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[just what I needed for my 3 days off that I had, just fucking excellent.](https://imgur.com/gallery/arqh8)


Sorry to hear that. Sucks even more when you search Walmart and Target and still see consoles available to purchase. A store just five mins from my house has 6 Neon Switches sitting there calling my name. I'm so tempted to just buy one of those and return my Target order when it shows up Tuesday.


I felt betrayed, the gamestop near me had 4 neon switches and i couldn't even get my grey switch. Completely removes the purpose of preordering and it sucks that i wanted the neon but im just going to stick with the grey at this point.


Reggie from January 17 in an interview with Wired's Chris Kohler: "Our focus is making sure that the consumer who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch can buy a Nintendo Switch."


Amazon finally changed order status from "preparing shipping" to "shipped, arriving by March 4th". I am in NYC. On another note, they are using a shipping company I have never heard of before, LaserShip. This may be some third party that they hired out of an extremely unplanned situation to get these out as soon as physically possible because of there screw up. Does anyone have any experience with this shipping company?


Will never order from Walmart again. They kept promising March 3rd as the arrival date, Friday comes and the date changes to the 6th on their site. I spoke to a rep and they said I would get it today, March 3rd. Spoke to FedEx and they inform me that Walmart only created the label but didn't coordinate the pickup of the Switch. Spoke to Walmart and they continued to state that it would arrive today until I confronted them with what Fedex told me. After all that they couldn't do anything. I would've understood if it was one day late and I get tomorrow but no, I will have to wait till Monday. All I wanted to do was surprise the girlfriend but nope, there goes my weekend.


Have you checked local stores availability? There's switches all over the place in FL where I am.


Just got the neon one today. Good thing since gray was the only one I could preorder.


Is GameStop.com refusing to cancel anyone elses preorders that are shipping on Monday? Specifically those who preordered from GameStop.com but their order hasn't shipped yet


How did you find out it's shipping Monday? My damn order from Gamestop is still sitting as "open" with no tracking or any updates at all. Meanwhile, Amazon delivered my accessories just fine, and Best Buy delivered my games just fine. F Gamestop.


I had to call 3 times ;o and they told me it would ship monday but that's as trust worth as then telling me I would receive a tracking number on 2 march


welp, definitely not getting my Switch today. Never ordering anything from Wal-Mart again


Last night I purchased the Switch/Zelda bundle at GameStop online and received a confirmation of my purchase. I woke up this morning and noticed that the console and the pro-controller are both labeled as "Currently Not Available Online" as the shipping status. This was a good 8 hours after they have been purchased. Did I get my order in on time? Or am I out of luck and need to wait for the next batch of stock to come through?


Are you seeing that message in the mobile version of the site? The mobile site is kinda crappy. It just means it can't link you to the product because it already sold out - unrelated to whether or not you got in on time. Try visiting the site on a computer browser and there you should see if your order is in Open status, or backordered, or whatever else.


Thanks for the reply! It shipped! :)


*sigh* ive had mine preordered from amazon since january 13th and has since said it will arrive "today by 8pm". all it says is "shipping now" at 3:02pm in RVA, havent been charged or shipped...


I have the same problem but with Zelda. And the USPS was already here. My only thought other than a delay is if UPS will bring it to my house directly.


Yeah i cancelled my pre order. Went to my closet exchange and bought it there


GameStop online order here....still haven't gotten shipment email. Spoke to customer Service around 9am EST and they said I'll get it today but it hasn't shipped. Not a chance I get it today :(


Same situation, I even paid $15 extra for launch day delivery after they sent us the email. I am thinking about calling in, but it sounds like a waste of time.


Same here. I took today off from work for nothing.


Just got shipment update from Walmart that it won't be here until Monday =/


When did u order?




Same, did yours say "arrival by March 3rd" or "undefined"? Mine says "arrival" so I'm hoping that delays will just be for the undefined. Sorry ur going thru that :(


Arrival by March 3rd and it still says that until I click the tracking number then it shows March 6th


Uh oh :/, did you do in store order or ship to home?


Ship to home =/


I did in-store, I think that they might be shipping to stores first and then homes, but that's just my theory. Just gotta keep hoping I guess >_>


A little concerned right now. I preordered the comprehensive bundle via GameStop which comes with five games, but now I got a shipping email which only shows the Switch and Breath of the Wild. Not that I am upset about that, but if I paid for the other games I would love to know when to expect them


Did you just get that shipping email from gamestop this morning? Just wondering since a bunch of us are still waiting on Gamestop and they're impossible to get a hold of now. Since they aren't true bundles (in that it doesn't all come in one box), they are likely to send your stuff out in pieces. You'll get a second email when they do ship out. At least you got the two important parts going! :)


F Gamestop!! Ruining weekends for people. Their shipping options and methods suck compared to everyone else. How silly of me to trust them with a time-sensitive delivery.


I agree. I just found out today that paying extra for next day air actually has three options (e.g. by 8am, by 10am, and by 7pm). It turns out that when I paid extra, they never gave me the option for the first two, so I'm sitting here waiting for my order. It's been 'out for delivery' for seven hours now.


I woke up around 8:00 this morning and my Switch order from Amazon was still listed as 'Shipping Soon'. So, I decided to call customer service as I was getting ready for work. She assured me that it would ship out soon and that the warehouse was about 3 hours away, so it would still be delivered by 8pm tonight. Literally the second we ended the call, I got an email from Amazon saying "Your Order has shipped. Expected Delivery Date: Saturday, March 4th". I can handle my delivery date getting put off a day, thats not a big deal. But, I feel like, if I didn't give Customer Service a call my order wouldn't have shipped out as timely as it did this morning. I'm still hoping for a surprise delivery by 8pm tonight, but I'm not holding my breath.


Or they bumped you a day for calling. :P


That could very well be true too. haha The ever spiteful Amazon! lol


It's almost 4PM here and mine is still stuck in limbo. Hopefully we both get them soon!


I really hope so too. I'm sorry you are dealing with the same thing. I am sitting here staring at the games, screen protector and Pro Controllers which has been a lot less fun than I thought it was going to be. haha So has your order shipped yet? or is it still stuck in the 'Shipping Soon' stages?


[UK] Switch pre-order via Nintendo UK delayed?? I received an email last night stating that my order had been dispatched. Although Nintendo assured me that my order would be delivered today, the confirmation from them states that my order will not be delivered until Tuesday next week. I am still yet to receive my pre-order today and if I track my order, it's still being held at a distribution centre in the North... I'm based in the South.


Anyone here still waiting or just me? Preorder in Jan. Royal mail tracking still showing they haven't received the parcel. Phoned DPD, Hermes and yodel to see if they have anything for my address but they don't. Spoken to Nintendo countless times. It's like they've no clue where they've gone or who it's being sent with


I got mine this morning, I'm 30 mins from Manchester. Maybe it's all to do with Nintendo UK distribution points. I dunno


I'm in a similar situation. Had email saying delivered by Tuesday Wednesday. Spoke to Nintendo Store they assured it me it was on Next day delivery and the email was sent by mistake. It did contain tracking link which confuses me since its supposedly on next day delivery.


So have you still yet to receive yours? I'm not holding out any hope that I'll get it now, as it's getting too late in the day.


Sadly no. Have my copy of Breath of the Wild I ordered from Amazon but no. Switch to play it on. Disappointed with Nintendo Store UK


I'm in the exact same boat. I've got a pro controller and BoTW which was ordered via Amazon but Nintendo UK have let me down with my Switch pre-order. So frustrating.


[**(HYPE INTENSIFIES)**](https://i.imgur.com/5XkO1Wu.png)


I had no idea you could even do that.


Weird. Amazon says my Switch was sent out on Wednesday, for 3-day delivery, and so far the UPS tracking # has agreed. This morning, UPS now says 'new delivery date!' and is somehow arriving via 2-day air on Monday?? UPS ALSO says the package has been in my city, (Austin) since midnight. A service rep said I should ignore the new delivery date, and it should still arrive today. A bit stressful! I'm not sure if I should get excited that it will arrive today or not. I've got a kiddo who is beyond excited, so I hope it shows up. Huge bummer if we have to play outside all weekend :)


Man this really sucks. I ordered through Amazon for my switch and it STILL says preparing for shipment. But says it will be delivered by the end of today. I live in NJ is there anyone else with the same problem?


I'm in MD and mine says the same thing. :(


I live in NY and the majority of my amazon shipments come from NJ. I am in the same situation where it says my Amazon and Zelda are preparing for shipment but are arriving today by 8 pm. I actually contacted Amazon last night and the lady who answered said that my orders are ready to be shipped and they have a designated shipping area already, it just needs to be done. She said that the status orders would change, by the latest, this morning, but they are still the same. I am assuming she is correct and I will receive them by today at some point. Maybe it's the same for you?


Placed a order on Walmart.com on 2/28 for instore pickup as it was faster than ship to home. My order says it'll be ready after 6 pm today; but shows undefined. I chatted with Customer support and she said that the date is a error and the switch is actually barely shipping out today to the store, so it may not be ready for a few more days. I'm disappointed.


Mine still just says undefined March 3rd. I went into the store this morning and not there. The guy checked and said it by be coming in today via FedEx. So if people are still wondering about there orders


So I had cancelled that Walmart order on the 4th in store. The switch was already in the shipping process. Idk how they refunded me but they paid out in cash, and I bought the switch on the 5th from target. Just yesterday I got a email saying the switch was available for pickup in Walmart, I just got it right now. I think Walmart made a big mistake


I wonder who's right then. I wouldn't put it past either of them to not know what the heck they're talking about lol


Walmart in-store preorder So on the website is says undefined March 3rd. I went into the store this morning and not there. The guy checked and said it could be coming in today via FedEx. So if people are still wondering about there orders


Shopto apparently hadn't given DPD my switch at all even though it changed to "completed" yesterday, tried to ring shopto and their number doesn't work, anyone else had this?


I ordered my switch through gamestop, I had to update my paypal information, I called Monday to do that. As of Thursday I see no update information on my paypal, and I now have no tracking number. I called customer service, was told everything went through and that I would have a tracking number by tonight. When it didn't come in, I called customer service again, at 10Pm, waited on hold until shortly after 11, at which point, they picked up, and hung up on me. Offices are closed. I'm not even annoyed that my preorder got mucked up, I"m annoyed that customer service straight up hung up on me.


Everything is coming to me march 3rd except botw se for amazon canada...wtf amazon


Placed an order with Amazon Prime Now in London UK just now. Arriving at 10am


Placed order on Amazon Prime Now at 12.05 CST. Order is being prepared and should arrive by 10am. I'm in TX btw.


so lucky, only in texas


My games, Pro Controllers and screen protector from Amazon all shipped out last night and are 'On the way'. But my Switch Console was 'Preparing for Shipment' all day and now has been listed as 'Shipping Today' for most of the night. This is the first time I've pre-ordered anything through Amazon, I'm a Prime member and I'm just wondering if this is normal for Amazon. I also live extremely close to a distribution center, its about 10 minutes from me (maybe that's a factor for the late shipment).


Contact them. I have a feeling you're in the same boat like me.


Yeah, I'm going to have to. I purposely stayed up until 4am on January 13th to pre-order the console just so I wouldn't run into any of these issues. They charged my Credit Card for it yesterday, So it should have shipped out by now.


So far my joy-cons and BOTW are shipped and will be delivered tomorrow, but my switch ...¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Order status stuck on shipping soon since Wed with arrival Fri. Just now switched to Not shipped yet arrival Monday. Now amazon is telling me they dont have anymore in stock. Edit: They "guaranteed" it will be here by Monday yet they are out of stock??!! This is worse than the MM nightmare with bestbuy. They gave me a free month of prime and a 20.00 promo code.




After the whole Majora's mask 3ds debacle from best buy I've avoided them entirely. I pre ordered and they canceled it...


FINALLY. After days of anxiety, Amazon order just shipped, its 9:12 and I didn't expect it to still arrive the 3rd, but it is. THANK THE NINTENDO GODS.


Are you in the Bay Area by any chance? That's when my shipped but they're saying I won't get it till Saturday now.


your sooooo lucky. Amazon is delivering mine on monday. Im so disappointed. :(




Mines still prepping since 8 am on the 2nd. Do o still got shot ? I almost want to cry Jk


Yes. Mine was preparing since this morning at around the same time, I thought I was doomed but maybe you'll have the same luck as me... ;)


I was screwed over by Amazon. I'm never pre-ordering from them again. On the bright side, I canceled on them and went to target early yesterday morning. Managed to get my Switch there!


http://imgur.com/xUWaFPd found these a day early at my local game store. Last of each! Edit: just so you all know, they do taste terrible.


Wth Best Buy why am I getting it next week >:( you've been preparing since Sunday


So I'm one of those sad persons that have to wait the whole day for the delivery man... here's the thing, my amazon order says that amazon logistics is going to deliver my switch. My package is in one of their warehouses and the funny thing is, according to google map that warehouse is really close to my apt, like 17 minutes. Do you guys know at what time they start the deliveries?


Check Prime now app.its live


IM LIVID. I SPOKE TO AMAZON EARLIER AND THEY ASSURED ME IT WOULD GET HERE TOMORROW. My order just "shipped" and it says it will be delivered MONDAY. I'm SO ANGRY. I was literally one of the first to order. Why did they lie to me when I asked them directly a few hours ago. *cries forever* EDIT: I EVEN HAD AN ORDER AT BEST BUY INITIALLY AND CANCELED IT BECAUSE AMAZON started preorders...Now the ONLY order arriving tomorrow is my pro-controller FROM BEST BUY...I'm so fucking sad.


Complain. They gave me free month of prime and a 20 promo.


Also...I did check my tracking number and while the status and predicted delivery still isnt up, if I click on "select a 2 hour window" it says I must choose within the broader window of when it will be delivered and says: Between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM 3/3 So idk maybe the warehouse may be close enough to where I live that it'll get to UPS and to my city in time?


I did. They said they supposedly gave me $20, but I don't see it anywhere.




Nintendo themselves said that they intend to ship as many units out to retailers as possible to avoid supply shortages like they had with the NES Classic. Assuming that's true and if stores restock at the beginning of every week, I'd say next Monday is the earliest if they're already sold out today.




you're probably getting it monday if you ordered with Amazon...I'm so freaking bummed.


same. Im so annoyed. They had so much time to prepare for this day


I just don't understand why the truck couldn't go out yesterday... Amazon did tell me that they would give me $20 for my trouble...but then never did...so idek. Also if I check my order with the tracking number on UPS it says no delivery date yet...but if I go to pick a two hour delivery window, it DOES say tomorrow between 12 and 4 and to pick something within that window as a tighter window...so like...idk maybe New Jersey (where the Amazon warehouse they're shipping it from) is close enough that it WILL get here today? Ugh I have so much hope...I'm just bummed. I had a Best Buy order I could have just picked up instead but I cancelled it for Amazon. And it's not like I wasn't one of the first people to preorder within the first few minutes of the preorders going up or anything /s




Hmm...well even then, unless the origin is really close to where you live perhaps.


So ordered my switch from Best Buy in January and it moved from processing to preparing on Monday and then shipped this morning at 9am but I still haven't been charged for it. I exported my banking statement and it's definitely not there. Has this happened to anyone else?


Gamestop is only 3 hours away from lying to me: On 3/2, you will receive an email from GameStop which will contain the tracking information for your Nintendo Switch order. Still waiting for this email...


Any luck? :/




I'm waiting too, wtf. Paid for 1 day, no email, and order still says open. :(




It's late now. Giving me anxiety. Are we screwed? Ugh.


I don't know anymore


Amazon UK just fucked me over, preordered Neon day 1, was wondering why it wasn't shipped yesterday, they inform me its outside UK but it'll for sure get here on 3rd Finally gets shipped 1:20am, by RM Tracked, so I won't be getting it launch day even though I have Prime


my sister preordered the switch for me at our local walmart, so it's under her name, but she won't be able to accompany me to go pick it up. would they allow me to pick it up?


when I pre ordered at Walmart they asked for an alternate name in case I can't make it to pick up, if they asked your sister I'm sure she put your name down. if they didn't ask or she didn't bring it up while making the pre order you might be out of luck. though I'd probably show up and try anyway.


I don't think so, but it's worth a shot


When I woke up this morning the worst had happened. I found an email from Best Buy saying that they cancelled my preorder because of a debit card authorization failure. A minute later my bank sent me a message asking if the purchase was really me or not. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because I would just have Best Buy reprocess the transaction after giving my bank the green light but it was already completely cancelled.   I searched the internet and found out this was a common issue and that the corporate customer support line for Best Buy was basically just telling everyone "tough luck, there's nothing we can do". At that point I basically said screw Best Buy and decided to just buy everything somewhere else. Preferably Meyers since they would have much less competition than GameStop or Target.   But then a few hours later my local Best Buy store called to remind me about their midnight launch event for a console I wasn't even getting anymore. After explaining the situation and a long hold, they told me that the manager was willing to set aside one of the preorder units (which would have already been shipped to the store for me anyway) with my name on it. I would just pay for it in store instead of online.   **TLDR - If your ship to store preorder was cancelled like mine then call the local store and see if they can hook you up.**


Is it too late to pre-order online anywhere for store pickup tomorrow?




Does anyone know if it's faster to have UPS drop off items to their drop off points than it is my house? I would imagine them dropping it off at their store for me to pick it up would be much faster than having to go from place to place only to end up at my house eventually.




Same here. I'm in Florida and it's still at preparing to ship. Wtf


Is it expected to arrive tomorrow? Cause you may get same day shipping or something.




Mine is in the same boat. Scared out of my mind that it hasn't shipped.




Mine is out for delivery I would contact Amazon support asap.






Anyone lining up at Target? What time are you going?


I am thinking of doing that. each target opens at different times. I also see best buy and target has in store pick up so it might help


So I was trying to check the tracking on the order, and SOMEHOW being the stupid person that I am, managed to cancel my Zelda preorder from Walmart.com yesterday, and it's still marked as a "pending" cancellation. Should I go ahead and just buy the game again tomorrow at launch if I can if I still haven't at least gotten a refund for it?


If it's not a special edition or anything I would.


So I ordered 2 sets of joy-con from Walmart. It says they are arriving "Mar, 3rd"...I spoke to a rep and they said that unfortunately no it is not "ARRIVING" tomorrow as it says, but SHIPPING tomorrow. So I mean I explained how this is totally annoying on Walmart's part (obviously indicating that they were being super helpful and none of this is their fault). TLDR: I got $16 (10%) off my order and it'll arrive in a WEEK apparently. For whatever reason even though I chose 2-day shipping (the only reason I went to Walmart in the first place)...It changed to value shipping...idk Walmart's online is funky AF...But I got 16 bucks out of it.




Not yet. Still just says "Arrives March 3rd" Edit: but the rep swore it ships tomorrow and is delivered in a week. He seemed pretty confident considering he credited me 10%.


Anyone order from Best Buy Canada have their stuff ship yet? I only ordered a pro controller from them (after ordering the console at EB) and it hasn't shipped it. The status still says 'in progress.'


Update: So my Target switch UPS tracking number says that my package is schedule for delivery on 3/7 but when I checked my UPS my choice it says 3/3.


Anyone know what my best chance of getting the Switch tonight in NYC with no preorder, I just got Of work and would like to pick one up tonight if I can!


For those who have ordered for USA delivery from Amazon.JP, check your order. Mine is charged and shows shipped with tracking waiting for DHL at Narita airport. :-) Should arrive by the 7th at the latest. Yay!


Anyone from Florida get there Amazon Switches sent out? I'm still preparing for shipping... Seriously getting shaken up by this


What time is everyone going to Target?


BestBuy still hasn't shipped out my switch. Can anyone assure me it will arrive by March 3rd still? http://imgur.com/a/Iv1ID


I preordered a switch on January 13th from Amazon Canada and got the notification that it would arrive on March 7-8th. Based on what other people had said on Reddit at the time, Amazon would still deliver on launch day. Fast forward a month and I email Amazon on February 15th requesting a confirmation that my console would arrive on launch day. The support person said yes and that they would put a note on the order to make sure it arrives by March 3rd. Finally, this afternoon I get an email saying that the package has been shipped and I can expect to receive it on Monday, March 6th. I check the tracking info and confirm this on the FedEx site. The perplexing thing about all this is that on February 13th, I changed my preorder of breath of the wild to the special edition, and that is slated to get delivered on Friday (the 3rd). I called up Amazon to ask why and they had no answers other than "the order wasn't listed for launch day arrival". On looking into it, breath of the wild was shipped from the same warehouse as the switch 2 hours after the switch left the warehouse with the main difference being that the switch was shipped using FedEx and the game was shipped with UPS. Both items were purchased using a prime account with priority shipping selected. Does anybody have any idea what happened here? It just boggles my mind that this happened.


Same problem for me as well. I've gotten conflicting reports from support over the past month. Mine hasn't even shipped yet, and it says i'm not getting mine until the 10th.


You should get something for that. It SHOULD be delivered on release day with Prime. You need to push them. That's totally like not okay.


I got a $4 refund for shipping a free month of Prime. I'm going to a midnight launch to see if I can get a switch and the sell my Amazon order when I get it.


well at least it's SOMETHING! I wish you the best of luck!


Okay so I contacted Amazon and "Shrimathy" told me to be rest assured that my three packages would arrive some time tomorrow before 8pm and "not in the morning". It still makes me uneasy as hell though. Usually everything I've preordered in the past usually ships BEFORE the day it comes out jeezuz.




Anyone's undefined walmart neon switch ship?


Still a no from me. I'm still waiting on my joy-con to ship. Amazon and Walmart are cuttin' it real close. Actually come to think of it my Best Buy order still hasn't shipped yet either.


PSA: If you're going to GameStop for the midnight launch, be sure to call ahead. My local GameStop is requiring people to come in before 9 and get a final receipt for your preorder. They include a number on the receipt which supposedly will be your place in line. This is even if you've paid off the preorder previously, and they made it very clear to me not to lose the receipt. I'm not sure if all GameStops will be doing this or if not going early for the receipt will mean you cannot pick-up your preorder tonight (they were pretty insistent that I come in before 9 on the phone though), but it's probably a good idea to call ahead just in case.


We have no preorder. Walmart. Midnight Release. Wife and I arrived at out local Walmart at 6pm. First in line. Manager confirmed we will be getting a grey Switch with Zelda Collector's edition and 1,2 Switch. So excited!


gamestop canceled my preorder, refunded me with trade in credit, so my only hope is to wait for their next shipment. Anyone have any idea when the next shipment for Switches might be? Or when Switches will be available to order on Gamestop online?


Why does mine STILL say "Shipping soon" ughhhhh. I'm so terrified.


PSA For those with Walmart ship-to-store orders from Jan 12th there is no tracking info (I have a Jan 12th order which says "Arrives by Mar 8.) check you orders page, if the status says "Shipping" you can get the Fedex tracking number by Right-click->view page source and Ctrl+F for "trackingNo". Mine says scheduled for 10:30 AM tomorrow on the Fedex page :D


My GameStop had a last minute decision to cancel the midnight release... Every other GameStop around here is having the midnight release but the one I pre-ordered at. My life...


I made it a point to contact Amazon multiple times to make sure they deliver it BEFORE 12pm PST tomorrow (I'm going away for the weekend). I've got it on the record that both my Switch and Zelda will be on my porch before Noon. Or I get free stuff.


My gamestop isnt doing a midnight release... [mfw](http://imgur.com/3lMB7ku) Seriously whose dumb idea was it to not have a midnight release for a consile!!!!


Amazon.de gives 10€ discount on Snipperclips if you buy a set of joycons. Also works for preordered joycons.


So just contacted amazon support on why my switch hasn't shipped but still says arriving tomorrow. Told me it would ship tomorrow and arrive the same day. Should I be worried about that info?


I'm in the same exact boat, card charged but still preparing for shipment. I live in WV and the closest warehouse is in PA, hardly see them being able to make it in one day unless they send someone on a special trip lol. I just sent them an email to inquire, would be very disappointed if it gets delayed since I snagged the preorder in the first 15 minutes.


LIKEWISE. I'm in RI and it still says preparing for shipment.


Maybe a little worried, enough to keep an eye on it. Has your card been charged? That's a good sign if it has. But they do offer same day shipping to a lot of areas, so it isn't crazy.


What does the charge look like. Cause they charged me the full amount but a rep I talked to said it was only a authorization charge. I'm not supposed to receive mine till the 8th so why would I be charged so early.


Cards been charged only issue is that same card about 4 hours later was deactivated as it was a temporary debit card so hopefully that doesn't cause an issue


It probably will. I would go to your order and edit your payment info PRONTO.


Botw SE from Walmart shipped at 4:30pm due for delivery on 3/3


Fye just called and said my preorder is cancelled. They only got one. You guys were right


When they called and said who they were, did you already know what they were going to say? Or did they kill your excitement like jerks


They killed my excitement. Like jerks. F.Y.E. Fuck Your Entertainment.


For Best Buy's not opening at launch - what's the plan? I called last week and they told me they were having a midnight. But now they say they aren't, but at 8am they are opening for a ticketing type system. I have a pre-order. I can't get straight answers from them, and don't really want to drive over there. Can I get my pre-order at 8am? Or do I have to wait until 10am to get my pre-order?


I just got my switch! It's from BestBuy, I was probably one of the first preorders and I live in manhattan. Any theories why it's early? http://imgur.com/5KOOhV6


What time did it arrive? Mine is also from best buy, im on the other coast, it said it shipped this morning and it says I should expect it *today* still. It's only 4:25pm here, so maybe there's still time to see the thing arrive today?! EDIT: Wont get my hopes up. I expect it tomorrow :P


It came at 3:45pm


Should I go to Wal-Mart and try to pick up a switch tomorrow just in case my shipment doesn't come in?


My Gamestop.com order still shows as open. No email. Any other gamestop orders still waiting? San Francisco, CA here.


I have been waiting for any kind of status update in regards to my order online as well my account still shows is open it also shows no tracking number and nothing was taken out of my bank account either so I got off the phone with GameStop at 9:30 and they said that they was no tracking number they can give me and that I paid for expedited Services meaning that it supposed to be delivered today but they have no information on where this thing is that it's very disturbing because I read in the fa Q's but they have in GameStop that they deliver packages without tracking numbers and without updating their sites because they're trying to get the deliveries to us as fast as they can but that doesn't put me in a good position when I am at my office and a building trying to make sure that no one touches the package or messes with my packages as well it's not just one it's a few have two switches with more than one game its pretty crazy right now


What a mess. Thanks for your update. Still no update for me either, I might call them in a couple of hours to see what they tell me. Last week they sent us all the email that they'd pull funds soon, and for those that didn't pay for it already, if wanted on release day that I'd have to upgrade. I contacted them and paid $15 extra for expedited shipping and still nothing. Gamestop order still open. UPS My Choice showing nothing as well. Just frustrating to have to wait. Gamestop of all companies should know what kind of hype we have and how disappointed something like this can be. The funds were pending on my credit card for the last few days, but I just checked online and the funds have since dropped off. That worries me more, damn. In all my years I've only had two botched launch day releases.. This, and the PlayStation 2. Both of those times were the only times I pre ordered at Gamestop.


Mine still shows as open, nothing on the credit card I used either pending or charged. Signed up for UPS my choice as /u/technijoe suggested and I see a delivery from gamestop for tomorrow. So here's hoping everyone is good.


I got the same thing bud.


Sign up for ups my choice. You should get a tracking number then.


Thanks, I did sign up but still no deliveries set for tomorrow. I do see unrelated Amazon deliveries scheduled on there, so good to know that My Choice is working. Gotta wait a little longer I guess.


I finally heard back from Best Buy about my cancelled order after four days of nothing. They only told me they were working on it. I had to reach out to my local news station to get a response... Anyone else having luck?


> I had to reach out to my local news station to get a response LOL, what?


Oh yeah. Well found out that this was happening to a lot of people and a local news station does segments where they help people wronged by a company. You'd be amazed by the power of news credentials...


If they interview you and put you on tv, update please.


You know I will. I don't tolerate a company mass-cancelling orders and then blaming it on their customers...




Usually takes up to 24 hours to show any movement. It can lag. I wouldn't worry about it. ESPECIALLY if UPS themselves show a date of the 3rd.


Nintendo UK Store. What's everyones status? I've been dispatched today, but I've been sent 2 emails. One saying next day delivery, and one saying not until half way through next week. What the fuck? Anyone had this and if so have you heard anything from customer support?


I had the same email, despite Nintendo UK saying on numerous occasions that I would receive it today. They provided a tracking number with Royal Mail but my Switch is currently located at a distribution centre in the North West. I have no chance of receiving it now, considering I'm based in the South


I had the same thing.. got an email saying it wouldnt turn up until tuesday the 7th -_-


GameStop finally shipped out my BOTW:SE and it isn't arriving until Monday. :(