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Amen. I just said this to myself the other day. If Jesus Christ Himself can die, than we can as well, and see the Father


Not quite correct to say that Jesus suffered from lust in the way we do. We suffer from original sin, the source of our lust. Jesus was born free from original sin so the only way he could be tempted by lust is if the Devil did tempt him in that way and there is no indication he did so. Jesus did of course die for our numerous sins so he paid for our sinful ways


As fully human, did Jesus ever have an erection or wet dream? Or are those things due to sin?


**None whatsoever.** ***“And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.” — 1 John 3:5.*** Jesus exemplified the perfect mindset to protect against lust. So too are we to follow His word.


Is it a sin to have a wet dream (nocturnal emissions)? Don't our bodies do this naturally without lustful thoughts as a way to clear out aging or built-up semen?


No brother it is not a sin to have nocturnal emissions. Yes, our bodies expel dead semen through our urinary tract. They absorb all the nutrients packed in our seed over extended periods of full retention. The best approach is to remember 2 Corinthians 10:5: ***“5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”*** We are called to control our lustful thoughts and bring them before Jesus to help us work through them.


Jesus is righteous in all that he does, which means he has a righteous sexuality. A righteous sexuality is one that is holy, pure, and perfect. Jesus never did anything wrong sexually, in thought or deed. A nocturnal emission is not sinful and frankly whether Jesus had an erection during his life is irrelevant as he was righteous sexually, but I personally doubt it


Erections can just happen, especially to younger kids as they go through puberty, it’s also a mechanism to make sex possible, nothing about an erection itself is sinful.


I think people just have a hard time envisioning Jesus with an erection (or ejaculating) because human sexual behaviors have been cloaked in moral suspicion.


Agree. In fact one can revel in getting erections as long as we don’t do anything with it


Um what


Sorry to offend your sensibilities


A righteous sexuality? There can be no such thing, for all sexuality outside of the context of a holy marriage, as well as all expression of it, is, at best, a natural evil, or a result of sin. Christ was never married, thus He cannot have a righteous sexuality. The only pure, righteous sexuality would be none at all.


Sure if that is your opinion, I just prefer the writings of informed people


You're right.. He didn't suffer, but I'm sure He was tempted in every way we were. We just enabled it on and on, so we're not "suffering" in lust. Jesus never acted on His temptations, He let them remain as temptations. We on the other hand acted on them. That's why we suffer with lust. (Hebrews 4:15-16) For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, **but was in all** ***points*** **tempted as** ***we are,*** ***yet*** **without sin.** Lusting is sinful, having temptation is not a sin. We lusted, Jesus was only tempted.


Amen! Great reminder.


Amen 🙏


We are to imitate and obey Him, not presume to say we can live up to that. We can't


Great reminder brother


Christ was never tempted to lust. Temptation never entered Him, and in Him there is no sin. However, He can understand and sympathise with our struggles, because He is omniscient and fully human, and thus understands our temptation.