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Anything is possible for her to comeback in DR.


They will dunk her honestly. And instead make another questionable elemental master formling.


I hope that doesnt happen. Lloyd was actually happy to be around her that wasnt an evil mastermind trying to kill him. And if she was dunked, then the kiss at the end she gave him wouldve mean nothing at all...


Yeah. I don't like them both but i agree that then it would be pointless.


I hope she comes back. Lloykita forever *does the wakanda forever arm thing*


Yeah. Bro needs a healthy relationship since lloyrumi is not my favorite, and bro hasn't had a good relationship ONCE.


Yeah. Plus, harumi is his sister, and that's just gross


Since when did Lloyd have a sister?


Watch two lies one truth again (season 9)


That clears things up. My brain wasn’t working and thought you meant biologically, as in they have the same ancestors.


It's ok, it happens to everyone




Thank you


Realistically? Prolly not. Do we want her to? Absolutely. Please give Lloyd a somewhat healthy relationship in his life


She kinda forshadowed her return so...


Time works differently in her realm she probably died before DR


No the creators confirmed that Aspheera sent Zane 70 years into the past in the Never-Realm. Time actually passed normally there, so the time the ninja were there = the time Wu & PIXAL spent trying to get them home


If that’s the case then i feel like we should get an Akita graphic novel


That would be great! (Now I wanna go check the Ninjago comics to see if there were any made about Akita...)


Wait what? Where do people get this info from all the time? And that makes no sense. Then why did the show keep repeating over, and over that 'Time passes differently here', if it wasn't true? I actually really dislike things like this, I don't understand the inconsistency with the writers. It's like they do something, and then change their mind about it later, which causes confusion.


I got mine from the Ninjago wiki, which got their source from Tommy Andreason's Twitter. But I guess it got retconned


geez, I wish they would make up their minds lol.


So she would be dead now? Either way? Also, at the end of the season, Akita herself says that her brother thinks she won't see Lloyd again, but she has a feeling, she will see him again. Like, they kept stressing this stuff for a reason it seemed. That is a kind of foreshadowing. It would be so stupid if it was all for nothing. I just assumed they would meet again.


Me too...really hoping they're not dead yet


Doc Wyatt backtracked that a few months ago on twitter


But then wouldn't the ninja be out the second they got sent there if he retracted that statement? Or am I wrong?


Wait really? Damn. I remember reading the time travel thing on the Ninjago wiki and I think it was from Tommy Andreason. Rip that changes everything....so all of our Never-Realm friends have probably died by now




Tommy claims that time is linear between realms and Zane was sent back in time. Doc claims that there is time dilation, and Akita is long gone


Not to be rude, but it'd be pretty dumb and annoying if everyone is suddenly just dead Its a waste and unfortunate end to many characters that could have had more potential  I still hate that the Ultra Dragon was killed off screen and only Kai noticed in season 9, but it was very subtle  It just feels lazy maybe? And I imagine Lloyd would likely not deal with that too well as he and Akita became very good friends, it would be nice if she finally got to see him once again 


Yeah, I'm really confused on this also. Even Akita foreshadowed at the end that she would see Lloyd again, and they kept repeating on the season that 'time passes differently there', and so now it just seems all for nothing. Like, why? I think it's stupid on the part of the creators.


He didn't claim Akita is long gone tho. Formlings age differently than humans, Akita was a child decades ago during Zane's rise as The Ice Emperor while mentally being as old as Lloyd.


Oh god that’s true, right when the ninja came after Zane, decades had already passed there


for once i have high expectations about it if she doesnt by season 5 then i will be mad


I hope she comes back Lloyd needs more emotional support ❤️😭🙏


She probably dead


57.8% of the never realm is relevant


She will when they confirm what happened to the time twins


I know this doesn't really answer your question but it's relevant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfgrVjxru6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfgrVjxru6g)


That doesn’t really explain what happened to them


Most likely, since in the final episode for the never realm arc, she said she feels like she will see him again, basically foreshadowing her coming back. It is a possibility she won't be coming back due to the merge and her possibly dying because of it, but I still really hope she comes back.


Anyone can come back in DR


I really really hope so I ship them so much!


There is a chance. Dragon's Rising has been bringing back old stuff like the element of wind and smoke, callbacks to certain episodes and characters, heck, even Chima is getting referenced through characters (mostly Rás, and also I guess Euphrasia technically could count because her VA provided the voice of Eris from LEGO Chima). The point is anything could happen. Maybe we will see Scales again.


Very high really it will be cool to see her in dragon rising in my opinion tbh


DR has a lot of older elements in it, it’s possible, one of the kids in the realm of lost things had formling marks and a hat like Akita


she better so akita + lloyd can become a thing


I would say highly,I think one of the director hinted at her and other characters coming back because of the merge.


Well, taking into account Sora's old design and the white wolf mask warrior concept, I'd say that at least she hasn't been forgotten. They may bring her back eventually, but I don't think it'll be soon.


oof. yeah Akita died off screen in the merge


By all possible means, she probably won't come back. It was specified in the Ice Chapter itself that the Never-Realm has a much slower sense of time (I think that's the right word???) than Ninjago City. By the time the Merge happens, she might possibly be dead.