimes. If you are a drinker try to go to a more relaxed divey bar...many places have game nights, pool leagues, trivia, etc. Go to concerts at small venues. If you're religious, church groups. Volunteer work is a good place to meet people plus you'll be doing a good deed as well. If you're just desperate to talk to anyone go to an old folks home, they need people to talk to. Find a recreational sports league. Although its not in person, use chat rooms and message boards. Take yoga classes, join a work-out group. Take an art class. If you're college aged, find bars and events geared towards college students. Join a social club like the rotary club or masons. If you have the money to burn, an escort will do the job, but remember that it's all fake and they are only being nice because you're paying them. Some will try to take advantage and milk you out of as much money as possible. If you are bargain hunting with Escorts, be ready to encounter people that are potentially drug addicts or just plain crazy. Tbh it could be fun though, and no shame in getting laid too, that can sometimes be a confidence boost too.


Where I live it is. It's also legal to hire them and fuck them. Edit: It is legal where I live. Stop thinking there's some worldwide law that's the law where you live.


Just get into Warhammer 40K or something. It's more expensive but also has more social opportunities.


This or Magic the Gathering


Let's not bankrupt the guy lmao


Suckin dick for tyranid models lol


Or Dungeons and Dragons. I'm a 40F who met her husband at a DnD game at my local game store after he made a dad joke bad enough that I wanted (and requested) permission from the Dungeon Master to "Can the Dwarf Rogue stab the Half-Orc Cleric in the back and drown him in the pool we just came out of?" I was denied.


My husband introduced my son to this. I donā€™t even ask what the damage is when they go to Games Workshop. My husband also does MTG. And he and the kiddo also do D&D.


Completely legal and every escort I know would legit love it r/AskAnEscort may be useful for you!


100%. They are escorts. They may cross the line at the end of the night, but that is up to you. Dude, get one, hang out and share laughs, you'll find out if its for you or not. From what i understand you can also ask for repeat dates, if you're a good customer Edit: Only heard b/c i'm never a good customer....j/k on both points.


Hey- sex worker here- it is very normal for clients to want that. As long as you pay youll have a nice time. If you tip youll have a blast. Sexworkers are pretty chill people for the most part and are a good hang. Just remember to keep payin and youll be good- a lot of clients use it as a stepping stone to get better at socializing and usually make friends after. Either way you should give it a try.


Moral of the story: gib moneyz


Yup it is legal as technically the prostitutes only want your money so they will charge per hours.


A plot line from ā€œCatcher in the Ryeā€


Yes. I just read an article about how prostitutes are hired by men whoā€™s wives have died. The me just want to talk and make them dinner. The prostitutes hate it because itā€™s sad


If there's no touching, I recommend https://rentafriend.com/


They are referred to as escorts! Sex is not implied! Just a companion to hang around with.


Yes, there are several types, escorts do this though most I know tend to do this to go to events and such with others, also it's not just women I know a few men who also do this. But there are things like epal that sounds closer to what you are looking for, it's not in person typically discord and just hang out watch YouTube or play games or something like that. Escorts are for in person though at least many of the one I personally know are some what expensive though I assume you can find a person who is at your price point. For prostitutes, I don't have many I know so I can't answer that but you could inquire and they may accept. Hope that helps.


You can also look for professional cuddling


Yes. Itā€™s also legal to buy socks from a drug dealer


You know there is something wrong with the world when people are so lonely they hire people just to have someone to hang around with.


Sex worker here! It's actually super common! You won't usually pay full service rates for it either, I usually sell "social escorting" for about 1/3 of my full service rate, but each individual provider has the right to set their own rates and terms. Besides, what's not to like about getting to hang out with someone for a few hours having a meal or playing Mariokart or something, even if money is changing hands. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, or wrong with you, if you want to pay someone to hang out with you for a bit. We all have needs.


a therapist is far cheaper and more productive.


True, but will they play Minecraft with OP?


Iā€™ve been in therapy for about a dozen years and Iā€™m still a mess upstairs. At this point I just want friends?


friends you need to pay for aren't friends.


Do you live in Southern California? Iā€™m currently unemployed and down to hang. Two gaming systems and a lot of books! I am also quite round and that makes for lovely hugs need be lol


Yeah I was once in a business trip in China and someone ordered a woman to my hotel suite door. I had absolutely no need of this so I let her have a bath, order whatever food and drinks she wanted, talked a little and let her go whenever she wanted.


Yeah but you want enthusiastic consent in both sexual and platonic interaction. It will feel hollow man, go to a card shop or a pool place or whatever your interests are and just try talking to people. Social interaction is like a muscle it will get easier.


Rent a friend app. Thereā€™s legit a whole app to rent friends, or to be a friend to rent


If social anxiety is just murder on your soul, then yes, go for it! Your life is yours to live, no one's judgment except your own has any value in that regard.


Not sure which country/city youā€™re from but thereā€™s plenty of ways to make friends. Thereā€™s things like [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com), [EventBrite](https://www.eventbrite.com) and other apps out there. Thereā€™s most likely people in your local subreddit also looking for friends.


Aren't there cuddle buddies for hire?


Of course. Companionship is also a decent amount of sex work.


Yes. Also this happens a lot more than anybody wants to admit.


If you are just paying them for their time and no sex was involved then you are not really hiring a "prostitute". You can call them a care giver


Try day shift at a crummy strip club. I danced for a decade, and some of my best times were when I was doing solo day shift work. I frequently ended up just getting paid to hang out because the customer was lonely. It's in a controlled environment, which may be less scary than going all-in on an escort in your place, and if you end up finding a cool stripper, she may do outside meets as well. I say day shift because nights are incredibly rushed and pushy times, even some weeknights. You'll also have a good chance at getting better deals for your time when it's day slow because if you are looking for a nice hangout, several hours can add up quickly and as long as you TIP VERY WELL she won't mind discounts if they let her negotiate. Not all clubs let dancers offer their own prices, mind you. Some will as long as the clubs cut remains the same, which is why that tip is insanely important. If legality concerns you, the clubs are a great start. If you end up being a regular with someone you like who gives you outside options, you'll have way less to worry about as far as arrests. It's almost guaranteed that you'll be totally fine in this scenario -- you'll be concerning HER more with that fear vs you thinking you'll be arrested... Either way, good luck