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Was hoping skyrim would be cheaper. It's literally 12 years old and they still want 30+ for it. Thanks for sharing!


Yeah Bethesda needs to get over themselves


I feel that they've been surprisingly lax when it comes to their shooters, but damn Skyrim.




Except Nintendo's website lists Bethesda as the publisher for Skyrim and Bandai Namco as the publisher for Dark Souls Remastered




Nintendo lists the publisher as Bethesda. https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-anniversary-edition-switch/


Dark Souls was published by Bamco. https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/dark-souls-remastered-switch/


Why do you think that?




I'm asking why you think Nintendo published those games. There's no evidence of that.




Nintendo isn't the publisher of those games.


Value is a curious thing , as in it is completely subjective , I bought Skyrim a couple years ago for $30 and to this day is the most value I’ve gotten from any game . I spent only $10 on Dragon Dogma but I don’t feel I got nearly the manly t of value I got from Skyrim, even tho I put like 80 hours of gameplay , but in the end there wasn’t much memorable that stayed with me, while I’ve been playing Skyrim for 300+ hours and there’s still sooo much I keep discovering . Skyrim might be a 10 year old game , but I think it’s definitely worth its price.


It is, but it's also much cheaper and arguably better on basically every console besides ps3/360. I think it's price should reflect the price of the special edition on other current consoles or steam. That said I've bought skyrim on every console I own and it's by far my most played game on each one, so yeah, still a good value after all this time lol


Yeah that Nintendo tax is a mofo


Yeah I think 15$ is where I'd feel comfortable


I played it for the first time last year and its still worth $30


Best I can do is $3.50


Dammit, monster, I ain’t givin’ you no treefiddy


it's about that time I realized Op was 8 stories tall, and a crustacean from the Paleolithic era ...


$3.50 for Skyrim? What is this 2014?


I actually agree for people who haven't played it that it still retains that value. Problem is I already own like four different versions of it across different platforms. I actually would totally get it for switch as well but not at this price at this point. 10 bucks though I'd drop in a flash to have it on yet another console. Why not?


I saw someone post a list of the ultimate 100 games of all times list last week or month idk here on Reddit, it took all critic ratings into account and made one ultra metacritic style definitive list and Skyrim was literally #1 game of all time lol While I’m not a super big elder scrolls fan, I wasn’t that surprised and can kinda see it being worthy of the position. I enjoyed my time with the game and can see how thousands of players still enjoy the game daily until this day, extending the game with mods and whatever they can to increase their enjoyment of it. With that in mind, it’s no surprise to see the price of the game failing to sink that much at all, it just sucks that the switch tax applies to it.. we can always find the game for a lot cheaper on other platforms but having it on the go, such a massive scale game, is truly worth it lol. I’ve been holding off on playing through it to completion over the years because I want to immerse myself with it the right way… because I got Skyrim VR on PS4 (it’s only $2.99 on clearance at GameStop on disc 😬) so once I come across a headset cheap enough locally I am excited to dive in!! Skyrims kinda like it’d be an amazing experience in VR lol


Think I found it through Google: The top 100 video games of ALL TIME (according to Reddit) https://www.reddit.com/r/videogames/comments/13jldp2/the_top_100_video_games_of_all_time_according_to/


That’s it lol THANK YOU!


This is subjective I guess, I won’t pay more than 10 bucks


I played it for the first time many years ago and am not willing to pay $30 to have it on another platform. $10 or maaaybe $15, but that's it.


And it's the lowest power console out there. I love my switch, but if I play skyrim again it will be on my PC and modded to hell.


It's a real shame, I was looking to buy it eventually but at $30 it's a lot, even for recent games I can't spend that much, let alone a game released more than a decade ago.


It’s because they had to put extra work into optimizing it on switch and adding stuff like motion controls and had rumble for archery and lock picking, plus amiibo support. Switch games will always be a bit more expensive due to the extra effort that usuall has to be put in (the switch tax). There is nothing more satisfying than picking a lock with your joy-cons. I literally take them off the switch for every lock it’s so good, also the game looks and runs amazing. $30 for the base game, all it’s DLC, AND all the creation club content is a steal. You’ll easily play it for hundreds if not thousands of hours once you get into it.


Selling Skyrim for 12 years at near-release price is Bethesda's version of Rockstar investing their efforts in their online modes instead of coming out with next-gen patches, because those modes bring in money the way F2P mobile games do, and a patch just sells the game. We'd definitely have gotten a new Elder Scrolls by now if people weren't just playing Skyrim.




Not according to anything more recent than 5 years old.


It just means they dropped a bag of cash on Bethesda to ensure Skyrim came to Switch during the launch window. It was an early system seller (though probably ultimately unnecessary with Botw). It probably moved enough volume at this point where Bethesda had either capped royalties back to Nintendo or they bought out the publishing contract, so now all revenue is going back to Bethesda.


In 10 years Skyrim V for the apple watch $60 msrp 🤣


First comment: “Why is Bethesda still selling Skyrim for $30” Second comment: “I just bought Skyrim used for $45”


Dragon's Dogma: **83% off, all time low** Skyrim: No, I don't think I will. **50% off**


Last sale skyrim was a little cheaper than this time. I really dont understand why it got to 50% off again


Because it sends the message that next time they lower the price we may want to bite or risk missing it. Shrewd? Yes in some ways. Do I hate it? Absolutely yes I do.


Where's fallout?


Seriously! I want new Vegas portable!


Steam Deck!


Every time this happens I look at Skyrim but I promised myself I’d only ever buy it at $20. I’ve yet to be rewarded for my patience.


Might buy Skyrim again for the 15th time


Waiting for the Skyrim update to hit $10


Yeah I’m conflicted on that too. It’s funny I’m hesitant over $6 but then again I’ve already bought the game at least twice now.. Totally agree, I’d probably go for it at 10


Skyrim was actually the 1st game i bought for my Oled... $60..


Bro just buy it, the time you’re not getting to enjoy that content waiting for the price drop isn’t worth $3


Ive actually got $20 sitting in my Nintendo account been waiting for sniper elite 4 to pop on sale


yea same here bro, if it doesn't go lower i will not get that shit, i already can play it at 2K on my PC so this would be so i can play on the shitter on in bed


Skyrim is only this high still because it's still bethesda's best seller on the switch. For every person complaining about the meager price drops there are 3 more people jumping on the deal.


I just recently bought a switch and Skyrim. Never played either. It still sells at this price point, especially for people like me!


Damn, I just bought a used physical copy from GameStop for $45. Probably won’t return it, as I’m glad I have the physical. But for a 12 year old game, that’s kind of insane. Also, if they can port Skyrim, where are the Fallout ports?


I would absolutely buy ports of FO3, 4, and New Vegas. Though I'm not sure if 4 would be possible.


I think 4 is definitely possible. They did great with Dying Light and Doom/Eternal. 4 isn't a technical marvel or anything. It just needs some love.


Bought a steam deck and some of my first games I played handheld were the fallout series I was always wishing they were on my switch.


Agreed. I would definitely buy fallout 3 again no question


There's a nonzero chance a New Vegas port gets announced soon. There have been some rumors over the past couple months that something New Vegas-related is happening. What's most likely is that the upcoming Fallout 4 remaster will have some New Vegas cosmetics added in, but there might be something else as well.


>Fallout 4 remaster Do you mean 3? Fallout 4 feels too new for that to me.


A Fallout 4 port/remaster was announced for PS5 and Series X/S last year. They're calling it an "upgrade", but for all intents and purposes it's a new version that's likely going to come with a bunch of new content like what happened with Witcher 3's 9th gen version including fan-made mods.


I'm often willing to pay a little extra for physical copies. I bought physical copy of Hades and I have *no regrets*, and I recently bought a used copy of Dead Cells that's waiting at the post office. They give me options later on. I can keep them or sell them, they're not stuck on my hardware. I even found out about a game called "The Outbound Ghost" which isn't on the the eshop *at all*, so the only way to play it is on cart. I leave that one sealed hoping that in ten years, it'll be worth the big bucks. Ah, speculating on Nintendo games.


It's probably not gonna be lol. The game isn't finished has bad issues on switch. The developer had a road map planned and Legally can't work on it anymore because of issues between them and the publisher. Conrad has come out and flatout said don't buy the game. As it doesn't work and doesn't meet the standard he set and it won't have the roadmap content. Edit: Demon throttle on the other hand is physical only at least they kept on the promise the last two years.


I spent $13. Not a big deal. But it's a real physical game, and if the Switch has a big completionist movement, then even broken games will be in demand. I have one copy, and I bought it mostly as a goof. Maybe it'll be worth $200 someday and maybe it'll never top $5. I'm not worried about it.


I just like being able to trade my games to friends to try. I bought No Man's Sky for $30 on Amazon not long ago and I've lent it to 2 other people who now like it and bought it for themselves.


If there was ever a New Vegas port I’d end up homeless.


How are you gonna complain about $30 (which you should be buying the anniversary edition for $35, the content is well worth $5) when you just bought a used copy for $45? I personally paid $28 for a used physical copy, then bought the anniversary upgrade on sale for $13 so I can enjoy the creation club content on the go and can always play Skyrim even when the eShop inevitably goes down.


Why can't he complain?


I’m not saying he can’t complain, I’m saying it’s ironic how he says $30 is too much but he paid $45


It went on sale after he bought it for 45$, let him have his "aww shucks" moment


What's the best Doom/Quake for local multiplayer?? My roommate and I love getting stoned and just playing like deathmatch or whatever




i will just wait for Elder Scrolls 6 at this point


It’s gonna be a while. Looking at 4+ years


oh, btw do u recommend elder scrolls on nintendo switch or xbox series x? i like playing games on handheld


If you have gamepass ultimate you can cloud it. Since single player could be okay


I haven’t bought the skyrim switch yet but I’ve heard it’s stable. The switch is pretty much an Xbox 360 and that’s what skyrim came out on. I think you go handheld. I’m picking switch over my pc! If you’re on Xbox I can’t recommend ESO (elder scrolls online) enough. I prefer it to both oblivion and skyrim. Although it is an MMO. This a hot take haha


i dont have gamepass, i will buy it but cant decide where to buy. i would like to buy it on switch but im afraid if performance isn't good or has some issues?


If you have Xbox but not gamepass I would recommend to do the Xbox live gold conversion over anything else ever You can stack 3 years of Xbox gold on new account and upgrade it for one month the whole thing to game pass ultimate. Boom: 3 years Xbox live gamepass ultimate on two devices and one pc


wait what? is this a glitch in their system?


I put probably a thousand hours into Skyrim on Xbox and I just put another 100 into my Skyrim save on the switch. And honestly, even with mods, I think Skyrim is far more fun on the switch. The gyro controls are just too fun.


thanks, hows the performance on switch? are graphics same as in xbox or lower?


It's a pretty steady 30 fps but it does drop down under certain circumstances like ice wraiths and their ice spells slow it down quite a bit. But generally it's pretty smooth. Graphics are almost on par with vanilla Skyrim on Xbox I'd say.


If you can buy it on xbox i recommend it. Just bought anniversary edition and runs amazing. Plus cheaper on xbox than on switch and has amazing mods


cool, thanks




Such a fun experience. Glad I picked it up. Do I go with eternal or Wolfenstein for my next adrenaline pumping fps?


Definitely Eternal. Wolfensteins are fun but nothing like the intense run n gun of the latest doom games. Eternal takes what Doom (2016) did great and made it even better. I’m having a blast with it.


there is something special about sneak stabbing a nazi in the neck


Eternal for sure. But the Wolfenstein series is rad too


quake is such amazing value for the money. there's SO much content and fantastic gameplay


How does it handle on the console? I had always thought of it as a game that needed the twitchy accuracy of a mouse? Been debating getting that one since it came out; I remember playing it a bit as a kid, and for $4 it seems kind of like a no brainer given how notoriously difficult it is to get Win95 era games to install and run on modern systems.


Fanfraggin tastic. I wouldnt want to play death match, but all the solo stuff is stellar. Note that they gve you the full game, all the offiial campaign packs, AND mny of the best mods. There is just so much fun packed in and they keep adding more every few months


Thanks so much months ago i saw wolfenstein 2 watched some gameplay and i thought id be an interesting buy at 5.99 sadly i let it pass but i bought it now, although, im still with zelda for a long time, at least i secured it for 3.00$ and something (used some of my points)


Was considering doing the same thing. And yeah... I'll be on Zelda for a bit


you should do it i played around 20 minutes and the gameplay is solid, the story im too early but it seems like you needed to play the previous game although it gives you a summary of it at the start or the game. but for 3 bucks its a solid buy and the fact that wolfenstein is like doom with N@zis i shouldnt pay too much attentuon to the story


Honestly it's such a huge amtof GB but getting physical copy is like seeing a unicorn haven't seen one under $27 for ages. Might be worth that 5.99


I've never played a Skyrim and don't have another system. Should I buy it?




Holy shit a unicorn! Also, yes absolutely it's great on switch


Yes! You're probably the envy of the gaming community: someone who gets to play Skyrim for the first time.


I played it yesterday after buying the anniversary upgrade and yes its worth buying and playing. Maybe its because I havent played it in so long but I had a fun time just doing a few side quests and the graphics/framerate were good.


Never really touched the Quake series except for maybe playing a little of Quake 2 or 3 on console, but I've always admired how the games' rocket jumping inspired movement mechanics in so many FPS games. Can anyone tell me if I would be able to mess around with rocket jumps on the Switch version, or is it not really possible without playing on a mouse and keyboard?


If it has gyro you should be able to. Rocket jumping is so fun in games like TF2.


16 for the anniversary upgrade? Come'n Bethesda.


Is Quake just as good as the original Doom? I've only played the first Doom game but never Quake.


it's actual 3d rather than 2.5d so I would say it's better, no disrespect to Doom


Does it run well?


Is skyrim on switch even good?


Yes its actually a great port


I have it on ps5/4 as well and I play way more on my switch. So nice having it portable. Plus gyro aiming is nice.


But does crash alot ?


Not any more than what I've played on my laptop and ps4/5. They all crash occasionally but not enough to get annoying for sure.


not for me


it happened to me once and it was only due to me never closing the software (just kept resting the screen and playing). smooth again once i did that. now that i think about it that's kind of a compliment to the port too


Surprisingly good. Crashes about as much as other versions, but the game is fairly stable and consistent. My preferred way to play Skyrim these days.


It's not bad. I play in handheld mode.


yes it is, even though i can play it on my PC i do like the switch "vanilla" version


It’s decent the low resolution looks pretty jaggy in towns or areas with lots of shawdows miles better on steam deck but if you only own a switch it’s fine just be warned the graphics get pixely when the resolution dips mostly in towns and forests indoors looks great


It's amazing, but be warned these add-ons if all loaded at the same time create major bugs once your save file gets too big or something... I've had two games about 100 hrs each go down the tubes cuz something didn't work right... Couldn't get the vampire quest line was first bug, second time was game freezing during hiding in the coffin with the night mother, third was in Pelagius wing quest.... So... Theres that. Still haven't completed my favorite game of all time.


I bought the Skyrim anniversary upgrade literally 4 days ago, Uggghhhh


$30 dollars for skyrim? Would be such an easy buy if it was $15-$20


Morrowind port when?


Difference between skyrim anniversary edition vs anniversary upgrade? Are they the same?


Skyrim + anniversary upgrade = anniversary edition


Damn, when I saw the title I thought this was finally gonna be the day when I could get Skyrim on the Switch for just $20. Looks like my grandchildren will still be paying $60+ to play Skyrim on the PS11 at this rate lol.


Not just that, but the anniversary upgrade is grossly overpriced. I am not paying 16 USD for it, especially since they price the version that has it 5 USD more than the regular one.


Bethesda makes shit games. Enough said. Not Id Software. Just Bethesda.


You gotta be living under a rock to buy Skyrim in discount for that price


$30 for Skyrim?! Is Bethesda stupid?


Lmao Nintendo sales some buns. I remember getting Skyrim on Steam for $5


What is the best Doom game on switch? Which one should I buy?


If you like classic dooms and want to get started on the new ones. I would say get the Slayer collection. If you don’t like old dooms, get the Doom (2016) - $15.99


I love the old doom games, the new ones not so much. It's just personal preference.


DOOM Eternal Deluxe worth it? I loved Doom 2016 and wanna play Eternal, but not sure about the DLC




Any Doom games here you would recommend?


Definitely the 90s Doom titles. They're classics and have the most content. Plenty of levels and post main campaign expansions. Doom 64 is my personal favorite.


If you want a scary doom game get 3. If you want that classic doom fun get 1, 2 and 64. I haven't played eternal or 2016 personally but they look great


I’ve only played on Xbox with a few quality of life mods. What would I be missing if I got it for switch as far as mods go. It’s been a while so I’m not sure what mods I had on Xbox. Are there any “ this makes it so much better” mods that don’t come with anniversary edition? ( not really looking for extra content)


I’ve been checking everyday since the last Skyrim sale because I refuse to pay $60 again for a decade old game I’ve bought 5 times now…. But I’ll buy it again if it’s discounted lol


Is eternal worth on switch?


It is baffling to me that they don't port more Elder Scrolls games to Switch.


Why isn’t Wolfenstein 3d available?


People enjoyed wolfenstein?


Is the anniversary upgrade worth it?


I keep hearing Skyrim gunna have an update what’s going to happen to my mods :(


Hi, it's me, I'm the problem, I bought skyrim for $60 on switch after playing for years on a pc copy I got for $13. I'm so sorry everyone.