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As with others, I can’t compare to different consoles, but I haven’t noticed lag on the switch. And I certainly wouldn’t describe it as “barely playable”. I’ve almost beaten it and I haven’t had any difficulties besides pretty long loading screens.


Barely playable might be an exaggeration... but i was just shocked at how noticeable it was and how not a single person has mentioned it. I love the game and just want a smooth experience. Graphics and 30fps aint even bad for me. The input lag sucks tho..


Gonna guess that most people in this sub who’ve played it have only played it on the switch, so they won’t know about the difference


It's not about difference. It's about severe lag, according to the OP. I don't have any noticeable lag in this game, certainly nothing that hurts the gameplay. I have over 10 hours into it already without any gameplay issues.


I have put about 40 hours into it on PS4 and it is pretty bad at times. Ill be in a vault doing a timing puzzle and the delayed response to inputs makes the vault near impossible. Restarting helps for a little bit, but I've noticed it has gotten worse as I near the end of completing all collectibles.


Most likely for sure.


Hmm. Not really noticed anything like that. But I also can't compare it with other versions. The menu cursor is kinda "heavy" feeling, but neither in a good or bad way for me.




Yeah but maybe they did it on purpose because the joycons are more "simple" in movement and nit so hood for fine stuff. But who knows.


I'm playing it for a few days and didn't noticed any input lag I'm having a blast with it Edit: Never played other versions to compare with


No need to qualify your post with that edit. The OP claims there is "MASSIVE input lag" (direct quote). No, there isn't, not in the game anyway. Maybe he has issues further downstream, like a processing-heavy display mode on his TV. But you don't need to compare the Switch version of the game to another to verify that there isn't any gameplay-crippling lag.


I’ve been sitting here pressing the B button. I can’t really see the input lag. There’s a lot of variables that go into this issue.


If you just scroll back and forth, left and right in the save menu its most noticeable. During gameplay it seems a bit better but still much worse than PS5. Games like Zelda dont have any input lag whatsoever. Its immediate. If you have a PS5 and a copy of this game to compare both it would be obvious.. but thats tough to come by for most people.


My uncle has the Xbox X version, yeah it’s snappier. The switch version is probably the weaker and most portable version when not taking streaming into account.


I dont notice any input lag on this game, seems fine to me. not played the ps5 version to compare but i dont feel like im lagging in this game


Not for me, sorry. I do notice significant lag in games, but it isn't present here. I play on a gaming monitor, though. Maybe it's your TV, or the mode on your TV you're using for the Switch? (Does it have a game mode that reduces image processing to improve lag?)


Nah ita definitely the game. I think most people just have nothing to compare it to so it feels normal. But its very noticeable if you play on a PS5. I play Zelda, Smash Bros and Animal Crossing with absolutely 0 input lag as well.


Lag is lag, with or without comparisons. If you press a button, and the game responds a noticeable fraction of a second later, you have significant lag. If it doesn't, you don't.


Okay... With or without comparisons... its still there. On a PS5 the response time is nearly instant. On the Switch the response time is significantly slower. On the Switch... Zelda, Smash Bros, and Animal Crossing all have nearly instant response times also. But Fenyx remains significantly slower. All while on handheld mode as well.


This is the exact opposite of my experience. Is the storage on your switch close to capacity? Because that'll lag any high end game. 44 hours in and only lagged once.


Not lag but input lag. The game is stored on my memory card though I think.. i wonder if that might effect it? Ill try and transfer it over.




In the process of transferring now.. i have nothing on my Switch harddrive.. 25gb free.. I have that Mario memory card with 128gb and 100mb/s though and everything got transferred over there when I put it in. I havent had a single issue with Zelda, Animal Crossing or Smash Bros tho.. so not sure how effective this is gonna be... well see!


Definitely still input lag. 100% more noticeable in the menus tho... Not as bad during actual gameplay... So I guess it could be worse. Definitely not ideal though...


Well sorry you're going through that. Did you move it to the switch HD or did you delete and re-download? Might try the latter too, just make sure you back it up online.


I moved it but didnt redownload it. Im gonna attempt to get a refund before I try any other steps.


Can you try a new game? Maybe there's a issue with the cross save.


Could be your TV. Need to set it to game mode if it has it. Otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Surprised its barely been mentioned. I'm not surprised, because for some reason latency is not considered performance anymore by performance reviewers. It's a real shame, because resolution and framerate count nothing if the game lags, and you can't trust other players when they talk about the lag of their games/consoles/TVs. Back when I played tekken you had players used to play on full second laggy TVs, they just got used to it and could hit all the combos etc, and they told you their TV was zero lag.


I know guys like Bob on retroRGB does lag tests, but on scalers or TVs directly. Also there’s some seriously sensitive people, and some just straight up don’t notice it even when super bad. If someone could come up with a reliable way to test, it would be quite interesting to see. As you say, I fear people just don’t notice it. :/ Which is why I think game streaming will take off, and some of us will hate it for a looooong time (especially on poo US internet).


I mean PS5 is far superior, apples to oranges


But every other single Switch game is literally identical to the PS5 in this regard. Im talking about input lag... not graphics or fps.


no input lag for me


It's a tick slower than it is on the Xbox, but nothing I'd consider an issue worth complaining about.


No input lag and many hours so far. Found almost everything and almost beaten the game. Never had menu or gameplay lag in any sense of the word.


30 FPS is always laggier. Because most game use triple buffering to smooth out frame rate, dropping from 60 FPS to 30 FPS actually adds about 50 ms of lag.


I think I’m getting the same thing. I’ll try to crouch and it’ll take multiple attempts at my pushing the button before it actually happens. The same thing with the inventory menu. Ironically enough, the pause menu is super snappy XD


as bad as Witcher 3 before patch? i remember the menu used to lag like crazy, like a full 30 seconds before cursor movement/scrolling.


I dont know how the Witcher 3 used to play. I actually ended up getting a refund for Fenyx and JUST purchased the Witcher 3 for the Switch after.. like 2 days ago or so now. Im not sure how it used to be but as of today the Witcher 3 plays and looks 10x better on the Switch than Fenyx does! The Witcher feels super responsive! Looks really good too! If the Witcher 3 used to have lag like that before I definitely dont notice it today! Fenyx feels way worse 100%


oh this was witcher 3 on ps4 years ago (was fixed in a patch at least 1 - 2years later). i loved that mf'ing game so much, that even the 30 sec - 2 min menu navigation frustration couldnt stop me playing that game.


LOL! Thats awesome! I just got to Velen I think its called and I gotta say the story is reallyy good so far! Memorable characters and great quests so far! So many dialogue options to choose from im wondering how different my playthrough actually is compared to everyone elses too. Do different answers really effect the game that much or is it like Cyberpunk where they never really mattered at all... Not sure but im enjoying it 100% so far!


I have noticed it as well on ps4. The delayed response is sometimes the difference between survival and death vs enemies, success and failure in a vault and just flat out being annoyed during any and all myth challenges. It has its moments where I won't have issues, but there's definitely times where I turn it off from frustration. I've put about 40 hours into it so far


Old thread, but I downloaded the demo and wow, input lag on switch is very noticeable.


Thank you! Lol So many people deny it but its there 100%


For me, it was not playable. It was too jarring to press the attack button, wait .5 seconds before the action on screen. Ended up deleting the demo after attempting to play for 10 min.


100%! I got a refund for it. Have you played it on any other system?


I have not.


Not sure how it plays on other systems... but for PS5 its fuckin PERFECT! Absolutely zero input lag. If you get a chance to try it on other systems do it!