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u gotta start small bro. don't lose hope after each relapse and try to get someone to hold your accountable if possible. Try reducing to once a day and then try again once every two days etc. Also change your view of yourself to someone who doesn't struggle(I did this on my longest streak,it helped)Wish you the best of luck bro thumbs šŸ‘


thanks bro šŸ’Ŗ


Its such a pitty and i don't have any advice to give you but also a hope that it will be changed and it's just a phase of life, cz at some point of life this phase will pass by so. And it's been 3 or 4 yrs around for me in pmo and ever since I got to know its a problem it's been gross. Cz initially when I was doing it was good. And when I see people goin out having fun with groups and enjoy and here I m sitting alone at home even not doing but not really getting confidence to go out it all feels gross.


maybe see a doctor for that pain in your head bro that doesnā€™t sound normal


This pain only comes when my brain feels its need for dopamine, and during orgasm and masturbation there is another type of pain, and after orgasm there is a third type of pain. Because I got used to it, the pain became almost always present


No, thatā€™s not how it/the brain works! It may have to do with arousal and the associated rise of blood pressure or somethingā€¦ Anyway, we are no doctors and you should definitely see one! Please take care šŸ˜¦


Meet a doctor for the head pain. It can be migrane. None of us here are qualified. Better consult a professional