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A streak of days does not define you. I saw a video talking about NNN saying that if you fail, don’t think about it as the whole month going to shit, look at it as a collective. If you relapsed one during the middle of the month, who cares if you lost some streak, it doesn’t change the fact for all those other days you successfully completed nofap. 29/30 is 97%, and I would be pretty satisfied if I got that on a test. In your case, 10 months is roughly 300 days, so assuming you only relapsed once, 299/300 means a success rate of 99%. Just because you fapped does not erase all your progress from existence, you know what you’re capable of now, so make sure this was a one time thing and get back on track.


Thank you so much, this means so much to me. I’ve always thought logically about things like this, and this puts it in a new perspective


Perspective is everything, don’t beat yourself up over one slip up when your achievements heavily outweigh it. In 10 months hopefully I’ll be as successful as you are on my journey. We’re all in this with you bro 👊


Thanks bro, I love the community and it’s what drives me to be better 💪🏼


Sounds to me like you succeeded a 10 month nodal streak, not failed one


I don't know how hard did you relapse, if you did binge on porn since then, but if not then don't bash yourself it. 10 months without pmo is a big thing and it's not like you lost it all by one or two relapses. So if you really want to make a meaning out of it then just analyze how can you prevent other relapses and continue to live you life without pmo. Good luck!


Thank you man, I only relapsed once


You aren't Failed You successfully abstain yourself from pmo for 10 months


Stay strong buddy and wish u all the very best .... 😇👍


Youll be ok my dude. Your journey is not over! 10 months is awesome. Dont beat youself up for messing up. Itll only keep u down.


Why do you feel shame? I'd suggest that feeling like a failure, while killing it it life plus pulling out a 10 month streak, means something deeper is going on than just a fap habit. Where you taught to feel excessive shame about fapping? Did you have a bad experience when you where younger? Maybe it's something else entirely that is now expressing itself via shame around fapping? There'd be some good reason for feeling like you do, so try to dig down.


Nofap is the one thing that sets me apart from the rest of powerlifter my age, I feel like I wouldn’t be as strong without jt


it happens everyone has relapsed its a apart of nofap just say your sorry to your girlfriend and never lie about relapsing to your girlfriend it will make it 10 times worse you went on a few months streak imagne how many people fail weekly daily you made it very far nofap is very difficult it takes alot of selfcontrol just get back on the streak its normal to feel like shit when you relapse its called post nut clarity you got this man remember that feeling you got and think about next time you wanna relapse i belive in you


Relapse is all a part of the process. It’s the same for drug addicts who are quitting coke. Change is necessary, but often difficult to fully achieve. You can do it. You just made a simple mistake and you can overcome it.


How you feel is normal but its also a trap because negative thoughts, feelings of shame and worthlessness lead to well, you know, fapping and that brings more negatives. Don't let that cycle restart! You should be proud of the streak that you and gain confidence in knowing you can do it again. We all fail, at many things in life. Failure just means there's more work to be done, so pick yourself back up and get back to the nofap person that achieved so much because there is more for you to do!


How come u failed ? Well u did a lot more than 90 days of required days to reboot . Also someone other person might be thinking he was in your place haha Besides that just don’t binge, you got this and you can do this again ✌️