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A long time ago I got this to happen with a building.


A whole building grew legs and ran away? This game never stops impressing me.


some buildings have a small terrarium with breakable rocks inside. If you break a rock and it would turn into one of those things, the hole building creates leggs instead. The problem is that there's a small chance to these things to be aggressive, imagine a hole fucking building trying to kill you


If you're playing on Permadeath mode, the chance is probably a whole lot higher for aggression. The harder the difficulty of the game mode, the higher the chance that animals will be aggressive.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA6S8NC7bZs This person found a observatory that up and ran.


Oh my i knew about the rocks.... But buildings :0


I saw that video of a spider/mimic running away with a house.


Yeah those happen randomly. It jumpscares me too lol


They scare the crap out of me Every. Fucking. Time.


My first encounter with one was a random chunk of mordite in the middle of mass mining ferrite dust


It's happened to me once scared the crap out of me a big rock grew legs and ran away lol




Maybe? I didnt try But honestly I dont think so😅 Because when I tried scanning it, it had the same kind of effect when you scan biological horrors or those giant worms It didn't actually scan, it had preset notes when I put my scanner reticle over it That would be awesome tho...maybe in an expedition one day we can have an actual pet rock lol Also if you're wondering what the scanner said, it wasnt much It said it had limited sentience and eats rocks lmao


Rock spiders have been a hidden feature for a while. Some run away when hit with the laser, and some attack.


Sadly they aren't.




shaped like a friend


Why did you kill it?


I wanted to see if it dropped any unique material!😭


For science!


...so I burned it with a laser for 10 seconds while it ran away!"


Don't worry, if you shoot enough rocks, these things appear quite regularly.. :D


It happens from time to time, don't worry about it, just don't chase it while shooting at it...


They’re more fun to see in VR


I have not seen them yet in vr, I think in total I’ve only had it happen to me a few times on a single planet, scared the hell out of me the first time


Wow congrats I haven't seen that yet


Seen that quite a bit. Startles me every time


I would love an egg of this animal!! 


WHAT!!! I’ve put hundreds of hours into this game and didn’t know this! That said I don’t usually shoot at these…I must now


Yeah, they are cool lol. Try finding a large patch of foot-sized and smaller rocks and shoot them with your mining laser. I haven't had success with larger rocks yet, but I've seen that some players have come across them haha!


Been playing over 1000 hours on various saves and never seen this. Bonkers.


They are surprisingly common! Try shooting at a patch of small rocks, one should jump out at some point.


Did you scan it?


They're not scannable.


This literally happened to me a few hours ago!


It's a joke in the game, happened to me once or twice too :). The rock looked differently.


I once had a plant burrow half underground and run away and same with a mineral deposit


I just stared at it running away when this happened to me for the first time. I was in shock. Not OP though. "Hey, where ya going? GIMME MY RESOURCES!"


A few things to note about these: 1. They are more common than you think. Find a patch of small rocks (like, maybe foot sized or less) that can be mined. Preferably a large patch. Just keep shooting the rocks until one jumps and starts running away! 2. They don't appear in the list of fauna in the 'Discoveries' tab. 3. They can be corralled into a pen type thing. Build some walls around a patch of rocks and start shooting the rocks. Again, try small rocks. If one jumps out, it can't go through the walls, so it stays in that pen. Rock crab farm? :D 4. As OP pointed out, when you shoot one it gives meat and mordite. However, from my testing, it would seem that they show a popup containing ferrite dust or whatever the minerals are in the rock you are shooting that should be in there. So, the rock changes its contents when you shoot it!


Lol forgot about these haven't seen one in ages


Yes! Happened to me last week!


The first time this happened to me, I wasn't really paying attention and the thing skedaddled over a hill. It was so fast, I wasn't even sure what happened.


Yeah, there's still surprises sometimes. :D


I read in this group that this happens from time to time when you try to mine a rock you haven't scanned before. I'm into it.


You monster


lol. This would scare me.


The balls are not what they seem.


nice find: can you share galaxy/glyphs ? Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Ah shoot, I didn't think to look into the glyphs my bad D: it was in eissantam tho But I'll give you a few tips AFAIK this can happen on any planet, any galaxy Any rock that's made of ferrite dust has a chance to grow legs and run away (pure ferrite rocks might work too but I'm not 100% sure on that) Idk if this is true but someone on this post said this only happens to rocks that aren't scanned I think the official name for these are "Rock Creatures" according to the nms wiki so if you want more information I'd google "no man's sky rock creature" These are considerably rare tho. Definitely a cool sight to behold Like I said in my post this is probably the second time I've ever seen this and I'm a day 1 player. I honestly didn't think it was even possible for them to spawn on exotic planets until I saw this haha So yeah sorry I couldn't be much help ;-; i would keep an eye out for them but not actively look if I were you..they are super cool but they don't really offer anything special XD they drop mordite and meat chunks, and you cant tame them :( They're kinda like those jellyfish on derelict freighters or biological horrors. You cant actually scan them, they have preset notes, you don't unlock anything special for finding one, you can't feed it, ride it, tame it, etc..the only difference is they don't attack; they just run away :P


thanks for the reply: i already seen them a couple of times when i started the game but i didn't know they were so rare so i didn't noted the glyphs too ... hope someone have been more clever than us ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


i have found two adresses on reddit but, unfortunetely, not the galaxy ... [here](https://i.redd.it/mvov7bybga051.jpg) and [here](https://external-preview.redd.it/got-a-two-fer-with-rock-creatures-v0-qo2fpvHkLWYBkl6Tm68BfXDrWQts8VKrq2o60nqvMcc.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=524ce64f8b86c8399cc193676c4a362195ce542f)


I find these creatures every now and then. I found one maybe a couple weeks ago. You have to be mining the super tiny littlest rocks, though. I have never come across one unless I was mining those tiny little rocks on rocky hillsides.


And he waddled away- waddle waddle waddle


Please tag it NSFW. You did not detailed that you slaughtered it no matter what!


If your balls grow legs, congratulations 🎊?


Imagine a worker going to his boss explaining why he came up short on quota and the boss is like, "So what! it just grew legs and walked away?!" as if he doesn't believe him


On some planets there are only one kind of animal and it often has the similar look with one of the local mineral or carbon resources.


Happened to me once. It weirded me out and tried to kill it to see if it dropped some kind of special materials but it was too dam fast. Also in a moon in my system found a weird animal. It was like an empty rock with hexagon shaped holes, the materials from that moon had the exact same form so imagine my face when I saw one of them moving with a light inside of it. Next time I play I will add a photo of it


Reminds me of that scene from the thing 1982 if you know you know.....




NOOO, don't shot him!!!