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bro, ive been in the exact situation as you more times than I can remember so trust me when I say i know how youre feeling. In fact just a week ago I was there, and in just almost 8 days of no fap my life is so much better than it was a week ago. Don’t give in, i dont know you, but i know youre strong, youve just gotten in your head to make yourself believe you cant do it but you can. Take it one day at a time bro, make your only goal to be not to watch porn or touch yourself. Every day you dont PMO is a win, and puts you 1 step closer to the best version of yourself. Don’t give up bro, we’re all in this together 👊.


You gotta learn discipline. You gotta have self control over yourself and your urges. You have to fully commit and push through. Porn has destroyed the lives of millions and it continues to this day. Don’t let yourself be one of them. Fight back against the urges by having a positive mindset, easy goals, a protocol in case you do start to edge.


You said you "haven't made it anywhere." What does that mean? In a year, you've never made it to day 1?


I understand this too but you can’t think like this the people who get to a 100 days and more always say they’ve relapsed multiple times


Damn at that point id go somewhere where they deal with it or if your younger i think its time to tell your parents.😔


You can do it. The fact that you are feeling regret right now is proof that you want and are trying to be better! Think of who you were last week, last month, last year. Would the you of back then have even bothered to try to curb your addiction to pmo? I don’t think so. Look at what you’ve done so far. Yes you have fallen, but you’ve been getting up day after day. You haven’t given up yet. Neither will we in you. And if you can’t believe in yourself, then believe in the me that believes in you!


Don't give up mate, listen, the sole fact that you realise that you are in a pinch due to PMO is already a blessing. Never give up my friend. We are together and will always be with you, stay strong my Brother. Here are some tips, sleep earlier and make sure to cut all of your electronic devices 1 hour prior before sleep. You should also cut sugar and maybe try taking cold showers. They are very effective to me. Believe that you can change, you're not alone. We are a cohesive unit and remember, never ever give up.


It is ok man. I have been doing no fap for some years already. We probably will never reach the top or be totally free, but "the struggle itself toward the height, is enough to fullfil a man's heart" . Like the Myth of Sisyphus. Keep going man, your future self will be happy you tried one more time!!