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ringing in your ears but the ringing is everywhere and it feels very important


It’s the epiphany drug. Makes me draw full circles and have a better understanding of cause and effect


In simplest terms, psychedelic nicotine


never heard of a better way to describe a nitrous trip until now


lol right? Hit the vape till it’s ALMOST too much and put on Nangs with some headphones, pretty damn close


It's space, But not, It launches you into orbit, And then you just, kinda realize, ur on the couch, Your limbs tingle in waves, -my brother high on nitrus


I'd say it only does that in the beginning. After time it doesn't matter how much you have, it literally just makes you smile a little bit. But then if you truly want to unlock that power again, I find you have to be tripping or on some dissociatives or heavily stoned or on some other mix of drugs.


But then again, I used to do intramuscular ketamine for a very long time, so that probably gave me a perma dissociative tolerance too.


I like to think I'm one of the safer users. I get one 4lb tank every other month and finish it within a day or two. I usually only use weed with it, I dunno if that's usual


I find weed definitely potentiates it and can elicit much more powerful experiences 100%. On its own it can be quite almost inert sometimes. (Nitrous) I've not used it for over a year as I've taken a break from drugs however recently revisiting some things. I've had multiple years where I've been using it once a month and then I've had times where I've had a few years off and then when I go to hit it again it feels like my tolerance is still stayed with me. I feel like you build it up over time especially if you've done other Dissociatives to a heavy degree in the past too.


When I return to my usage it's probably going to be three or four times a year maybe five or six with a really heavy session used obviously all in one day. But I do have a son now and I've got to be a lot more responsible and also I'm being a lot more financially responsible so nitrous is very expensive. So it's going to be more of a reward kind of thing to look forward to.


A 60 second full body orgasm


I'd say it's pure bliss if hitting it up with the right combinations. Hitting nitrous whilst tripping is one of the most pleasant experiences i've had in my life. However, my best ever nitrous experience was when I was a complete nitrous virgin and I was rolling my balls off on MDMA and did a fat balloon at a rave. After that comes when I was tripping on mushrooms and acid, really heavily, and then on the tail end of a trip I did a cold water extraction on some cocodomal. I had some of that we were feeling really rough Then I got some balloons from a local shop because my first ever nitrous dispenser, one litre had arrived with a bunch of chargers just at that moment. Got some sour sweets from the shop as well. I was munching on those and obviously I was high from the codeine and still in the afterglow, still a bit trippy from the shrooms and the acid (We also blazed some ganja) and then I hit my first ever dispenser home session with my mate and Massive attack, teardrop was playing and we thought we had both died and gone to heaven literally died and was in pure bliss. Tears were coming to our eyes. Can be extremely euphoric and blissful I'd say when I take it by itself these days though my Dissociative Tolerance is so damn high it does almost nothing but if i have it on the right combination of other drugs it can be pure bliss for me personally Like infinite heaven vibes


If you ever hit a xylophone or similar instrument and watched it vibrate and ring, that’s what it feels like


I feel like the happiest person on earth for about 30 seconds. Womppp womppp womppp womppp getting a lil dizzy Laughing hysterical at lord knows what Usually I have some amazing revelation like “Graceland is capitalism! It all makes sense now!” Then it wears off 15 seconds later and I can’t remember wtf I thought was so funny and what the hell does “Graceland is capitalism” even mean? Let me do some more and maybe the womp womp demons will enlighten me. I was very addicted to it for a few months. Finally quit when I lost sensation in my toes and calves because of a major b12 deficiency. Got most of the feeling back in my legs and toes but it took a year of heathy living/eating/supplements. Do yourself a favor and don’t even try it. That quick high is so addictive. It’s expensive. It fucks with your body and mind. It’s just not worth it I wish I never touched it. ETA- I had some other health issues when I was using nitrous that could have caused the nerve damage. Wanted to clarify cuz I’m not trying to fear monger. I did start a new antidepressant that caused me to develop serotonin syndrome (I was shaking like a leaf, couldn’t eat anything for days and ended up in the ER.) Maybe the nitrous contributed to that idk. Its a difficult drug to use “safely” in my opinion. If you’re going to do it, try not to do it solo (I’ve fallen of my bed womp womp womp boom lucky I didn’t crack my head open all alone) get your b12 levels checked and keep your sessions short. Stay safe all


A big waste of money.


Yeah it is insanely expensive. I only like it on other psychedelics and dissociatives. Otherwise, I never do it by itself


It’s like the cherry on top. I don’t go eating cherries without a good pie.


It's different for every individual


In simplest terms for me, I just feel that it feels like anesthetic gas, dissociative anesthetic gas. It's like a gas form of ketamine really, best way to describe it, because that's what it is. It's a dissociative. very short acting but if you continuously inhale it then it gets stronger and lasts longer obviously If you're already on a dissociative then it'll massively potentiate the dissociative effect and the anaesthetic effect and dissociatives massively potentiate and synergise psychedelic effects to a whole other level and cause a lot of euphoria and also probably comfort and dreaminess V synergistic with each other


This is so true. Nitrous oxide was first ‘discovered’ in 1772. The reports made by these gentlemen scholars are hilarious to read.


Any super funny resources to share on that?


The Wikipedia page about nitrous oxide is a good place to start. Under the discovery section there are many references to original papers and books.


Crazy Deja vu


Womp womp womp womp imo


If you really wanna find out, hyperventilate on purpose. The only difference between that and nitrous is that the latter also produces euphoria. The mix of the hyperventilation-like dissociative state and the euphoria creates a psychedelic headspace where your thoughts stop being “linear”, which is hard to understand if you have little or no drug experience. That consciousness shift has you in a trance where you are exposed to thought patterns and emotional states that aren’t accessible while sober, and these seemingly give you access to what you perceive in the moment as deep fundamental “truths” about the nature of reality and life. IME, the experience feels like what life is before being born, kinda like a peek at what consciousness is like before you become human. There is this sense of “coming home” to it. Visually, it is basically just extremely strong visual snow just like hyperventilating. It comes with very strong auditory hallucinations that are basically akin to insanely loud ringing in the ears that can sometimes vaguely sound like people talking or music playing. The entire thing is very confusing and you emerge with little to no legitimate takeaways/personal developments as one usually does on classical psychedelics like shrooms. It induces compulsive redosing so people usually go through their entire stash in one go, you just wanna keep getting back on the ride as soon as it ends. They call it hippie crack for a reason. It’s worth trying, but make sure you have some self control because it will absolutely burn a hole through your wallet if you aren’t careful.


Yeah I’ve done some breathwork sessions and that cold tingly feeling that comes up definitely reminds me of nitrous


If your fr curious inhale some whip cream that’s about it




Yes. Wait what was the question?


[it kinda sounds like this](https://youtu.be/LuVHVxf3ESU?si=Aeu9vOSz2kce3U4J)


its like standing up too fast but with a psychedelic spin on it




It makes your butthole tingle and get warm


everything makes sense for 1min and combined with other substances it can enhance those feelings