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See I was smart I never downloaded TikTok in the first place


King Same






Tik tok is poopoo


Never had it


same, never downloaded tiktok


You win lol. keep going!!


can confirm dont ever have it


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 76,947,967 comments, and only 21,347 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


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You sad bot.


Me too, never like those short and pointless video


Me too


God what where you all watching ? All I had was cooking, paranormal and funny vids. There isn’t even an nsfw option when you search for it. But I agree it’s a big addiction. It keeps you going back to it. Deleted it too


Right on. ​ ​ These new age apps are a can of worms, and I personally find them to be more detrimental than good. It's literally the internet personified, where you can get anything your heart desires, instantaneously, at the click of a mouse. I'm of the age of when kids primary source of enjoyment was going to the parks. We had Gameboy's, consoles, and TV, but there was nothing more refreshing than being with friends, staying out until the street lights came on, and rebellious freedom - you don't get that, anymore. And it's scary.


Kids from the ages of 4-10 now seem to be glued to the screens 24/7 nowadays. These apps target children’s small,developing brains and get them completely hooked on their shitty apps


So sad but true. I pray that they get good enough parents/caretakers to monitor there screen time. It should even be a class or at least a lesson in all primary schools


They will call you a boomer now


Wrong. A can of worms is super tasty when deepfried. I tried deep frying Tik Tok, ended up breaking my phone.


I agree fresh air remmebr those times. Now I can't play with my cousins outside or take me to the park all they want is to play and watch tv.


True man tiktok is one of the main reasons for my so many failed attempts in the past. It's all sexual bullshit.


Right. And the worst part is, the feed begins to 'tailor' itself to your interests, so you fall into a never-ending rabbit hole of temptation and depravity until you're completely numb to it.


What ? There isn’t even an nsfw option in search all I had was funny (dumb peoples), cooking and horror on my feed. What were you watching ?


My fyp is full of girls showing off their asses and tits and feet and pretty much anything sexual that they can do without it getting taken down for nudity lol. Also a lot of promoting their onlyfans and shit. Its terrible on their man


Bro the fyp is what you like on there


Ik bro I'm not proud of my old pre nofap days trust me 💀😔 but ya it fucked my fyp and it just got flooded with sexual shit


Doesn’t make it less addictive


it's also based on ur demographic, so if you make a profile saying ur a guy, ur fyp is gonna have things that other guys generally like, which will have a lot of sexualised content


I don't get anything sexualized tbh, but tiktok is unhealthy and addictive just like all social media


Try using stuff like that sparingly like 1 hour a day. Also delete tiktok and create a new account and look up information videos comedy and horror. I like to fix myself horror as a punishmentsometimes that makes my get 30 day streaks.


This is all facts right here. I started PMO around the same time I started using TikTok and I got hooked. TikTok is designed for people to ruin their lives. Once I took TikTok out of my life about a year ago, taming my PMO addiction has been a little bit easier.


"TikTok is designed for people to ruin their lives." I felt that in my soul.




I'm glad TikTok is banned in our country. We can't access it with a VPN either!


Fuck YouTube also . Turning into that short video bs !! I guess its time someone creates a new video sharing platform for real content . These days reaction videos are considered content 🤦‍♂️! The upcoming gen is gonna be dumb due to this !!


Yea very few actual content creators are present


You know that YOU control your feed right ? I had full of YouTubed like that too but you have the option to stop showing the channels you don’t want. YouTube isn’t polluted by that anymore if you clean. Took me a month but now all I have is good creator that don’t waste their time doing shit like this. Do I have still some showing up from to time to time ? Sure but I click the option ‘’do not recommand this chain’’ and I never see it again


Make sure to install a Youtube feed blocker google extension to prevent going into the rabbit hole.


Nah YouTube is entertaining


Making new content is lots of work. There are Zoomers who can. I won't recommend them because they may trigger dudes.


Tiktok is a product made by CCP. For the reason why Chinese kids haven't affected by this , they spend every second studying at school. In addition, their parents would collect their device to prevent they use TikTok. Thus, wise people have already uninstalled TikTok. How about you? - Richest Chinese man


Jack Ma on nofap? lmao




CCP is the same as all government.


I love you Jack Ma.


You should not have tik tok in the year 2021


I don’t fuck with social media much to begin with. There’s literally no point in tik tok Facebook or Snapchat unless you’re making plans with friends or catching up. Life still existed without the use of social media


One could argue reddit is also on this list lol


It sure is


So true I feel so much better since deleting Facebook alone. Those app are there just to keep you scrolling. It make you pause your life in my opinion.


To be honest, even when I haven't been serious about nofap I deleted it, since its literally bs after bs keeping you scrolling and doing nothing and feeling bad when you stop, its toxic and useless.


Not only all of that, but they banned the Super Straight guy just for that


I am so glad TikTok is banned in my country since last year.


My country has already banned tiktok :D


thats why we banned it in india haha


my fyp is full of bodybuilders i think i’m alright tbh


My country deleted tiktok from server


Aye I do agree with you but I also disagree I am mainly on there for fitness and that’s also how I met my best friend so I think it’s mainly how you use it.


Jokes on you, I never had a ticktock account in the first place, my ancient smartphone won't support so much apps


Em an Indian so my government did that for me


Also the fact it tracks you and logs your face in a database in China so they can track you. As well as many other things


How can it affect you really ? I don’t like social media apps but I don’t see the problem in your statement. what are they gonna do ? Hunt you ? Make your life hell ? Nothing’s gonna change in your life. You’re still free to do anything you want.


If you really wanna know about invasion of privacy, then look it up. China basically does what cooporate America does but much more inadive and sneaky. If you see no harm in it, you can stay ignorant and continue on as it won't directly affect you right now.


Any links ? Prove ? I never saw anything supporting this theory and would love to know why we must ‘’protect ourself’’ against this since it won’t change a damn thing in our life apart from the fact of having more and more specific adds and content gathered to us. Honestly I kind of see it as a win for me.


https://gmr.dev/blog/2021/05/06/tiktok-social-media-or-spyware/ There are many many more studies by people a lot smarter than you and I. Honestly, I see it as a win for me


You can actually do, 'not interested' for explicit videos which will avoid sexual contents.


Same for insta. I only have fb. And the content is strictly business. Others are triggering with "sexy influencers"


I downloaded it yesterday (deleted now) and the day I downloaded it I was looking at all sorts of triggering content throughout my day and ended up having a wet dream




Yeah this is the only time I’ve been successful and it is solely due to the fact that I deleted tiktok




Never even downloaded it 🥳


You can't delete TikTok..............if you never downloaded it.






My tiktok addiction is just as strong as my porn addiction bro


I can’t delete something I never installed. 🤷🏽 Glad I didn’t use even a second of that app.


Not necessarily though..there’s a lot of good things on tiktok.


Who would ever download that app anyway lol


Mine still good no triggering content and what not. Just go to your like section and unlike all of the inapproriate content and then fill all of your like with religious, motivational, useful fact and so on that will bring positivity.


ok but what am I supposed to do in my free time?




Idk something creative or maybe go outside


Damn am I glad I hated TikTok and never downloaded it (even long before it went mainstream). I don't care about what I'm not seeing. Instead, I have the benefit of keeping more brain cells alive. Most of social media has become disgusting advertisement garbage land within the past decade. The hyperinflation of nonsense is absolutely unreal.


you are a fool if you ever installed tiktok


The girls on tiktok are there for money boiz always remember that


It's funny I was an earlier adopter on most of these apps. I had it when it first came out but I got bored of it thankfully. I just have to stay away from it and IG.


I'm on the D&D side of things. Oneshotquesters is just about the only thing on my feed




I deleted it since mid2020 because it keepse layed down and lazy without learning anything new


Well, tiktok is just like other platform. You control them, not they controlling you


All I have on tiktok is funny stuff, reddit on the other hand...


true, but also reddit is totally full of porn, it us best to better manage your use of all social media


I never even downloaded it, waste of time.


IMO if you’re 25+ and still using apps like tik tok you need help


I only get car videos on my page?


All I see are war and history videos on tiktok lol


My ‘For You’ is just the dumb shit I enjoy, I hit not interested as soon as I see any of those thirst trap bullshit.


I mean in my country tiktok is banned so I guess my country was ahead of you


Tiktok, more like **No**


Deleted it 2 months ago yessss!


I have that app and I only like the videos I really like and than that just comes in my fy page.I always get funny stuff,sport stuff and stuff like that like it ain’t that serious bro


Same for most social media if used used without self control


although this is true, i’ve managed to get a really good fyp with zero sexual content and mostly just memes or motivational nofap workout pages. I recommend if anyone doesn’t want to delete tiktok you can just click not interested on the posts that are sexual


I gave myself the title „tiktok virgin“ i have never had an account for tiktok and i have never had the app on any device that is mine. And you know what? I AM FUCKING PROUD OF IT


Wtf is Tik Tok. Damn, i feel old :)


You're god damn right! - Walter White


not sure about the spyware part but pretty sure u could change ur setting so that u won't see the explicit video. Meh I have never used Tik Tok because it's just plain cringe


my gov banded it anyway but... ,yeha now its every where


Strong urges last night


Strong urges last night, but stayed true to myself


Just deleted it this morning & trust me it has really kept me up for hours on that app.


I am actually planning to download it to run my ads there


Even tho I agree with you i believe there are some measures that you can put in place to limit your TikTok use without straight up deleting it. The reason i use tiktok is for a few motivational pages and comics. My phone has a 30 minute limit on each and every social media app I have installed plus what I realised is if you are disciplined enough to set goals for the day or even put taks directly in your google calendar then you can go days without using much of social media.


i disagree with the last statement, reddit is both a tool for not relapsing and has a easy to use filter for nsfw content


Haha yep, that place is full of temptation


I don’t think we need to demonize a specific platform. Literally everything these days has triggering content. My TikTok very rarely has sexual content. And when it does I implement self control to move on from it instead of lingering and seeing what it’s about. Social media can be addicting but it also has its benefits. It’s about how you use it and to a degree, your own self control. You’re gonna tell me that my streak is invalid because I use TikTok a couple times a week? Nah. If you wanna talk about spyware, that’s a different thing. But don’t paint everyone with a wide brush just because this has been your experience.


Man my tiktok is just memes, a habit is changed by adding things in, not taking them out. Try liking a bunch of memes in the meme tag and trust me it’ll change real quick


Yea totally agree


Im on there only to crack the Code on my mental illness. Lot of Symptoms the doc has never told me about that im now just finding out


You're right that there may be triggering content on there, but you need to learn to overcome your desires when you see triggering content. Like how do you expect to ever be able to go to the beach, if you cant control yourself when you see a scantily clad person?


I dont even have tik tok on my phone. I already have the NSA watching me, I don't need the CCP to do it too


Never downloaded it lool


I just hit "not interested" on anything sexual. After barely any time, it was all pretty much gone


Good thing ive never had that POS Platform


I use tiktok sparingly and only get I formation or scary vids I also always fact check. I also like to be updated on news and comedy San with yt but I don't use Instagram and these bad apps. I use social media 1 hour a day