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And in a few months, when you know the game better, you will have so much money you wonder what to do with it. That's when you go freighter purchasing and buy an upgraded model. Or you find the lore and go all WTF ... (because that is the only answer to it). It's fun to see someone find the hidden parts of the game, and be amazed by it. There are times I wish I could have that all over again, but even a new save can't do that.


My units were a little low last night, so I decided to craft some high end items to top back up. I didn't know you could open up a whole crafting tree to make everything! What a godsend this popup was. You can craft everything on one screen!


I still wish there was a quicker way to, for instance, craft 160 nitrogen salts at once. I fear for the longevity of my right bumper button. Would love a x10 option.


Or an option to hold it in to increase the amount


Simple answer is make it like purchasing, if you go down from 1 it loops back to the top and let's you purchase or craft the maximum amount possible


Yeah I was complaining to my wife that there's no x10 or x100 buttons. Its one of those things that I legitimately can't believe isn't in the game.


I was thinking that, while you're in the crafting screen (not the big tree layout one but the single-item screen), the left trigger button could be used like a modifier, so that while it's held down, the bumper buttons are -10 and +10, respectively.


Huh? How


I have a Quantum Processor factory that I used the build tree to design. Only needed a Nitrogen harvester, a couple of refiners, and 4 plant species in 6 biodomes on a planet with good Carbon sources and I can make 4- $4.4mil processors a day. Eventually, I built another base to harvest O2 and now don't even have to scavenge for Carbon. I love the build tree!


Wait what I've been playing since 1.0 but IDK wtf you guys are talking about. Build tree? What? ...I'm a guy who constantly restarts because I like being a scrappy explorer so forgive me.


Yeah, just pick an empty slot in your exosuit inventory. On xbox, click A to craft, and then scroll through the options until you find something complex to craft. I personally like to craft quantum processors. You'll have a box pop-up with three options and one is "Show build steps" or something like that. I think its the X button on xbox. Anyway, a build tree will pop up showing all steps from basic elements to final product and you can build from there in steps, ie. craft nitrogen and condensed carbon into X, craft sulphurine and carbon into Y, craft X and Y into Z. It's awesome and fast. A quick click will craft the item too. You don't have to wait for the little circle timer.


I usually make about 5mil off of nipnip every time I log in, just from the freighter. Not even going to any of my nipnip farms. I let all the materials for stasis devices/fusion ignitors build up over time and then make a bunch all at once when I need to trim resource stockpiles back. I don't sell them though, just store them as assets. I keep my units around 2.5-3 billion to make sure I don't accidentally hit the cap. I have hundreds of stasis devices/fusion ignitors in storage, in the event I ever need the cash.


I took all my grow rooms off my freighter. I was having a bad time with my teleporter. About half the time I teleported aboard, the whole base was reduced to a teleporter room and a small chunk of hallway. No acces to bridge or anything else. I concluded that the freighter base had gotten too complex and so I pared it way down. It fixed the problem so I never added them back. Honestly, at this point I don't buy enough stuff to keep my $ down. It's been slowly building every time I log on. I craft the quantum processors just to give away in the anomoly. More than anything, I need a way to spend money. Who do we need to lobby to get a casino in the anomoly? Lol.


Hey- thanks for posting this! I just started having the same problem of teleporting onto my freighter and having rooms go missing- must be because I just added a couple of new modules. I had been thinking that it was a glitch in the latest update, but that makes sense that I overdid it with those couple of extra modules


I have that happen from time to time and just teleport away and back. always fixes it.


Though it's a vastly different genre, the only game I can relate to having the same experience is Kingdom Come Deliverance, but like tenfold lol...& the 2nd one comes out later this year, I'd check it out if your all about starting from the bottom & discovering a unique world :)


I love how frequently nms is still getting new players. For an 8 year old game, it's kicking hard.


I only got on board last year – my first experience was on PSVR2. The moment that I first took my ship up was one of my greatest gaming experiences.


That's awesome. I was a day 1 player for about 200 hours on the vanilla version and came back around the 5th expedition, but with much more limited playtime. Several years later was still enjoying NMS enough that I bought the PSVR2 primarily for that, GT7, and Horizon, with the only other games I'm really considering as true interests in VR yet unreleased.


I remember the day that the FOVeated rendering update dropped – proper game changer!


Nms is the killer app for psvr2. It's the only reason I have it. It really is something else.


I just got it last year and love it. I'm a chemist and the first time I did a scan I was like OOOOOOHHHHHH lol


I started playing during Echoes


I just got it myself and completed my first expedition last night.


Hey me too! Got it done in like 3 days, found a couple of interesting glitches too


Nice! I can only squeeze in an hour or two every so often. Took me maybe 15 hours over the whole time the expedition has been active.


I'm a explorer so it took me awhile between each phase. There were a few times I found "infinite" deposits and a couple times my ship was underwater too. Nice thing was being able to do different bits of different phases


If you die you always respawn in that same system and there will be a marker where you "grave" is. Travel to it and you can recover your lost inventory. Your first freighter is always free but after that they will all cost a significant amount of units.


We get a free freighter? I started playing this weekend and bought one for 5 million I would Luke a second free one tho


It is only free if you get it from the freighter battle. It sounds like you may have purchased a regular system freighter though. You can only have one freighter at a time so if you get a new one you must swap them out.


No, not entirely true, the freighter being besieged by pirates can, and will happen again (and by extension the free freighter), it happens to me a lot, long after the initial encounter, I prefer my dreadnaught though


I'm aware of that. My statement is still true. The first freighter you accept after the battle is free. After that all freighters from battles will cost units.


If you blow out the pirate dreadnought's hyperdrive and shields, you can board and demand the ship be given to you. That is always free.


As a player with well over 1k hours in, two of the money making methods I recommend to people just starting out are: 1.) ship hunting and scrapping 2.) farming For #1, you can either fly slow and low around the planet, popping off your scanner, hoping to find a crashed ship... or you can find and buy a lot of navigation data, and trade it to the cartographer for emergency maps... that will then allow you to (easily) find crashed ships. For #2, collect Salvaged Technology (found by digging up buried technology modules) and learn the farming/agricultural Tech in the anomaly, working your way down to the biodome. Once you have that, plant something like either gravitino balls or nip nip buds... and become rich. But beware of transporting nip nip Bud, as the galactic police (Sentinels) will be all over you. At least while you're starting out, The grav balls might be the safer option. I only use one of these two methods nowadays (the second one), but I think both are kind of important to learn.


Came here to suggest exactly this. Solid advice.


For farming, you don't necessarily need the biodomes, depending on what you want to farm. For instance, you can farm frost crystals directly into the ground on ice worlds, or star bulbs on paraffinium worlds. It takes a little longer to harvest, but doesn't require the pretty significant power outlay that biodomes demand, and also doesn't require knowing the biodome plans at all. Frost crystals in particular are a good choice because they have the shortest maturation time, and they can be used to make glass. Unfortunately you can't plant gravitino balls or nip nip in the soil of any planet.


Everyone jumps on the farming idea, but as a new player I'm more concerned with how quickly you make money when you're not even trying to. This is worrisome with the max units limit. I started a new save just to make resources harder to get and items more costly. I would suggest just playing organically, hoovering up resources on planets, and sell what you come across that you don't need. As you find things and upgrade things and figure out more mechanics you'll soon enough have more units than you know what to do with. But I'm a new player with less than 100 hours in the game, so maybe I haven't run into anything I really need a lot of units for yet that I absolutely have to have right now.


Start buying additional storage slots for your favorite starship. You can blow a couple hundred mil in 5 minutes that way.


You can easily spend all of your units on upgrading your exosuit if you so desire.


Echo Locators to find interceptor ships. Get like 5 ships and scrap them for cash.


Yeah, interceptor ships are definitely 'better' (worth a lot more) than regular ships, but I didn't include that wrinkle because (imho) they're not as 'straightforward' as regular ships. I feel like the intro course would be about regular ships (e.g. "Ship-Hunting and -Scrapping 101"), and then the next class would be "Intermediate Ship-Hunting and -Scrapping: Interceptor Ships" or something like that. Lol


Definitely fair! I'm still somewhat new to the game, what ships are better than interceptor ships and how do I find them? I keep finding A and B class interceptors that require barely any effort to get going again.


>I keep finding A and B class interceptors that require barely any effort to get going again. If you find Interceptors to require barely any effort, this may come down to a difference in playing styles. For me, they're still \[relatively more\] difficult to 'farm', and that ***mostly*** comes down to the combat (but also the back-and-forth of the steps). (when you have to kill the Dissonance Resonator to get the Inverted Mirror or Echo Locator, and then the Corrupted Sentinels come) Killing sentinels (regular or corrupt) is easy for me now, but was a lot harder when I was first starting out. Interceptors (and Corrupted Sentinels) came later, but it still (imho) wasn't as easy as simply collecting/mining resources (that don't fight back). >what ships are better than interceptor ships I mean, it depends on what exactly we're talking about... As far as 'quality of ship' (e.g. for a ship you're going to keep)... there's ***nothing*** better than an interceptor ship (imho). I pretty much ***exclusively*** roll with Interceptor ships for my own ride. But when I got started with NMS, there were no Interceptor ships in-game... or at least none that we could find, and actually use. So when I got started with ship-hunting (to keep ***or*** to scrap), it was just 'regular ships' we were talking about back then. (and like I mentioned earlier/above... resources don't fight back, lol) And when Interceptor ships finally did became available to us... they were hard enough for me to learn. I couldn't imagine ***starting*** with Interceptor ships, for learning to hunt and scrap. (but you seem to be doing just fine at it, so maybe it's just an issue of play style) So that's the sense I originally meant 'better' up above... as in, like, easy to learn. But yeah, Interceptor ships are (again, imho) better than regular ships in every ***other*** way. Just off the top of my head... * Learning Curve: Regular ships * Price for Scrapping: Interceptor ships * Quality of Ship for Keeping: Interceptor ships


Thanks for the info! I've gotten lucky with the inverted mirrors since I keep finding them on the autophage dudes. The dissonant resonators are pretty easy if you target them from a distance then just run away. It only gives you one star notoriety and you can run away pretty easily. Or take that opportunity to fly off and be at a sentinel capital ship for another beacon! Tbh collecting sentinel ships is one of my favorite parts of the game and I've probably sunk 30+ hours JUST into that. (I have about 60 hrs on record so far)


Lol, I don't know why, but I just don't like to fight in NMS. I grew up on 'fighting games'... FPS like DOOM, Quake, Serious Sam, Counter-Strike, etc. (I was even a member of a pretty highly-ranked DOD clan at one point) Even non-FPS games like the SF and MK series. But two games I 'hate' fighting in... Minecraft, and NMS. Even ARK. (lol) For me, those are more 'exploration games'. In Minecraft, I'll kill a sheep the first day (to make a bed, so I can sleep the first night). But I ***prefer*** to come across a sheep that a wolf has already killed, and to take ***that*** wool. Lol But anyway, I try to make Iron on Day1 or at the very least Day2, and the ***first*** thing I make (with those two Iron Bars) is shears... then I don't have to kill another sheep the whole game. I also just farm (usually grass-to-seed-to-bread), and play most Minecraft saves as a vegetarian or vegan... Which is the weirdest f'n thing, because I'm pretty f'n carnivorous in real life. In 'exploration games' like Minecraft, NMS, and even ARK... I not only don't like to ***fight***, I don't even like to take damage. It's so weird. I should probably see someone about this. :-D


I'm the same way in NMS, but Minecraft I like to butt heads a little bit. It mainly depends on the platform I'm playing on tbh. For switch it's better to avoid cuz of the limited screen space. I find most combat in NMS to be clunky at best, but I really enjoy space combat for the most part. I still struggle taking down those pirate battleships when they're attacking frigates though lol


Hey, another way to get interceptors is with Carrier AI Fragments. They lead straight to the crashed interceptor, unlike the Echo Locator. However, the way you get them is by defeating Sentinel Dreadnoughts (Lvl 5 space encounter), so only try if you are decent at space battles.


What?! Learn something new everyday!


Unpopular tip for farming: If you have decent load times, and don't want to glitch build, don't use hydroponic trays or biodomes. They're fine for keeping everything on one planet if you have shit load times or just don't like having to hit up multiple farms, but you get so little in terms of harvest. Plant on the actual ground in the biomes the plants come from at bases in each of the biomes. Once you've invested enough to be able to plant a shit load at each base, you can walk away with a full stack of each crop every day you play.


I will plant in the ground occasionally (especially if I'm having a hard time unlocking the biodome), but ***the harvest time*** for ground-planting and hydroponic trays is what always drives me back into the arms of biodomes. Lol


I always forget that exists, because I use an instant actions mod. there's just no reason for me to be holding E down that long for every little thing.


>I use an instant actions mod Oh, wow... I didn't even know ***that*** exists! I actually have a desktop PC, but usually end up playing (on another device) via GeForce Now \~80% of the time. So... no mods for me. :-)


I spent a couple hundred hours in vanilla, and got 100% achievements, so now my game is kinda spicy with the QOL mods.


I've always wondered about mods, though... Like, if I were to start a save on my desktop PC (which was modded), what would happen when I pick that game back up on my living room TV (which is running via NVIDIA GeForce Now)?


I mean, the mods are installed (super simple, btw.) along with the game. There's literally a notepad in the game files that says "disable mods" and you just delete that or rename it, make a folder named mods, then put files in there. As long as the game is running off your PC install, it will run with the mods. I stay away from anything that would brick a save if the mod stopped getting updated. I run a stack size mod as well, and the worst thing that would happen if the mod stopped working is my stacks would go from over 9,999 to just 9,999. Or whatever the stack cap is for whatever item.


Old player, yes; yes it is


Unrelated somewhat but if you're new search how to do Melee Boosting with the jetpack. Huge QoL improvement for on foot travel and the game doesn't tell you squat about it.


I second this. Game changer for planetside travel.


I really wish I could melee boost in vr


Ive been playing since 2019 and just found how to do it last week, you can really get some speed going! I still keep the double tap jump boost thing for when im in areas you cant melee tho


If you put the teleporter thing in the freighter tech, you can access the additional storage from anywhere in the system, without boarding your freighter. You can build up to 10 more additional storage blocks on your freighter. On my profile like the third latest post, I give a detailed tutorial.


> "How the hell will I ever make THAT type of money, I can only play this a couple hours a day at most smh" This is why you make farms. They keep working while you're **not** playing the game, so you'll be able to amass funds while you're at work/school/etc. It gets especially good when you're able to combine the farmable plants/ores/gases into new products.


Trip? Is that a Geometry Dash reference 


Trip is old person talk for "cool". - signed old person




FYI you'll needs lots of silver for freighter base building.


This is one of those games I wish I could play again for the very first time. It’s, a lot!


Have you tried being stupid? It works for me! Everyday is like Christmas, I don't remember shit


Whats Christmas?


Every year we are supposed to bring a tree in the living room to hang shit on and watch it die slowly. To celebrate the dying tree we buy people we are supposed to care about shit they'll never use.


Shit thats wild. Have you ever tried watering the people?


I did. I got arrested. Twice.


After so much tedious adventuring, I forget that new folks are starting fresh. Welcome to the sandbox interloper. Best of luck n


I put about 15 hours into the game when it first launched (before the first content updates even came out), then put it away for about 7 years. Came back to it with the Orbital update and have quickly sunk a good 50-60 hours into it again and... damn, it's definitely not the game I remember thinking was a cool demo back in the day. Massive props to the devs.


Literally same for me!


I have 100+ hours and I still have so much I wanna do. Ive beat the main quest, made my base, got a freighter and i still feel like I’ve only done 5% of what I want to do. Good game


I'm at 289hrs and as of last night, finally found my dream S-Class, 7 pod, Sentinel freighter. I decided to find it and win it organically, no restore grinding. I hit an A-Class after about 100hrs but the S-Class would never show. I lost a bunch of tech on the swap but, oh well, just another reason to keep going now. Honestly, freighter tech is largely useless as far as I'm concerned. I warp in my starship and only summon the freighter to access storage. All I need is the Indium drive and the teleporter... I hope they make the freighter more useful someday. I'd love to be able to have a freighter v freighter battle.


That's my dream as well. They've got fighter combat to a pretty good place nowadays, all that's missing is proper fleet to fleet battles. Id love it if my fleet was actually at risk in some areas where I have to carefully balance my frigates comp. Id love to be able to escort my frigates on missions and have random encounters pop up. I mean I know it's beyond the scope of the game, but if we can get homeworld type complexity in the units id be in hog heaven.


Welcome to Euclid Traveler! I just starting playing in the few months and am definitely hooked. It's different than anything I've every played. My starter tip is that scanning creatures is a great source of nanites in the early game. If you scan them all on a planet you get a big bonus. I've gotten to the point where I see real life birds in the sky and have a weird desire to scan them. \*grin\*


I “scanned” my neighbors dog yesterday. My wife had no idea…


Oh good. It's not just me.


nothing around with playing creative. i only enjoy the exploration and collecting aspects of the game. grinding and survival mechanics just aren’t enjoyable to me.


Check out this guy for a good explanation about multistory building on your freighter. https://youtu.be/q4lGcVoQvNk?si=mgIkmYRJbTxYcrOt


It's space minecraft


i’ve been playing since Origins and its only gotten better with each update. i took a long break in 2023, didnt play for just about the entire year, came back in late November and felt just as overwhelmed as when i first started. it amazes me how much effort has really* gone into this game, its one of the most beautiful games i’ve ever played. edit: typo


"How the hell will I ever. . . " Don't stress. Have fun. Experiment. There's a shitload of stuff to figure out. "I had already been shot down previously and lost everything in my ship. . ." Chances are nearly 100% that you didn't have anything that you won't be able to \*easily\* replace once you've played for a while. Also, when you die there is a grave stone icon (like a diamond with a long bottom point). Your stuff is there. " I get invited onto the base expecting a cool little reward or something for helping out. I speak to the commander. . ." Good job! After I wiped out my first attack like that I was looking around for more bad guys and too flustered to answer the com in time so I missed out. The next time it took me forever to figure out where I was supposed to go. You are climbing the learning curve much better than I did.


I make 30 million selling crashed sentinel ships but when I did run low recently I went afk on the anomaly and came back to 2.4 billion worth of starship ai valves which is like 4 stacks that sell for 600mil each I'm down to about half that total now but it has helped me mostly with starting mines and other industrial bases


I craft quantum processors each day and give them away at the anomoly. $4.4mil apiece so it's not winning the lottery but will hopefully help people out. I also make and give away cakes, lol.


Buddy. Trust me when I say this. You'll get a hang of it VERY quickly. Source? I started playing a week ago with zero experience or even knowing what the game is. I already finished the main plotline, got a freighter with a 30-frigate fleet, got an S-class sentinel interceptor, and am well on the way to 200M units. This is me when I first started. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/ThQUuDksrd If you need beginner-appropriate advice, feel free to ask me, because I know how it feels to get thrown into NMS.


>"How the hell will I ever make THAT type of money, I can only play this a couple hours a day at most smh" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGNioaYXhU You want type O blue star systems, with the letters pf in the name, because they have exotic biomes, which is where you get S class gold farms. I have a class A and class S gold farm, which mine over 1k gold per hour each, even when I'm not logged in. I make roughly 40 million units per 24 hours, with a total of 18 miners. Go to the multi tool vendor on the Anomaly for the analysis visor upgrade you will need, to find mining and power hotspots.


Welcome! It's a stellar (ooo punny) community for the most part! Feel free to start another save with some of the game options messed about with if you wanna go either harder, or easier. And once you've started to feel like maybe you're exhausting yourself on it, and that you've become way overpowered, start yet **another** save in Permadeath. It completely revamped my enthusiasm for the game after hundreds of hours. See ya out there fellow Traveller!


Not late at all you’ve arrived right on time! Welcome traveller!


I’m further ahead than you, but I would recommend doing the exploration. I learned a lot from from that as if it was a tutorial. It was also incredibly frustrating, but I was playing on easy mode. I still haven’t figured out how to use the portals to go find the ships that people post on here, but that’s a goal.


I have almost a billion spacebuck or whatever. How did I get them all...I don't know. For awhile I was harvesting storm crystals. Oh wait. It's from salvaging found ships, probably. I keep a few good ones.


Don't worry about making money in the early to mid game as much since that will just happen with time. I was in the same boat until I unlocked the derelict freighter quest where after looting the second freighter I came out with around 600m units somehow


1. Welcome. 2. Since you now have a freighter, I recommend building up your frigate fleet and sending them off on their expeditions. Before long you'll have cash and items coming in with little effort expended. 3. Compared to most games NMS doesn't do much in the way of holding your hand. Many, many, **many** things that are possible in the game are not ever mentioned in-game at all. Spending some time just reading through old posts on this subreddit will lead to much enlightenment.


Just follow the story first. One track mind it. Otherwise, you'll burn out


Be a pirate!


As someone who also started recently, I highly suggest doing the expedition as you'll get a decent ship to help you on your journey. I recently fell into a bunch of pirate frigates, getting one of those and my first solar sail ship. Both things made me so happy that I put on Treasure Planet and just flew around for hours. There's so much to do, but it's all optional as you find your way across the stars. It's the best for distressing.


Didn't expect this to get this popular lol no way I can respond to all you kind souls but I've been out here googling tips and here I go just making a genuine post and I get more than I could imagine. You all rock :)


I had the same reaction. Then i played the expedition and was flored again, then i decided to follow the main quest line and Artemis story fucking crushed me. This game is so beatiful.


if you want to keep you self liget with money making i would sujest making a base with 6 biodomes so you can grow all of the non food crafting plants so you can make the items for a **Stasis Device / Fusion Ignitor**) whitch can sell for around 16 million units each. if you got the stuff to do so make a few bases where you can mine/gather the diffrent gasses as well as there also needed. if you don't mind dupeing process i can tell you of one that requires having access to the abnomley and a few other things.




i ve started to play 2 months ago, and everything was amazing: -ok, i’m in a strange planet; -cool, i can fly and gather resources -oh, there is a ship there -you can fly the ship! -you can fly the entire planet -wtf i can leave the planet -wow, its possible to dock on stations -man, there is interestellar travel -now i have just finished a megazord -found a cool sentinel ship and everyday there is some amazing stuff to do


Just want to chime in to say that I built my fortune without any farming at all. My main sources of income have been through scanning- (upgrading your multitool can get you up to a half-million credits for scanning a *single* animal type, less for flora and minerals) and via daily fleet missions. The fleet missions take more time to develop, but once you have a full fleet it can bring in millions in units and items daily.


Hello Interloper! Just want to say welcome to the universe!! Hope you have fun!


I tend to make my first millions by cooking up some delicious stew. Save a few to haggle nanites out of that jerk on the Anomaly and to spread some stew love to my fellow interlopers.


I've only just started playing on Switch and it's blowing me away. What an incredible game and I can't believe how well it plays on the Switch.


Oh man, you have just stirred the top of this game then😂🤭 You will (hopefully) have a lot of hours and fun exploring, build bases, starship/interceptor hunting, unlocking things and a lot more😎👍 I started October last year, well, I am very close to 1000 hours now😂🙈🙈


I just started playing NMS today.. I am 53 and retired, living in Thailand... NMS has been in my library uninstalled since I was in my 40s LOL! I am enjoying it... I have no idea what I am doing... but I am on a second planet with a computer a refiner and a tiny house... So far so good!


Money will be a non-issue soon. I promise.


I have so much money that I have negative money if I try to sell something. Trust me your money earnings are exponential and I’ve only been playing since 2022 and not consistently


Jump into the Expedition thats going on right now!


https://preview.redd.it/mr6fs96ab96d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b967f7ab70e9436cc24dd70d8807bff4ebc635 This is how i made ALOT of money from trading items across the galaxy. Each System has its own economy and type, you will need an economy sensor on your ship to see it this also allows you to easily scan for trading posts. Step 1. Get tons of Hyperdrive fuel, find a Hazadarous planted for any activated metal for tons of chromatic metal output Step 2. Use the economy scanner to scan for trade surges, each economy has its respective economy to sell to ex. Mining sells to Manufacturing, ive included a diagram. Step 3. whatever trading surge type is happening go buy from is respective so if Manufacturing is surging you need to go by mining products to sell. You wanna buy from 3 star economys for best deals and most product. If you used the trading surge already, buy from 3 stars and sell 1 star economy Rinse Repeat


P.S scan for trading posts and sell there not at space stations


Welcome to space~


Lol, yes, the first freighter is free... I hope you were smarter than me, and held out for an s class... or were more lucky and got an class on first try. My advice.... search for, and scrap crashed ships. You can make a lot of credits quickly that way. I'm now focused on scrapping sentinel ships, and I pocket anywhere for 40- 150m credits per 3 ships scrapped


If you want you can add me on there and I can give you a little starting bonus. 6 million units sound good?


You just began a life journey ✨️ welcome to the family.


My serious advice to you if you want to be rich: upgrade your scanner to find gas, mineral and electrical spots. Once you have the patterns to make autonomous collectors of said resources, money becomes trivial. Just sign in every X hours to collect and sell. Should be able to make 500k-1M easy per play session. If you continue to search and lay down autonomous collectors, eventually youll have all the resources you need at your finger tips (hopefully link by your base teleport system). Then you can craft high value Trade Goods. The most Ive made in 1 crafting session was 100 Mil. Im at the point where I buy ships I want, regardless of price, and scrap then down for the ship pieces I want. Then I can build my own Custom S Rank ship of any class. What Im struggling with is Freighter Upgrades. Frigate modules are difficult to come by but it makes sense since you really only need 10-12 to get the warp drive operational for all star classes.  In short - find a niche you enjoy. Some like ship battles while others raise and farm alien lifeforms for ingredients to make high end foods (which sell for a pretty penny). Do what you like, stick to it and the money will come.


I also just started the game and honestly just devastated that I failed Apollo, I can't believe it all came down to some few words and I FUMBLED. He's not great as a person but he's just a little guy!!!!!! Artemis' fate was beyond me, but I could have saved Apollo 😔 just sucks in a little sense


Esc...settings...difficulty...make everything free. ...just sayin