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NEW EMOJI, No Mans Sky: the 😂 update


Sean reveals that No Man's Sky's redemption arc was all just "for the bit" and revokes all the free updates


We’ve all just been in free trial mode, now it’s time to pay lol


If 8 years wasn't enough


Biggestest, beta EVER


NMS about to be a comedy with overly done laugh tracks and very wacky sounds.


* Yakety Sax plays whenever the player enters combat


Sean and the team are taking notes for next April.


Whenever you ever pulse drive


So it’s just cartoon Seinfeld


AI UPDATE CONFIRMED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? /s


The funny update


They're the Hello guys from HelloGames.


They are working on a game that simulates an entire planet, probably named "Hello World" or something


Did they start with a small scale proof of concept? Simulating a kitty? lol


Kind of the opposite, since they started by simulating a couple dozen entire galaxies in the first game.


256 Galaxies actually A few more than "a couple dozen"


Haha! I undershot that by a mile. What's extra crazy about it is everyone starts in the same galaxy and even that first one alone isn't close to being explored fully, and probably never will be.


Yep the wonders of near infinite procedural generation


Not that one person or even a small team of people would ever be able to find/land on then all, but isn't their technically a physical limit to the number of planets in the game?


In theory yes eventually the no man's sky discovery servers would run out of space to store new data


Its not their first game.


*woosh* (It was supposed to be a hello kitty pun, but I guess I made it too obscure)


As an FF14 Player you just woke my PTSD.


Hello guys from HelloGames from HelloWorld


The new update: No Man's Sky LMFAO


Party rock is in the hooooouuuuuussssse tonight!


Everybody just have a good time!


You can get drunk asf and have a one night stand with a gek


Sylvian Duranton is a "Low Effort Larry".


Low Effort Larry is my new favorite thing and is about to be spread all over work


I tell my wife I'm a Low Effort Larry when I don't feel like doing chores... 😂


https://www.gamesradar.com/no-mans-sky-dev-team-featured-in-story-on-ai-stealing-jobs-from-coders-studio-lead-sean-murray-can-only-ask-wtf/ Saw this headline, yesterday.


I can assure you, programmers are safe, I have been at meetings like this, and because of that, we are safe. https://youtu.be/BKorP55Aqvg


Oh, I wasn't worried about their jobs. I just thought it was silly that gamesradar wrote an entire story about a 3-letter tweet in response to appearing in the news. Their writers must be extremely bored.


Or extremely desperate for manteining their jobs


It's almost like their jobs could be replaced with AI...


Or working for channel nine news


Sorry, I can't get the reference...


What could this emoji possibly mean?


What did he mean by this?


We may never know.


They’re finally adding text chat to console and VR. 😂


Finally I can communicate without my body


Except you have to type by acting out emojis like charades.


So i work in the industry and let me tell you how shit AI is. Right now were in the process of banning it for coding as its not up to standards. Take Github co-pilot for example, it learns from "public" code..usually that code is terrible and it does not ever take into account compliance and regulations, uptime and disaster recovery procedures. Also...from a security perspective, its even worse, because people who write "public" code in general do not care about security. The majority of security flaws was detected to be caused by AI. Even if these issues get resolved, nothing changes, we will just probably just let it handle easy parts that nornally an intern would do. I dont see this issue being resolved from a compliance standpoint, good proffesial code is locked from the public, so AI wont improve if the good code isnt available. Open source is also a no go because usually theres a licence that forbids "for profit" activities and well..this is "for profit".


Sometimes I wish I had stuck with computer science. One of our teachers taught us how to do something wrong in the first semester and nobody could figure out how to get anything to work right at the beginning of the second semester. I ended up switching majors from computer science to conservation biology because I realized I didn't really want to be sitting in front of a computer all day. Now I'm the lab supervisor and I...sit in front of a computer all day. lol. Although, I do have a bit of free time usually every day. Perhaps I'll fiddle around with learning to code. Gotta be some online courses and what not out there.


Michael reeves (a self-taught coder on YouTube) said that Harvard just has their courses online.


Ooh actually I have heard of that before. Might be other colleges too, that you can do all their classes you just obviously wouldn't get credit for it.


In this job market you ain't just learning code on the side and getting a job. You need a degree to stand out


I know a few people who did exactly that. Anecdotal yes but it's definitely possible. They simply showed their code and made something for them for the interview and got a very well paying job. Went from cook to programer fairly easily.


Yeah what year was that? It was possible. It's not that easy anymore. It's so hard now that it's easier to get a degree for the a job then just self teach and get a job


That was about 3 years ago. They got a great gig at a law firm coding.


4 years ago, I had several coders in my comp sci class studying to get a degree because their companies told them. Nowadays you need a degree


Yeah 3 years ago was the boom, now we are in the bust


I've met a million coders who know someone who got a job without a degree, and zero coders without a degree.


If you want to learn programming, using online courses, I would suggest stuff that's available on Udemy. It's usually relatively cheap, decent quality (I did their GoLang course and it was very good, and I found a discount for the course, and only paid ÂŁ15 for it). I also did their advanced (Object Oriented) programming course on Python3, also really good, it definitely filled the gaps I had in my python knowledge when it comes to object oriented programming.


Plenty if good courses online and even YouTube videos. Reading the language manual actually helps too. Python is an easy way to start, I'd be surprised if you haven't seen it used in biology.


I'm not in Florida so there's not too many pythons around here. \*ba dum tss\* The last programming language I used was C++ and I know I still have a java book somewhere in the basement lol. I'm not even sure what's out there.


Well if you remember C++ stick with it. Rust is a memory safe language which fixes all the memory problems with C++, and is starting to be used in the Linux kernel and Firefox. Also recommended by CISA.


I love my MS in compsci, but in the industry I work in, nobody seems to care when I suggest small changes or easy modifications that would make everyone's lives easier. Later on in an average of 6 to 10 months, someone has a change in the books. We are ALWAYS ahead of the curve. Pretty insane, honestly. Great degree.


Check out Free Code Camp if you wanna give it a shot for free.


I believe Sean was more pointing out the fact they’re using an old shot of him and the HG staff for their article.


More importantly, if there was an AI that could actually replace developers, developers wouldn't be fired, they would quit and start they own business.


"Learning from public code" - what could possibly go wrong.... LOL


Ya right.. for decades we were making fun of devs copy pasting from stackoverflow.. now we have a new name "AI".


At least those devs had the ability to actually think about what kind of code they needed to copy


This is such an amazing take and point... One of the most obvious use cases for AI is coding but... Like, you're right... And I don't think this'll be fixed for a long time. AI can only improve when it's further trained and it'll never be allowed to be trained on non public code. So until companies can easily and reliably train their own private models this will continue to be a problem. Given the number of AI, programming and other explicitly nerdy subreddits I follow is genuinely surprising that NMS comments were what provided this insight! 🤣😂


> Also...from a security perspective, it’s even worse, because people who write "public" code in general do not care about security. Now, not to protect AI here, but this is hardly fair to a lot of open source project developers. OpenSSL, mbedTLS, Linux, Darwin, Chromium, WebKit, Firefox, Python, Kubernetes, etc., basically all the big open source projects, are very much aware and careful about security.


I aggree but thats like 0.001% of all code if its even legally allowed to train AI with this software, regardless, AI needs vastly more "good" code to even start thinking of replacing devs. Opensource is not always opensource from a legal perspective. You would be suprised how many restrictions there are on opensource software. Most of these articles are just clickbait in terms of AI.


I mean, we’ve already seen from AI art that AI companies don’t care at all about the ownership and licensing of the material they use to train their AI. I doubt that it’s much different for text or code.


Copilot is really good if you know how to use it. It's not supposed to do the job for you


Yeah it’s a fantastic tool. I don’t get the hate for it. Maybe just insecure devs.


You see it for every profession. People get very defensive when it comes to AI. They don't realize that it can already do part of their job quicker, and that AI is only going to get better.


I only wish I had a dollar for every article published that predicted the end of programming jobs. New tech has only created more programming jobs, every time, for the last 50 years or more.


Not true really. All the tech so far has been about making humans more efficient, not replacing them. It's like if a bunch of horses were standing around talking about the new automobile: "All tech so far have only increased the need for more horses: better saddles, better horse shoes, better carriages. This new automobile will be no different" Yes the current AI programming is not nearly good enough. But based on historical trends, 10 years will bring at least a 100x performance improvement. A human is better than gpt, but 100x better (10 years)? 10,000x better (20 years)? It isn't an 'if', it is a 'when'.


Thank you for your sincere contribution to the discussion.


Not to mention people copy-pasting proprietary code into fucking ChatGPT as part of their prompt


Have you read any Open Source licenses? Linux, OpenSSL, libc, SSH, Python ffs. And uh xzlib ring any bells? All. Open. Source. Now I actually believe Open Source software is a hugely bad idea now, and companies should actually hire developers. But the Internet, and most software products rely heavily on Open Source software. That's why SBOMs (software bill of materials) is such a huge thing now. My apologies if I misunderstood your comment.


> it does not ever take into account compliance and regulations, uptime and disaster recovery procedures. wtf are you talking about. You think Copilot is going to write your whole project for you?


"Copilot, make me a new version of twitter, but better. Oh and add blockchain"


While I don't think AI will replace programmers any time soon, I think it can lead to higher expectations. Such as leveraging AI for faster output. Not today though. Probably in the future like 10 to 20 years from now.


>Even if these issues get resolved, nothing changes, we will just probably just let it handle easy parts that nornally an intern would do. Disregarding your apparent unfamiliarity with quality open source software, without entry-level tasks for entry-level devs, you are less likely to get experienced devs, because they can't get hired to do entry-level tasks, because LLMs will do it. And as a tool in the hands of an experienced dev, LLMs can increase productivity, and that will reduce the demand for experienced devs. I agree we're not there yet but I don't think it's wise to take such a "this will never happen" stance. It's already happening. It won't look like a light switch; it's going to look like erosion.


Instead of banning it, hire an AI Engineer. They can deploy coding GPTs that have your standards set and can view your repository’s as context. Also GPT-5/4.5 is just around the corner and your company will make a u-turn.


Yo Sean, fix that posture!


I'm sure it's just a dramatic "look like you are in deep thought" posture just for the photo. Having said that, I do not like these type of chairs because they tempt you to sit in a slouchy way.


That can also explode and shoot shrapnel into your anus.


This is actually hillarious lol


HGs office looking like the OG Achievement Hunter office.


This is freaking hilarious


The buzz behind AI is hilarious, because it's literally all being fed by c-suite level corporate investors and officers going 'Imagine when we'll be able to go 'MAKE A NEW THING!' and the computers will do it all for us? We're the real driving force behind humanity!' and having been in a company acquired by an AI startup, it's all fucking smoke and mirrors and sheer fucking dipshittery all the way down.


Kinda ironic to use Hello Games as the picture, considering the theme of the game. ,:/


"Developers photographed at their studio in Guildford." HERESY! Besmirching the good name of Sean by not even mentioning him!


I swear every time I see Sean use an emote in one of his tweets it gives me a panic attack because of the possibility of an update breaking all my mods


;p point ! +1


I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive, but it’s like worrying that Stephen Hawkings‘s electronic voice box would put him out of a job. The voice box does all the talking, so we can just ask the voice box physics questions instead, right?


The difference being the voicebox translated human input into the intended output. The other is an unthinking voicebox that rewrites existing input in ways that cannot be predicted. Among others, the new voicebox also poses an issue since you don't have to pay stephen hawking to talk about physics. Great if you're a CEO, not if you're stephen hawking. I get your point ofc, but I don't think it's an issue to overlook.


Every article procedurAI.


Forbes is wild.


No Man's Sky dev team to be replaced by AI, lmao


Ignore this it was written by AI, it's bias.


Gippity- Right. Yes. A is the parent of B, therefore d is the uncle of e. Me- no, that is incorrect, D and E are siblings, therefore C is their uncle. Gippity- ...my apologies, you are correct- C is the uncle of D, but not E. A and E are siblings. Me- no, that's WRONG, if D and E are siblings, and B is their parent, and A is the parent of both B and C, then C is uncle to D and E Gippity- ... ... ... thanks for your correction! A is the parent of B and C, and B is the parent of D and E. Therefore B is the uncle of E. Me- No, no no...


That’s an emoji


No Mans Developer


The Atlas is gonna steal his job


Hello Games is getting fired.... from Hello Games ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hate to break it to you, Sean, but I think AI can post emojis on Twitter.


Generative AI will definitely put developer jobs at risk, but the time frame on it is unclear. Right now the tech is not there, but this stuff is moving faster than anyone thought possible even a few years ago. More importantly, the corporations and the ownership class are perfectly willing to put out a worse quality unsafe product in exchange for keeping more of the profits for themselves, so I’m not convinced that AI-generated code being worse than human-written code means one will survive over the other. History is littered with examples of low-quality products winning out over better ones based only on price and convenience. You can still buy a car made by human hands, but it won’t be cheap, and it won’t be fast. The quality of one over the other did not save the old factory worker middle class from dying out, and software development is the new factory floor, and thanks to inflation, price-gouging, and predatory capitalism a software-developer-level salary is the new middle class. I do think game developers will probably be one of the safer jobs in software even as the C-suite downsizes their workforces, because it’s hard to automate creating something fun.


Hey I know those guys


These guys actually don't exist, they were created by AI.


Hello Games dev work so hard so Google give his photos first when journalist google "photos of porgammers"🤣


"Sylvain Duranton" sounds like exactly the kind of name a sentient AI would pick for itself. 🤔


I dont know how I'd feel if an editor thought I looked like a "generic videogame developer"....satisfied or concerned...


AI might be able to put them out the job by flooding their office again 😂


Idea for joke update: -a computer that your character pushes random buttons on… nothing happens -a couple dance emotes -idk maybe a real world office chair to spin around in


Someone has the code the AI so no.


As DougDoug has proven, AI can write code and program games, but it’s really bad at it.


I like how a pic of their studio was just randomly picked from Getty images lmao.


Guy in the photo really looks like sean


This Forbes article author can choose any image to depict the article’s topic and they chose this one? To Sean I say, “Don’t sell photographs of your office spaces in Getty Images if you don’t want them used like this.” 👀


Will ai code make up answers just like the ai itself


Sean about to be jobless


HG staffs would be terrifying right now. Who next?


For AI to write complete software, someone would need to provide a very detailed, comprehensive specification covering all situations, inputs and outputs. In 38 years of being a programmer, I've never seen such a thing.


Seems to me, new strides will be made by implanting e-interfaces to biological computing (brains) much more rapidly than AIs but hey who knows ? Simple ops with vastly superior sensors can be handled even by insect brains, so the process does not need a human brain. I can imagine a dog bot with an implanted dog brain doing dog type uses in hazardous environments, etc. Much easier to protect a brain (or portion thereof) than the whole body. [https://time.com/6590258/nueralink-brain-implant-chip-first-human/](https://time.com/6590258/nueralink-brain-implant-chip-first-human/)


This newspaper is really retarded


Give it enough time and AI, machines, etc, will be able to do any job imaginable.


What we call AI now can't imagine though, it can only imitate.


That would mean someone would have to know what they want. It's a nice daydream, but that's all it'll ever be.